The plans of the town of Tobolsk in the second half of the eighteenth century as a historical resource

2020 ◽  
Vol 965 (11) ◽  
pp. 50-63
N.I. Zagorodnyuk ◽  
E.N. Konovalova ◽  
L.P. Roshchevskaya

The authors attempt to identify and analyze the handwritten plans of Tobolsk created in the second half of the XVIII century. They are of both scientific and practical significance. The authors set the task to identify the city plans created during the specified period and analyze them as a historical source. These mapping materials enable identifying the changes in the architectural landscape of the city. State reforms, repeated fires, and di-lapidated buildings caused repeated rebuilding of the Siberian capital. There are changes in the creation of handwritten maps. The emotional component of cartographic materials is gradually lost, and the map as a picture is replaced by a drawing image of the space with a clearly fixed sign system. For the researcher, it is important to understand not only the graphic representation of the urban space, but also the text content, color scheme, artistic images and techniques, which makes it possible to get a better idea of the socio-cultural dominants of that time.

Food Security ◽  
2021 ◽  
Richard Kiaka ◽  
Shiela Chikulo ◽  
Sacha Slootheer ◽  
Paul Hebinck

AbstractThis collaborative and comparative paper deals with the impact of Covid-19 on the use and governance of public space and street trade in particular in two major African cities. The importance of street trading for urban food security and urban-based livelihoods is beyond dispute. Trading on the streets does, however, not occur in neutral or abstract spaces, but rather in lived-in and contested spaces, governed by what is referred to as ‘street geographies’, evoking outbreaks of violence and repression. Vendors are subjected to the politics of municipalities and the state to modernize the socio-spatial ordering of the city and the urban food economy through restructuring, regulating, and restricting street vending. Street vendors are harassed, streets are swept clean, and hygiene standards imposed. We argue here that the everyday struggle for the street has intensified since and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Mobility and the use of urban space either being restricted by the city-state or being defended and opened up by street traders, is common to the situation in Harare and Kisumu. Covid-19, we pose, redefines, and creates ‘new’ street geographies. These geographies pivot on agency and creativity employed by street trade actors while navigating the lockdown measures imposed by state actors. Traders navigate the space or room for manoeuvre they create for themselves, but this space unfolds only temporarily, opens for a few only and closes for most of the street traders who become more uncertain and vulnerable than ever before, irrespective of whether they are licensed, paying rents for vending stalls to the city, or ‘illegally’ vending on the street.

2017 ◽  
pp. 93-97
A. M. Tormakhova

One of the leading trends in contemporary cultural studies is the appealto the field of visual. Thepurpose of the article is to investigate the range of problems associated withthe existence, functioning of various visual practices in the urban space and the disclosure of the specifics of communication carried out through their intermediation. In urban space, there are many forms, such as monumental architecture, urban sculpture, outdoor illumination, landscape art, street art, graffiti and others. These artifacts are the subject of cultural research within different disciplines - aesthetics, cultural studies, design, and art. It may be noted that in recentdecades, significant development gets such a direction as Urban Studies, in which the focus of research serves the city. The methodology of the study includes an appeal to an interdisciplinary approach that relies on the achievements of practical cultural studies, Urban studies,and aesthetics theory by Ukrainian and Western authors. Scientific novelty consists in analyzing the connection ofactual visual practices presented in the urban space and forming of Internet activity, which facilitates the mutual influence of these spheres one on another. The author noted that urban space is gradually becoming not only interactive, but also fully assuming the characteristics of WEB 2.0, which means active rethinking and transforming the environment, urban residents involvement in decision-making that becomes a norm of everyday life. City is a kind of text that reflects changing tastes, politicaland economic factors in visualform. Town and city public spaces play an important role in shaping the interaction within society. One of the pressing problems of practical cultural studies in general and urban areas in particular, should be integrated into organization of the urban environment and design the image of the city. The practical significance lies in the fact that the results of the research can beused in developing the urban sphere in particular and in actualizing the issue of organizing the urban environment and constructing the image of the city.

