scholarly journals Ecocriticism Values In The Indonesian Folktale Timun Emas (Golden Cucumber)

Humaniora ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 221
Retnowati Retnowati ◽  
Endang Ernawati ◽  
Akun Akun

The article presented how to learn an Indonesian folktale entitled Timun Emas which related to the process of the environment. The elements of fiction in this folktale, the setting, was a clue in relating the nature and the human which was part of eco-criticism. This research presented the earth-centered approach to literary studies to see how nature was represented in this folktale, what role of the physical setting played in the plot, the values expressed in this folktale, how metaphor of the land influenced the way human treated it, how the concept of wilderness had changed over time, in what way literacy itself had affected humankind relationship to the natural world. It also analyzed the interconnections between culture and nature, specifically the cultural artifacts oflanguage and literature, understanding the ethical system and use it to reform them. This research used a qualitative method which was based on library research. The theory of Glotfelty then was combined with Anthropocentrism to see the human as the center of the hemisphere and how they determine the ecosystem and the policy related to nature. It is concluded that Timun Mas is able to represent the Indonesian culture, human and nature relationship, as well as culture and nature relationship drawn from the values and belief in the folklore.

Drama Permai ◽  
Sutarki Sutisna

A very thick culture in Indonesian society is increasingly fading away by the milenial generation over time. One culture that is taken as an example is the culture of ancestral prayer, fading due to the absence of mediators to study the culture. The learning of ancestral prayer culture can be practiced directly in one of the sacred buildings, namely the crematorium and the columbarium. The purpose of this study was to examine the typology of crematorium spaces that match the behavior of the milenial generation and how to process the spatial atmosphere elements in the crematorium building. The research method used is collecting data from direct interviews, internet data and books, comparison of precedent studies and synthesis analysis. The crematorium was designed for the milenial by emphasizing a journey that will be carried out by the milenials. Space scale, space colors, light and dark spaces, and the atmosphere inside will create a sacred journey. This Journey is expected to be a reference where milenials can save a cultural experience by directly sensing the atmosphere and activities in each of their spaces that will create a separate memory for the milenials. The design presented will separate the 2 main programs, namely the sacred mass and the non-sacred mass that is connected with a link. The role of nature is also included as a combination of the artificial world and the natural world such as the earth where the sky is superimposed. AbstrakBudaya yang sangat kental di dalam masyarakat Indonesia semakin lama semakin memudar oleh generasi milenial seiring dengan berjalannya waktu. Salah satu budaya yang diambil sebagai contoh adalah budaya sembahyang leluhur, memudar dikarenakan tidak adanya mediator untuk mempelajari budaya tersebut. Pembelajaran budaya sembahyang leluhur dapat dipraktekan langsung di salah satu bangunan sakral, yaitu krematorium dan kolumbarium. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti tipologi ruang krematorium yang cocok dengan perilaku generasi milenial dan bagaimana cara mengolah unsur suasana keruangan di dalam bangunan krematorium. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data dari wawancara secara langsung, data internet dan buku, perbandingan studi preseden dan analisis sintesis. Krematorium ini dirancang untuk milenial dengan menekankan pada sebuah perjalanan yang akan dilakukan oleh para milenial. Permainan skala ruang, warna ruang, terang dan gelap ruang, dan suasana hiruk pikuk suasana di dalamnya akan menciptakan sebuah perjalanan sakral. Perjalanan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan dimana para milenial dapat menyimpan sebuah pengalaman budaya dengan cara merasakan langsung suasana dan kegiatannya di setiap ruangnya yang akan menciptakan memory tersendiri bagi para milenial. Desain yang disajikan akan memisahkan 2 program utama yaitu massa sakral dan massa non-sakral yang dihubungkan dengan sebuah penghubung. Peran alam juga dimasukkan sebagai perpaduan antara dunia buatan dan dunia alam seperti bumi dimana dilapiskan oleh langit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-106
Yonatan Alex Arifianto ◽  
Reni Triposa ◽  
Daniel Supriyadi

