scholarly journals Personal characteristics of the focus group participants as a factor of the data quality

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 722-738
Zh. V. Puzanova ◽  
T. I. Larina ◽  
A. T. Gasparishvili ◽  
K. V. Radkevich ◽  
S. V. Zakharova

The article presents the results of the search for methodological ways to improve the quality of sociological information obtained in the focus group discussion. Today the scientific sphere is changing, and, in addition to the development of new methods, the existing interdisciplinary ones are being adapted to the specific research goals. An important way for improving sociological methods is the study of psychological aspects of respondents behavior during focus groups, since unconscious reactions can indicate the potential information bias and affect the quality of the project results. In the RUDN University, a three-stage methodological experiment was conducted based on the psychological technique 7 radicals, the Specific Affect Coding System (SPAFF) and the personal differential method. At the first stage, the experiment aimed at examining the ability of respondents without special knowledge in the field of psycho-typing to identify the dominant radicals. At the second stage, representatives of different psycho-types assessed each other so that the researchers would develop recommendations for the seating of focus group participants. At the third stage, the quality of the data obtained in focus groups was assessed depending on the moderators special skills (knowledge of psycho-types, FACS and SPAFF). Thus, the recommendations for moderators were developed - to increase the efficiency of work with focus group participants and to improve the quality of sociological data. The moderator needs knowledge in three areas: respondents psycho-types, affects in SPAFF, and the proxemic component (seating of respondents). The authors assess the prospects for introducing psychological techniques into the training system for focus group moderators and provide recommendations for moderators based on the results of the multi-stage experiment. Its results partially solve the problem of the quality of the focus group data by explaining the need to teach moderators interdisciplinary techniques (SPAFF and psycho-typing of the focus-group participants).

Widyaparwa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-164
Novita Sumarlin Putri

Tindak tutur komisif merupakan salah satu aspek pragmatik yang harus diperhatikan oleh penerjemah ketika menerjemahkan teks. Hal itu dilakukan agar menghasilkan terjemahan yang berkualitas dari aspek keakuratan dan keberterimaan. Berdasarkan alasan tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan mendiskripsikan tingkat keakuratan dan keberterimaan terjemahan kalimat yang mengakomodasi tindak tutur komisif dengan pendekatan pragmatik. Data yang digunakan ialah tuturan komisif dan hasil penilaian kualitas terjemahan. Data bersumber dari novel Insurgent karya Veronica Roth dan informan. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara analisis dokumen, kuesioner dan Focus Group Discussion. Selanjutnya, data dianalisis dengan cara analisis domain, taksonomi, komponensial, dan tema budaya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terjemahan dalam novel Insurgent mempunyai nilai keakuratan dan keberterimaan yang cukup tinggi. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat keakuratan dan keberterimaan pada setiap jenis tindak tutur komisif memiliki dampak terhadap kualitas keseluruhan terjemahan kalimat yang mengandung tindak tutur komisif.Commissive speech act is one of the pragmatic aspects to regard by the translator in translating the text. It aims to produce a qualified translation in regarding accuracy and acceptability aspects. According to the aspects, this research aims to describe accuracy and acceptability of translation in sentences which accommodate commissive speech act using pragmatic approach. The data used is commissive speech and qualitative translation value result. The sources of the data are an Insurgent novel by Veronica Roth and informants. The data were collected through document analysis, questionnaire, and Focus Group Discussion then analyzed the domain, taxonomic, componential analysis, and cultural theme. The result shows that translation in the Insurgent novel has high accuracy and acceptability values. This research concludes that the accuracy and acceptability level in each commissive speech act has an impact on quality of whole translated sentences which contain commissive speech act.

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 176 ◽  
Ria Aresta

Translating the implied meanings in utterances is one of the trickiest situations translators may confront. One example is in translating utterances that flout the maxim of quality. When a speaker flouts the maxim of quality, they are implying further information that is not represented in the utterance. Translators use various translation techniques in order to convey the meaning of the original text in the most appropriate and acceptable form in the target text. This study investigates how translation techniques may affect the quality of a translation. The approach implemented in this study is pragmatics in translation. This study belongs to the field of descriptive qualitative research with an embedded case study. For data, we look at all the utterances which may be said to be flouting the maxim of quality in the source text and its translation. Content analysis and focus group discussion were applied as the methods to collect and analyze the data. A focus group discussion was used to assess translation quality. The majority of the data was classified as accurate and acceptable, while the rest was considered less accurate and inaccurate due to the application of the translation technique amplification (addition), discursive creation and literal translation. Some data was also found to be less acceptable due to literal translation and pure borrowing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-240
Haula Rosdiana ◽  
Maria R.U.D. Tambunan ◽  
Inayati Hifni

