scholarly journals Multimedia pembelajaran berbasis web pada mata pelajaran akuntansi SMA untuk peningkatan motivasi dan hasil belajar

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-218
Chezaria Danaswari ◽  
Abdul Gafur

Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis web untuk mata pelajaran  Akuntansi SMA, dan mengetahui hasil belajar dan motivasi belajar dengan menggunakan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis web yang dikembangkan. Model pengembangan multimedia web menggunakan Alessi and Trollip melalui tiga tahapan, yakni perencanaan, desain, dan pengembangan. Uji coba evaluasi produk terdiri atas: evaluasi formatif meliputi uji alpha, yakni validasi produk oleh dua ahli materi dan dua ahli media, dan uji beta kesan siswa. Serta evaluasi sumatif meliputi uji coba hasil belajar dan motivasi belajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) produk yang dihasilkan berupa website layak digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran berdasarkan hasil penilaian ahli materi, ahli media dan uji beta dengan skor 4,23 (kategori sangat baik); (2) peningkatan skor rata-rata pada pretest dan posttest hasil belajar seluruh siswa sebesar 0,43 (kategori sedang), peningkatan skor rata-rata pada pretest dan posttest motivasi belajar seluruh siswa sebesar 0,38 (kategori sedang). Terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar dan motivasi belajar siswa setelah menggunakan multimedia pembelajaran  Akuntansi berbasis web.Kata kunci: pengembangan multimedia, pembelajaran berbasis web, multimedia web, pembelajaran  Akuntansi WEB BASED TEACHING MULTIMEDIA IN ACCOUNTING SUBJECT OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL FOR INCREASING MOTIVATION AND LEARNING OUTCOMESAbstractThe aims of this research are: (1) to produce web based teaching multimedia for accounting subject of senior high school (2) to find out the learning outcome and motivation by using web based teaching multimedia. The development of web based multimedia used Alessi and Trollip model consisting of three main phases: planning, design, developing. The product testing was held on: formative evaluation consisted of alpha testing involving validation by two subject material experts and two media experts, and beta testing of learners’ reaction, and sumative evaluation consisted of students’ learning outcome and motivation testing. The results of the research showed that: (1) the developed product was website consisting of web based teaching multimedia in the accounting subject feasible to be used in classroom teaching and learning processes, based on the assessment by the subject material experts, media experts and also from the beta testing with the score of 4.23 (very good category), (2) the average gain score on the pretest and posttest of all students’ outcome was 0.43 (middle category), and the average gain score on the pretest and posttest of all students’ motivation was 0.38 (middle category). There was an increase on the students’ learning outcome and motivation after the use of the developed multimedia for accounting subject of senior high school.Keywords: multimedia development, web based learning, multimedia web, accounting subject

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Saidatun Navisah ◽  
Mustika Wati ◽  
Abdul Salam M

This research is carried out to examine the developed circular motion physics module in a cooperative learning setting for students of Grade X Science Senior High School in Banjarmasin. This study's general objectives are to produce a circular motion physics module integrated with gumbaan local wisdom in cooperative learning settings and describe its feasibility. Moreover, this study's specific objectives aimed to describe the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the module. This study utilizes the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate) development design model. The instruments used consisted of module validation sheets, students’ questionnaire responses, and learning outcome test. The results of the study indicated that: (1) the validity of the module, based on the content and display, obtained a score of 3.20, which fell in the "good" category, (2) the practicality of the module, based on students' questionnaire responses, obtained a percentage of 64.92% which is categorized as “good”, and (3) the effectiveness of the module, based on students' test scores, obtained a score of 0.44 which belonged in the "moderate" category. It is then concluded that the circular motion physics module, which integrated gumbaan local wisdom contents in cooperative learning settings, is proven feasible for learning and teaching and can be used as an alternative reference in improving the quality of learning, especially to improve the learning outcomes of learners. This module can be used as a reference that teachers can use in learning at senior high school. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Ivone De HAAS ◽  
Juliana Selvina Molle ◽  
Darma Andreas Ngilawajan