AbstractSpiritual growth to be a blessing and influence and impact on others cannot be separated from the challenges of life. And it is part of the believer's role to be able to color and make himself a useful person. Yet the church and the believers experienced divisions that created conflict and contention so that the church could not speak or give anything to a divided, corrupted world. With the background of the problem, the author uses a library research method with a descriptive quantitative approach. So the author concludes that the role of believers as the salt of the world in Matthew 5:13, in the midst of an era of disruption, is the first Christianity that does not become tasteless. Second, Christianity must function like salt and third, Christianity must glorify God in its life. By applying to all believers, the role of Christians as the salt of the earth has an impact.Key words: Salt Of The World, Believers, The Role Of Christianity AbstrakPertumbuhan rohani untuk menjadi berkat dan pengaruh serta berdampak bagi sesama tidak lepas dari tantangan kehidupan. Dan hal itu sebagai bagian peran orang percaya untuk dapat mewarnai dan menjadikan dirinya sebagai orang yang berguna. Namun gereja dan orang percaya mengalami perpecahan yang menimbulkan konflik dan pertengkaran sehingga gereja tidak bisa berbicara atau memberikan apa-apa kepada dunia yang terpecah, rusak. Dengan latar belakang permasalahan, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka dengan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif. Maka penulis dengan mendapatkan kesimpulan bahwa   peran orang percaya sebagai garam dunia dalam Matius 5: 13, ditengah era disrupsi adalah pertama kekristenan yang tidak menjadi tawar. Kedua Kekristenan harus berfungsi seperti garam dan yang ketiga, Kekristenan harus memuliakan Tuhan dalam hidupnya. Dengan mengaplikasikan bagi semua orang percaya peran orang kristen sebagai garam dunia yang berdampak.Kata kunci: Garam Dunia, Orang Percaya, Peran Kekristenan 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Lutfi El Falahy

Indonesia has written law in the form of positive law and law that lives in recognized societies and then becomes customary law, but recognition of customary law applies only to groups that recognize its existence, of course this is contrary to positive law that applies universally. Here the author tries to examine how the role of customary law in the formation of positive law and what its effects. The method used in this paper is a qualitative method and the approach uses library research. As a rule of law aimed at creating harmony and balance in society, the existence of customary law in a rule of law is absolutely necessary, because the rule of law as a feature of the rule of law is not a final word, but as a way to create justice in society.

Sarip Hidayatuloh

<p>The flow of golbalization which continues to experience development has changed the order of life of the people, which has made it increasingly lose our identity and the more fragile our spirit of diversity as a nation. Local wisdom is a characteristic of the nation that must be preserved. The integration of multicultural values based on local wisdom in historical learning in the era of a global perspective is how the role of a teacher in making students aware of tolerance, cooperation, love, respect, nationalism and so on, without leaving local wisdom values. exist in society. This study uses a qualitative method with a library research approach. The concept of silih asah, silih asih, silih asuh is a concept of harmony in Sundanese life. These three concepts are used as a philosophy of life that is adhered to by the majority of Sundanese people. Multicultural value education based on local wisdom from a global perspective, can be a means of cultivating and implementing good and correct character of the Indonesian nation by educating and teaching Sundanese local wisdom values (<em>silih asah, silih asih, silih asuh)</em>.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-66
Rohmatun Ni'mah ◽  
Indah Yuliana

Millennials, the development of technology and information have an impact on various systems are no exception to the payment system. Especially in the payment system, technological advances are able to shift the role of cash and electronics wallet (e-wallet) emerged as a payment instrument capable of making payment processes faster, easier, efficient, and safer. Although it has many benefits and advantages, the suitability of e-wallet with maqashid syariah in hifzul maal still needs to be discussed. Conformity with the sharia maqashid is very important to determine whether the e-wallet is in accordance with hifzul maal or not. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with the type of library research. From the results of the study, it was generally obtained e-wallet was in accordance with maqashid syariah. This suitability is obtained by fulfilling the principle of preserving wealth and benefit. However, e-wallet is considered not in accordance with hifzul maal because this e-wallet is still prone to technological crime, and waste can occur because one person can have more than one e-wallet account.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-44
Fajrul Falah

