Social Adjustment of the Elderly Residing in Institutional Homes: A Multivariate Analysis

1980 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-176 ◽  
Gilbert Dooghe ◽  
Lieve Vanderleyden ◽  
Francis Van Loon

An attempt was made to determine the order of magnitude of a number of variables which a bivariate analysis had demonstrated to show some degree of correlation with the way in which institutionalized elderly individuals adapt socially. To determine the multivariate impact of all these variables on the degree of social adjustment to life in a home, a path model was developed that permitted detection of both the direct and indirect effect of the variables. It was found that loneliness was the main factor underlying failure to adjust. Furthermore, widowhood and being alone seem to have a considerable influence. The degree of disability and the age of the individual proved to have a smaller impact than we had assumed to be the case. The operationalized model explains 27 per cent of the variance of the social adjustment in a home for the elderly.

1964 ◽  
Vol 110 (467) ◽  
pp. 544-548 ◽  
H. J. Walton ◽  
R. Bennett ◽  
L. Nahemow

The social adjustment of individuals is studied from different viewpoints by psychiatrists and sociologists. The psychiatrist is concerned with the malfunctioning personality (and with normal function toward which patients must be assisted); the sociologist is concerned with the functioning social system. The basic reference of both disciplines is to the individual and the individual's adaptation in his social group.

Nuram Mubina

This study aims to determine the quality of life of the elderly. The elderly have serious problems in the physical, mental, and social areas. This problem is closely related to life expectancy and quality of life of the individual. The quality of life of the elderly should be an important concern for health professionals because it can be a reference for the success of an action, intervention, or therapy. The aging process is a natural process that can not be prevented and is a natural thing experienced by people who are given the gift of long life, where everyone hopes to live a calm and peaceful life. The purpose of this study is to understand the quality of life of the elderly in Karawang. The subjects of this study were five elderly people. Determination of research subjects is done by purposive technique. Data mining was carried out through in-depth observations and interviews which resulted in the conclusion that the five elderly individuals experienced the most severe problems in the declining physical condition. The condition then affects the psychological condition and social interaction it has   Keywords: Quality of Life, Elderly.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kualitas hidup lansia. Lansia memiliki masalah serius pada area fisik, mental, dan sosial. Masalah tersebut berkaitan erat dengan harapan hidup dan kualitas hidup individunya. Kualitas hidup lansia seharusnya menjadi perhatian penting bagi para profesional kesehatan karena dapat menjadi acuan keberhasilan dari suatu tindakan, intervensi, atau terapi. Proses penuaan merupakan suatu proses alami yang tidak dapat dicegah dan merupakan hal yang wajar dialami oleh orang yang diberi karunia umur panjang, dimana semua orang berharap akan menjalani hidup dengan tenang dan damai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami kualitas hidup lansia di Karawang. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah lima orang lanjut usia. Penentuan subjek penelitian dilakukan dengan teknik purposive. Penggalian data dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam yang menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa kelima individu lansia mengalami permasalahan paling berat pada kondisi fisik yang telah menurun. Kondisi tersebut kemudian berpengaruh pada kondisi psikologis dan interaksi sosial yang dimilikinya   Kata Kunci: Kualitas Hidup, Lansia

1996 ◽  
Vol 8 (S1) ◽  
pp. 137-139 ◽  
Margareta Grafström

The general aims for the care of the elderly in Sweden are to ensure financial security, good housing, service, and care for the elderly. In this regard, two pieces of recent legislation apply: the Social Service Act of 1982 and the Health and Medical Services Act of 1983. The 1982 act emphasizes the right of the individual to receive public service and help at all stages of life; the 1983 act is intended to maintain a good standard of health and to provide care on equal terms for all. In summary, both laws emphasize that help is to be given to everyone who needs help to support himself or herself in everyday needs. Further, this help should be given in as normal a setting as possible. This means that society should help the elderly to remain in their homes for as long as possible, and that the integrity and autonomy of the elderly should be preserved in the home-care environment.

