2020 ◽  
pp. 230-238
A.V. Filippova ◽  
N.V. Kononkova ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (388) ◽  
pp. 249-256
Murzabekova Zh.T., ◽  
Nasbekova S.K., ◽  
Osmonalieva N.Zh., ◽  

The article provides legal analysis of features of family property relations in the custom law of the Kyrgyz people and the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic. Using analysis, synthesis, legal and historical law methods, the Matrimony and Family Code of the Kyrgyz SSR of 1969, the Family Code of the Kyrgyz Republic of 2003, the Code of Laws on Civil Status Acts, Matrimony, Family and Fiduciary Law of the RSFSR of 1918, The Code of Laws on Marriage, Family and Fiduciary of the RSFSR of 1926, The Ordinance of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic dated January 26, 2012 No. 17 “On declaring 2012 the Year of Family, Peace, Concordance and Mutual Forgiveness” and Family Support and Child Protection Program for 2018 - 2028 of Government of the Kyrgyz Republic were studied. The article analyzes relevant theoretical and practical issues related to common property of spouses, separate property of spouses, relations between parents and children for joint ownership and use of each other's property, alimony responsibility of family members and property relations of factual spouses. According to the author, legal norms regulating property relations in family are important when courts consider cases in sphere of protection of property rights of family members. In particular, the authors came to the conclusion in the Kyrgyz Republic the legal regulation of property relations in family is basis for resolving contentious issues in the family law.

Ivanna Babetska

Purpose. The purpose of the scientific article is to establish the ratio of the meanings of the concepts "trademark", "brand" and "well-known" trademark and then to characterize their common and distinctive features. Indicate the gaps in current legislation and the need to refine certain rules in this aspect to determine the aspects of protection and protection of the brand. Methodology. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and generalization of the available scientific and theoretical material and the formulation of appropriate conclusions and recommendations. During the research, the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: terminological, dialectical, logical-semantic, logical-normative, system-structural. Results: in the course of the conducted study, the main and optional components of the brand are determined, which make it possible to determine the features of its legal protection. It has been proved that despite a fairly wide range of domestic and international regulations, there are certain shortcomings of the brand protection mechanism. Originality. The study found that a trademark differs from a brand in that a trademark is a designation that is only the basis of the brand, as for the trademark are not essential such properties of the designation as a certain level of information among consumers and quality as a basis. gaining a reputation; the concept of "brand" is an evaluative, conditional concept, and therefore its consolidation at the regulatory level is impractical. It is sufficient to establish the factors on the basis of which the trademark can be considered "well known". A "well-known" trademark is a designation that is familiar to a wide range of consumers through its use to designate certain goods. Practical importance. The results of the study can be used in law-making activities for the purpose of legal regulation of public relations in the sphere of legal protection of the brand.

Daria Ponomareva ◽  
Alexander Barabashev ◽  

This article is devoted to the legal problems associated with the provision of patent protection for the results of scientific activities created by artificial intelligence systems. The authors explore the approaches formulated by doctrine and practice in relation to objects created by robotic systems, computer technology and AI. The problem of the relationship between patent protection of the results of scientific (scientific and technical) activities and artificial intelligence systems is becoming more and more urgent. Modern AI systems are quite capable of creating inventions that are the result of the application (use) of the cognitive (thinking) abilities of a person, that is, such inventions can be patentable. There is no doubt that the increasingly active introduction of AI systems will force national legislators to reconsider the definition of the term “inventor.” In Russian legislation, the issue of patent protection of inventions created by AI is currently not resolved. The review of the state of legal regulation of patent protection of the results of scientific activity (first of all, inventions) created by AI systems, presented in the article, indicates the absence of clear rules both in Russian and foreign law (using the example of individual jurisdictions) regarding the determination of the legal status of this kind. objects and the person who has exclusive rights in relation to them. The use of already existing legal constructions by analogy, as well as the borrowing of foreign experience, can only temporarily solve the issue of patent protection of the results of scientific activity created with the help of AI.

