moral damage
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2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Mohammad Mahjoob Almaharmeh

The issue of compensating the legal person for the moral damage it causes to it has raised a great argument of controversy in Jordan, especially in light of the refusal to recognize the rights attached to the natural person of the legal person. This research came to identify the legal nature of the legal personality and the moral damage and the position of the Jordanian law on it, and to determine the feasibility, adequacy and appropriateness of the legal texts contained in the Jordanian civil law in knowing the extent to which the legal person may be compensated for moral damage. Using the opinions of jurists and judicial and explanatory decisions, the researcher has found that moral damage has multiple forms, a research that arises from the act and assault carried out by the aggressor. As a result, it is not appropriate to limit moral damage to rigid legal texts based on what is stated in the legislation and decisions of the esteemed Court of Cassation, as the researcher recommends. The Jordanian legislator should include general provisions clarifying the civil liability of the legal person, and the researcher recommends a separate chapter in the civil law to talk about the moral damage and its multiple meanings and aspects and how to rule for compensation and claim it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 485-504
Aisha Mohamed Ismail Elamin

This study aims to determine the tort responsibility of the journalist in case of violating the rights of individuals and the extent of the possibility to avoid the tort responsibility of the journalist. This can happen through the decisions of the competent committees to consider violations of the provisions of the Saudi Press and Publication Law, based on the reasoning of its decisions on Article (9) of the Saudi Press and Publication Law. In the research, the analytical approach is used to the relevant texts from the Saudi Press and Publication System and the applied approach, which is based on strengthening legal and legal positions with judicial positions. In this study, the author addresses the pillars of the tort responsibility of the journalist by highlighting the pillars of Tort and damage, with the possibility of pushing the journalist to tort responsibility through satisfaction with the publication and the right to objective criticism. The study recommended: reorganizing the journalist’s tort responsibility through the inclusion of legal texts in the publications and publishing system due to the absence of legalization of financial transactions, which shows the general rules of responsibility, and publishing the decisions of the competent committees to consider violations of the provisions of the Saudi Press and Publication Law as a result of the absence of legalization of civil transactions.Keywords: Journalist Tort; Human Dignity; Privacy; Moral Damage; Objective Criticism Tanggung Jawab Kerugian Wartawan dan Cara Menghindarinya Berdasarkan Sistem Publikasi dan Pers Saudi: Sebuah Studi Analitis Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tanggung jawab gugatan wartawan dalam kasus pelanggaran hak-hak individu dan sejauh mana kemungkinan untuk menghindari tanggung jawab gugatan wartawan. Hal ini dapat terjadi melalui keputusan komite yang berwenang untuk mempertimbangkan pelanggaran ketentuan Undang-Undang Pers dan Publikasi Saudi, berdasarkan pertimbangan keputusannya pada Pasal (9) Undang-Undang Pers dan Publikasi Saudi. Dalam penelitian ini, pendekatan analitis digunakan pada teks-teks yang relevan dari Saudi Press and Publication System dan pendekatan terapan, yang didasarkan pada penguatan posisi hukum dan hukum dengan posisi yudisial. Dalam studi ini, penulis membahas pilar-pilar tanggung jawab kerugian jurnalis dengan menyoroti pilar-pilar kerugian dan kerugian, dengan kemungkinan mendorong jurnalis untuk melakukan tanggung jawab kerugian melalui kepuasan terhadap publikasi dan hak atas kritik yang objektif. Kajian ini merekomendasikan: menata kembali tanggung jawab wanprestasi jurnalis melalui pencantuman teks hukum dalam sistem penerbitan dan penerbitan karena tidak adanya legalisasi transaksi keuangan, yang menunjukkan aturan umum pertanggungjawaban, dan mempublikasikan keputusan komite yang berwenang untuk mempertimbangkan pelanggaran. ketentuan Hukum Pers dan Publikasi Saudi sebagai akibat tidak adanya legalisasi transaksi perdata.Kata Kunci: Gugatan Wartawan; Harga diri manusia; Pribadi; Kerusakan Moral; Kritik Objektif Деликатная ответственность журналиста и способы ее избежать в свете саудовской прессы и системы публикаций: аналитическое исследованиеАбстрактный:Это исследование направлено на определение деликтной ответственности журналиста в случае нарушения прав человека и степени возможности избежать деликтной ответственности журналиста. Это может произойти в результате решений компетентных комитетов о рассмотрении нарушений положений Закона Саудовской Аравии о печати и публикациях на основании обоснования своих решений по статье (9) Закона Саудовской Аравии о печати и публикациях. В исследовании используется аналитический подход к релевантным текстам из Саудовской системы печати и публикаций и прикладной подход, который основан на усилении юридических и юридических позиций с помощью судебных позиций. В этом исследовании автор обращается к столпам деликтной ответственности журналиста, выделяя столпы деликта и ущерба, с возможностью подтолкнуть журналиста к деликтной ответственности через удовлетворение публикацией и право на объективную критику. В исследовании рекомендовалось: реорганизовать деликтную ответственность журналиста путем включения юридических текстов в системы публикаций и публикации в связи с отсутствием легализации финансовых операций, которая показывает общие правила ответственности, и опубликовать решения компетентных комитетов по рассмотрению нарушений. положений Закона о печати и публикациях Саудовской Аравии в результате отсутствия легализации гражданских сделок.Ключевые слова: журналист Tort; Человеческое достоинство; Конфиденциальность; Моральный урон; Объективная критика

