scholarly journals Kidding rate of artificial insemination with Boer goat liquid semen during chilled preservation using coconut water-based diluent

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 184-189
Muhammad Ade Salim ◽  
Muhammad Nur Ihsan ◽  
Nurul Isnaini ◽  
Trinil Susilawati

The quality of liquid semen with coconut water as diluent could be preserved up to 3 to 4 days during cold storage at 4 - 5oC. In this research, the successful insemination rate of coconut water-based diluent Boer goat liquid semen was observed to understand the application of coconut water as semen diluent. The materials used in this research were 5 to 7 months Viridis coconut water, liquid semen from 3 years old Boer buck, 30 does for acceptor, and Tris-aminomethane added with 10% egg yolk (EY) as a control diluent. The Boer semen was collected once a week by using artificial vagina, diluted and then stored before used for insemination. The insemination was done by using intra-cervical method at position 3, started with estrous synchronization by using 2 mL PGF2α. The research was conducted as experimental method under randomized group design with two treatments, that were Tris-aminomethane + 10% EY (P0) and coconut water + 10% EY (P1). All of the treatments were repeated for 15 times and the collected data were analyzed with Pearson’s chi square with Genstat 18 program. The observed variables include non-return rate and kidding rate. The results showed that the first non-return rate of P1 were 93.33% and in P0 were 73.33%, while the second non-return rate of P1 were 93.33% and in P0 were 80%. Furthermore, the kidding rate of P1 were 40% and P0 were 66.66%. The Pearson’s chi square analysis showed that there was no effect of coconut water as semen diluent to the kidding rate. The research concludes that the usage of coconut water as semen diluent did not affect the successful insemination rate of Boer goat.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Muhammad Ade Salim ◽  
Muhammad Nur Ihsan ◽  
Nur Isnaini ◽  
Trinil Susilawati

ABSTRAKAir kelapa muda varietas viridisdapat dijadikan pengencer aletrnatif semen cair bagi program IB di daerah minim sarana semen beku. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji pengaruh penggunaan air kelapa muda viridissebagai bahan pengencer terhadap kualitas semen cair kambing Boer setelah didinginkan. Dilaksanakanselama 3 bulan di Laboratorium Fakultas Peternakan UBUnit SumberSekar,Malang. Metodenya yaitu eksperimen. Semen dari  3 pejantan Boer umur 3-5 tahun, dikoleksi seminggu sekali dengan VB. Air kelapa mudaviridis umur 5-7 bulan serta tris aminomethane sebagai kontrol. Didesain menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 2 perlakuan yaitu P0 (tris aminomethane + 10% KT) dan  P1 (air kelapa muda viridis + 10% KT) masing-masing diulang 10 kali. Data dianalisis dengan analisis Ragam (Anova) dengan software Genstat 18. Variabelnya yaitu motilitas individu, viabilitas dan abnormalitas. Hasil penelitian yaitu motilitas individu pada P1bertahan sampai 4 hari (40,5± 24,3%), viabilitas terbaik sampai hari ke-5 (42±24,6%), abnormalitas terendah di hari ke-7(1,31± 0,6). Kesimpulannya, Pengencer air kelapa muda viridis dapat mempertahankan kualitas semen cair kambing Boer selama 4 hari untuk motilitas dan 5 hari untuk viabilitas.Kata Kunci:pengencer, air kelapa, varietas viridisABSTRACTYoung viridis coconut water could be used as an alternative to liquid semen diluent for artificial insemination program in the area with limited facility for frozen semen production. This study evaluated the use of young coconut water as a diluent on liquid semen quality of Boer goat after cold storage. This study was carried out for 3 months at Sumber Sekar Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Brawijaya, Malang. The semen was collected from 3 Boer bucks aged at 3 to 5 years old. The semen collection was done once a week with the aid of artificial vagina. The diluents used were young Viridis coconut (5 to 7 months old) and tris aminomethane. The method used was an experiment in a randomized block design with 2 treatments and 10 replicates. The treatments used were T0: tris aminomethane + 10% egg yolk (control) and T1:  young Viridis coconut water + 10% egg yolk. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance using Genstat 18 software. The variables measured were sperm individual motility, viability, and abnormality. The results showed that the sperm individual motility in T1 survived up to 4 days (40.5± 24.3%), the best viability at 5 days (42.0±24.6%),  while the lowest abnormality at 7 days (1.31±0.6). It could be concluded that: 1. Tris aminomethane diluent has higher quality with the storage length up to 9 days, 2. Young Viridis coconut water diluent could preserve liquid semen quality of Boer goat up to 4 days for sperm motility and 5 days for sperm viability.Keywords: diluents, coconut water, viridis variety

