2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Luh Putu Sudini

This article aims at describing the role of Yayasan Karya Cipta Indonesia (YKCI) in copyright protection in Indonesia and the mechanism of royalty payment on Indonesian songs to the YKCI. The approach used in this study is normative approach as this study is conducted on secondary, primary, and tertiary legal materials, such as books, legal journals, and expert (secondary data) research results; its main legislation is Law no. 19 of 2002 on Copyright (primary data); English and Indonesia dictionaries and tertiary law which is the result of library research, supported by legal materials in the form of documents from field research results. From the collected legal materials, analysis in the method of the qualitative descriptive was conducted. The results indicated that YKCI's role as an administrator body in copyright protection is to collect royalties from parties that use songs or music commercially and help dispute resolution between creators, users or record producers of songs or music creations. Furthermore, the mechanism of royalty payments to YKCI shall be initiated by the authorization of YKCI by the creator or the copyright holder of the song, so on the basis of such power of attorney, YKCI exercises the collection or withdrawal of royalties by a percentage mechanism from the dealer's selling price through a permit saving per song at a rate for recording into a cassette, CD, VCD, and other media. Law Number 19 of 2002 on Copyright should be accompanied by the willingness and ability of the apparatus in enforcing it so that what to be achieved with the Act can be obtained. In addition, it is recommended that the government immediately issue provisions on the roles, duties and functions of the Copyright Council as well as the organic rules that explain the authority of YKCI which may be the appointment of the Director-General of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) as endorsement of a collective society in order to attract royalties. The government also needs to make a standard contract of licensing agreement between the Copyright of Songs and Music in the event of announcement. In addition, YKCI also needs to be open including to the power of attorney (Creator of the song) so that the Creator can know the frequency of their song announcement and the large royalty that must be obtained.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 58
Arlinta Prasetian Dewi

This research was conducted at several amil zakat institutions representing the Ponorogo area, namely BMH Ponorogo, LAZISMU ponorogo, BAZNAS Ponorogo Regency and LAZ Ummat Sejahtera. The location is adjusted to the origin of the institution. BMH and LAZISMU are under the auspices of the organization Hidayatullah and Muhamadiyah, BAZNAS under the auspices of the government in this case the ministry of religion, and LAZ Prosperous Community which is an independent institution. This research is qualitative descriptive field research. Methods of collecting data through observation, documentation, and interviews. While the type of data used is primary data and secondary data. From this study, it was concluded that the pattern of zakat distribution carried out by BMH and LAZ Prosperous Ummah could be said to be better and more innovative especially with the high professionalism of amil in work so that the distribution system could be optimally implemented, complete and organized in the hope that distribution could be optimized zakat institutions for the welfare of society will be greater.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Nurul Husna Binti Abd Malek ◽  
M. Fahli Zatrahadi

This research is based on the assumption that the rise of homeless and beggars in the City of Alor Setar. This condition has caused disrupt the beauty and comfort of the city as a result of cancer suffered by the city and the State. For this reason, the government through the Kedah Community Virtue Position has built a transit house as a temporary stopover place for which they are then given guidance on Islamic counseling. Based on the facts above, this study answers the problem formulation, namely how to guide Islamic counseling in tackling homelessness in the City of Alor Setar by the Office of Benevolent Society of the State of Kedah, Malaysia. To answer these questions, this study uses descriptive qualitative methods.This study aims to describe the techniques of Islamic Counseling Guidance conducted by Counselor officers in counseling activities carried out by counselors from the Department of Public Virtue to the homeless in the City of Alor Setar. This research is a qualitative research, namely a type of field research field research, the nature of descriptive research, this study uses interview, observation, and documentation data collection techniques. Interviews were conducted with counselors and midfielders who had participated in Islamic counseling activities in the City of Alor Setar Negeri Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia. Observation was carried out Islamic counseling guidance techniques used and the process of Islamic counseling in the Office of Benevolence of the Community of Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia. Photo documentation of Islamic counseling activities. The data source of this research is primary data and secondary data. Qualitative data analysis with deductive deduction method. From the results of this study the Islamic counseling process in the public virtue  position using three homeless people can follow the stages of counseling well so that the homeless can be firm in his faith, especially mental and mental health, can control themselves and understand what is ordered and forbidden by Allah SWT so that when the homeless people have come out to the outside community they no longer feel inferior and can also adjust to society.

