scholarly journals Pentingnya kelas kewirausahaan pada SMK Pariwisata

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Badraningsih Lastariwati

Kajian ini dimaksudkan untuk menentukan peran kelas kewirausahaan dalam menanamkan jiwa kewirausahaan, nilai, dan pengalaman siswa SMK Tata Boga dalam menyiapkan lulusan yang memiliki jiwa mandiri yang saat ini menjadi tantangan dalam pendidikan, yaitu antara lain: meningkatnya jumlah dan kualitas pendidikan kejuruan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan global dan lokal, dan menghasilkan tenaga kerja yang kreatif. Tujuan yang menarik adalah 70% lulusan SMK dapat bekerja setiap tahun. Hal ini memerlukan perlakuan. fasilitas, dukungan, dan upaya-upaya untuk mencapai kewirausahaan untuk mencapai kualitas lulusan sekolah kejuruan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dunia kerja. Progrm ini harus didisain berdasarkan kurikulum yang didisain dan dikembangkan kebutuhan stakeholders. Kelas kewirausahaan menerapkan kurikulum terintegrasi ke dalam mata pelajaran produktif. Dalam kelas kewirausahaan diharapkan dapat lebih efektif dalam menumbuhkan jiwa kewirausahaan dan kemandirian sehingga lulusan akan lebih memiliki jiwa yang bebas di dalam setiap situasi. THE ROLES OF ENTERPRENEURSHIP CLASS FOR VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL OF TOURISMAbstractThis study aimed to determine the role of the entrepreneurial class in cultivating the entrepreneurial spirit, values and skills of SMK culinary student, to prepare graduates who have the spirit of independence as a responde to the current challenges including quantity and quality of vocational education to meet local, national, and global needs. The interesting objective is that about 70% of graduates shold be employed. In addition SMK generally provides entrepreneurship training in services. It need treatment, facilitatation, and encouragement of learners in order to become independence, responsible, creative, innovative, sporty, and entrepreneurship efforts to achieve the quality of vocational education graduates that meet the need of work place. Entrepreneurial class implements integrated subjects of vocational entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurial class is expected to be more effective in growing entrepreneurship spirit and independence of the prospective graduates of culinary tourism program.

Diana Nur Azizah ◽  
Supari Muslim ◽  
Ratu Noorita Achmad ◽  
Dhanu Lukmantoro ◽  
Umi Farida ◽  

Vocational education has an important role in the effort to create a workforce that has competencies that are in accordance with the needs of the industrial world. But the open unemployment rate in Indonesia in February 2018 was 6.87 million people and 8.92% of them were graduates of VHS. Why does that much unemployment happen? Is the learning process at VHS not yet qualified, so that the quality of VHS graduates is still low? Can the teaching factory improve the quality of VHS graduates? To answer this question, research needs to be done. This research was conducted using literature studies on related references, and a number of research reports on teaching factories conducted at VHS and continued with FGD. The results of the study concluded that the teaching factory consisted of planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating. The teaching factory developed was integrated with the production unit that was used for the practice of students, so that VHS graduates became qualified and ready to enter the workforce.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Andy Andy ◽  
Angel Purwanti

School is one of the institutions in transferring the balance between moral values to students in the learning process, so as to create innovations to improve the quality of institutions nationally. Yehonala School, one of the schools in Batam City that focuses on developing and shaping the characteristics of educators. Yehonala School is a National Plus based school in partnership with Cambridge University Press, and the motto is 'To Grow in Wisdom!' starting from the Play Group level, Elementary School (SD), Junior High School (SMP), High School (SMA) and Vocational High School (SMK). Yehonala School has an image as "The Best Learning Place for Children", the image is obtained through superior programs and achievements obtained from the Indonesia Achievement Center (IAC). The image that has been formed and attached to the Yehonala school in Batam City. This, of course, cannot be separated from the role of Yehonala School's Public Relations in maintaining that image first during the current pandemic. This research is based on an analysis of systems theory and the concept of the four roles of Public Relations proposed by Cutlip, Center and Broom. The type of research applied in this research is descriptive qualitative, the data collection applied in this research is in-depth interviews. The analytical method applied in this research is the Miles and Huberman analysis technique called the interactive model. The purpose of this study was to find out how the role of PR as a communication technician in maintaining an image during a pandemic. The results of the study found that three coding findings related to the role of Yehonala School's Public Relations as a communication technician, namely: (1) Utilization of Social Media (2) Social Media Content (3) The resulting reaction. The role of Yehonala school's PR is only as a communication technician and Yehonala's school implements a closed system because PR does not act as an information seeker.

