И.В. Мамиева

В статье критически пересмотрены сложившиеся в отечественной филологии оценки поэмы «Сахи рæсугъд» классика осетинской литературы Б. Гуржибекова. В противовес идеологическим трактовкам в русле дискурса соцреализма предлагается новая интерпретация произведения как реализации в нем (возможно, на подсознательном уровне) идеи агональности миров — универсального мотива в древнейших мифологических системах. Реконструкция архаического пласта образности позволяет с уверенностью говорить о сюжетном ядре поэмы, выдержанном в духе зороастрийских понятий дуализма, в свою очередь унаследованных от древней иранской религии. Речь идет о признании во вселенной двух равновеликих сил: Добра и Зла, их борьба и есть условие существования вселенной. Агонистика персоносферы представлена в поэме противостоянием Сказителя и Авдеуа — персонажей, наделенных способностью проникать во все сферы мироздания, но с разнополярными функциями. Такая трактовка героев дает возможность раскрыть в произведении потаенную символику феномена сказителя, а состязанию соперников придать статус космической битвы, выводя его за рамки личной мотивации. Равным образом мотив дистанционного контроля Авдеуом девушки из башни, передаваемый идиомой «дæндаг хъæртун», позволяет адекватно семантизировать заглавие поэмы: эпитет «сах» в нем акцентирует не исключительную красоту, а состояние зачарованности героини. Все остальное: вопросы происхождения, родовых корней протоперсонажа, линия любви — то, что позиционируется исследователями как свобода проявления чувств, и даже волшебные дары (зеркало, меч) суть не что иное, как временные наслоения, социальные и этические рефлексии писателя, наложившиеся на структуру древнего мифа.  The article critically reviews the traditional for Russian philology assessments of the poem «Enchanted Beauty» («Sahy Beauty») by B. Gurzhibekov, classic of the Ossetian literature. In contrast to the ideological interpretations in line with the discourse of social realism, a new interpretation of the work is presented as realization (perhaps at a subconscious level) of the ideas of the agonality of worlds — a universal motive in the ancient mythological systems. The reconstruction of the archaic reservoir of imagery allows discuss the plot core of the poem, sustained in the spirit of the Zoroastrian concepts of dualism, inherited in their turn from the ancient Iranian religion. It is about the recognition of two equal forces in the universe: the Good and the Evil, their struggle being the very condition for the existence of the universe. The agonistics of the personal sphere is represented in the poem by the confrontation between the Storyteller and Avdeu, characters with the ability to penetrate into all spheres of the universe, but with opposite or polar functions. Such an interpretation of the characters makes it possible to reveal the hidden symbolism of the narrator’s phenomenon in the work, and to give the status of a space battle to the competition of the rivals, outwarding it beyond personal motivation. Equally, the remote control motive by Avdeu of the girl from the tower makes it possible to adequately semanticize the title of the poem: the epithet «sahy» in its original title emphasizes not exceptional beauty, but the state of enchantment of the heroine. Everything else: questions of origin, generic roots of the proto-character, the line of love — that is positioned by researchers as freedom of expression of feelings, and even magic gifts (mirror, sword) are nothing but temporal stratifications, social and ethical reflections of the writer, superimposed on the structure of the ancient myth.

V.L. Zolka

The article is dedicated to study the status of legal regulation of legal institution “Democratic civil control over activity of security and defense sector of Ukraine” and to substantiate the theoretical recommendation as regards improvement of military and security legislation. It has been proved that uncontrollable military organizations and law enforcing bodies of the state bring potential danger both individuals and society’s humanistic values. They are dangerous because of unbalanced mechanism of the democratic civil control. Disruption of containment mechanism and counterbalance in the power separation system in the state, usurpation of power by one person or group of people can paralyze not only power itself but other institutions of society. Subjects of state segments for democratic civil control turn to be the attendant bodies of political will by one person, the certain cover-up and justification of unlawful violation. Under those conditions the civil monitoring of institutions in the security and defense sector of Ukraine becomes inefficient. Their subjects experience limitations: such as access to information of law-enforcement authorities and military formations; implementation of freedom of expression.   Most of substantial reactions are left unattended by state jurisdiction and military administration. Their legal status also remains imperfect and deprived of real impact gears on the objects under control. It has been proved that in order to ensure efficiency of openness and transparency in activity of Security and Defense Sector it is required to implement the complex of organizational and legal measures such as an active elucidative campaign for the purpose of bringing to essentiality, goal, form and tools of public control over SDS and to consolidate new philosophy where the civil control will take leading place. The certain declaratory of the most mechanisms of civil control institution have been deduced herein. The means to improve situation in this field are proposed to be developed by participation of interested subjects both public administration, members of public monitoring and subsidiary objects of new special law. By its developing the negative and positive experience of civil control has to be taken into consideration. The other way to secure the effective mechanism of democratic civil control over SDS is to specify statutory norms for SDS in the law of Ukraine.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 142-149
Murugesan M ◽  
Dr. A. K. Muthusamy