2019 ◽  
pp. 70-72
A. M. Tormakhova

The aim of the article is to highlight the specificity of visual transformations that occur in the modern urban space under the influence of the development of creative industries. The research methodology involves an interdisciplinary approach and engaging a range of cultural, sociological, and philosophical works. The works of modern foreign researchers Z.Bauman, Ch. Landry, D.Hezmondhalsh are attracted.The sphere of urban planning and the problem of creative industries are being studied. Thanks to creative industries is appears new jobs, the solution of social problems (especially in poor areas), as well as the transformation of urban space. The modern city is a reflection of the transformational processes taking place in the world. There is a change in the form of regulation of the city development policy, from the state to the municipal. There are conditions for activating creative industries that can be defined as an individual creative background, skill or talent that can create added value and jobs through the production and exploitation of intellectual property. The development of creative industries has economic feasibility, but this process is accompanied by a change in the image of the city. Urban space is the text of culture, which often combines non-interconnected components. The visual image of the modern city is repulsive and attractive, it is difficult to bring it to a single concept, but it continues to be the center of human life. Scientific novelty lies in the study of the relationship of the development of creative industries in the urban space and their impact on the visual image of the city. Practical significance is connected with the emphasis on the need to invent an individual development strategy for each city as a “creative city”, where the sphere of cultural production is leading. Promising is the direction of creative industries in a single direction and minimizing the factors influencing the negative perception of the vision of the city.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Wuri Handoko

Ternate town, is a thriving Islamic city since 6-17 century AD. Although at that time influenced mainly Portuguese colonial hegemony and the Netherlands, but as a center of Islamic civilization, morphology and cosmology town laid out according to the Islamic concept and local concept. Through archaeological analysis, morphology and cosmological aspects of the town hall is described. For that carried out the archaeological survey in the city of Ternate with trace toponyms ancient city, then through the literature and interviews with sources. Archaeological analysis performed, ie with spatial analysis through data identification features that characterize the ancient city of Islam, as well as contextual analysis by analogy history and local culture. The purpose of this study is to describe the shape and development of the city, as well as cosmological concept underlying the form of urban planning. Results of the study include that component of the city center is characterized by buildings and mosques, kedaton sultan as an orientation center into a city of Ternate characteristics of Islamic civilization. In addition the local characteristics of the town of Ternate is shown by the local cosmological concepts, as well as the division of residential space natives and immigrants. During its development, the urban space is divided into five components, namely component downtown, residential, and commercial economy, burial, and religious.Kota Ternate, adalah sebuah Kota Islam yang berkembang sejak abad ke 6-17 Masehi. Meskipun pada masa itu dipengaruhi pula hegemoni kolonial terutama Portugis dan Belanda, namun sebagai sebuah pusat peradaban Islam, morfologi dan kosmologi kota ditata menurut konsep Islam dan konsep lokal. Melalui analisis arkeologi, aspek ruang morfologi dan kosmologi kota digambarkan. Untuk itu dilakukan survei arkeologi di wilayah Kota Ternate dengan menelusuri toponim-toponim kota kuno, kemudian melalui studi pustaka maupun wawancara dengan narasumber. Analisis arkeologi dilakukan, yakni dengan analisis keruangan melalui identifikasi data fitur yang mencirikan kota kuno Islam, serta analisis kontekstual melalui analogi sejarah dan budaya lokal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menggambarkan bentuk dan perkembangan kota, serta konsep kosmologi yang melatarbelakangi bentuk tata kota. Hasil penelitian antara lain bahwa komponen pusat kota yang dicirikan oleh bangunan kedaton sultan dan masjid sebagai pusat orientasi menjadi karakteristik Ternate sebagai kota peradaban Islam. Selain itu ciri lokal kota Ternate ditunjukkan dengan konsep kosmologi lokal, serta adanya pembagian ruang hunian pribumi dan pendatang. Dalam perkembangannya, ruang kota terbagi menjadi lima komponen, yakni komponen pusat kota, pemukiman, ekonomi dan niaga, penguburan, dan keagamaan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 220 (2) ◽  
pp. 25-56
Dr.Abdul RazzaqAhmed Saeed

