scholarly journals Method for Comprehensive Assessment of Stability of Coastal Eco-Socio-Economic Systems on the Indicator Approach

G. G. Gogoberidze ◽  
R. D. Kosyan ◽  
E. A. Rumiantceva ◽  

Currently, there is no unified approach to determining the assessment of stability of coastal eco-socio-economic systems as separate objects of study and forecasting their state caused by influence of various factors. The paper proposes a methodology for comprehensive assessment of stability of such systems in tasks of spatial planning and socioeconomic development of a maritime complex based on an indicator approach. The main novelty is the use of a combination of analytical, indicator and geoinformation methods based on the analysis of statistical information. The result is a unified and quantitative methodology of multifactor sustainability assessment of coastal eco-socio-economic systems, which gives the opportunity not only to analyze numerical estimates of sustainability, but also to evaluate and analyze trends of the system. It is proposed to use a comprehensive indicator system consisting of five factor subsystems: general economic, sociodemographic, resource-industrial, nature-environmental and political-geographical. Due to the indicator approach and methodology of using statistical parameters, it is possible to obtain quantitative estimates both for individual parameters and factors and their entirety in the form of a comprehensive integral indicator of stability of the coastal eco-socio-economic system. This method can be used at regional and district spatial levels, which will allow for a factor-by-factor analysis of stability of a coastal eco-socio-economic system, spatial analysis of various coastal systems of the same spatial level (region, district, local municipality, etc.), as well as temporal analysis with identification of trends in variability. Implementation of the method in a form of GIS “Coastal eco-socio-economic system” will allow for spatial planning and forecast for sustainable development, taking into account medium- and longterm environmental and socio-economic changes and increase the efficiency of a decisionmaking process in development of coastal eco-socio-economic systems

2019 ◽  
pp. 127-149
George B. Kleiner

This paper shows the diversity and significance of relations of duality among different economic systems. The composition of the principles underlying the system economic theory used for the analysis of duality in the economy is investigated. The concept of the economic system is clarified and the equivalence of three basic concepts of the economic system is shown: a) as a space-time volume (“black box”); b) as a complex of elements and connections among them; c) as a tetrad, including object, project, process and environment components. In a new way, the concept of the tetrad is revealed. The actual interpretation of the interrelationships of its components, based on the mechanisms of intersystem circulation of spatial and temporal resources and the transmission of abilities from one economic system to another, is proposed. On the basis of the obtained results, the most essential aspects of duality in the theory of economic systems are considered. It is shown that the interaction of internal content and the nearest external environment of economic systems lies in the nature of the relations of duality. A new approach to modeling the structure and to functioning of the economic system, based on the description of its activities in the form of two interconnected tetrads (the first tetrad reflects the intrasystem production cycle and the second one — the external realization-reproduction cycle) is put forward. It is shown that the concept of duality in a system economy creates prerequisites for adapting the functioning of local economic systems (objects, projects, etc.) in a market, administrative and functional environments and, as a result, harmonizing the economy as a whole.

Viacheslav Karmalita

This paper confirms the principal possibility of using synergetics in macroeconomic studies. It noted that the presence in economic systems of all science typologies requires using subjects of natural and engineering sciences for the study of economic objects as well. Ignoring this fact hinders the development of fundamental economic knowledge and, as consequence, conditions the use of metaphysical concepts in developed models. Since the above interdisciplinarity is inherent in synergetics, its applicability in macroeconomics is considered. On the example of modeling economic systems, it is demonstrated that their essence (nonlinear space-time structure) corresponds to the basic provisions of synergetics. Therefore, its tools are eligible in the tasks of macroeconomic analysis. As an example, this paper proposes the stochastic model of economic cycles explaining their phenomenon as well as providing the quantitative (parametric) description of cycles. Novelty of the model describing the cycles as random oscillations is tied to the probabilistic description of the investment function and the perception of the economic system as a material object with certain inherent properties. According to a proposed model, the income oscillations are induced by both exogenous (investment fluctuations) and endogenous (economic system elasticity) causes. The values of fluctuations of the income function around its longterm trend relate to the value of intensity of investment fluctuations as well as the gain (efficiency) of the economic system. The duration of the cycle is related to the inclusive wealth of the system and its dynamic factor, which characterizes the system’s ability to withstand investment fluctuations as well as to eliminate their consequences. Prospects of practical applications of the considered model were demonstrated on the example of cycle management.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 259-274
Tarmizi Tarmizi

Islamic economic system is built on the foundation of the Islamic faith, the faith in question is the right because it comes from Allah brought to mankind through the prophet Muhammad. The Islamic faith is a faith that satisfies reason, reassures the soul, and is in accordance with human nature. In an individual context, economic activity is based on the values of worship. The economic system known by society globally is the capitalist and socialist economic system. In the economic context, both systems have been able to increase the prosperity of the people in the country that uses both economic systems. The capitalist system is influenced by the zeal to make the most of its profits with limited resources. This capitalist venture is supported by the values of freedom to make ends meet. This freedom resulted in high competition among others in defense, while the socialist economic system had the goal of mutual prosperity. In conclusion, the Islamic economic system is a solution economic system for various problems that have arisen, while the conventional economic system is an economic system that is widely used by various countries in the world, including Indonesia. A conventional economy is an economic system that gives full freedom to everyone to carry out economic activities.