Aspiyani Aspiyani ◽  
Putri Ronitawati ◽  
Prita Dhyani Swamilaksita ◽  
Rachmanida Nuzrina ◽  
Mertien Sa'pang

<p><strong><em>Background: </em></strong><em>The most important thing in giving food to the elderly is that the food served must meet the nutritional needs, the food served is given regularly in small portions but often, the food must be gradual and varied so as not to cause boredom, the food must be according to doctor's instructions for certain elderly and food must be soft. The elderly who live in the Werdha Nursing Home are faced with a different situation than before they lived in an orphanage. This causes the elderly to make adjustments so that their needs can be fulfilled. Health conditions in the elderly stage are largely determined by the quality and quantity of nutritional intake.<strong>Objective: </strong>This study aims to determine the analysis of menu planning, the relationship of energy consumption density and food waste to the nutritional status of the elderly at the Social Home<strong> Method: </strong>This study was an observational study of cross-sectional study design. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique with a  total of 50 elderly respondents. Bivariate analysis using Chi-Square statistical tests. <strong>Results: </strong>Planning the menu at the Social Home is carried out once a year with a seven-day menu cycle compiled by a Puskesmas Nutritionist and has a menu structure consisting of the frequency of feeding 3 main meals and 2 interludes. The application in feeding has not been adjusted to the menu made by a Nutritionist. Most respondents were aged 60-74 years (elderly). Correlation test results showed that there was no relationship between energy consumption density with the nutritional status of the elderly     ( p = 0.589 ) (p&gt; 0.05) and there was a relationship between food waste and the nutritional status of the elderly (p = 0.010 ) (p &lt;0.05). <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Some menu planning at the Social Institution was carried out and some did not meet the factors that influenced menu planning at the institution. There is a relationship between food waste with the nutritional status of the elderly, the main factor affecting nutritional status is food intake. This is because not only because of the small amount of food left (&lt;20%) which causes the risk of malnutrition, but there are other factors based on the questions and the results of the MNA score.</em><em> </em></p>

1981 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 329-345 ◽  
Rex Taylor ◽  
Graeme Ford

ABSTRACTThis paper is concerned with the nature, usage and potential of the concept of lifestyle. It concentrates on usage in social gerontology and specifically on the way in which it has been used by three teams of American researchers. Its overall aim is to discover guidelines for establishing the lifestyle concept on a sounder methodological footing.The paper begins with a discussion of diversity within the elderly population and it identifies the need for a systematic conceptual scheme for describing the social life of the individual. It examines the relationship between lifestyle and social class and concludes that they represent complementary rather than competing approaches. The paper goes on to explore three definitions of life-style - as structure, content and meaning - and compares and contrasts these three alternative approaches. The difference between ‘nominal’ and ‘real’ definitions is discussed and the paper ends with a summary account of the way in which the concept has been operationalized in a continuing British study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
Mariana Buciuceanu-Vrabie ◽  
Tatiana Tabac