Olena Savchuk

Problem setting. The functioning of legal relations of use and environmental protection is currently regulated by a number of regulations of different legal force and direction. All this legislation is aimed at ensuring a safe environment, stopping the negative climate change caused by industry, agriculture, low energy efficiency of buildings, lack of waste management system, as well as reducing carbon sequestration by the ecosystem. The object of research is the legislation that regulates the legal relationship regarding the use and protection of the environment in the field of innovation. The subject of the study is the state of the regulatory framework and legislative regulation of legal relations regarding the use and protection of the environment in the field of innovation. Analysis of recent researches and publications. Legal relations on the use and protection of the environment in the field of innovation have repeatedly attracted the attention of researchers. In particular, A.P. Hetman considered the issues of environmental and legal component of innovative entrepreneurship, G.V. Anisimova studied issues of environmental and legal aspects of regional innovation system, V.L. Bredikhina in the field of research were issues of legal support of environmental safety in the field of implementation innovation policy. Krasnova M.V. considered the introduction of innovative dominants of sustainable development in the environmental legislation of Ukraine. In addition, the scientific literature analyzed the legal basis for the introduction of innovative technologies in agribusiness (Bakai Yu. Yu.); legal support for the introduction of ecologically oriented innovations in Ukraine (Lebedeva T.M.), ecological innovation management in the mechanism of sustainable development (Zadykhailo D.D.). However, the study that would be aimed at analyzing the legal regulation of the use of environmental protection in the field of innovation was not yet, which prompted us to choose this topic of scientific work. Target of research is to identify and make proposals to current legislation in certain areas. The scientific novelty of the study is to make proposals to consolidate amendments to current legislation and proposals for the development of separate documents to regulate the functioning of legal relations of use and environmental protection in the field of innovation. Article’s main body. The normative-legal acts are researched, the scientific specialized literature is analyzed according to the chosen theme of scientific work. The need to amend the current legislation, the importance of developing regulations aimed at applying existing and developing new mechanisms to ensure the use and protection of the environment in the innovation sphere are identified and emphasized. Conclusions and prospects for the development. After analyzing the legal support for the functioning of legal relations of use and environmental protection in the innovation sphere, we came to the conclusion that today there is an urgent need to develop and implement a special legal act that would establish a set of measures to develop innovation in the use and environmental protection. The purpose of such a document, first of all, should be the mechanism of implementation of previously adopted regulations, expanding access to environmental information of the population, including interaction between scientific and educational institutions, the introduction of modern advanced technologies. As already noted during the dissertation, the issue we are considering goes far beyond just environmental legislation, so it should also be noted that the necessary harmonization of legislation between other institutions of law – economic, civil, tax and more. In addition to the above, I would like to emphasize that the Law “On Environmental Protection, acting as the main legislative document in the field of environmental relations does not enshrine issues of innovation, environmental innovation.

Dmitry G. Bachurin ◽  

The article discusses the legal aspects of supranational legal regulation of value added taxation in the Persian Gulf countries. The novelty of the research lies in the comparative aspect of the legal study of supranational law on the value-added tax in the Gulf countries, which allows formulating fundamentally new characteristics and interpretations that extend the theoretical and legal views on the legal mechanism of VAT, and analyzing the key provisions of the legal regulation of VAT of the states that are parties to the Common VAT Agreement. The issues of the Agreement for the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, as well as acts of national legislation on this tax, were studied. The analysis of the provisions of the Agreement allows concluding that the tax instrument this Agreement regulates can be classified as a type of neutral legal regulation of value-added taxation. Its peculiarity is that the country for one reason or another introduces VAT into the national tax system with minimal tax rates and continues to keep it at a low level that does not have a restraining effect on the development of its own industry. This is the reference point for the Common VAT Agreement for the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council. The research shows that the supranational legislation of the Persian Gulf countries covers the most complex and fundamentally significant issues of legal regulation of value-added taxation, which developed taking into account the accumulated world experience in the administration of this tax. Conclusions have been obtained that the main direction of the adopted supranational legislation is the creation of a unified legal framework for the development of a coordinated legal regulation of VAT in each of the six Arab states of the Persian Gulf. The definitions of concepts that are crucial for VAT regulation are given, among which the following can be distinguished: reverse VAT accrual, input tax, deductible tax, net tax, mandatory registration threshold, voluntary registration threshold, and tax group. In the final part of the work, it is concluded that the second regional system of legal regulation of value-added taxation after the European one is being created, which begins its development on the basis of supranational legislation. Within its framework, the states that are parties to the Agreement shall organize administrative cooperation in the following areas: (1) exchange of information necessary for determining tax accuracy; (2) coordination of synchronized audit procedures and participation in audits; (3) assistance in tax collection and adoption of necessary procedures related to VAT collection.

