scholarly journals The economic and spatial restructuring and development process in the North Sector of the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 310 ◽  
Luciano Dos Santos Diniz ◽  
Maura Pardini Bicudo Véras

This aim of this study is to evaluate the economic and spatial restructuring process implemented by the public authorities in the North Sector of the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte, and the appropriation of space by the land and real estate markets in the north and periphery of the capital, seeking to identify the elements that have contributed to altering the land order and to the elitization of spaces. The metropolitan strategic plan sought to diversify the industrial base of the region by attracting investments and creating high-tech hubs. In order to ensure its greater competitiveness on the global stage, it was accompanied by large public infrastructure works and support services. The present study has concluded that the modifying actions undertaken by the public authorities have influenced the valorization of urban land, the appropriation of the space by the land/real estate markets and the elitization of the north and peripheral region of the capital, thus supporting the thesis of the city as an urban growth machine.

2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-49
William Mingyan Cheung ◽  
James Chicheong Lei ◽  
Desmond Tsang ◽  

This study examines whether property transaction affects the price discovery process in real estate markets. Prior literature shows that price discovery generally first takes place in the securitized public real estate investment trust (REIT) market. We conjecture that property transaction provides novel information to the direct real estate market and can change the dynamics between public and private real estate returns. We employ a unique dataset of property transactions to construct "transaction windows¨ and specifically examine the causality between public and private real estate markets around these periods. We form firm-level pairs of public and private price series, and estimate the normalized common factor loadings per Gonzalo and Granger (1995) by using a vector error-correction model. Our findings show that a significant proportion of price discovery happens in the private market instead of the public REIT market. Our results are robust to investments of different property types and different lengths of transaction windows. Overall, the findings in this study imply that property acquisition and disposition provide crucial information to the private real estate market and induce a reverse causality between the public and private markets.

2017 ◽  
Vol 35 (5) ◽  
pp. 489-508 ◽  
Kim Hiang Liow ◽  
Shao Yue Angela

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the volatility spectral of five major public real estate markets, namely, the USA, the UK, Japan (JP), Hong Kong (HK), and Singapore (SG), during the pre- and post-global financial crisis (GFC) periods. Design/methodology/approach First, univariate spectral analysis is concerned with discovering price cycles for the respective real estate markets. Second, bivariate cross-spectral analysis seeks to uncover whether any two real estate price series share common cycles with regard to their relative magnitudes and lead-lag patterns of the cyclical variations. Finally, to test the contagion effects, the authors estimate the exact percentage change in co-spectral density (cyclical covariance) due to high frequencies (short run) after the GFC. Findings The authors find that whilst none of the public real estate markets examined are spared from the crisis, the three Asian markets were less severely affected by the GFC and were accompanied by a reversal in volatility increase three years post-global financial crisis. Additionally, the public real estate markets studied have become more cyclically linked in recent years. This is particularly true at longer frequencies. Finally, these increased cyclical co-movements measure the outcomes of contagion and indicate fairly strong contagious effects between the public real estate markets examined due to the crisis. Research limitations/implications The implication of this research is that benefits to investors from international real estate diversification may not be as great during the present time compared to previous periods because national public real estate markets have become more correlated. Nevertheless, the findings do not imply the complete absence of diversification benefits. This is because although cyclical correlations increase in the short run, many of the correlation values are still between low and moderate range, indicating that some diversification benefits may still be realized. Practical implications Given the significant market share and the highest levels of securitization in Asia-Pacific markets including JP, HK/China, and SG, this cyclical research including major public real estate markets has practical implications for ongoing international real estate investment strategies, particularly for the USA/UK and Asian portfolio managers. Originality/value This paper contributes to the limited research on the cyclical return and co-movement dynamics among major public real estate markets during financial/economic crisis in international finance. Moreover, the frequency-domain analysis conducted in this paper adds to better understanding regarding the impact of GFC on the cyclical return volatility and co-movement dynamics of major developed public real estate markets in international investing.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Armando Montanari ◽  
Barbara Staniscia