The purpose of this research is to improve students’ learning outcome on the topic liniear programing by using Problem Based Learning. This research is conducted in 11th grade students of senior high school 1 Saparua in academic year 2019/ 2020. Total number students on experiment grup is 25. This research took 2 cycles in order to achieve passing grade by most students. Every cycle consists of two class meeting. Data collected by using essay tests on each cycle and observation sheet. Further more, data analyzed by using qualitative nd quantitative analysis. The results show that students’ achievement on cycle I which reached passing grade is 56% of total number students. Meanwhile, students’ achievement which reached passing grade on cycle II is 80% of total number of students. There can be concluded that students’ learning outcome has improved 24% through Problem Based Learning

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Mulyadi Rusli ◽  
Louis Antonius

This research was aimed to: produce module based on e-book using Kvisoft Flipbook Maker application that proper to increase learning interest and cognitive learning outcome, know the increasing interest of senior high school students which use learning media module based on e-book using Kvisoft Flipbook Maker application, and know the increasing of cognitive learning outcome of senior high school students which use learning media module based on e-book using Kvisoft Flipbook Maker application.  The result show that: the module based on e-book using Kvisoft Flipbook Maker application is proper to increase learning interest and cognitive learning outcome of senior high school students seen from very good and good results category of practitioner appraisal and student’s response, the increasing of student’s learning interest which use module based on e-book using Kvisoft Flipbook Maker application by low category standard gain, and the increasing of student’s cognitive learning outcome which use module based on e-book using Kvisoft Flipbook Maker application by medium category standard gain

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 10-22
Sayama Malabar ◽  
Meilina Widya Dali

This study aims to describe the learning outcomes of constructing explanatory texts among eleventh-grade students taught by investigating the multiliteracy and conventional methods, the difference in learning outcomes of students taught by investigating the multiliteracy and conventional methods for those with a high and low prior ability, and the effect of investigation multiliteracy method and prior ability on learning outcomes in SMA Posigadan state senior high school. Furthermore, an experimental method was employed with a 2x2 factorial design. It was shown that (1) students taught by the investigation multiliteracy method got higher learning outcomes (an average score of 79) than those who studied using a conventional method with an average score of 62.81. (2) the average learning outcome of students with the high prior ability and taught by the investigation multiliteracy arrived at 78; no major difference from those with the high prior ability and relying on a conventional method (an average learning outcome of 75). Likewise, the average learning outcome of students with the low prior ability and taught by the investigation multiliteracy reached 52.81; no major difference from those with the low prior ability and studying with a conventional method (an average learning outcome of 46.94). (3) the p-value in the interaction between the investigation multiliteracy method and prior ability got 0.007 or less than α = 5%. Thus, H0 was rejected and accepted H1, meaning that the investigation multiliteracy method and prior ability influence students’ learning outcomes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 503 ◽  
Binar Kurnia Prahani ◽  
Soegimin W.W ◽  
Leny Yuanita

The purpose of this research is produce physics learning material through guided inquiry model that valid, practical, and effective to try multiple representation ability of student in senior high school. The development of learning material used the Kemp model and was tested in class X of SMAN 19 Surabaya second semester in academic year 2013/2014 with One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The data collection used observation method, test, and quetionnaires. The data analysis techniques used descriptive analysis of quantitative, qualitative and statistic non parametric. The results of this research are: 1) Learning material developed has a valid category; 2) Learning material in terms of a practical category in feasibility of lesson plans and the students’ activities in accordance with steps of guided inquiry model; and 3) The learning material effectiveness in terms of: (a) Improving students’ learning achievement seen from the n-gain score with high category; (b) Improving multiple representation ability of student by getting the n-gain score with high category and the analysis results of  statistic non parametric are: 1) nothing different of multiple representation ability of student at each class, 2) different of multiple representation ability of student, and 3) nothing different of improving multiple representation ability of student at each class; and (c) The students’ responds toward material and implementation of learning are very positive. It’s conclusion that the learning material through guided inquiry model are valid, practical, and effective to try multiple representation ability of student in senior high school Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran fisika model inkuiri terbimbing yang valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk melatihkan kemampuan multi representasi siswa SMA. Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan model Kemp dan diujicobakan di kelas X SMAN 19 Surabaya semester genap tahun ajaran 2013/2014 dengan One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, tes, dan angket. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif, kualitatif dan uji statistik non parametrik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan,: 1) Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan berkategori valid; 2) Perangkat pembelajaran ditinjau dari keterlaksanaan RPP berkategori praktis dan aktivitas siswa sesuai dengan tahap-tahap pada model inkuiri terbimbing; dan 3) Keefektifan perangkat pembelajaran ditinjau dari: (a) Peningkatan hasil belajar siswa terlihat dari n-gain dengan kategori tinggi; (b) Peningkatan penguasaan kemampuan multi representasi siswa terlihat dari n-gain dengan kategori tinggi dan hasil analisis uji statistik non parametrik, yaitu: 1) tidak terdapat perbedaan kemampuan multi representasi awal siswa pada kelas yang satu dengan kelas yang lain, 2) terdapat peningkatan kemampuan multi representasi siswa, dan 3) tidak terdapat perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan multi representasi siswa pada kelas yang satu dengan kelas yang lain; dan (c) Respon siswa terhadap perangkat dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran sangat positif. Disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran model inkuiri terbimbing yang dikembangkan valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk melatihkan kemampuan multi representasi siswa SMA.

