scholarly journals Husserl’s theory of noematic sense

2016 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 845-868
Olga Nikolic

After Husserl?s transcendental turn and the discovery of the correlation between consciousness and the world the concept of the noema becomes one of the constant leitmotifs of Husserl?s philosophy. My paper will be devoted to the clarification of this concept and its implications for Husserl?s theory of sense. The leading question will be: How can the noema play the role of both the sense and the objective correlate of the intentional act? I will start with presenting the problematic of sense in Husserl?s phenomenology from the Logical Investigations to the Ideas I. The central part of my paper will be devoted to the influential debate regarding the interpretation of the noema. Finally, I intend to point out the most important ways in which the notion of the noema becomes enriched in later Husserl?s philosophy, as well as the difference between linguisitic and non-linguistic sense, based on the Analyses Concerning Passive and Active Synthesis. I hope to show that Husserl?s phenomenological theory of sense offers a valuable alternative to the exclusively language-oriented theories of sense.

Brian Willems

A human-centred approach to the environment is leading to ecological collapse. One of the ways that speculative realism challenges anthropomorphism is by taking non-human things to be as valid objects of investivation as humans, allowing a more responsible and truthful view of the world to take place. Brian Willems uses a range of science fiction literature that questions anthropomorphism both to develop and challenge this philosophical position. He looks at how nonsense and sense exist together in science fiction, the way in which language is not a guarantee of personhood, the role of vision in relation to identity formation, the difference between metamorphosis and modulation, representations of non-human deaths and the function of plasticity within the Anthropocene. Willems considers the works of Cormac McCarthy, Paolo Bacigalupi, Neil Gaiman, China Miéville, Doris Lessing and Kim Stanley Robinson are considered alongside some of the main figures of speculative materialism including Graham Harman, Quentin Meillassoux and Jane Bennett.

Rachel J. Crellin ◽  
Oliver J.T. Harris

In this paper we argue that to understand the difference Posthumanism makes to the relationship between archaeology, agency and ontology, several misconceptions need to be corrected. First, we emphasize that Posthumanism is multiple, with different elements, meaning any critique needs to be carefully targeted. The approach we advocate is a specifically Deleuzian and explicitly feminist approach to Posthumanism. Second, we examine the status of agency within Posthumanism and suggest that we may be better off thinking about affect. Third, we explore how the approach we advocate treats difference in new ways, not as a question of lack, or as difference ‘from’, but rather as a productive force in the world. Finally, we explore how Posthumanism allows us to re-position the role of the human in archaeology,

2018 ◽  
Vol 119 (1/2) ◽  
pp. 87-93 ◽  
Claire Creaser

Purpose Library impact and how to evaluate it has been debated for a number of years. While the activity – the busy-ness – of the library is now routinely measured and described, the difference the library makes is less tangible and harder to measure. Libraries in all sectors and worldwide are grappling with this issue, and the purpose of this paper is to summarise international standards available to support them. Design/methodology/approach The first international standard concerning library impact, ISO 16439 Information and documentation – methods and procedures for assessing the impact of libraries, was published in 2014 after several years in development. Findings The standard describes a range of methods for assessing library impact which have been used across the world in a variety of libraries in all sectors. Originality/value This paper summarises the key methods described in the standard, and gives references for further reading.