Dalam mengoptimalkan penerimaan pajak, pemerintah selayaknya mendesain sistem perpajakan yang berpegang prinsip efisiensi dengan tetap memperhatikan aspek keadil-an dan kesederhana. Dalam sistem perpajakan, hukum formal mempunyai peranan penting dalam mengejawantahkan hukum material, karena itu Undang-undang Ketentu-an Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan (KUP) menjadi salah satu kunci keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan pajak. Mengingat strategisnya peran UU KUP, perlu untuk mereview kembali UU KUP yang saat ini berlaku serta perlu dilakukan suatu penyempurnaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif yang terdiri dari studi literatur dan focus group discussion. Penelitian bertujuan memberikan masukan atas KUP yang saat ini masih dalam proses pembahasan dengan menekankan pada aspek kemudahan (ease of administration), keadilan (equity) dan kepastian hukum (law enforcement). Hasil penelitian ini menekan-kan pada hal-hal terkait (i) perlunya meningkatkan basis data perpajakan, (ii) perlunya menjalankan kemudahan administrasi yang berdasarkan ketentuan yang tegas, jelas, dan sederhana, (iii) penegakan hukum yang tegas, (iv) adanya sanksi yang sebanding dengan pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh wajib pajak, dan (v) peningkatan kualitas layanan dan profesionalisme petugas pajak. Kajian ini diharapkan mampu mendorong terwujudnya regulasi perpajakan pro terhadap optimalisasi penerimaan tanpa mencede-rai hak-hak wajib pajak. Proposal for Amendment of Formal Law on Taxation Procedure  In optimizing tax revenue, the government should design a taxation system that adheres to the principle of efficiency, justice and simplicity. In the taxation system, formal law has an important role in manifesting laws, therefore laws and taxation procedures (KUP) are one of the keys to the successful implementation of tax policies. Considering the strategic role of the KUP Law, it is necessary to review the KUP Law which is currently in force and needs to be improved. This study uses a qualitative approach with qualitative data collection techniques consisting of literature studies and focus group discussions. The research aims to provide input on KUP which is currently still in the process of discussion by emphasizing aspects of ease (ease of administration), justice (equity) and legal certainty (law enforcement). The results emphasize issues related to (i) the need to increase the taxation database, (ii) the need to carry out administrative facilities based on firm, clear and simple provisions, (iii) strict law enforcement, (iv) comparable sanctions with violations committed by taxpayers and (v) improving the quality of service and professionalism of tax officials. This study is expected to be able to encourage the realization of tax regulations that are pro to the optimization of revenue without harming the rights of taxpayers.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-32
Nanang Fattah ◽  
Budhi Pamungkas Gautama

ABSTRAKSI: Sebagai LPTK (Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan), UPI (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) perlu melakukan suatu kajian untuk merancang sistem pengelolaan keuangan perguruan tinggi berbasis aktivitas dengan metode ABC (Activity-Based Costing), yang diharapkan akan dapat mengukur secara lebih rinci aktivitas-aktivitas utama dan pendukung dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa seluruh Fakultas yang ada di lingkungan UPI menyatakan kesiapan untuk menerapkan sistem ABC. Berdasarkan FGD (Focus Group Discussion), terdapat beberapa kendala yang dihadapi untuk menerapkan sistem ABC di UPI di Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Secara keseluruhan diperoleh hasil bahwa sistem ABC dapat diterapkan di UPI selama ada niat dan kerjasama yang baik dari Kementerian Pendidikan dan pimpinan Universitas.KATA KUNCI: Biaya Pendidikan Berbasis Kegiatan; Uang Kuliah Tunggal; Mutu Pendidikan; Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia; Niat dan Kerjasama yang Baik. ABSTRACT: “The Implementation of Activity-Based Costing to Improve the Quality of Education in Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of Indonesia University of Education”. As an institute of teacher training and education, UPI (Indonesia University of Education) needs to conduct a study on designing college financial management systems based on activity through the method of ABC (Activity-Based Costing), that is expected to be able to measure in more detail the main and supporting activities in the implementation of education. The results show that all Faculties at UPI declare their readiness to implement the ABC system. Based on the FGD (Focus Group Discussion), there are several problems in implementing ABC system at UPI in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Overall, the results show that ABC system can be applied in UPI as long as there is cooperation and good intention from the Ministry of Education and University leaders.KEY WORD: Learning Activity-Based Costing; Single Tuition; Quality of Education; Indonesia University of Education; Cooperation and Good Intentions.  About the Authors: Prof. Dr. Nanang Fattah dan Budhi Pamungkas Gautama, M.Sc. adalah Dosen di Program Studi Manajemen FPEB UPI (Fakultas Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia), Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.229 Bandung 40154, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Untuk kepentingan akademik, penulis bisa dihubungi dengan alamat emel: [email protected] dan [email protected] to cite this article? Fattah, Nanang Budhi Pamungkas Gautama. (2017). “Penerapan Biaya Pendidikan Berbasis Activity-Based Costing dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan di Perguruan Tinggi: Studi Kasus di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia” in MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN: Jurnal Indonesia untuk Kajian Pendidikan, Vol.2(1) March, pp.19-32. Bandung, Indonesia: UPI [Indonesia University of Education] Press, ISSN 2527-3868 (print) and 2503-457X (online). Chronicle of the article: Accepted (April 13, 2016); Revised (October 20, 2016); and Published (March 30, 2017).