     The research aims to shed light on one of the phenomena that have spread in the cities of Iraq, represented by the cities and the revival of the slum, which was built in irregular beating regulations and laws pertaining to zoning and land use within the Iraqi city of urban space, which led to distortion and change the features of morphological Iraqi city and in particular the city of Mahmudiya model for this emergency demographic phenomenon, as it has been the study of three residential neighborhoods random inside the urban center of the city through a field survey and the impact of that change on the morphological features of the city. The town of Mahmoudiya, one of the haunted Baghdad province to the south of the capital Baghdad, about 29 km towards the city of Hilla, an area within the municipal boundaries of more than 17 km 2 is equivalent to 1700 hectares, and accounted for 6.9% of the total elimination of space adult total 1452 km 2 which is equivalent to 145 200 hectares. The city experienced a population increase for large period between 2000-2014 amounted to more than 15,000 people, with an estimated population of the city - the center - for the year 2000 by about 78 625 people compared with the last census of the city was in 1997, as it appeared that the population of the city - the center arrived 64 817 people, an annual growth rate of the population was estimated at 3.2%, while the population reached according to the latest census of the city to more than 100,000 people as a result of increased population and natural in the number of births and low mortality rate and population migration from the surrounding countryside or nearby cities. The number of slums in the city center and its outskirts eight slums map within the residential use of the center town of Mahmudiyah, has been the study of three residential neighborhoods and is a model Random Alnor- neighborhood Almertdy- neighborhoods Abu wax .

2009 ◽  
pp. 55-82
Sŕnchez Carlos Josč Hernando

- City and ceremonial: urban space and the vice-royal court during the 17th century in Naples The article intends to refute the historiographical tradition that, starting from the so-called Masaniello revolt, maintains the dramatically negative effects of the Spanish presence in Naples. Actually, the Spanish government was characterised for an high level of attention and for a constant effort of communication with Neapolitan community, both on popular and aristocratic level, although without giving up the basis of the royal power. The process of mediation was carried out through a series of complex ceremonials, also aimed to shape the urban space. The vice-royal court was the central point of this process, from which spread all over the city the courtesan etiquette, based on the personal honour. The religious devotions, of course, played an important role in the ceremonials, as they were necessary to reinforce the process of political legitimation of the Spanish power. Some particular cults, linked to specific areas in the town, were adopted by the vice-royal entourage as a complementary way to emphasize the Spanish presence in town.

2021 ◽  
pp. 109-136
Daniel-Joseph MacArthur-Seal

The chapter investigates how the incorporation of Alexandria, Thessaloniki, and Istanbul into the Allies’ military logistical network posed a set of challenges whose answer seemed to be the militarization of urban space. It explores how soldiers contrasted the rapid development of the military camps to which they were dispatch on arrival with the supposed stagnation of the cities they orbited. Military authorities responded to this dichotomy by attempting to both segregate the camp, through restricting the interaction of soldiers and local civilians, and to harmonize the city with military standards, introducing new rules and regulations managing urban space and circulation. The chapter concludes by examining the military antecedents to the town plans created for Alexandria and Thessaloniki that followed wartime occupation.