Muhammad Fachri

AbstractThe border area is one of the national strategic areas, the development of border areas is often faced with various security, defense, economic, social and cultural issues. The vulnerability of violations occurring in the Indonesia-Malaysia border region can cause many problems that arise from illegal border crossers, Smuggling of Goods, Illegal Workers, Terrorism. In this essay investigate the extent of government efforts in reducing border violations in Indonesia-Malaysia border region especially in Nunukan district. This research was conducted by Nunukan Regency in several agencies that handle border issues, Nunukan District Government Office, District Command 0911 of Nunukan, Ministry of Immigration Nunukan District, Navy Command Nunukan District This research was conducted by data collection method (field research), to obtain primary data through interview with the competent party in this research, and by method of literature research, to obtain secondary data through binding legal materials. Post-border crossings in Sei Pancang have a significant impact on border residents who want to pass. This can lead to a large number of illegal borderline subscribers. However, in its implementation in an effort to reduce border violations in the border area the government is faced by many factors that can affect law enforcement, law factors, law enforcement factors, facilities, cultural and community factors.Keywords: Border Area, Government, Law Enforcement.AbstrakKawasan perbatasan merupakan salah satu kawasan strategis nasional, pembangunan kawasan perbatasan seringkali dihadapkan dengan berbagai masalah keamanan, pertahanan, ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya. Rawannya pelanggaran yang terjadi di wilayah perbatasan Indonesia-Malaysia dapat menyebabkan banyaknya masalah yang timbul mulai Pelintas batas illegal, Penyelundupan barang, TKI Ilegal, Terorisme. Di essay ini menyelidiki sejauh mana upaya pemerintah dalam mengurangi pelanggaran tapal batas di kawasan perbatasan Indonesia-Malaysia khususnya di kabupaten Nunukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan Kabupaten Nunukan di beberapa instansi yang menangani masalah perbatasan, Kantor Pemerintahan Daerah Kabupaten Nunukan, Komando Distrik 0911 Kab. Nunukan, Kementerian Keimigrasian Kab. Nunukan, Komando Angkatan Laut Kab. Nunukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode pengumpulan data (field research), untuk memperoleh data primer melalui wawancara dengan pihak yang kompeten dalam penelitian ini, dan dengan metode studi literatur (literature research), untuk memperoleh data sekunder melalui bahan-bahan hukum yang mengikat. Pasca pentupan pos lintas batas di Sei Pancang berdampak signifikan terhadap warga perbatasan yang ingin melintas. Hal ini dapat memunculkan banyaknya pelangggar batas illegal. Namun pada pelaksanaanya dalam upaya mengurangi pelanggaran tapal batas dikawasan perbatasan pemerintah dihadapkan oleh banyak faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi penegakan hukum, faktor undang-undang, faktor penegak hukum, faktor sarana dan fasilitas, faktor kebudayaan dan masyarakatKata Kunci : Pemerintah, Penegakan Hukum, Wilayah Perbatasan

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 403
Sandy Alfa Stefano Sambouw ◽  
Elsje Pauline Manginsela ◽  
Jane Sulinda Tambas

This study aims to describe how the performance of agricultural instructors based on the perceptions of farmer groups in Taratara Satu Village, West Tomohon District, Tomohon City. The research was conducted from February to April 2020. The data used are primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through direct interviews with 18 respondents using a questionnaire and secondary data were obtained from the government office of the Taratara Satu village. The sampling method used purposive sampling method. The research results showed, 74 percent of farmers said that the extension workers had carried out their functions well, while 26 percent said that the extension workers were lacking in carrying out their roles and functions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 175-183
Obay Sobari ◽  
Ulil Amri Syafri ◽  
Budi Handrianto

Problems in this research is how a work ethic muslim Who actually have a wonderful concept of good from Al Qur'an and As Sunnah. But there plenty of found a muslim who worked manner and the force that far from islamic values, especially with ethical or work ethos ? Therefor, This research aims to to apply one model curriculum to increase work ethic muslim. This research study using a library reasearch method, that traits of descriptive qualitative with the collection of primary data through of reference main book While secondary data it obtained through interviews to officials, section head, and several employees of Office of customs and excise Bogor. The research results show that The application of the concept of education curriculum to improve muslim work ethos in the government office Need to continue to get more attention, Both in the concept and application and supervision also.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 53-68
Anggalana ◽  
Wayan Riki Irawan ◽  
Ayang Widi Pratiwi ◽  
Diandra Rinanda