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 10 ◽  
Nur Sayidah ◽  
Sri Utami Ady ◽  
Jajuk Supriyati ◽  
Sutarmin Sutarmin ◽  
Mustika Winedar ◽  

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the importance of quality in university governance in Indonesia. The researcher designed this study with an approach of qualitative research approach with Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method. Participants come from 25 universities throughout Indonesia. Participants are leaders of higher education ranging from the head of the study program to the rector. The result of the focus group discussion shows that the quality of higher education will decrease if there is the scarcity of qualified lecturers. Declining quality of higher education will affect the number of students. Finally, if the student decline happens continuously, then higher education can close. So quality is a top priority in university governance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. 217-217
Elizabeth King ◽  
Heidi Wengreen ◽  
April Litchford ◽  
Caitlyn Bailey ◽  
Chante Beck ◽  

Abstract Objectives To determine the face validity of the survey instrument, Düsseldorf Orthorexie Scale (DOS), in adolescents aged 14–17 years. The DOS has been validated for use in adults to identify individuals at-risk for symptoms and behaviors consistent with the condition of Orthorexia Nervosa (ON). This condition is characterized by a pathological obsession with healthy or “clean” eating which leads to psychological and physical impairment. Methods Researchers conducted seven focus groups with male and female students currently enrolled in a high school health class (n = 40; 11 males, 29 females aged 14–17). Participants first completed the DOS scale and then were asked to participate in a group discussion regarding their understanding of the meaning of the questions in the DOS survey. Focus groups were audio recorded, transcribed, and coded to identify recurring themes. Codes for each of the 10 questions in the DOS scale were analyzed to determine group understanding of key words identified for each question. Results Key words in the original DOS survey questions were in agreement with the codes identified from the transcript of the focus groups for eight of the 10 DOS survey questions. The key words in the other two questions (indulgence in question one and colleague in question seven) were either not understood by focus group population or would need to be altered due to incorrect or inadequate understanding by focus group participants. 38 participants completed the DOS (M = 18.5, SD = 4.88). 7.9% of participants DOS responses indicated they were at moderate (n = 2) or high (n = 1) risk of practicing orthorexic behavior. Conclusions The DOS scale demonstrated good face validity in an adolescent population and the modification of two questions may improve its face validity. Though our sample was small, results indicate that a sizeable proportion of adolescents may already be practicing orthorexic behaviors. This demonstrates a need for further research to be conducted on effective prevention and intervention strategies for this age group. Funding Sources The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 35
Joko Tri Brata ◽  
La Ode Bariun ◽  
Asri Djauhar ◽  
Andi Gusti Tantu

The long-term goal of the concept of poverty reduction is to give the same level of welfare for the Indonesian people, and in this research is the development of innovative Models of Poverty Reduction, with the subject on (1) How the application design model of the institutional prevention of poverty through interface Program Quality Improvement of Slums and (2) how the efforts in governance of slum through simulation integration with poverty alleviation. The method used is the description by sharpening the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) about the handling of the slums in the city of Kendari and intervention efforts Increase the quality of housing and slums, so that the governance model can be used in other areas in Southeast Sulawesi.