Aziz Wahyu Suprayitno

This study evaluates the impact evaluation of Government Assistance on the improvement of Quality of Vocational Education. This study using the Difference in Difference (DID) method to estimate the effects of Government Assistance allocation by comparing the changes in outcome {quality of Vocational Education measured by School Quality Report (Rapor Mutu Sekolah) that contains a number with scale 1 – 7} between the Vocational High School that get Government Assistance (intervention/treatment group) and the Vocational High School that did not (control group), using regression model by testing parallel trend assumption first. Secondary data consists of Government Assistance and Vocational High School Quality Report for 2013 – 2018 from the Directorate of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education and Culture. Government Assistance data selected is only Assistance for facilities/infrastructure and Assistance for rehabilitation/construction of buildings using a purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the average value of the Vocational High Schools that received Government Assistance was higher by 0.0373 compared to Vocational High Schools that did not receive Government Assistance, after the intervention of Government Assistance from 2016 - 2018. That results indicates that Government Assistance has a positive impact on improving the Quality of Vocational Education. Keywords : impact evaluation, DID, quality of vocational education, government assistance.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Ivan Hanafi

Pendidikan kejuruan diyakini memiliki konstribusi yang besar bagi perkembangan masyarakat dan peningkatan ekonomi suatu negara. Daya saing negara bergantung banyak pada tenaga kerja yang memilik pengetahuan dan keterampilan, karena mereka akan meningkatkan efisiensi dan nilai tambah produksi. Pendidikan dan latihan kejuruan pada hakekat adalah sebagai tempat untuk menyiapkan tenaga kerja berpengetahuan, berketerampilan, dan berkepribadian bagi memenuhi harapan dunia kerja dan industri. Tetapi kondisi riil menunjukkan banyak lulusan pendidikan kejuruan yang tidak memperoleh kerja, bahkan mereka yang telah bekerjapun menghadapi masalah keterampilan. Bekal pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang mereka miliki tidak cukup untuk dapat sustain dalam lingkungan kerja. Hal itu salah satunya disebabkan karena tenaga kerja tidak memiliki employability skills yang cukup seperti permintaan dunia kerja. Untuk itu, lembaga pendidikan kejuruan diharapkan mengantisipasi dengan tepat perkembangan yang terjadi di dunia kerja melalui berbagai pendekatan pembelajaran agar lebih fleksibel untuk merespon permintaan dunia kerja yang berubah dengan cepat. RE-ORIENTATION OF SKILLS OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION GRADUATESAbstractSkills Re-orientation for Vocational School Graduates. It is believed that vocational education makes particular contribution on Indonesian concerning economics development. A competitiveness of the nation depends on quality of human resource in term of knowledge, skills, attitude. Vocational education and training basically is provided for preparing youth to have knowledge, skills, and characteristics to meet the requirements of work place. However, in fact Vocational High School leavers are unemployed, and the employed even face skills problems. Their knowledges, skills, and attitudes are under standard of work place requirements and incapable of sustaining hie/her current position in the work place. One of the reasons is because they don’t have enough employability skills to fulfil work place requirements. Therefore, vocational training institutions are required to anticipate firmly to developing the work place by employing learning strategies in order to have flexibilty due to a rapid changing of work place requirements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 5151-5157
Yogi Nurfauzi ◽  
Suyanto Suyanto ◽  
Sukidjo Sukidjo ◽  
Munsyi Munsyi ◽  
Erif Ahdhianto