The problem that exists in Bumi Agung Wates Village, Way Kanan Regency, is the unequal development of village infrastructure. This condition can be seen from the connecting road between Way Kanan Regency and East Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, precisely Bumi Agung Wates Village (BAW), Bahuga District, Way Kanan Regency, Lampung Province, with badly damaged conditions. The problem of this research is How is the implementation of the principle of orderly public interest in village infrastructure development based on Article 83 of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages (Study of Bumi Agung Wates Village Way Kanan District)? and What are the factors inhibiting the implementation of the principle of orderly public interest in the development of village infrastructure based on Article 83 of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages (Study of Bumi Agung Wates Village Way Kanan District)? The research method uses a normative and empirical juridical approach. The type of data used is secondary data and primary data. Collecting data through library research and field research. Analysis of the data used is qualitative juridical. Based on the results of the study it was concluded that the implementation of the principle of orderly public interest in the development of village infrastructure based on Article 83 of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, had not been implemented to the fullest because development in the village of Bumi Agung Wates Way Kanan Regency was only a road in an alley or small road; while the main road has not been developed at all, while the main road is widely used by the community or farmers to transport crops to be brought to the city. The inhibiting factors for the implementation of the principle of order of public interest in the development of village infrastructure based on Article 83 of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages are among others the relatively low level of community education and facilities and infrastructure in the form of community work equipment that does not support until the end of physical implementation. As a suggestion from the author, the Way Kanan Regency Government should be able to resolve the problem or the inhibiting factor of the implementation of the principle of public order in the development of village infrastructure based on Article 83 of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages in Bumi Agung Wates Village, Bahuga District, Way Kanan Regency. The government of Bumi Agung Wates Village, Bahuga Subdistrict, Way Kanan Regency,  

Aji Baskoro

Indigenous religions have experienced discrimination resulting from repressive policies and nuances that are discriminatory and pragmatic in Indonesia. This paper focuses on the role and contribution of Satunama to promote social inclusion especially among the followers of indigenous faiths in Indonesia. The data was collected through field research, intended to gain primary data from the subjects. The gathered data was analysed using descriptive-analytical approach, in which the primary and secondary data was analysed qualitatively. The existence of government interpretations that distinguish religion from belief has posed serious problems among the followers of indigenous faiths in the country. Legal products made by the government are also very discriminatory in nature as they tend to force those who follow indigenous faiths to identify themselves into official religions which are not necessarily suit their faith. This occurs in the process of issuing ID card, birth certificate, passport and some other documents. The implication is that the followers of indigenous faiths tend to be marginalised and excluded from the mainstream society. Satunama is one of the prominent NGOs in Yogyakarta which is known for its role and contribution to the discourse social inclusion in the society. Satunama is known especially for its efforts to advocate human rights protection for marginal groups and freedom of religion for the followers of indigenous faiths.[Di Indonesia, agama-agama pribumi telah mengalami diskriminasi yang disebabkan oleh kebijakan dan lingkungan represif, diskriminatif dan pragmatis. Artikel ini membahas peran dan kontribusi Satunama dalam mempromosikan keterbukaan atau inklusi sosial khususnya pada para penganut kepercayaan lokal di Indonesia. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari kajian lapangan yang ditekankan pada perolehan data primer dari subjek-subjek penganut keyakinan lokal. Data yang telah terkumpul kemudian dianalisa menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-analitis, dan data primer dan sekunder dianalisa secara kualitatif. Penafsiran pemerintah yang membedakan agama dari keyakinan telah memunculkan masalah di kalangan penganut keyakinan lokal di Indonesia. Kebijakan yang dihasilkan Pemerintah Indonesia sungguh sangat diskriminatif dan seakan cenderung memaksa para penganut keyakinan lokal itu untuk mengidentifikasi diri mereka sebagai pengikut salah satu agama resmi yang bukan sama sekali seperti yang mereka anut. Ini tentunya terjadi saat proses penerbitan Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP), Akte Kelahiran. Passport dan beberapa identitas diri dan dokumen lain. Ini berdampak pada merasa terpinggirkannya penganut keyakinan lokal dan terkucilkannya dari publik. Satunama adalah salah satu LSM di Yogyakarta yang dikenal karena peran dan kontribusinya dalam wacana-wacana inklusi sosial dalam masyarakat. Satunama dikenal terutama akan upaya-upayanya untuk mendampingi dan mengadvokasi perlindungan hak asasi manusia untuk kelompok-kelompok terpinggirkan serta untuk kebebasan dalam beragama bagi penganut agama lokal.]