This paper analyses the relationship between deconcentration processes, planning policies, and governance in the metropolitan area of Rome, Italy, from 1991 to 2001. It points out that Rome does not have an explicit policy either in favor of or against deconcentration and that the public authorities are not in fact aware of the problem. Deconcentration is mainly driven by market forces and business location decisions. These decisions are strongly influenced by material factors such as accessibility, land availability, and real estate prices, as well as immaterial factors such as the natural, cultural, and social environment. Public players can take action to influence these factors. Even though Italy has a very strictly regulated planning system, there has traditionally been a high degree of freedom in actual behaviors.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 140-151 ◽  
A I Tetuev

The author of the article considers the process of formation and development of civil society institutions in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia and their influence on ethno-political processes at various stages of modernization reforms in the post-Soviet Russia, analyzes the formation of regulatory and legal framework of non-commercial organization, the stages of development and the structure of civil society institutions in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. The article covers activity of public authorities, local government and social associations of the republics during the period of growth of centrifugal tendencies in the North Caucasus. The author analyzes attempts to realize various forms of self-determination, to conduct administrative and territorial transformations and considers the factors that negatively affect the ethno-political situation in the region. The author of the article presents the activity of republican institutions of civil society: public chambers, cultural and national centers and associations, youth and religious organizations, mass media, and studies the experience of public chambers in holding meetings where topical issues of socio-economic and public life of the republics were discussed, including those aimed at strengthening of ethno-political stability in the region. An effective form of taking into account the public opinion while developing management decisions is the participation of the Public Chamber in conducting public expertise of draft federal and regional laws. Special mention should be made of the activities of the Public Chamber for prevention of religious extremism. The work on generalization of the activities of religious associations for implementation of social programs and projects aimed at increasing the level of culture of interconfessional and interethnic tolerance among young people is to solve this problem. At the same time, there are some factors that impede the development of civil society institutions in the region. First of all, it is low social activity of citizens and the absence of principled civic position on a number of crucial issues. In conclusion, the author determines main perspective directions of the development of civil society institutions in the region.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (01) ◽  
pp. 282-308
Rogério Augusto Figueiredo Coutinho ◽  
Antônio Dimas Cardoso ◽  
Simone Narciso Lessa