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-122
Tony Soebijono ◽  
Martinus Sony Erstiawan

he Prapanca 2 Surabaya Vocational High School (SMK) majoring in accounting is one entity that is willing to compete and is skilled and professional inwelcoming the Industrial Revolution 4.0. So far, the principal has prepared a strategy to improve the quality of graduates to suit the needs of the businessmarket (Business World (DU)/Industrial World (DI)). Some of the strategies used in aligning education with the demands of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution erainclude improving the quality of sarpras (facilities and infrastructure) in the learning process based on industrial needs (Link and Match) during the IndustrialRevolution 4.0 period, the fulfillment of DU/DI standard facilities and infrastructure and increasing teacher competence is focused on the era of theIndustrial Revolution 4.0. The role of the principal has a point of view broad, open, disciplined, firm, and committed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Ni Wayan Suparmi ◽  
Kadek Rai Suwena ◽  
Made Ary Meitriana

The purpose of this study was to determine the role of school cooperatives in fostering entrepreneurial spirit among students at Vocational High School Number 1 Gianyar. This type of research was descriptive research, the data collection instruments was using questionnaires and documentation. The populations in this study were students in marketing major at Vocational High School Number 1 Gianyar with the amount of 208 students with a total sample of 137 people using random sampling techniques. This research used descriptive analysis to analyze data. The results of data analysis showed that the role of school cooperatives in terms of the dimensions of forming good and independent rescue practices was in the category of very strong roles, in terms of the dimensions helping in realizing an atmosphere of direct training to practice techniques management and trade techniques in the category of very strong roles, in terms of having the characteristics and elements of democracy among the younger generation in the category very strong role, in terms of the dimensions of promoting cooperation attitude and mutual assistance to help each other were in the category of very strong role, and in terms of the dimension of growing leadership talent among the younger generation scores 4,109 with the percentage score of 85.6% was very strong category.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-119
Partono Partono

So far, in implementing school strategies, they tend not to utilize Information and Communication Technology (ICT), despite the availability of ICT resources available. Stages of strategic management are needed to generate the vision, mission, objectives, policy, program, budget, and procedures as well as control and evaluation process as an effort to utilize ICT to improve school quality. Based on the interpretation and the results of the study, it is concluded that schools have organized stages in strategic management that enable schools to have a quality profile. The impact of effective utilization of ICTs for schools is the achievement of effective school management, as per the National Education Standards, which is characterized by effective planning, implementation, control, and evaluation of school ICTs.The purpose of this study is to get a general description, describe, and reveal the Strategic Management of Information and Communication Technology Utilization to Improve the Quality of School Learning in Ciledug Al Musaddadiyah Vocational High School and Garut 1 Vocational High School, both on environmental analysis, strategic formulation, implementation and strategic evaluation. The research method used in this research is the case study method, because the problems studied occur in the place and situation of Ciledug Al Musaddadiyah Vocational School and Vocational High School 1 Garut. The use of case study models in this study is based on the consideration that to provide an overview of the strategic management activities of the use of ICTs carried out at vocational high schools with the ultimate goal of being able to improve the quality of school learning. Based on observations in the field of SMK 1 Garut and SMK Al Musaddadiyah Ciledug Garut is one of the public schools and private schools that have these advantages.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 162 ◽  
Indriaturrahmi Indriaturrahmi ◽  
Sudiyatno Sudiyatno