Maria Anna K. Sidiropoulou ◽  
Christina Bakoyannis ◽  
Antonios Karampelas

Web-based technologies such as Moodle (modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment) are regularly used in classrooms and present an effective way to reinforce blended learning of different curricula. Nontraditional learning methodologies such as the i2Flex model provide teachers with a range of options with regards to how to employ a constructivism-based instructional design and facilitate their shift from traditional instructors to effective learning facilitators. Consequently, students become inquirers and discover knowledge in a positive environment where flexibility and blendedness of learning styles optimize the learning outcome. The chapter discusses implementations of Moodle features and the support types with regards to the authors engagement in i2Flex methodology in order to update their practices in relation to enhancing the Community of Inquiry (CoI) Framework presences in Middle School and Academy Classes of Science, Physics, and Modern Language Arts.

Intan Rosari

Abstract: The Effect of Instructional Organizing Strategi with Spatial Cognitive Style on Learning Outcomes of Student Class Eleven science of Chemical Bond. This thesis aims to determine the effect the different micro strategis on organizing instruction to improve students learning outcomes in Chemical Bond. A 2x2 factorial design is used for this experiment conducted at the Global Islamic Senior High school and PB Sudirman Senior High School in Jakarta. A sample of 56 student was taken using multi stage sampling. Based on their spatial cognitive style the sample is then divided into two groups, high and low spatial cognitive style.The instruments were use for this research are two kinds, is it (1) Test for predict Chemistry learning Outcomes; (2) Instrumen for predict Spatial Cognitive Style. For Analysis Test include Normality Test with Liliefors Test and Homogenity with Bartlett Test; for Hypotesist test we use Varians analysis two path (2x2)In order to avoid contamination of treatment, the defferent micro strategis are implemented differently in the each school. The result of this research are as follows: (1) In general, to improve learning outcome in Chemical Bond, it is better to use the Merrill model micro strategi on organizing the Component Display Theory (CDT) than to use the Taba Model Strategy on organizing instruction the Concept Formation; (2) Spatial Cognitive style of the student affect student learning outcomes in Chemical Bond. Student who have high spatial cognitive style get better learning outcomes in Chemical Bond the student who have low spatial cognitive style; (3) There is an interaction between micro strategy on organizing instrustion with student spatial cognitive style, Merrill Model Strategy on organizing instruction instruction using Component Display Theory (CDT) implementation is more effective in increasing student learning outcome in Chemical Bond than Taba model strategy on organizing instruction Concept Formation; For student with high spatial cognitive style, both strategies can be implemented because there are no differences obtained in student learning outcomes in Chemical Bond using both of the organizing strategies.Keyword: Instructional Organizing Strategy, Spatial Cognitive Style, Chemical Bond, Learning Outcomes Abstrak: Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Dan Gaya Kognitif Spasial Terhadap Hasil Belajar Ikatan KimiaTesis ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh variabel-variabel bebas yaitu strategi pengorganisasian isi pembelajaran dan gaya kognitif spasial terhadap hasil belajar siswa sebagai variabel terikat pada pokok bahasan Ikatan Kimia. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Global Islamic School Jakarta dan SMA PB Sudirman Jakarta. Dengan total sampel yang diambil adalah 56 orang siswa untuk menentukan gaya kognitif spasial kemudian dibagi menjadi gaya kognitif spasial tinggi dan gaya kognitif spasial rendah.Instrumen yang digunakan dua macam yaitu (1) tes pengukur hasil belajar Ikatan Kimia; (2) instrumen pengukur gaya kognitif spasial. Dalam uji persayaratan analisis meliputi Uji Normalitas dengan Uji Liliefors dan Homogenitas dengan Uji Bartlett;untuk uji hipotesis digunakan analisis varians dua jalur (2x2).Secara keseluruhan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar Ikatan Kimia siswa, lebih baik digunakan Strategi Pengorganisasian Pembelajaran Model Component Display Theory Merrill dibandingkan dengan Strategi Pengorganisasian Pembelajaran Model Pembentukan Konsep; (1) gaya kognitif spasial merupakan salah satu karakteristik siswa yang berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pencapaian hasil belajar Ikatan Kimia; (2)Siswa yang memiliki Gaya Kognitif Spasial Tinggi memberikan hasil belajar Ikatan Kimia yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan siswa yang memiliki Gay Kognitif Spasial Rendah;(3)terdapat interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dengan gaya kognitif spasial siswa. Bagi siswa yang memiliki Gaya Kognitif Spasial Rendah, penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran CDT Merrill lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar Ikatan Kimia, dibandingkan dengan Strategi Pembelajaran PK Taba; (4) bagi siswa yang memiliki Gaya Kognitif Spasial Tinggi, kedua strategi pembelajaran dapat diterapkan, karena memberikan hasil belajar yang sama baiknya.