O ordenamento e planejamento territorial dos municípios vêm sofrendo intensas e profundas mudanças, seja pela imposição das forças produtivas e do capital, ou ainda pela necessidade de se adotar novos arranjos territoriais que atendam determinadas necessidades e particularidades locais, trazendo na sua esteira transformações de ordem socioeconômicas e ambientais, levando a vários tipos de investimento em planejamento com abordagens diferenciadas. O último processo de planejamento da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, qual seja, o Plano Diretor de Desenvolvimento Integrado da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (PDDI-RMBH, 2009/2011), e o seu respectivo Macrozoneamento (MZ-RMBH, 2014), apontaram para a evidenciação da ocorrência de alguns processos socioespaciais desencadeados a partir de ações governamentais estruturantes, como é o caso do município de Confins, que já alterou toda sua legislação específica para estabelecer que o perímetro urbano, tal como definido no Plano Diretor vigente (Lei Complementar nº 012/2009), corresponde à totalidade das divisas municipais. Transformou, pois, todas as áreas/zonas rurais em áreas/zonas urbanas ou de expansão urbana. Buscou-se com esse estudo entender em que medida esse processo realizado em Confins foi derivado de disputas entre os vários interesses implicados na formação e no planejamento da Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. A justificativa do trabalho consistiu na importância de, por meio do estudo e análise dos efeitos desse processo de territorialização do município de Confins, jogar luz sobre o papel do Aeroporto (AITN), da pressão imposta pela implantação da Cidade Administrativa e do Vetor Norte, desembocando, em tese, na supressão dos espaços rurais, e, via de consequência, na produção dos correlatos espaços urbanos. Palavras-chave: metrópole, lugar, território, aeroporto, Confins, região metropolitana.   (TRANS)TRAINING OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CONFINS AND ITS TERRITORIAL PLANNING ABSTRACT The planning and territorial planning of municipalities are undergoing intense and profound changes, either by the imposition of productive forces and capital, or by the need to adopt new territorial arrangements that meet certain local needs and particularities, bringing in its wake socioeconomic transformations And environmental, leading to various types of planning investment with differentiated approaches. The last planning process of the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte, namely the Integrated Development Master Plan of the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte (PDDI-RMBH, 2009/2011), and its respective Macrozoneamento (MZ-RMBH), pointed to The evidence of the occurrence of some socio-spatial processes triggered by structural governmental actions, as is the case of the municipality of Confins, which has already changed all its specific legislation to establish that the urban perimeter, as defined in the current Master Plan (Complementary Law No. 012 / 2009), corresponds to the totality of the municipal currencies. It has thus transformed all rural areas / areas into urban areas or areas of urban expansion. This study sought to understand to what extent this process carried out in Confins was derived from disputes between the various interests involved in the formation and planning of the Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. The justification of this work was the importance of studying the effects of this process of territorialization in the city of Confins, to shed light on the role of the Airport (AITN), the pressure imposed by the implementation of the Administrative City and the North Vector, Leading to the suppression of rural spaces, and consequently, in the production of related urban spaces. Keywords: metropolis, place, territory, airport, Confins, metropolitan region.   (TRANS)FORMACIÓN DEL MUNICIPIO DE CONFINS Y SU PLANIFICACIÓN TERRITORIAL RESUMEN El ordenamiento y planificación territorial de los municipios vienen sufriendo intensos y profundos cambios, sea por la imposición de las fuerzas productivas y del capital, o por la necesidad de adoptar nuevos arreglos territoriales que atiendan determinadas necesidades y particularidades locales, trayendo en su estera transformaciones de orden socioeconómicas y ambientales, llevando a varios tipos de inversión en planificación con enfoques diferenciados. El último proceso de planificación de la Región Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, es decir, el Plan Director de Desarrollo Integrado de la Región Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (PDDI-RMBH, 2009/2011), y su respectivo Macrozoneamiento (MZ-RMBH, 2014), se ha señalado para la evidencia de la ocurrencia de algunos procesos socioespaciales desencadenados a partir de acciones gubernamentales estructurantes, como es el caso del municipio de Confins, que ya alteró toda su legislación específica para establecer que el perímetro urbano, tal como se define en el Plan Director vigente (Ley Complementar nº 012/2009), corresponde a la totalidad de las divisas municipales. Transformó, pues, todas las áreas / zonas rurales en áreas / zonas urbanas o de expansión urbana. Se buscó con ese estudio entender en qué medida ese proceso realizado en Confins fue derivado de disputas entre los diversos intereses implicados en la formación y en la planificación de la Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. La justificación del trabajo consistió en la importancia de, a través del estudio y análisis de los efectos de ese proceso de territorialización del municipio de Confins, arrojar luz sobre el papel del Aeropuerto (AITN), de la presión impuesta por la implantación de la Ciudad Administrativa y del Vector Norte, desembocando, en tesis, en la supresión de los espacios rurales, y, por consiguiente, en la producción de los correlatos espacios urbanos. Palabras clave: metrópoli, lugar, territorio, aeropuerto, Confins, región metropolitana.

Nicola Livingstone

This chapter is a study of the ways in which property development elites use particular techniques and technologies of representation to create development real estate markets in the United Kingdom. It compares the construction of post-Brexit vote narratives of investment landscapes and opportunities in London and the North-East. London's real estate market is considered the leading destination for global capital flows into commercial real estate in the United Kingdom, and therefore it becomes the centrepiece of an evolving socio-technical system. The chapter specifically looks at the media narratives disseminated by real estate market agents in the aftermath of the Brexit referendum in London. It does so in order to question the role of media exposure and private consultancy firms and reflects on the way specialist expert knowledge is publicly disseminated to directly shape public opinion and, indirectly, real estate decision-making.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-122
Vágner Egídio Velho Júnior ◽  
Isotilia Costa Melo ◽  
Paulo Nocera Alves Junior ◽  
Daisy Aparecida do Nascimento Rebelatto