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) peran DUDI dalam mendorong produk kebijakan pendidikan Pemda Kota Mataram dalam mengembangkan SMK berbasis kearifan lokal; (2) implementasi penyelenggaraan kebijakan pendidikan SMK yang sesuai dengan kearifan lokal; dan (3) peran DUDI dalam pengembangan SMK. Informan kunci pada penelitian adalah Kepala Dinas Dikmen sub-bagian kepala seksi kurikulum, Kepala Sekolah, Wakasek Humas Industri, Pembimbing Industri, dan Siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) peran DUDI dalam mendorong kebijakan Pemda terkait pengembangan SMK berbasis kearifan lokal belum memadai; (2) implementasi kebijakan Pemda, antara lain: (a) monitoring dan evaluasi, (b) menyediakan unit gedung baru, (c) membuka kompetensi keahlian baru, (d) pemberian dana, (e) mengadakan Gebyar SMK se-Kota Mataram; dan (3) peran DUDI dalam pengembangan SMK antara lain: (a) penyelenggaraan prakerin siswa berjalan dengan baik. b) industri sebagai tempat pemagangan guru, c) industri terlibat dalam uji kompetensi siswa tingkat akhir dan tempat menyalurkan lulusan, d) belum ada kerja sama terkait penyediaan sarana dan prasarana, dan e) pengembangan kurikulum dalam bentuk workshop kurikulum. Kata kunci: peran DUDI, penyelenggaraan SMK, kearifan lokal THE ROLE OF BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL (VHS) BASED ON LOCAL WISDOM IN THE CITY OF MATARAM Abstract This research aims to know: (1) the role of business and industry in encouraging the product education policy of the local government in Mataram City for developing vocaational high school (VHS) based on local wisdom; (2) the implementation of VHS education policy with an appropriate local wisdom; and (3) the role of business and industry in developing VHS. The key informants in this research were the Head of Secondary Education Curriculum Sub-section, Principal, Vice Principal of Industry Public Relations, Industry Counsellors, and students. The data were collected by observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique included data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. The results showed that: (1) the role of business and industry in encouraging the regional government policy related to VHS development based on local wisdom had not been adequate; (2) the implementation of regional government policy were among others: (a) monitoring and evaluation, (b) providing a new building unit, (c) opening new expertise competencies, (d) providing funds, (e) conducting Gebyar SMK in the city of Mataram; and (3) the roles of business and industry in the development of VHS were among others: (a) the implementation of the students’ industrial practice ran well, (b) the industry as the place for teachers’ apprenticeship, (c) the industry was involved in students’ competency test at the end of the students’ study and as an institute which would recruit the graduates, d) there had not been any cooperation related to the provision of facilities and infrastructure, and e) curriculum development in the form of a curriculum workshop. Keywords: the role of business and industry, implementation of VHS, local wisdom

Zulganef Sutan Sati ◽  
Usin Susanto

The Indonesian government believes that textbooks play a strategic role in improving the quality of primary and secondary education (Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No.11 of 2005). Nevertheless, Abdulkarim (2010) revealed that the quality of school textbooks, either in junior or vocational / high school is very low. The contradiction between Regulation of the Minister of National Education Regulation goal and Abdulkarim (2010), and some previous research, such as Heskett et al. (1997), and Dimitriades (2006) motivates this study to analyze the effect of satisfaction to commitment and loyalty of vocational teachers in Bandung. The results showed that there was no correlation between satisfaction and the commitment and between the commitment and loyalty, but there is a significant direct correlation between satisfaction and loyalty. This shows that users of textbooks as the government policy consumers has loyalty in the sense will do its use continuously, but the loyalty is not based on a commitment, but only based on satisfaction.This is suggests that vocational high school teachers are satisfied with the textbook but don’t want to rely on Regulation of National Education Minister, since commitment is defined by Dwyer et al. (1987), Morgan and Hunt (1994), and Pritchard et al. (1999) as a stable seeking and defensive attitude towards not to change a choice. They are easy to change attitudes through using of Electronic Text Boook (ETB) as teaching materials. The Authors also revealed some limitations and recommendations

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