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 112
Achmad Fadhli Aziz ◽  
Muhammad Ade Salim ◽  
Nurul Isnaini ◽  
Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti ◽  
Trinil Susilawati

Artificial Insemination using liquid semen is technology reproduction can improve goat productivity without liquid nitrogen. The Purpose of this research was to determine differences of old coconut water varieties of red (<em>Cocos rubescens</em>) and green (<em>Cocos viridis</em>) as diluent Boer goat semen, based on motility, viability and spermabnormalities during storage at 3-5<sup>0</sup>C. The materials used for this research was Boer goat fresh semen as much as 3 heads were collected 2 times a week. Experimental Design. The treatment were devided into three Treatmen, there were: P0 (<em>Tris</em>+ 20% egg yolk); P1 (old coconut water varieties red + 20% egg yolk); P2 (old coconut water varieties green + 20% egg yolk). The data were analyzed by randomized block design, if the result are different or significantly different then continued to be tested with Duncan's multiple range test. The result showed that during storage until days 4, P0 has the best result on motility (40,5 <span style="text-decoration: underline;">+</span> 1,1 %), viability (45,18<span style="text-decoration: underline;">+ </span>1,56 %), and abnormality (1,89<span style="text-decoration: underline;">+</span> 0,59 %). While on the diluent using old coconut water green variety better then red variety. On day of 2 P1 and P2 have motility (61 <span style="text-decoration: underline;">+</span> 1,3%) and (51<span style="text-decoration: underline;">+</span> 7,5%); Viability (67,14<span style="text-decoration: underline;">+1</span>7,99%) and (55,37<span style="text-decoration: underline;">+</span>10,66%), abnormality (1,23 <span style="text-decoration: underline;">+ </span>1,02%) dan (1,70<span style="text-decoration: underline;">+</span> 0,99%).

Cryobiology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Samara Sandy Jeronimo Moreira ◽  
Andreia Maria da Silva ◽  
Ana Liza Paz Souza ◽  
Erica Camila Gurgel Praxedes ◽  
João Batista Freire de Souza Junior ◽  

2011 ◽  
Vol 01 (04) ◽  
pp. 108-116

The development and the increasing progress that is being experienced in the Information and Communication Technology have brought about a lot of changes in almost all facets of life. In the Banking Industry, it has been in the form of online banking, which is now replacing the traditional banking practice. Online banking has a lot of benefits which add value to customers’ satisfaction in terms of better quality of service offerings and at the same time enable the banks gain more competitive advantage over other competitors. There are some associated risks identified in the study that seem to hinder the success of e-banking services and thus constitute major concern to both financial institutions and customers. This paper therefore, examines, if customers’ choice of banks is influenced by the quality of e–banking services provided. Stratified sampling was used; while the survey Instrument was a developed Questionnaire comprising open ended and Likert type of questions. The Likert type questions have a 4 point scale (indicating 1 = very comfortable and 4 = uncomfortable) divided into two (2) sections: personal details and customers’ e-banking preference in Sierra Leone. The instrument contained 36 items and was administered to about 400 respondents, while 360 completed and returned their Questionnaire. The statistical techniques used for the analysis were the Chi–Square and correlation. The Chi–Square analysis revealed that the quality of e–banking services offered by banks have significant influence on their customers at 95%, 3 degree of freedom. The paper recommends that various measures should be put in place to ensure more security such as installation of encrypted software, verification system of customer’s identification cards, frequent change of password, examining test questions and using mixed password such as the use of alphanumeric amongst others. The paper concludes that e –banking has become important phenomenon in the banking industry and it will continue as more progress and innovations are made in information technology.

