2015 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Mohammad Zamroni

AbstractThe existence of Islamic communication and broadcasting as a field of scientific disciplines still seems to be a question that has not got the answer. This question is often addressed on how the epistemology and the clumps of communication and broadcasting science. To that end, in-depth studies need to be done by tracingthe philosophy of science as basic science includes ontology, epistemology, and axiology.This study became urgent as well as to ward off dichotomy between general sciences and the religious sciences (Islam). One approach that can be used as a reference is an integrative interconnective science paradigm to integrate between Science and Islam. So the epistemology of communication science is the study of Communication sciencedisciplinethat studies broadcasting and journalism as well as others. While the Islamic Broadcasting Studies as a field of Dakwahstudy that is becoming core values with the Islamic perspective. It is being in tune with the vision of IslamicCommunication and Broadcasting majors that is leading in the assessment and development of communication science and Islamic broadcasting perspective.AbstrakEksistensi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam sebagai bidang disiplin ilmu nampaknya masih menjadi pertanyaan yang belum mendapat jawaban.Pertanyaan ini sering ditujukan pada bagaimana epistemologi dan rumpun komunikasi dan ilmu penyiaran.Untuk itu, studi mendalam perlu dilakukan dengan menelusuri filsafat ilmu sebagai ilmu dasar meliputi ontologi, epistemologi, dan studi aksiologi.Penelusuran ini menjadi mendesak guna menangkal dikotomi antara ilmu-ilmu umum dan ilmu-ilmu agama (Islam).Salah satu pendekatan yang dapat digunakan sebagai referensi adalah paradigma ilmu integratif-interkonektif untuk mengintegrasikan ilmu dengan Islam.Epistemologi keilmuan jurusan Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam adalah pengkajian disiplin Ilmu Komunikasi dengan bidang kajiannya broadcasting dan jurnalistik serta lainnya. Sedangkan Penyiaran Islam sebagai bidang kajian Ilmu Dakwah yang menjadi core values dengan perspektif Islamnya. Hal ini menjadi selaras dengan visi jurusan Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam yaitu terdepan dalam pengkajian dan pengembangan ilmu-ilmu komunikasi dan penyiaran Islam yang berparadigma Islam.Keywords: Epistemology, Clumps Scientific, Communications and Broadcasting Islam.

2014 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 122
Mohammad Zamroni

<p>As a field of scientific discipline, the existence of Islamic communication and broadcasting still seems to be an unanswerable question. The issue is often addressed on how the epistemology and the clumps of communication and broadcasting science is. To meet this problem, in-depth studies need to be done by tracing the philosophy of science as a basic science including ontology, epistemology, and axiology. This study is needed to dismiss such dichotomy between secular sciences and the religious sciences (Islam). An integrative-interconnected science paradigm becomes a reference of the approach to integrate between science and Islam. Thus, the epistemology of communication science is a scientific discipline that studies broadcasting and journalism like others. While the Islamic Broadcasting Studies is a field of Da’wa study that becomes a core value of the Islamic perspective.</p><p align="center"><strong>***</strong></p><p> </p><p>Sebagai bidang disiplin ilmu, adanya komunikasi Islam dan penyiaran nampaknya masih menjadi pertanyaan yang tidak terjawab. Masalah ini sering ditujukan pada bagaimana epistemologi dan rumpun komunikasi dan ilmu penyiaran. Untuk memenuhi masalah ini, studi perlu dilakukan secara mendalam dengan menelusuri filsafat ilmu sebagai ilmu dasar termasuk ontologi, epistemologi, dan aksiologi. Penelitian ini diperlukan untuk mengabaikan dikotomi seperti antara ilmu-ilmu sekuler dan ilmu-ilmu agama (Islam). Paradigma ilmu integratif-saling berhubungan menjadi acuan dari pendekatan untuk mengintegrasikan antara ilmu pengetahuan dan Islam. Dengan demikian, epistemologi ilmu komunikasi adalah suatu disiplin ilmu yang mempelajari penyiaran dan jurnalisme seperti orang lain. Sementara Studi Broadcasting Islam adalah bidang studi Dakwah yang menjadi nilai inti dari perspektif Islam.</p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 122
Mohammad Zamroni