Оксана Алексеевна Владимирова

Статья посвящена анализу организационно-правовых аспектов реализации прав интеллектуальной собственности лиц, осужденных к лишению свободы. Рассмотрен сложившийся опыт, особое внимание уделяется проблемным вопросам реализации осужденными личных неимущественных и исключительных интеллектуальных прав: связанным с приобретением права интеллектуальной собственности, затруднениям осуществления интеллектуальных прав, вызванным режимными требованиями. Творческая деятельность человека - одно из самых эффективных средств исправления, по мнению автора, поскольку именно она является высшей сознательной деятельностью. Поэтому необходимо поощрять и развивать в исправительных учреждениях данный вид деятельности, всемерно содействовать ее реализации. Предлагается создавать в исправительных учреждениях кроме уже имеющихся ресурсов специальные лаборатории, мастерские и т. п. центры для реализации творческой, в том числе научно-творческой потребности осужденных. При необходимости всячески содействовать осужденным при реализации процедуры получения патента. Кроме того, в рамках правового просвещения осужденных необходимо информировать о возможностях реализации авторского или патентного права в рамках имущественных отношений. This article is devoted to analysis of legal aspects of implementation of intellectual property rights of persons sentenced to deprivation of liberty. Abstract: the experience, a special attention is paid to the problematic issues of implementation of convicted persons of exceptional moral and intellectual rights: associated with the acquisition of intellectual property rights, difficulties in the implementation of intellectual property rights, caused by the regime requirements. Human creativity is one of the most effective means of correction, in the author's opinion, as it is the higher conscious activity. It is therefore necessary to promote and develop in correctional institutions this activity, to contribute fully to its implementation. It is proposed to establish in correctional institutions in addition to the existing resources of the special laboratories, workshops, etc. centers for the implementation of creative, including research and creative needs of prisoners. If necessary to fully support the convict in the implementation of the procedure of obtaining a patent. In addition, the legal education of prisoners should be informed about the possibilities of implementation of copyright or patent rights in the framework of property relations.

Екатерина Викторовна Глебова

Актуальность темы научной статьи обусловлена тем, что каждый гражданин Российской Федерации независимо от его социального статуса обладает правом на образование. Однако отдельные категории граждан, в частности, осужденные лица, не могут воспользоваться данным правом по причине наличия у них особого юридического статуса. Беспрепятственный доступ осужденных к образовательному процессу оказывает положительное влияние на социальную безопасность и защищенность каждого отдельного гражданина, так как от уровня их образованности напрямую зависит степень их исправления. В данный момент на территории нашей страны наблюдается большая вовлеченность всех слоев населения (включая осужденных) в сферу образовательных услуг как на возмездной, так и на безвозмездной основах. Профессиональное образование и профессиональное обучение как очень важный и необходимый элемент в отечественной пенитенциарной системе регулируется различными источниками права, относящимися и к системе уголовно-исполнительного законодательства, и к системе образовательного законодательства РФ. Целями правового регулирования отношений в сфере образования являются установление государственных гарантий, механизмов реализации прав и свобод человека в указанной сфере, а также защита прав и интересов участников отношений в сфере образования. Problem statement of the scientific article is due to the fact that every citizen of the Russian Federation, regardless of his social status has the right to education. However, some categories of citizens cannot exercise this right due to their special legal status, in particular, we will talk about convicted persons. Unimpeded access of this category of citizens to the educational process has a positive impact on the social safety and security of each individual, since the level of education of convicted persons directly affects the degree of their correction. At the moment on the territory of our country there is a great involvement of all segments of the population (including convicts) to the sphere of educational services free or for a fee. Vocational education and training as a very important and necessary element in the domestic penitentiary system is regulated by various sources of law relating to both the system of penal legislation and the system of educational legislation of the Russian Federation. The objectives of legal regulation of relations in the field of education are the establishment of state guarantees, mechanisms for the implementation of human rights and freedoms in education, as well as the protection of the rights and interests of participants of relations in the educational field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 80 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-138
Т. П. Голопич ◽  
І. М. Голопич