Sachin A Kothari ◽  
Mevish S Siddiq ◽  
Scott Rahimi ◽  
Manan Shah ◽  
Klepper A Garcia

Introduction : The Neurocritical Care Society encourages an external ventricular drain (EVD) wean “as quickly as is clinically feasible” but guidelines on achieving it are limited (1). This study aims to improve quality of care by sharing a protocol to initiate EVD weaning. These criteria were developed over 7 years and showed a reduction in ventriculoperitoneal shunt/endoscopic third ventriculostomy (VPS/ETV) placement and length of stay (LOS) at our institute compared to national averages. Methods : 151 subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) patients from January 2016 to January 2019 were analyzed. 60 aneurysmal SAH (aSAH) and 18 non‐aneurysmal nontraumatic SAH (naSAH) patients required EVD placement. A gradual EVD weaning protocol was initiated if patients met the following criteria: the reason for EVD placement has resolved or is resolving, quantity of CSF output must be <250mL over 24 hours, quality of CSF must be nonbloody, ICP must be within normal limits, and the patient must be neurologically stable. It was acceptable to wean when the patient had mild cerebral vasospasm, but not moderate to severe cerebral vasospasm. EVD weaning was performed by increasing drain height by 5 millimeters of mercury every 24 hours if criteria were met. Charts were reviewed for LOS and rate of VPS/ETV. Gender, age, race, wean failure incidence, infection rates, and SIADH/CSW rates were obtained. Results : Average LOS for aSAH patients with EVD at our institute was 20.35 days. Incidence of VPS/ETV was 11%. Chi‐square analysis was performed, and aSAH patients were found to have higher rates of VPS/ETV placement (p<0.001) and EVD wean failures (p<0.001) than naSAH patients. Conclusions : Our criteria to initiate EVD weaning provided a reduction in VPS/ETV placement among aSAH patients compared to national averages and provides a standardized approach to EVD management. aSAH patients at our institute had a lower incidence of VPS/ETV placement of 11% compared to 21% nationally (2). aSAH patients at our institute also had a lower LOS at 20.35 days compared to 21.5 days nationally (3).

Diana Andriyani Pratamawati ◽  
Widiarti Widiarti ◽  
Wiwik Trapsilowati ◽  
Riyani Setiyaningsih

Tembalang Subdistrict is still ranked as the first highest IR Dengue in Semarang City in 2014-2016. Incidence rate of dengue in Tembalang Sub District in 2016 was Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) IR 166.89/100,000 population with Case Fatality Rate (CFR) 1.02%. The Semarang City Government has implemented PERDA No.5 of 2010 concerning DHF control with the establishment of special larvae monitoring officers namely Semantik (Semarang Bebas Jentik) and Gasurkes (Health Surveillance Officer) to conduct routine larval monitoring and socialize PSN-3M Plus. However, dengue cases in Tembalang District continue to exist.The purpose of the study was to identify behavioral factors related to monitoring larva presence in Tembalang District, Semarang City. This study is based on the cross sectional method, with quota sampling was used to recruit 100 respondents. The criteria for the case were the latest DHF cases recorded in the Semarang City Health Office Data (January to September 2017). Samples were taken in quota with 100 respondents. Data were analyzed by analytic descriptive using chi-square analysis and odds ratio. The results showed behavioral factors to monitor larvae routinely related to the results of larvae examination (p <0,05) with risk factors OR = 5,02 and form observations obtained ABJ in Tembalang District by 89% in 2017. This needs additional attention in the larva monitoring procedure by Semantics and Gasurkes. The more complete the quality of the larvae examination, the existence of larvae can be eradicated, so that the incidence of DHF can be prevented