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 449
Abdul Haris ◽  
Umar Ma'ruf

Corruption or rasuah is the act of a public official, either politicians nor government employees, as well as other parties involved in the action that is not fair and does not legal. It is very necessary to do eradication and prevention in a planned and measured by the Government. The purpose of this study was to describe, assess and analyze on the Role and Functions of The Attorney in Order to Optimize the Prevention of Corruption Through The Establishment of The Guards and Security Governance and Development Center / Regional (TP4P / D). This study uses empirical juridical approach, with specification of descriptive analytical research. The data used in this research is secondary data obtained through library research and primary data obtained through field research were then analyzed qualitatively Policy Implementation theory, and the theory of the authority. The results of this study are: Role and Functions of the Attorney in order to optimize the Prevention of Corruption through the establishment of the Guards and Security Governance and Development Center / Regional (TP4P / D) is not an assignment and new functions given to the Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia, duties and functions TP4P / D preexisting regulated in Act No. 16 of 2004 concerning the Attorney RI and has been written in the Regulation of General Attorney of the Organization and Work Procedure Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia. Keywords: Prevention; Corruption; Attorney RI.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 451
Nurcahyo Pratomo Widodo ◽  
Lathifah Hanim

The purpose of this study was to analyze: 1) Implementation of the agreement with the Fiduciary PT. Andalan Finance Indonesia (Nasmoco Credit) Semarang. 2) The role of the Notary in the Deed of Fiduciary Manufacture PT. Andalan Finance Indonesia (Nasmoco Credit). 3) Obstacles and solutions in the manufacture of the Deed of Fiduciary PT. Andalan Finance Indonesia (Nasmoco Credit) Semarang.This research is research with empirical juridical approach. Specification of the research is descriptive. In this study, researchers obtained the primary data sources through interviews and field research object of research Nasmoco Credit and Notary in Semarang. The secondary data obtained through literature.The research results are: 1) Implementation of the agreement with the Fiduciary PT. Andalan Finance Indonesia (Nasmoco Credit) Semarang starting from the stage financing request of consumers, the application review consumer financing, the stages of recommendation, preparation of contract documents, disbursement of consumer financing, the stages of the agreement, the stages of the determination of insurance, the imposition of fiduciary, a deed to the notary and registration of fiduciary to fiduciary office. 2) The role of the Notary in the Deed of Fiduciary Manufacture PT. Andalan Finance Indonesia (Nasmoco Credit) Semarang is a Notary role in making authentic deed in the form of fiduciary deed in accordance with the provisions of the legislation as well as the notary office. 3) Barriers perceived by the notary that there are no obstacles for the data and procedures required by the notary had been prepared in full by both parties to undertake the financing agreement. This makes the notary does not have a bottleneck in the fiduciary deed. But for the problems in case of default Credit Nasmoco the path of deliberation, billing, administration subpoena or warning and the last way is a claim to court if there is no response from the Debtor.Keywords: Fiduciary; Agreements; Credit


The government issued Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration. One of the government's efforts to provide and protect children's rights to identity is manifested in the issuance of the Child Identity Card (CIC) program which took effect since early 2016. CIC is regulated in the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 2 of 2016 concerning Child Identity Cards. The research objective was to determine the implementation of the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 2 of 2016 regarding CIC in East Lombok Regency and to find out the legal aspects in the implementation of CIC issuance in East Lombok Regency. This research is a type of empirical juridical research, in this study the approach used in solving the problem is to use the empirical juridical approach method. The juridical approach that is meant is that law is seen as a norm or das sollen, because in discussing the problems in this study using legal materials (both written law and unwritten law or both primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. by looking at law as a social, cultural or das sein reality because in this study the data used are primary data obtained directly from the research location. In this study the type of data collected is divided into two types of data, namely primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques obtained directly from data sources at the research location or field (field research) were obtained through interviews and observations.

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