The concept ‘the Other’is a literary theory, which defines one’s identity among others. It explains the state of a person who is neglected or subordinated and displays how one feels as an alien by gender, caste, religion, culture, appearance, geography, ideology and so on. Doris Lessing’s novels are mostly concerned with human race and criticize the patriarchal society, where female does not get the recognition she is due. Instead of taking care of women, appreciating their talents and providing them freedom of expression and movement, the society makes them feel ‘the Other’. Lessing has crafted the novel, The Summer Before the Dark as to expose the fate of women, who are always submissive and unassertive to their husbands and children, thereby becoming insignificant to the society. This paper examines the status of Kate Brown in her family and in the society, where she is neglected and deprecated by her ungrateful husband and children by the frame of ‘The Other’/ ‘Otherness’.

Larysa Bodnar ◽  
Petro Koval ◽  
Sergii Stepanov ◽  
Liudmyla Panibratets

A significant part of Ukrainian bridges on public roads is operated for more than 30 years (94 %). At the same time, the traffic volume and the weight of vehicles has increased significantly. Insufficient level of bridges maintenance funding leads to the deterioration of their technical state. The ways to ensure reliable and safe operation of bridges are considered. The procedure for determining the predicted operational status of the elements and the bridge in general, which has a scientific novelty, is proposed. In the software complex, Analytical Expert Bridges Management System (AESUM), is a function that allows tracking the changes in the operational status of bridges both in Ukraine and in each region separately. The given algorithm of the procedure for determining the predicted state of the bridge using a degradation model is described using the Nassie-Schneidermann diagram. The model of the degradation of the bridge performance which is adopted in Ukraine as a normative one, and the algorithm for its adaptation to the AESUM program complex with the function to ensure the probabilistic predicted operating condition of the bridges in the automatic mode is presented. This makes it possible, even in case of unsatisfactory performance of surveys, to have the predicted lifetime of bridges at the required time. For each bridge element it is possible to determine the residual time of operation that will allow predict the state of the elements of the structure for a certain period of time in the future. Significant interest for specialists calls for the approaches to the development of orientated perspective plans for bridge inspection and monitoring of changes in the operational status of bridges for 2009-2018 in Ukraine. For the analysis of the state of the bridge economy, the information is available on the distribution of bridges by operating state related to the administrative significance of roads, by road categories and by materials of the structures. Determining the operating state of the bridge is an important condition for making the qualified decisions as regards its maintenance. The Analytical Expert Bridges Management System (AESUM) which is implemented in Ukraine, stores the data on the monitoring the status of bridges and performs the necessary procedures to maintain them in a reliable and safe operating condition. An important result of the work is the ability to determine the distribution of bridges on the public roads of Ukraine, according to operating conditions established in the program complex of AESUM, which is presented in accordance with the data of the current year. In conditions of limited funding and in case of unsatisfactory performance of surveys, it is possible to make the reasonable management decisions regarding the repair and the reconstruction of bridges. Keywords: bridge management system, operating condition, predicted operating condition, model of degradation, bridge survey plan, highway bridge.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Sarmistha R. Majumdar

Fracking has helped to usher in an era of energy abundance in the United States. This advanced drilling procedure has helped the nation to attain the status of the largest producer of crude oil and natural gas in the world, but some of its negative externalities, such as human-induced seismicity, can no longer be ignored. The occurrence of earthquakes in communities located at proximity to disposal wells with no prior history of seismicity has shocked residents and have caused damages to properties. It has evoked individuals’ resentment against the practice of injection of fracking’s wastewater under pressure into underground disposal wells. Though the oil and gas companies have denied the existence of a link between such a practice and earthquakes and the local and state governments have delayed their responses to the unforeseen seismic events, the issue has gained in prominence among researchers, affected community residents, and the media. This case study has offered a glimpse into the varied responses of stakeholders to human-induced seismicity in a small city in the state of Texas. It is evident from this case study that although individuals’ complaints and protests from a small community may not be successful in bringing about statewide changes in regulatory policies on disposal of fracking’s wastewater, they can add to the public pressure on the state government to do something to address the problem in a state that supports fracking.