А.М. Токтосунова

Аннотация. Макалада көркөм тексттеги диалогдун табияты жана аткарган кызматы жөнүндө сөз болот. Мисалдагы диалогдор Ч.Айтматовдун, Т.Касымбековдун чыгармаларынан алынып, талдоо жүргүзүлдү. Диалогдук кептин көркөм чыгармадагы орду жана оозеки кептеги диалогдон айырмачылыгы жөнүндө маалымат берилди. Диалог каармандардын деңгэлин, социалдык, моралдык, психологиялык, интеллектуалдык өзгөчөлүктөрүн, коомдогу социалдык-психологиялык кырдаалды ар тараптуу туюндурушу тууралуу сөз козголот. Ошону менен бирге диалогдун автордук идеяга, анын тажрыйбасына, чеберчилигине, дүйнө таанымына, чыгармачылык деңгээлине байланыштуу макалада белгиленди. Диалог аркылуу образ түзүү, дүйнөнү образдуу чагылдырылып берилери мисалдар менен бекемделди. Б.Усубалиевдин, Т.С.Маразыковдун пикирлери жетекчиликке алынды. Түйүндүү сөздөр: диалог, коммуникация, коннотация, стиль, семантика, функционалдык стиль, эстетика, прагматика, образ, подтексттик информация. Аннотация. В этой статье рассматриваются природа диалога и его роли в художественном тексте. Анализ приведен на примерах произведений Ч. Айтматова и Т. Касымбекова. Дана информация места диалога в художественных произведениях и устной речи, и различия от устной речи. В статье речь идёт о роли диалога в социально-психологической, моральной, интеллектуальной характеристике героев в различных социально-психологических ситуациях. В статье отмечается, что диалог связан с идеями, опытом, мировоззрением, уровнем творческого мастерства автора. Приведены примеры того, что через диалог создаются образы, даётся образная картина мира в различных условиях и ситуациях в художественной литературе. Взяты за руководство мнения Б.Усубалиева и Т. Маразыкова. Ключевые слова: диалог, коммуникация, коннотация, стиль, семантика, функциональный стиль, эстетика, прагматика, образ, подтекстная информация. Annotation. In the article the speech is going about the nature of dialogue and the literary text. The dialogues on examples are from Ch. Aitmatov᾿s and T. Kasymbekov᾿s works and they were analysed. It has been informed about the difference the role of dialogue in creative works and conversational speech. The article deals with the role of dialogue in the socio-psychological, moral, intellectual characterization of the characters in various socio-psychological situations. The article notes that the dialogue is connected with the ideas, experience, worldview, level of the creative skill of the author. Examples are given that images are created through dialogue, an imaginative picture of the world is given in various conditions and situations in fiction.The article has been guided by the opinions of T. Marazykov and B. Usubaliev. Keyword: dialogue, communication, connotation, style, semantics, functional style, aesthetics, pragmatics, image, subtext information.

The article considers the features of urging hashtags that functioned in Facebook and Twitter social networks during the Euromaidan. The role of hashtags in times of revolutions has been identified, and it has been noted that hashtags help uncensored revolutionaries to disseminate information among their compatriots and the world community, attract the attention of the world media, and encourage people to support and join them. The paper considers syntactic features of urging hashtags, it is indicated that in the vast majority of cases such hashtags are located at the end of the post, although some may be located in the middle of the post. In addition the paper mentions publications consisting of some hashtags, among which are urging hashtags. Studying urging hashtags as sentences, the author singled out the following types: simple and complex, two-syllable and one-syllable, common and uncommon, complete and incomplete, complicated and non-complicated. Moreover, it has been noted that urging hashtags have a motivating modality. In regards of the peculiarities of the graphics of urging hashtags, the author points out the difference in spelling of the same words to create a different visual effect. Due to the fact that the hashtags use no spaces, the addressers wrote the sentence in one word, and in order to visually separate the words, the beginning of a word was capitalized or words were hyphenated. In addition, attention is drawn to punctuation and apostrophes: authors did not use those in the posts, because they „break” the words, after which the statement ceases to be the one single hashtag. In order to spread urging hashtags not only in the Ukrainian-speaking space, but also among the world audience, the addressers published urging hashtags in both Ukrainian and English, while the use of urging hashtags in Ukrainian remains more frequent.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (14) ◽  
pp. 27
Rogério Miranda de Almeida ◽  
Irineu Letenski

Estas reflexões têm como objetivo principal analisar a crise dos fundamentos das ciências modernas na perspectiva de Edmund Husserl. Com efeito, na primeira metade do século XX, o autor das Investigações lógicas levanta o brado em torno da existência de uma crise científica e, ao mesmo tempo, procura diagnosticar as causas e remediar os males que acarretaram tal crise. Mais precisamente, o pensamento husserliano tem como ponto de partida a crítica aos limites e à possibilidade do conhecimento proposto pelas filosofias de Descartes e de Kant. Mas Husserl ataca igualmente o espírito reducionista do positivismo científico – com o desenvolvimento e a sofisticação de suas técnicas – assim como a imposição não menos reducionista do historicismo que, ao afastarem o “sujeito do mundo”, romperam suas “relações primigênias”, espoliando assim o papel do sujeito na construção do conhecimento.Abstract: These reflections aim principally at analyzing the crisis of the modern science foundations from Edmund Husserl’s perspective. Indeed, at the first half of the 20th century, the author of Logical Investigations points vehemently out to the existence of a scientific crisis and tries, at the same time, to diagnose the causes and to show a solution to the disadvantages that brought about such a crisis. More precisely, the Husserlian thought has as its starting point the critique against the limits and the possibilities of knowledge proposed by the philosophies of Descartes and Kant. However, Husserl also attacks the reducing spirit of scientific positivism – together with the development and sophistication of its techniques – as well as the no less reducing and imposing historicism. Both trends have not only removed the “world subject”, but also disrupted its “primeval relations” having, thus, deprived the role of the subject in the construction of knowledge.Keywords: Husserl, crisis, sciences, subject, knowledge.  