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to characterize real estate lease management of the São Paulo City Municipality (PMSP), the largest metropolitan region in Latin America, for the provision of public education, health and social assistance services. Design/methodology/approach In addition, the management was also evaluated by a direct analysis of the obtained data (lease paid, area of the property, agency, zone, region, neighborhood, contract date, etc.) and by statistical regressions. Findings The results showed that the following: real estate properties with the greatest discrepancy of amounts paid (when compared to other amounts paid by the city and the market) are in a pulverized category, called “Others”; PMSP faces difficulties tracking expiration dates, 18.9% of the assets are still in use, though present expired contracts; the category “Education” is the most expressive in expenses; there is a limit to the correlation between the size of the real estate and the lease price paid, and very large real estate do not have proportionally higher leases; the location only directly affects the lease value if it is in the central region of the Metropolis. There is no explicit relationship for leases in other regions. Originality/value This work is groundbreaking for helping to consolidate the literature on real estate management in developing countries. Factors that integrate and influence the management of real estate leases for government agencies in a Latin American metropolitan area have never before been reported in the literature.

2014 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 45-53 ◽  
Mirosław Belej ◽  
Sławomir Kulesza

Abstract This study examined similarities between local real estate markets in Poland from 2006 - 2013 by analyzing changes in housing prices. The analyses covered five cities - all of which are major centers of their regions: Warsaw (Mazovia - the center of Poland), Bialystok (Podlasie - the east of Poland), Cracow (Malopolska - the south of Poland), Poznan (Wielkopolska - the west of Poland) and Gdansk (Pomerania - the north of Poland). The time period was chosen so that it covered an interval of rapid changes in real estate prices (a housing bubble) and their subsequent relaxation to the equilibrium state. Firstly, a multi-dimensional analysis which took into account the Chebyshev distance was employed. This helped to conduct an analysis of the correlation of price changes over time, which revealed their concurrence and, moreover, showed specific propagation delays to external stimuli, and hence could be a measure of the market’s inertia. The degree of integration of the local markets under study changed only slightly over time; therefore, a thesis can be put forth in regard to the interrelation of local real estate markets, imagined as a system of communicating vessels. In the second stage, the damped harmonic oscillator model was employed to describe the observed evolution of real estate prices. This study exhibited high inertia in real estate markets, manifested during rapid structural changes in the system’s state occurring in conditions far from equilibrium. In long-term evolution, the pace of change is slow enough for the systems to remain close to equilibrium

2021 ◽  
Ana Carolina Souza de Almeida ◽  
Erick Lean Rodrigues Lucas Palmeira ◽  
Rangel Lima Costa

Background: Intracranial trauma (IT) is an injury inside of the cranial box resulting from external forces, usually caused by automotive accidents, falls and violence, sometimes leading to permanent damage or death. Objectives: Describe hospital admissions for IT in the metropolitan region of São Paulo (SP), based on ICD-10 morbidity list. Design and settings: Epidemiological, descriptive and retrospective study. Methods: Data provided from the Hospital Morbidity System (SIH-SUS) of the Ministry of Health, from January 2015 to December 2020. Results: There were 65.455 cases of hospitalizations by IT registered in the metropolitan region of SP, which surpassed the cases of the North and Midwest regions. In 2020, there was a 5% reduction in cases compared to 2019. The amount spent represented 10.5% of the total spent in Brazil. Most of the hospitalization patients were male, and the most affected age group was 40- 49 years. The lethality was 11.05% and higher in patients over 80 years-old. Conclusions: It is essential to control IT’s causing factors, since it engenders high costs, and it is a serious problem for the public health and economy, and for the victim’s psychosocial context. The metropolitan region of SP requires special attention, once it shows higher rates of hospitalizations, morbidity, and mortality than any other brazilian state. Despite the social isolation in 2020, there were no significant differences between this year’s records comparing to the other ones.

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