Law and World ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 124-144

The protection of personal human rights is especially important after the death of the victim. First of all, it is necessary to determine what is meant by the personal rights of a person, what personal rights can be protected after the death of the victim, in order to determine what is meant by the protection of the personal rights of the deceased. Then it is necessary to find out what the characteristics of a person are, by whom, how and in what form these rights are protected, and what harm can be caused by the violation of personal rights. It is true that the violation of personal rights is not allowed by law, but, nevertheless, there are many facts around us when the personal rights of the deceased and the living are violated. It is also desirable to protect personal rights acquired at birth from being violated by others both during the life and after the death of the victim. It is true that a person with personal rights protects his life and can claim compensation for property and / or non-property damage, but after the death of the victim, the law prohibits relatives or friends of the deceased from claiming compensation. for moral damage in violation of these rights. However, if a person was rehabilitated after his / her death, but the unlawful condemnation of the victim or other illegal legal actions damaged both the name and reputation of the heir, it is recommended to give the victim’s heir the right to claim compensation for the damage directly caused to him.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (103) ◽  
pp. 21-26
M. Radzikhovskyi ◽  
O. Dyshkant ◽  
I. Sokulsky ◽  
E. Kolesnik ◽  
D. Prokopchuk

Ukraine is one of the world leaders in the number of cats among the country's population, and one of the most common diseases is panleukopenia caused by a virus of the Parvoviridae family, which is extremely common among viral diseases and causes significant moral damage to owner animals. Therefore, given the relevance of this issue, the result of our study is to clarify, supplement and summarize the data on hematological and biochemical parameters of blood and erythrocytopoiesis in panleukopenia of cats. The development and improvement of modern methods of immunoprophylaxis and treatment can significantly reduce morbidity and mortality. The study was performed in veterinary clinics of Zhytomyr and Kyiv, blood for the study was taken from the superficial vein of the forearm Anterbrachium, medial subcutaneous vein or subcutaneous tibial vein Saphena. Diagnostic tests to confirm feline parvovirus were performed using rapid tests VetExpert and ELISA and PCR for the presence of parvovirus antigen in private veterinary laboratories “BioSoft” and LLC “Bald” in Kiev. The complex studies carried out indicated that in cats (n = 24) with panleukopenia, changes in the morphological and biochemical composition of the blood are characteristic. A deviation from physiological limits was found, which mainly characterize the functional state of the liver, namely, an increase in the content of total bilirubin (P ≤ 0.01) and total protein (P ≤ 0.01), the development of pancreatitis – taking into account an increase in glucose concentration (P ≤ 0.05) and α-amylase hyperenzymemia (P ≤ 0.001), kidney damage as indicated by an increase in creatinine concentration (P ≤ 0.001) and urea level (P ≤ 0.01). In the course of the research, a slight decrease in indicators of the main erythrocyte indices was established, namely, a decrease in MCHC (P ≤ 0.05), which indicates the development of anemia. As a result of an experimental study of the morphological parameters of blood, a complex pathogenesis of the disease with panleukopenia with multiple organ failure and the development of pathological immunosuppression and hepato-pancreatic-renal syndrome was established.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. 144-155
V. A. Kovalenko