Corey Brettschneider

How should a liberal democracy respond to hate groups and others that oppose the ideal of free and equal citizenship? The democratic state faces the hard choice of either protecting the rights of hate groups and allowing their views to spread, or banning their views and violating citizens' rights to freedoms of expression, association, and religion. Avoiding the familiar yet problematic responses to these issues, this book proposes a new approach called value democracy. The theory of value democracy argues that the state should protect the right to express illiberal beliefs, but the state should also engage in democratic persuasion when it speaks through its various expressive capacities: publicly criticizing, and giving reasons to reject, hate-based or other discriminatory viewpoints. Distinguishing between two kinds of state action—expressive and coercive—the book contends that public criticism of viewpoints advocating discrimination based on race, gender, or sexual orientation should be pursued through the state's expressive capacities as speaker, educator, and spender. When the state uses its expressive capacities to promote the values of free and equal citizenship, it engages in democratic persuasion. By using democratic persuasion, the state can both respect rights and counter hateful or discriminatory viewpoints. The book extends this analysis from freedom of expression to the freedoms of religion and association, and shows that value democracy can uphold the protection of these freedoms while promoting equality for all citizens.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 313-328
Fathul Aminudin Aziz

Fines are sanctions or punishments that are applied in the form of the obligation to pay a sum of money imposed on the denial of a number of agreements previously agreed upon. There is debate over the status of fines in Islamic law. Some argue that fines may not be used, and some argue that they may be used. In the context of fines for delays in payment of taxes, in fiqh law it can be analogous to ta'zir bi al-tamlīk (punishment for ownership). This can be justified if the tax obligations have met the requirements. Whereas according to Islamic teachings, fines can be categorized as acts in order to obey government orders as taught in the hadith, and in order to contribute to the realization of mutual benefit in the life of the state. As for the amount of the fine, the government cannot arbitrarily determine fines that are too large to burden the people. Penalties are applied as a message of reprimand and as a means to cover the lack of the state budget.

Juriyana Megawati Hasibuan Dan Fatahuddin Aziz Siregar

Marriage is a sacred bond which is ideally only held once in a lifetime. Both Islamic law and positive law require an eternal happy marriage. To support this the Koran proclaims marriage as mitsaqan galiza. The marriage is then registered in the state administration. In line with this, the laws and regulations are formulated in such a way as to make divorce more difficult. However, when there are acceptable reasons and due to coercive conditions, divorce can be done through a judicial process. The divorce must then be registered by taking certain procedures. The court delivered the notice and sent a copy of the decision to the marriage registrar to file the divorce properly. The implementation of this divorce record was not effective. The separation of the Religious Courts Institution from the Ministry of Religion has become a factor that causes the registration task not to be carried out. The loss of the obligation to submit a copy of the decision on the judge's ruling caused the recording to be constrained. The unavailability of shipping costs also contributed to the failure to register divorce. Even though there is a threat to the Registrar who neglects to deliver a copy of the verdict, unclear sanctions make this ineffective. As a result of the lack of recording of divorce, the status of husband and wife becomes unclear and opens opportunities for abuse of that status.

Salah Hassan Mohammed ◽  
Mahaa Ahmed Al-Mawla

The Study is based on the state as one of the main pillars in international politics. In additions, it tackles its position in the international order from the major schools perspectives in international relations, Especially, these schools differ in the status and priorities of the state according to its priorities, also, each scholar has a different point of view. The research is dedicated to providing a future vision of the state's position in the international order in which based on the vision of the major schools in international relations.

Yaroslav Skoromnyy ◽  

The article examines the features of the formation (genesis) of legal responsibility of judges in Ukraine (from Kievan Rus to the present day). It has been proven that at present there are many problems regarding the criminal (legal) responsibility of judges. It was found that judges are insufficiently protected from manifestations of criminal prosecution, which, in turn, affects the increase in loyalty to the prosecution, in contrast to the defense in the criminal process. It has been established that today there are no perfect mechanisms for appealing the inaction of judges in court. It was determined that bringing judges to disciplinary responsibility in the High Council of Justice does not fully comply with the requirements of the European Charter on the Status of Judges. Based on the results of the legal analysis of the activities of the institutions of judicial responsibility, it was found that modern methods of bringing judges to justice in Ukraine are imperfect, often contradictory, and in some cases allow judges to avoid responsibility. It has been established that the issue of civil liability of judges for carrying out wrong actions against citizens today requires an urgent solution, since the legal literature does not fully disclose the provisions that govern the conditions, grounds and procedure for holding judges accountable for resolving unfair sentences and implementing illegal actions that entail material and/or moral damage to citizens. It has been determined that for harm caused as a result of an unjust court decision made by a judge, as well as due to the judge's inaction, property liability is imposed on the state, since the judge conducting the proceedings acts on behalf of the state, that is, Ukraine. It was found that today a judge can be brought to disciplinary responsibility in cases determined in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On the Judicial System and the Status of Judges».

1999 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Murad Wilfried Hofmann

This article examines the state of Islamic jurisprudence with regard to many sensitive issues, such as the status of women and minorities in Islam, Islam and Democracy, hudud punishments. The author explores the current state of Islamic discourse on jurisprudence and identifies three approaches-traditional, secular and reformist. The paper explores the positions of the traditional ulama and the reformist muj­tahids on the mentioned topics and finds the reformist position more sensible and closer to the position of ihe Qur'an and Sunnah. This paper while advocating neo-ijtihad, makes an impressive case for the merit???? and Islamic credibility of the reformist jurisprudence.

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