1993 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 263-296 ◽  
Randall L. Pouwels

The period from 1500 to 1800 was a particularly busy phase in the history of the East African coast. It was a time which witnessed massive demographic shifts in the interior regions, as well as heavy southern Arab immigration and external meddling from Portuguese and Umani interlopers. It saw the destruction of the medieval entrepot of Kilwa Kisiwani and a decline, followed by a slow resurgence, in the fortunes of another medieval powerhouse, Mombasa. Throughout this phase, the ancient northern coastal city of Pate enjoyed a pivotal, even at times a paramount, role in the affairs of the coast. Before the middle 1500s the town seems to have been of insufficient consequence to attract much attention. Thereafter, however, the city-state capitalized on mainland alliances with powerful Orma confederations like the “Garzeda” to become a major center for regional trade, as well as a crucial strategic location in the competing religious and political ambitions of Portugal and various Arab states. In the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries Pate clearly was the most important state in the Lamu archipelago. Arguably, too, it was the most powerful Swahili sultanate on the entire coast.Given the significance of Pate in the affairs of the East African coast from the sixteenth through the early nineteenth centuries, scholars long have realized that a history of the sultanate is exigent to an understanding of the entire coast during this time. What would seem to be fortunate to this end is that historians have the Pate chronicles as a research aid. Taken together, these constitute the most detailed indigenous history of any coastal city-state up to the onset of the colonial era. However, as attested by the difficulties Chittick encountered in his attempts to work with them, these documents present the historian with a superabundance of (often confusing) information. Confronted with this, Chittick concluded that the only possible value of these chronicles was as a source of/for children's fables. Thus surmised, a historian of this important Swahili sultanate would seem to be left with very little indeed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Carolien Fornasari ◽  
Aurora Rapisarda

Abstract. Within the context of postmodern tourism, the importance of preserving and enhancing environmental and cultural assets of destinations is increasingly being recognised as one of the keys to sustainable long-term development of territories. The paper focuses on the complex diachronic relationship between the town of Trento, in the Trentino- Alto Adige region, and its watercourses, and, in particular, on its connection with the Fersina stream. The aim is to raise locals’ and visitors’ awareness of a largely forgotten urban water landscape, and to implement the town’s existing cultural and environmental tourist offer. This is achieved through the revival of collective memory of the fundamental role of water for the development of Trento and through the requalification of the stream and its network of canals, which once brought water to different parts of the city-centre. For such purpose, the validity of cartography and other geo-historical sources has been acknowledged; maps are particularly useful sources for retracing territorialisation processes, and rediscovering past territorialities and related landscapes. Accordingly, we have carried out a geo-historical analysis of cartographic representations of the town, shedding light on the past widespread presence of water within urban space and making some proposals for the enhancement and communication of such heritage.

Ольга Игоревна Томсон

Статья посвящена влиянию освещения и последующих за ним медиасредств на формирование образов городского пространства. Развитие зависимых от электричества технологий со временем позволяет изменять городскую среду, создавать световые спектакли с продуманными спецэффектами, соединив опыт разнообразных искусств, таких как театр или кинематограф, и способствуя рождению общественного пространства перформанса. Автор рассматривает репертуар использования медиасредств в различных целях: от простейших информационных функций до контроля над обществом, затрагивая также вопросы развития форм искусства. Наибольший интерес для исследователя представляет то новое, что может быть создано, благодаря использованию медиаплатформ различного типа. Актуальной представляется задача дефрагментации, воссоединения разрозненных социальных групп в пространстве города средствами искусства. Именно художник, по мнению автора, способен наполнить медиакоммуникации гуманистическим содержанием на языке художественных образов и объединить городские пространства в целостные содружества. The article is devoted to the impact of lighting and the following later media on the formation of urban space images. The development of electricity-dependent technologies allows to change the urban environment over time, create light performances with thoughtful special effects that combine the experiences of various arts, such as theater or cinema, contributing to the birth of public performance spaces. The author considers the repertoire of the media use for various purposes: from the simplest information functions to control of society, also highlighting the development of art forms. Of greatest interest to the researcher is something new that can be created through the use of media platforms of various types. The task of defragmentation, the reunion of disparate social groups in the city space by means of art seems to be relevant. It is the artist, according to the author, who is able to fill media communications with humanistic content in the language of artistic images and to unite urban spaces into integral communities.

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