The purpose of this study expresses trust and hegemony in a short story “Dukun yang Selamat” by Joni Hendri. Short Story “Dukun yang Selamat” interesting research because it contains differences in belief in the existence of shamans. The research approach used is Gramsci's hegemony, entering the realm of sociology of literature. This research belongs to the field of library research, not field research. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Research data obtained from words, phrases, sentences, and dialogues contained in short story “Dukun yang Selamat” which is relevant to belief and hegemony. The research data was analyzed by interpreting it according to the research approach used. The results showed differences in attitudes and behaviors towards figures Nenek Sari or a shaman is caused by the trust of each individual. The beliefs that have been adhered to and believed to be true are able to make a character Wak Atan acting that is not justified, which is to kill the shaman. The hegemony of belief is able to make Wak Atan marginalize the role of humans who are considered shamans.Keywords: Belief; hegemony; shaman; behavior; and role. IntisariTujuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan kepercayaan dan hegemoni dalam cerita pendek “Dukun yang Selamat” karya Joni Hendri. Cerpen “Dukun yang Selamat” menarik diteliti karena memuat perbedaan kepercayaan terhadap keberadaan dukun. Pendekatan penelitan yang dipakai adalah hegemoni Gramsci, masuk ranah sosiologi sastra. Penelitian ini masuk ranah penelitian kepustakaan, bukan penelitian lapangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian didapatkan dari kata, frasa, kalimat, dan dialog yang terdapat dalam cerpen “Dukun yang Selamat” yang relevan dengan kepercayaan dan hegemoni. Data penelitian itu dianalisis dengan cara diinterpretasikan sesuai dengan pendekatan penelitian yang dipakai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan sikap dan perilaku terhadap tokoh Nenek Sari atau dukun disebabkan oleh kepercayaan tiap-tiap individu. Kepercayaan yang telah dianut dan diyakini kebenarannya mampu membuat tokoh Wak Atan bertindak yang tidak dibenarkan, yakni ingin membunuh dukun itu. Hegemoni kepercayaan mampu membuat Wak Atan memarjinalkan peran manusia yang dianggap sebagai dukun. Kata kunci: Kepercayaan; hegemoni; dukun; perilaku; dan peran.

2015 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Robert D. Holt

Science is an organized enterprise of inquiry which tries to tie together multiple strands of evidence to craft coherent explanations for disparate patterns in the natural world. Philosophers call this enterprise “inference towards the best explanation”. Such inferences at times depend upon detailed quantitative models, but at times one can rely upon the confluence of multiple strands of qualitative evidence. Humans are having unquestionable influences upon many aspects of the earth system at present, on land, in freshwater systems, and indeed the ocean, including devastating impacts on biodiversity. There are many patterns in the world at present – shrinking glaciers, shifting seasonal patterns in species’ life histories, and altered spatial distributions – which point to the signal of climate change, independent of the details of quantitative climate models. Yet, there are many other factors at play, often confounding clear assessment of the specific role of climate change in observed changes in the world. A deeper synoptic understanding of the drivers and impacts of climate change would be incredibly valuable and is urgently needed, even if in the end (though this seems increasingly unlikely) anthropogenic drivers were not the main factor underlying observed climate change.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-197
Aly Ngusman

Discussion about the role of boarding schools in the formationand development of education, in particular the Islamiceducation, in Indonesia hardly needs to be debated and doubt.Long before Indonesia became independent, the institutions leadby the scholars (kyai) is present in the Earth. History shows thatthe boarding school is not only able to keep resistance fromexposure to the times, but also can take care of its developmentwhich continues to increase over time. According to existing data,the institution was first established, especially in Java, in the 15thcentury by Maulana Malik Ibrahim (one of the oldest walisongo)and then developed by the other walisongo. At the end of the 19thcentury, the number of boarding school in Java developed reaches300 boarding school, and based on the Notes Database boardingschools of ministry of religion RI, the number of boarding schoolsthe year 2018, this amounts to about 21,321. The resistance andsustainable development of the boarding schools that certainlycould not be released from the academic tradition developedwhich has a pretty strong distinction. One of them is the patternof his education is transformative. It makes boarding school isnot simply a religious institution that merely engaged in theworld of religious education for the students, but at the sametime have the concern and active role of the community in jointlyempower themselves. These values also did not escape from Al-Falah boarding school Somolangu, Kebumen. It will also makeboarding school can be instrumental in giving a concretecontribution for global life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Riskal Ahmad