2017 ◽  
Vol 35 (15_suppl) ◽  
pp. e18238-e18238
Erin Michele Mobley ◽  
Kristin Foster ◽  
William W. Terry

e18238 Background: Cancer survival rates for adolescents and young adults (AYAs) have not improved at the same rate as other age groups. According to the National Cancer Institute, these patients may fall into a gap between pediatric and adult practices. In an effort to counteract the decreased survival rates of AYAs, the Stead Family Children’s Hospital and the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center joined forces to develop an AYA cancer program at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Methods: The target population included patients aged 13-31 treated for malignancy in one of the following diseases or disease sites: central nervous system, leukemia, lymphoma, neuroendocrine, sarcoma, thyroid, and other. Four focus groups were held to identify and describe gaps in care, as well as provide suggestions for program development. A convergent-parallel mixed-methods design was used. Qualitative data were derived from focus group discussion and selected free-response survey questions, while quantitative data were derived from objective survey questions. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted to gain targeted feedback from participants. Results: Across the four focus groups, the number of participants ranged from 8 – 19 (n = 24). Topics discussed included: communication, treatment experience, overall AYA program; finances, work, school, late effects; relationships, emotions, spirituality; and body image, infertility, sexuality, risky behavior, and suicide. The results of the analyses found three unique domains that are important to AYAs across the cancer continuum: autonomy, communication, and relationships. The three primary domains make the AYA population different from traditional adult or pediatric populations. The surveys corroborated the focus group discussion findings. Conclusions: Information obtained from these analyses have been used to inform specific projects within the development of the AYA program to address patient-identified gaps. For AYAs, the importance of autonomy, communication, and relationships should be considered when developing an AYA program, as well as for potential policy or health services research utilization in the future.

1997 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-167 ◽  
Charles B. Powers ◽  
Patricia A. Wisocki

This study examines the effects on elderly worriers, of a focus group discussion about the topic of worry. All subjects ( N = 21) were self-designated worriers, and at least seventy years of age. Pretest and Posttest measures included questionnaires on worry, life satisfaction, and psychological symptom domains unrelated to the focus group topic. The percentage of the day spent worrying variable, which was the criterion variable for admittance into the groups, showed a significant reduction from pre to post. The focus group participants also evaluated the focus group experience as positive and beneficial. The value of focus groups for therapeutic effectiveness and data collection with the elderly are discussed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Catharina Sri Kariningsih ◽  
Nalini Asfaroyani ◽  
Latifah Dewi Tutiana

BPK has the mandate to conduct audits over management and accountability of the state finance, with one of the audit types is Special Purpose Audit (PDTT). Based on the results of studies conducted by the Directorate of Research and Development of PDTT (Litbang PDTT) in 2011, PDTT consists of, among others, investigative and compliance audit. Compliance audit intended is a compliance audit performed independently. This study aims to provide information about the conclusions in the compliance audit which performed independently. The methodology used is literature study, audit reports analysis, data and information collection through questionnaires and interviews, as well as focus group discussions with practitioners and academician. Based on the study, it can be inferred that factors affecting the quality of the conclusion is the audit objective, the scope of the examination, criteria, materiality, sample and evidence. This study suggests to use ISSAI 4100 Compliance Audit Guidelines –For Audits Performed separately from the Audit of Financial Statements as a reference for the conclusion format.KEYWORDSCompliance audit, conclusion, ISSAI 4100ABSTRAKBPK memiliki mandat untuk melakukan pemeriksaan atas pengelolaan dan tanggung jawab keuangan negara, diantaranya melalui Pemeriksaan Dengan Tujuan Tertentu (PDTT). Berdasarkan hasil kajian yang dilakukan Direktorat Litbang PDTT pada tahun 2011, pemeriksaan yang termasuk dalam PDTT adalah pemeriksaan investigatif dan kepatuhan. Pemeriksaan kepatuhan yang dimaksudkan adalah pemeriksaan kepatuhan yang berdiri sendiri. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang penarikan kesimpulan dalam pemeriksaankepatuhan yang berdiri sendiri tersebut. Metodologi yang digunakan yaitu studi literatur, telaah LHP, pengumpulan data dan informasi melalui kuesioner dan wawancara, serta Focus Group Discussion dengan praktisi dan akademisi. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mendukung kualitas penarikan kesimpulan dalam pemeriksaan kepatuhan yang berdiri sendiri adalah tujuan, lingkup atau cakupan pemeriksaan, kriteria, materialitas, sampel dan bukti pemeriksaan. Studi ini mengusulkan bentuk kesimpulan yang mengacu pada ISSAI 4100 Compliance Audit Guidelines–For Audits Performed separately from the Audit of Financial Statements.KATA KUNCIPemeriksaan kepatuhan, kesimpulan, ISSAI 4100

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