Articolul se focusează pe evaluarea situației persoanelor în vârstă din Republica Moldova în contextul pandemiei COVID-19. Prin diagnosticarea socială a deschiderii structurale, instituționale, comunitare și inter-generaționale la nevoile acestei categorii de populație, se evidențiază provocările pandemice cu care aceasta se confruntă. Metodologia cercetării are la bază rezultatele studiului calitativ, realizat în lunile august−septembrie 2020 și aprilie−mai 2021 cu persoanele vârstnice, reprezentanții administrației publice locale și asistenții sociali. Prin constatări argumentate empiric, în articol sunt actualizate principalele dificultăți parvenite în contextul pandemiei și profunzimea impactului social asupra persoanelor în vârstă la nivel comunitar. Pe lângă riscul direct asupra stării de sănătate fizică, excluderea și discriminarea persoanelor în vârstă s-a accentuat în timpul pandemiei COVID-19, s-a evidențiat riscul sporit de violență și neglijare, și cazurile de stigmatizare la nivel comunitar. Resursele individuale/ familiale ale persoanelor vârstnice, în special în cazul infectării cu COVID-19 și a tratamentului, au jucat un rol important în depășirea crizei. Consecințele COVID-19 se asociază cu agravarea stării de sănătate a persoanelor vârstnice și creșterea necesarului de în servicii medicale. Atitudinile „age-iste” au loc și în perioada după carantină, subminând drepturile persoanelor vârstnice la servicii de calitate. Astfel, se accentuează necesitatea monitorizării continue a situației și combaterii atitudinilor „age-iste” în perioada post pandemie. Cuvinte-cheie: COVID-19; populația în vârstă; studiul calitativ; riscuri sociale; accesul la serviciile sociale; izolare, violență. ●●●●● The paper focuses on assessing the situation of older persons in the Republic of Moldova, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The social diagnosis of the structural, institutional, community and intergenerational openness to the needs of this category of population highlights the pandemic challenges it faces. The methodology of the study is based on the results of the qualitative study conducted in August−September 2020 and April−May 2021 with the older people, local public administration and social workers. Through empirically reasoned findings, the paper updates the main difficulties encountered in the context of the pandemic and the depth of the social impact on the older people at community level. In addition to the direct risk to physical health, the exclusion and discrimination of the older people increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increased risk of violence and neglect, and cases of stigma at community level. The individual/family resources of the older people, especially in the case of COVID-19 infection and treatment, have played an important role in overcoming the crisis. The consequences of COVID-19 are associated with a worsening of the health of the elderly and an increase in the need for medical services. “Ageist” attitudes also occurred in the post-quarantine period, undermining the rights of older people to quality services. Thus, the need for continuous monitoring of the situation and combating "ageist" attitudes in the post-pandemic period is emphasized. Keywords: COVID-19, older adults, qualitative study, social risks, access to social services, isolation, violence.

Neurosurgery ◽  
1981 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 517-519 ◽  
Robert Levinthal

Abstract The symptoms and signs of cerebrovascular insufficiency occur more frequently in the elderly population. It has often been assumed that individuals over 65 years of age are poor surgical candidates and that, therefore, prophylactic procedures should be withheld. The author reviews his experience with 25 elderly patients who had evidence of cerebrovascular insufficiency and lesions that were inaccessible to standard extracranial vascular surgical techniques. In this series, there were no deaths and there was only one neurological complication, which was a hypertensive hematoma that occurred during the immediate postoperative period. The only patient whose postoperative hospitalization was longer than 7 days was the individual who had the intracerebral hematoma. All patients with superficial temporal-middle cerebral artery anastomoses underwent angiography immediately after operation, and all of these bypass grafts were found to be patent. Extracranial-intracranial bypass grafting seems to be well-tolerated by elderly individuals, with minimal morbidity and mortality.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Weni Lidya Hendayani ◽  
Ridhyalla Afnuhazi

According to WHO (World Health Organization) depression is the third largest psychological disorder that is thought to occur in (5%) of the world's population and the onset of depression has a relationship with several factors one of which is family support. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of family support with the level of depression in the elderly in the Social Home Tresna Werdha Kasih Sayang Batusangkar. This research use cross sectional approach. The study was conducted at the Tresna Werdha Social House of Mother Love Batusangkar in July 2017 with a population of 53 elderly people who suffer from depression. Sampling technique with total sampling. Data processing is done computerized using computerized program. The result of univariate analysis showed that (67,9%) respondents got good support and (39,6%) respondents had moderate depression. In bivariate analysis p value = 0.008 means there is a relationship of family support with depression level in elderly. It is expected that Tresna Werdha Social Welfare officer Kasih Ibu Batusangkar to raise awareness and always give support to elderly. It is intended that the level of depression in the elderly in the Social House Tresna Werdha Valentine's Love Batusangkar decreased even none.

Human Affairs ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
Lucie Kozlová ◽  
Martina Hrušková

AbstractThis paper looks at the possibilities of using biographical research in social work focusing on the elderly. Social work with the elderly uses or should use biographical data to create individual plans for clients or for the purpose of sensory activation. Narrative interviews are a form of interaction between a senior client and a social worker. The social worker supports the senior’s narrative so they can view their life for themselves and explain its meaning from their own perspective. The use of sensory activation in social work is only possible when the individual’s identity is supported by a sufficient amount of environmental stimuli, which can be achieved only by acquiring and analyzing data on the life events of the individual. The paper contains examples of the use of biographical data in social work with the elderly, which is essential for further structuring their lives.

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