Literary works are closely related to everyday human life and are the thoughts or expressions of the author. Literary works as the author's expression represent experiences, thoughts, feelings, and ideas expressed by using language as the medium. This study aims to analyze the collective unconsciousness of the characters in Ahmad Fuadi's novel Anak Rantau through the psychoanalytic approach of Carl Gustav Jung. This research is a type of library research. The research data is in the form of a novel entitled Anak Rantau by Ahmad Fuadi. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method. From the results of the study, it was found: (1) the personal role of Datuk Marajo, which displays a different character to cover the character that belongs to him, (2) the role of the archetype of anima in Martiaz, namely the feminine side of a man, (3) ) the role of shadow (shadow) in the character Jenggo to cover his mistakes, and (4) the role of self-archetype (self) in Datuk Marajo to get calm.

2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Wahyudi Wahyudi

<p class="Iabstrak"><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>In the history of tafsir development, there is a certain moment where there are some interactions between the Qur'an and the Sufis. Epistemologically, Sufis have a peculiar characteristic in looking at the Qur'an. The Sufis thaught that the Qur'an has two dimensions, esoteric and exoteric. These two sides are one unity and can not be separated. Al-Ghazali has its own nomenclature to refer to the ẓahir and inner sides of the Qur'an. The esoteric and exoteric dimensions of the Qur'an in the term al-Ghazali are called ‘ilm sadf and ‘ilm lubāb. The process of crossing from sadf to lubāb involves the role of imagination in istiqāmah suluk ilā Allāh. Viewed from the perspective of epidemiological division ala Abid al-Jabiri, the epistemology of al-Ghazali include the category of 'irfānī. But in its development al-Ghazali made a dialectic between the epistemology 'irfānī and bayānī at the same time, although the nuances of irfānī still remain dominant. This research attempts to answer the problem of how the process of the dialectic epistemology of al-Ghazali and how its building style. This kind of dialectic is one of al-Ghazali effort to built the harmonization between sadf science which tends to bayānī with the science of lubāb which tend to irfānī. Clearly, the process of this dialectic can be seen in one of his works Ihyā’ 'Ulūm al-Dīn. This research uses the qualitative method and includes library research</em>. <em></em></p><p><strong>Abstrak:</strong>  Dalam sejarah perkembangan tafsir, ada momen tertentu saat terjadi interaksi antara al-Qur’an dan kaum Sufi. Secara epistemologis, para Sufi me­miliki ciri khas dalam memandang al-Qur’an. Kaum Sufi memandang bahwa Qur'an memiliki dua dimensi, esoterik dan eksoteris. Dua dimensi ini merupakan satu kesatuan dan tidak dapat dipisahkan. Al-Ghazali memiliki nomenklatur tersendiri untuk menyebut sisi <em>ẓahir</em> dan <em>ba</em><em>ṭin</em> al-Qur’an. Dimensi esoterik dan eksoterik al-Qur’an dalam istilah al-Ghazali disebut dengan ‘<em>ilm</em> <em>sadf</em> dan ‘<em>ilm</em> <em>lubab</em>. Proses penyebrangan dari <em>sadf</em> ke <em>lubāb</em> ini melibatkan peran khayal dengan cara <em>istiqāmah suluk ilā</em> <em>Allah</em>. Ditinjau dari perspektif pembagian epistemologi ala Abid al-Jabiri, epistemologi al-Ghazali masuk dalam kategori ‘<em>irfānī</em>. Namun dalam perkembangannya al-Ghazali melakukan dialektika antara epistemologi ‘<em>irfānī</em> dan bayānī secara bersamaan, meskipun nuansa ‘<em>irfānī</em> masih tetap dominan. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menjawab rumusan masalah bagaimana proses dialektika epistemologi al-Ghazali dan bagaimana corak bangunannya. Dialektika ini merupakan upaya harmonisasi al-Ghazali antara ilmu <em>sadf</em> yang cenderung bayānī dengan ilmu lubab yang mendekati ‘<em>irfānī</em>. Secara jelas proses dialektika ini dapat dilihat dalam salah satu karyanya <em>Ihyā’ Ulūm al-Dīn.</em> Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan merupakan penelitian kepustakaan.</p>

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