Legal aspects of the social regulator of contractual relations in labor law of Ukraine have been revealed. The concept of social partnership and social dialogue as a legal regulatory mechanism of collective relations has been studied. Legal regulation of labor conditions at different levels, through agreements, reflecting the will and interests of the parties to the agreement, has been analyzed. It has been found out that the personal nature of work, the definition of the specific labor function, duration of working time, remuneration of labor, etc., shall be reflected in a contractual relationship, which requires new forms of relationship between a state, an employer and an employee. Such new forms are acts of social partnership representing the interests of employees, employers, and the state in general. Special attention in this process has been paid to the collective agreement, wherein the interests of the labor collective and the employer are reconciled. The significance of the collective agreement is enhanced in the context of the market economy transformation and the development of new forms of management. Based on international experience it has been proved that problems of economic and public life are addressed optimally, if the orientation is implemented not towards the confrontation, but towards the achievement of social compliance, adjustment of social partnership on the principles of cooperation between employers and employees, which are realized in forms of negotiations, the conclusion of collective agreements and collective arrangements, coordination of draft regulatory and legislative acts and consultation in decision-making by social partners at all levels. It has been defined that social partnership is implemented by means of social dialogue, as a set of coordination procedures of interests of association of employees, employers and the state. Social dialogue helps to provide social harmony and stability in the society, it addresses diverse social and economic problems; it is the universal mean of collective relations for each country, it takes into account its traditions and particularities, and it is based on the significant practical experience of real cooperation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 290-297
A I. Ripenko ◽  
A. A. Kolosiuk

The paper considers the problems of insufficient methodical support of forensic examination within the limits of a speciality 10.20 «Researches of land planning issues» concerning conformity of the technical documentation on the determination (renewal) of land plots boundaries of homestead buildings in the cities. The thought of authors concerning expediency of working out techniques and methodical recommendations taking into account legislative and normative acts being in force in Ukraine for that time, is substantiated, and organizational features of legal regulation of lands under homestead buildings of cities in view of basic functions of such territories for their constant development and creation of appropriate conditions for residing of inhabitants are marked. The attention that the legal regime of using such lands needs complements concerning necessity of their operation according to the rules of territory beautification of a populated locality and other documentation concerning beautification issues, is paid. The idea on expediency of the Land Code of Ukraine amendments, in particular in its provisions concerning the use of inhabited and public land buildings in the limits ofpopulated localities taking into account the rules of territory beautification, is spoken out. The authors focus attention on the requirements to regulate the use of inhabited and public land buildings not only in the land legislation but also in the legislative acts which regulate a question of inhabited and public buildings territory beautification. Thus, for appropriate carrying out forensic examination on speciality 10.20 it’s necessary to develop methodical support both by adopting corresponding acts of land and city building legislation, standards, norms and rules of drawing up a technical documentation on the determination (renewal) of land plots boundaries in nature (on terrain) and by creation of the scientifically grounded techniques and methodical recommendations on the designated subjects.

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