Olga V. Popova ◽  
Pavel D. Tishchenko ◽  
Sergey Yu. Shevchenko ◽  

Bioethical challenges associated with the development of human e mbryo genome editing technologies are being investigated. The role of bioethics as a fo­rum for discussing the interdisciplinary anthropological and ethical problems generated by the progress of biomedical technologies is noted. The basis of con­tradictions and discussions around the acceptability of the technologies under consideration is the value ambivalence associated with the difference between the artificial and the natural. Almost any innovation in the field of biology and medicine, and here genome editing technologies are no exception, since its in­ception has been at the epicenter of a sharp ideological confrontation between supporters of the progressive technological transformation of the world and their opponents from the camp of environmentally concerned people of bio-conserva­tive values. Progressive ideas are refined through ideas the life instrumenta­lization. Bio-conservative ideas are substantiated by the principle of natality H. Arendt, which is used by J. Habermas in criticizing neo-eugenic projects and supported by G. Jonas in the concept of ecological imperative. The problem of the moral status of embryos, the specific advantages and disadvantages of con­servative and liberal positions are analyzed, and a retroactive model of the moral status of embryos is proposed, which represents a specific social construction. The project of normative monitoring of the consequences of using human em­bryo genome editing technologies Sh. Yasanoff is discussed. Its connection with the ideas of ethics of responsibility of H. Jonas is established.

2013 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 142-173
Sophie Loidolt

Epistemic warrant for Husserl is closely tied to his phenomenological method and his main philosophical theme: intentionality. By investigating the lived experience of intentional givenness he elaborates what being a justificatory reason amounts to and thereby develops his specific conception of epistemic justification: intuitive fulfillment of a signitive intention which achieves evidence as the experienced, subjectively accessible presence of the “thing itself.” Terminologically, Husserl calls this Ausweisung (demonstration, intuitive showing or warrant). The intuitively fulfilled givenness of the intended, its self-givenness, is the ultimate reason for its epistemic justification. For Husserl a “space of reasons” is thus is tied to and made possible only by means of the fundamental accomplishment of intentionality: the conscious presence of the world itself which surpasses the classical epistemological division between inner and outer realm, mind and world. By following Husserl’s development from the Logical Investigations up to his phenomenological version of transcendental idealism, the role of epistemic justification qua demonstration of intuitive fulfillment (Ausweisung) will be spelled out according to the theses above. In the last part of the paper I will examine Husserl’s position with respect to discussions on justification in the Philosophy of Mind and analytic epistemology.

2019 ◽  
pp. 55-65
Kinga Kowalewska

In Europe, the population of people over 60 years old has increased dramatically in the last few decades. Due to the demographic changes, in Poland, the world of marketing seems to discover the purchasing power of the elderly. Seniors become not only the receivers but also the senders of advertising messages. In order to sell a product, ad makers present people who are supposed to be liked, trusted, identified with and finally followed. In a press advertisement, to which an average consumer devotes 1.5 seconds, the picture is of top priority. The present research aims at analyzing the image of elderly women in press advertisements on the basis of their physical appearance, the context of the depicted situation, their clothes, facial expressions, eye-contact, and other visible traits. The survey study was conducted among young people to see the difference in their perception of elderly women in the pictures illustrating press advertisements for different products. The research results show how the positive image of the elderly in advertising can be created.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Mahdi Mahdi

Competitive world of construction to create quality jobs in accordance with the wishes of the people are increasingly high, not only large contractors are trying as much as possible, medium and even small contractors will strive to improve the quality of work in accordance with the wishes of the people. This study aims to determine how relevant competence factors include knowledge, skills, and attitudes gained from the lectures of Civil Engineering University Almuslim with the needs in the world of work as well as knowing the difference of perception based on the role of the respondents (contractors and consultants) and work experience of respondents (under 4 year, 4 to 8 years, over 8 years). This research was conducted by distributing a questionnaire addressed to alumni of the University of Civil Engineering Program Almuslim that work to contractors and consultants who are directly involved in a construction project. Furthermore, all kuesoiner which were collected and analyzed statistically using the analysis Independent Sample T-test, and one way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using SPSS. From the analysis we found that the factor most relevant competences between the educational curriculum of Civil Engineering University Almuslim with the needs of the workforce total is "Reinforcement and Expenses Detail Bending, Axial, Slide, and Torque" on knowledge. For the skill aspect, the greatest subvariable is "Being able to become independent learners follow the development of science in civil engineering". For the aspects of attitude, the highest subvariable is "Experience". In addition, from the results of the analysis showed that there was no difference of perception based on the role and experience of the respondents.Keywords: Relevance, Capabilities, Competencies.

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