2016 ◽  
Vol 35 (69) ◽  
pp. 691-707
Hernando Quevedo Cubillos ◽  
María N. Quevedo

Recently, in econophysics, it has been shown that it is possible to analyze economic systems as equilibrium thermodynamic models. We apply statistical thermodynamics methods to analyze income distribution in the Colombian economic system. Using the data obtained in random polls, we show that income distribution in the Colombian economic system is characterized by two specific phases. The first includes about 90% of the interviewed individuals, and is characterized by an exponential Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution. The second phase, which contains the individuals with the highest incomes, can be described by means of one or two power-law density distributions that are known as Pareto distributions.

2021 ◽  
Tryphon Kollintzas ◽  
Dimitris Papageorgiou ◽  
Vanghelis Vassilatos

In this paper, we develop a two sector DSGE model with market and political power interactions. These interactions are motivated by the politico-economic systems of several South European countries, over the last half century. In these countries the state permits the existence of industries, typically related to the extended public sector, where firms and workers employed therein have market power (insiders), unlike other firms and workers in the economy (outsiders), as insiders, that dominate the major political parties, cooperate to influence government decisions, including those that pertain to the very existence of such a politico-economic system. Consistently with stylized facts of growth and the business cycle of these countries, the model predicts: (i) large negative deviations of per capita GDP from what these countries would have been capable of, if their politico-economic system was not characterized by the above mentioned frictions; and (ii) deeper and longer recessions in response to negative shocks, as their politico-economic system reacts so as to amplify these shocks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 1569-1575
V.Y. Gusarova ◽  
G.R. Murtazina ◽  

In modern conditions, ensuring the security of economic systems is interconnected with the categories “sustainability” and “development”. Sustainability of an economic system reflects the reliability and strength of its constituent elements, the efficiency and inviolability of horizontal and vertical links within the system itself. Development is one of economic security components, since the lack of development significantly reduces the ability to resist and adapt to internal and external threats. The security of the national economic system is considered as the ability to survive and develop steadily in the conditions of turbulence and the influence of hard-to-predict factors. The success of economic development is largely determined by significant structural changes based on innovation. Consequently, dynamic innovative development must have an adequate innovative structure. “Innovatization” as an economic category is a process of accumulation, preservation, use and development of the innovative potential of the economic system’s acting entities. The economic theory of economic systems’ innovatization is one of the demanded economic paradigms of our time for most developed and developing countries of the world, including Russia. This is due to the decisive role of innovations in the development of economic systems and, as a result, this is as a source and one of the criterion indicators of economic security. The authors, using the holistic approach and the method of structural-logical decomposition in the study, revealed the content and forms of innovatization in economic development structures as a basis for ensuring economic security.

Adam Teller

This chapter provides an overview of the Polish–Lithuanian Jews who were taken captive to be ransomed or sold into slavery. Once captured, these Jewish women and men found themselves trapped in two major international economic systems of the period. The first was the international trade in Ukrainian, Polish, Russian, and Circassian captives carried out by the Crimean Tatars with the support of the Ottoman Empire. The second economic system was piracy in the Mediterranean. Two major issues are at the heart of the discussion on the fates of these Jewish captives. The first concerns the slave trade itself and how its market conditions shaped the fate of the captured Jews. The second deals with the effort to ransom the Jewish captives from eastern Europe and is focused on the transregional Jewish philanthropic networks that raised huge sums and transported them the long distances to the slave market, examining them in terms of both their form and their function.

Gian Paolo Cesaretti ◽  
Daniela Covino ◽  
Irene Paola Borrelli ◽  
Immacolata Viola

The asymmetry in combining ethics, economic efficiency, intra-generational and inter-generational equity, which characterizes the current governance of the three fundamental functions of the planet's economic systems, is at the origin of the segmented approach to well-being in territories, that is, the inability to be able to satisfy the various demands of the Company without "outsourcing the costs of the scarcity" of capital stocks, generating inequalities and jeopardizing the well-being of future generations. In other words, without being able to pursue an integrated approach to well-being and its sustainability. In this context, the awareness of firms and families of having to adopt new deci-sion-making models, focused on the circular economy, and capable of directing Territories towards a "Circular Economic System" becomes central.

2011 ◽  
pp. 171-185
Suharto Teriman ◽  
Tan Yigitcanlar ◽  
Severine Mayere

Sustainable development has long been promoted as the best answer to the world’s environmental problems. This term has generated mass appeal as it implies that both the development of the built environment and its associated resource consumption can be achieved without jeopardising the natural environment. In the urban context, sustainability issues have been reflected in the promotion of sustainable urban development, which emphasises the sensible exploitation of scarce natural resources for urbanisation in a manner that allows future generations to repeat the process. This chapter highlights attempts to promote sustainable urban development through an integration of three important considerations: planning, development and the ecosystem. It highlights the fact that spatial planning processes were traditionally driven by economic and social objectives, and rarely involved promoting the sustainability agenda to achieve a sustainable urban future. As a result, rapid urbanisation has created a variety of pressures on the ecosystem upon which we rely. It is believed that the integration of the urban planning and development processes within the limitations of the ecosystem, monitored by a sustainability assessment mechanism, would offer a better approach to maintaining sustainable resource use without compromising urban development.

The logic of understanding the phenomenon of shocks predetermines the need to deepen the understanding of the embeddedness into the mechanism of self-organization of the economic system under the influence of dialectical laws of unity and struggle of opposites and of the transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones. Shocks are called to mediate the action of the dialectical laws realizing the possibility of systems' further self-movement. If the mechanisms of positive and negative selection failed to promptly “reject” the structural links that destroy the system's integrity, shocks perform this function at the turning points of dialectical laws. All stages of crises following shocks are aimed at restoring the existing structure by destroying unemployed links, restoring the “working” structural ties, and forming new links instead of the destroyed ones. At the end of the crises, hypothetically, the system should restore its integrity.

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