<p>As a field of scientific discipline, the existence of Islamic communication and broadcasting still seems to be an unanswerable question. The issue is often addressed on how the epistemology and the clumps of communication and broadcasting science is. To meet this problem, in-depth studies need to be done by tracing the philosophy of science as a basic science including ontology, epistemology, and axiology. This study is needed to dismiss such dichotomy between secular sciences and the religious sciences (Islam). An integrative-interconnected science paradigm becomes a reference of the approach to integrate between science and Islam. Thus, the epistemology of communication science is a scientific discipline that studies broadcasting and journalism like others. While the Islamic Broadcasting Studies is a field of Da’wa study that becomes a core value of the Islamic perspective.</p><p align="center"><strong>***</strong></p><p> </p><p>Sebagai bidang disiplin ilmu, adanya komunikasi Islam dan penyiaran nampaknya masih menjadi pertanyaan yang tidak terjawab. Masalah ini sering ditujukan pada bagaimana epistemologi dan rumpun komunikasi dan ilmu penyiaran. Untuk memenuhi masalah ini, studi perlu dilakukan secara mendalam dengan menelusuri filsafat ilmu sebagai ilmu dasar termasuk ontologi, epistemologi, dan aksiologi. Penelitian ini diperlukan untuk mengabaikan dikotomi seperti antara ilmu-ilmu sekuler dan ilmu-ilmu agama (Islam). Paradigma ilmu integratif-saling berhubungan menjadi acuan dari pendekatan untuk mengintegrasikan antara ilmu pengetahuan dan Islam. Dengan demikian, epistemologi ilmu komunikasi adalah suatu disiplin ilmu yang mempelajari penyiaran dan jurnalisme seperti orang lain. Sementara Studi Broadcasting Islam adalah bidang studi Dakwah yang menjadi nilai inti dari perspektif Islam.</p>

Mary Kirk

This chapter explores the ways in which the dualistic notion of gender is at the core of many fundamental ideas in the philosophy of science. The ways in which we have learned to perceive, think about, teach/learn, and conduct research in science and IT are deeply informed by a dualistic, gendered framework: science is associated with maleness, and nature with femaleness. This primary split supports a philosophy of science that envisions “good science” as purely rational and objective (male), devoid of emotion and subjectivity (female). These core values of a dominator society contribute to a climate that is not likely to be hospitable to those who are gender-socialized as women. In the end, I call for a new perspective on our philosophy of science and technology that embodies partnership values and ask: How might we proceed to reexamine our assumptions about science and technology to make the shift from a dominator to a partnership perspective? These ideas are explored in the following sections: (1) science is male; nature is female; (2) the myth of objectivity; (3) there’s no crying in science; and (4) envisioning a partnership philosophy of science (democratizing science and technology, redefining what makes good science, and examples of partnership science and IT).

Tiana Azmi Alawiyah

Muslim scientists create a lot of great works in the field of science but the findings of Muslims have not been applied by teachers in science learning in madrasah. One of these Muslim scholars was Al Khazini with his findings of air pressure, preceded the western scientist Blaise Pascal (1588-1651 AD). The purpose of this study to reveal that the work of Muslim scientists can be used as a source of science learning in madrasah to be culturally closer to Islam. The research method used is qualitative method by using historical approach of philosophy of science in Islamic perspective. Data were collected through literature study. The results showed that Al-Khazini is revealed about air pressure earlier than Pascal. These findings can be taught in madrasah through methods of sociologically anthropological demonstrations that close to madrasah culture.

2020 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 124-141
Dmitry M. Koshlakov ◽  
Alexander I. Shvyrkov ◽  

The authors try to show that even Wittgensteinian definition of concept is not always sufficient to analyze what really happens in science. As a result, in addition to “concept” we propose “conception” as a new promising tool for philosophy of science. We provide a brief historical analysis of this term and reveal two main interpretations of “conception” in philosophy and scientific disciplines. In accordance with the first view, conception appears as either a “twin” of the concept, or a pair entity to the concept. According to the second view, conception is a kind of “strange concept” that exists among “normal” concepts. Since conception is understood differently in sciences and philosophical systems, it is not possible to give a generalized definition of conception. That is, it is impossible to formulate this definition, so to speak, inductively. Moreover, even if it was possible, such a definition would not necessarily have to be automatically accepted by philosophy of science. That is why the introduction of a concept of conception was carried out through the analysis of a global process associated with the return of metaphysics to science. We define conception as a semantic construction denoting the unknown (and, possibly, fundamentally unknowable) and ensuring the possibility of working with this unknown (unknowable). By virtue of the way conception was introduced (conception is not a “generalization” of the interpretations available in specific sciences) many conceptions that are considered as conception in specific sciences turn out to not to be conceptions within this definition. Thus, the article interprets conception as a new possible tool of philosophy of science, which is aimed at understanding how specific sciences develop.

2015 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 345
Zaprulkhan Zaprulkhan

<p class="IIABSBARU">In Islamic perspective, researching universe is not only investigate the universe materially but also what is behind the universe itself. So, the universe was not viewed autonomously. This paper tried to elaborate significance of philosophy of science for humanity in Islamic perspective by using three fundamental structures of knowledge, namely ontology, epistemology, and axiology. Both Islam and science have to put humanity as center for research. The paradigm of Islamic science opens up an integral-holistic thought, and can not be separated from axiological meaning, that the purposes toward the enlightenment, progress, welfare, safety, and happiness for the whole human being in this world. So, Islam and science could give the most important roles to human’s welfare and safety.</p><p class="IIABSBARU" align="center">***</p>Dalam perspektif Islam, meneliti alam semesta tidaklah hanya mengkaji alam dari aspek materialnya, melainkan juga aspek spiritual di balik yang nyata sehingga alam semesta tidak dikaji secara berdiri sendiri. Tulisan ini mencoba meng­elaborasi tentang signifikansi filsafat sains untuk kemanusiaan dari perspektif Islam dengan menggunakan tiga unsur pokok pengetahuan: ontologi, episte­mo­logi dan aksiologi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa Islam dan sains sama-sama menjadikan nilai kemanusiaan sebagai objek penelitian. Paradigma ilmu penge­tahuan Islam itu membuka cakrawala berpikir yang menyeluruh dan terintegrasi, dan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari makna aksiologinya yang bertujuan untuk pencerahan, perkembangan, kesejahteraan, keselamatan, dan kebahagiaan bagi seluruh umat manusia di dunia. Oleh karena itu, Islam dan ilmu pengetahuan memberikan peran yang sangat penting bagi kesejahteraan dan keselamatan manusia.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 128
Zulfata Zulfata