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-138
Sheryl Putri Asri ◽  

It is estimated that 60% of maternal mortality resulting from gestation happened right after giving birth, and 50% of puerperium deaths happened in the first 24 hours. This research aims to know the relation between the amount of bleeding, remaining placenta, and the act of episiotomy to puerperal sepsis cases. This research uses analytical description methods with a cross-sectional approach. The population of this research was the postpartum mothers in puerperal sepsis cases in October – December 2017 at RSAB Harapan Kita Jakarta Barat counted 85 persons. The sampling method used in this research is an accidental sampling method with 32 respondents. The Instruments of this research are medical records and questionnaires with the chi-square analysis method. This research data analysis has the quality of univariate and bivariate, which means knowing about the relation between the amount of bleeding, remaining placenta, and the act of episiotomy to puerperal sepsis cases. This research shows a relation between the amount of bleeding with a p-value (0,035) and OR (7,200). There is a relation between remained placenta variable with a p-value (0,035) and OR (7,200). There is no relation in the act of episiotomy variable with p-value (0,142) and OR (3,500) to puerperal sepsis cases. The researcher suggests RSAB Harapan Kita increase the quality of their health services, mainly socialize information and give education for maternity women about various birth complications, such as bleeding and remaining placenta and sepsis puerperalis's risks.

1995 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-26 ◽  
Randolph T. Barker ◽  
C. Glenn Pearce

This article reports the results of a study testing whether any of seventeen personal attributes related to the quality of documents university undergraduates wrote by hand and on the computer. Chi-square analysis showed significant differences for age, class, and word processing and keyboarding experience. The researchers concluded that some attributes do relate to computer writing quality and suggest further study to benefit computer writers and computer writing curriculum and instruction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1359-1369
Neti Sundari ◽  
Dian Nur Adkhana Sari ◽  
Endar Timiyatun ◽  
Viantika Kusumasari

Dysmenorrhea is pain during menstruation which is felt in the lower abdomen and back. The high incidence of dysmenorrhea in adolescents still does not get enough concern, even though it can cause a person to become weak, pale, reduce concentration, disturb daily activities,  having a negative impact on quality of life. One of the factors that can cause dysmenorrhea is poor dietary habit. This study aims to analyze the correlation between dietary habit and dysmenorrhea in female adolescents. This type of research is quantitative, the number of samples are 262 respondents  and the sampling technique was accidental sampling. Testing data using the Chi Square analysis test.  From the results of the Chi Square analysis test, it was found that the value of p = 0.005 with a correlation value of 0.011, the study showed that there is a correlation between dietary habit with dysmenorrhea in female adolescent.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 241 ◽  
Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti ◽  
Titah Ulya Kurniaesa ◽  
Nurul Isnaini ◽  
Kuswati Kuswati ◽  
Trinil Susilawati

<p>Artificial Insemination (AI) is a technique that is widely used by farmers to improve the genetic quality of livestock. This method can be increased in value by using sexing semen that can regulate and produce the sex of the offspring as expected. The purpose of this study was to determine the success of AI by using frozen sexing semen on Ongole Crossbred cows in Malang Regency. The materials used were 98 Ongole crossbred cows in traditional farm of Malang Regency especially in Pakis, Tumpang, Jabung and Singosari Districts. The method used was a field experiment with two treatments: 49 cows were inseminated by using frozen sexing semen (P1) and 49 cows were inseminated by using non sexing semen (P0). The variables observed were the Non-Return Rate (NRR) value observedin 3 estrous cycle after AI and CR value based on pregnancy observation at 8 months of pregnancy. Data were analyzed descriptively and continued with a one-proportion z-test. The datashowed that the CR value on P1; P0 were 55.10% and 65, 31% respectively.furthemore, the NRR value on P1 from NRR<sub>1</sub> to NRR<sub>3 </sub>were 87,76%, 73,47% and 67,35%, while on P0 95,92%, 83,67% and 75,51% respectively.It can be conclude thatCR and NRR value of sexing semenwas lower than non sexing semen, however sexing semen can be applied for certain purposes such as producing offspring as expected</p>

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