Eva Lindasari ◽  
Khairil Ansari ◽  
Marice Marice

This study aims to produce interactive multimedia development in learning of film review text for 8th grade students in Senior High School (SMP) 1 Tanjungmorawa. The research method uses Research and Development method which refers to the development of the Borg and Gall which was modified by Sugiyono. The results of the validation of material experts on the feasibility of the content obtained an average of 90.7% in the category of "Excellent" aspects of the feasibility of the language obtained an average of 100% with the category of "Excellent".  For the assessment of the results of interactive multimedia validation by media experts an average of 84.7% with the category of "Excellent". Product trials are carried out in two stages: small group trials and limited field trials. Small group trials obtained an average percentage of 86.6 with the "Excellent" category. Limited field trials received an average percentage of 88.4 in the "Excellent" category. The effectiveness of teaching materials is obtained through student learning outcomes in the pretest and posttest. average score at pretest 44 and at posttest 77. This proves that interactive multimedia is feasible, easy, and effective for 8th grade students in Senior High School (SMP) 1 Tanjungmorawa.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Silfia Ilma ◽  
Mimien Henie Irawati Al-Muhdhar ◽  
Fatchur Rohman ◽  
Murni Saptasari

Science Process Skills (SPS) are the essential abilities which need to be mastered in learning biology to strengthen students’ learning outcomes. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between SPS and biology Cognitive Learning Outcome (CLO) of senior high school students. The sample was 100 tenth graders in Malang. The correlational study used two test types as the instrument (i.e. essay and multiple choice). The essay instrument consisted of 10 items which were developed from SPS aspects (basic and integrated skills). Meanwhile, the biology CLO was measured using multiple choice test which consisted of 30 items. The collected data were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the highest students’ SPS aspect was observing (78.84%), while the lowest was predicting aspect (27.30%). In addition, the highest achievement of students’ biology CLO was C1 (94.23%), while the lowest was C6 (33.46%). The regression analysis showed that there was a significant correlation between students’ SPS and biology CLO, where the equation was Y = 27.988 + 0.311X.  Therefore, it is crucial to consider SPS to be integrated into a learning activity by using various learning models that empowering these skills to improve students’ biology CLO.

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