Murthada Munthahhari is an Iranian Muslim scholar. Many scientific disciplines are known and proven in his works and his students’ researches scattered around the globe. The value of intelligence (philosophy of science) from Murtada Munthahari is important to be contextualized in the current development of science. Contextualization efforts can be linked with the development of science at Ar-Raniry State Islamic University (UIN Ar-Raniry) Aceh in forming relevant epistemological ground with related to the vision and mission of UIN Ar-Raniry Aceh. The urgency of such epistemological ground is vital as a tool of analysis in determining the progress and regression indicators of knowledge development at UIN Ar-Raniry Aceh. This article will be studied by using the theory of philosophical realism from Murthada Munthahhari, combined with the critical approach of library research. The results of this study explain that the contextualization of Murthada Munthahhari’s knowledge philosophy is very relevant with the vision and mission of UIN Ar-Raniry.

Renato Coletto

Any discussion about transdisciplinarity presupposes some sort of recognition of the scientific disciplines and some agreement on how they are or should be grouped or classified. This article supplies a demarcation criterion to distinguish science from non- science and discusses the way the sciences should be grouped. The first issue can be summarized by the question: (how) can scientific disciplines be distinguished from non- scientific ones? To answer this question it is necessary to sketch what in philosophy of science is called a “demarcation criterion” to distinguish between scientific and non- scientific activities. Secondly, does it make sense to recognise groups of sciences and which disciplines should be placed in each group? Does it make sense to use categories like social, hard, soft, exact, applied sciences and so forth? To answer these questions it is necessary to assess the plausibility of some of the categories traditionally used to classify the sciences. The purpose of the article is to provide an initial (yet philosophically grounded) orientation in an area in which many academics seem to wander, and sometimes to accept simplistic answers.Keywords: Demarcation criterion, groups of sciences, natural sciences, social sciences, human sciences, groups of sciences, general sciences, special sciences, transdisciplinarity, 9Theory of) modal aspects, multi-modal sciencesDisciplines: Philosophy, Philosophy of science, (Basically, all sciences are interested)

2020 ◽  

The purpose of the book is to present a selection of studies on Bachelard’s philosophy published by researchers from various countries as part of the Bachelardian and post-Bachelardian movement, and to include articles by Polish Bachelard researchers. It cannot be said that Bachelard remains unknown in Poland, but still many important works – by Bachelard himself and other researchers commenting on his philosophy or continuing it – are known only to specialists. The book Gaston Bachelard. Contexts and Interpretations wants to fill this gap, while pointing to the presence of Polish research on Bachelardism. The intention of this volume is to compile articles confirming the complexity of Gaston Bachelard’s philosophy and its relevance. The multitude of new readings of Bachelard’s thought, appearing in Poland and abroad, confirms that both the philosophy of science, with the concepts of new scientific mind, new rationality or epistemological obstacles introduced by Bachelard, as well as his philosophy of imagination seeking a method that adequately captures the essence of dream and image, invariably serve as an important reference point for philosophers and representatives of other scientific disciplines.

2006 ◽  
Vol 45 (05) ◽  
pp. 474-482 ◽  
C. Kulikowski ◽  
V. Maojo

Summary Objectives: To contribute a new perspective on recent investigations into the scientific foundations of medical informatics (MI) and bioinformatics (BI). To support efforts that could generate synergies and new research directions. Methods: MI and BI are compared and contrasted from a philosophy of science perspective. Historical examples from MI and BI are analyzed based on contrasting viewpoints about the evolution of scientific disciplines. Results: Our analysis suggests that the scientific approaches of MI and BI involve different assumptions and foundations, which, together with largely non-overlapping communities of researchers for the two disciplines, have led to different courses of development. We indicate how their respective application domains, medicine, and biology may have contributed to these differences in development. Conclusions: An analysis from the point of view of the philosophy of science is characteristic of established scientific disciplines. From a Kuhnian perspective, both disciplines may be entering a period of scientific crisis, where their foundations are questioned and where new ideas (or paradigm shifts) and a progressive research programme are needed to advance them scientifically. We discuss research directions and trends both supporting and challenging integration of the subdisciplines of MI and BI into a unified field of biomedical informatics (BMI), centered around the evolution of information cybernetics.

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