The paper examines the types of harm provided for by domestic legislation, their procedural features in a criminal case by filing a civil claim. The author argues that there is a need to amend the existing normative legal acts regulating the issues of compensation for harm caused by a crime, in particular, presents some arguments about the disclosure and legislative consolidation of the concept of “harm” in the framework of criminal proceedings. The author analyzes the gaps associated with compensation for property damage, in terms of the difficult simultaneous compensation for property and moral damage, as well as the lack of opportunity in the criminal procedure to recover lost profits. Some features of compensation for moral damage in relation to individuals and legal entities are investigated, for example, the issue of applying the rules for compensation for moral damage when a civil claim is filed by a legal entity. The process of proving the damage caused and the gaps in the issues of awarding compensation amounts in civil claims for compensation for damage, taking into account judicial practice, are considered. The author expresses her opinion on the matter of interim measures application in relation to the property of tortfeasor and imposing on the judge the obligation to render a decision in case of such a need, and not the right. Some differences between a civil claim for damages in criminal proceedings and civil proceedings are given, for example, the possibility of indexing the amounts subject to compensation has been analyzed. The analysis of some regulatory acts and the study of the procedure for compensation for harm caused by a crime in the UK. The author presents an argument about the development of scientifically grounded methodological recommendations that would fully reveal the existing gaps and problems in compensation for various kinds of harm caused by a crime.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (208) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Vitória Maria Alves Luz ◽  
Marlon Renato Lima da Silva ◽  
Marcos Nunes Silva Verneck

This article has as its object of study the Personality Law presented in the Federal Constitution of 1988, which has its greatest development in the Civil Code of 2002 as a precondition for discussing the possibility of indemnity for moral damages in which the protection of inherent off-balance sheet assets is enforced. to the human being, emphasizing the legal and doctrinal construction of such institutes that seek to materialize the tendency to prevail to the dignity of the human person in private relations. The presentation of Personality Law will be the path in search of the initial criteria for the limitation of immaterial goods that have their own characteristics. It is observed that the research theme has the intention of guiding moral damage, thus not covering all its modalities, but aiming to support a common initial framework from which the research fits, so that there is a clear perception of the necessary structure for understanding the problems. indemnities for moral damages present in the legal system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-220
Nguyen Van Tien ◽  
Viktor Victorovich Pushkarev ◽  
Ekaterina Viktorovna Tokareva ◽  
Alexey Vasilyevich Makeev ◽  
Olga Rinatovna Shepeleva

In criminal proceedings of Vietnam, in contrast to the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, it is advisable to separate physical, material and moral damage that may be caused by the crime or socially dangerous act prohibited by the criminal law, the rights and legitimate interests of natural or legal persons. The article is devoted to solving the problem of compensation for damage caused by a crime in pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases, based on the study of Russian and Vietnamese criminal procedure legislation, practice, and results of its application. The conclusions are subject to study and implementation in the law.Keywords: Compensation for harm; Investigation; Rights and legitimate interests of participants in criminal proceedings Kompensasi untuk Kerusakan yang Disebabkan oleh Kejahatan di Republik Sosialis Vietnam dan Federasi Rusia Abstrak:Berbeda dengan Kode Acara Pidana Federasi Rusia, lebih baik dalam proses pidana Vietnam untuk memisahkan kerugian fisik, material, dan moral yang disebabkan oleh kejahatan atau tindakan berbahaya secara sosial yang dilarang oleh hukum pidana dari hak dan kepentingan sah orang atau badan hukum. Berdasarkan kajian undang-undang prosedur pidana Rusia dan Vietnam, praktik, dan hasil penerapannya, artikel ini dikhususkan untuk memecahkan masalah kompensasi atas kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh kejahatan dalam proses pra-persidangan dalam kasus pidana. Kesimpulan sedang dipelajari dan akan dimasukkan ke dalam undang-undang.Kata Kunci: Kompensasi untuk kerugian; Penyelidikan; Hak dan kepentingan sah peserta dalam proses pidana Возмещение вреда причиненного преступлением в социалистической республике Вьетнам и Российской Федерации АннотацияСтатья посвящена разрешению проблемы возмещения вреда, причиненного преступлением, в досудебном производстве по уголовным делам, на основе исследования российского и вьетнамского уголовно-процессуального законодательства, практики и результатов его применения. Выводы подлежат изучению и внедрению в законКлючевые Слова: возмещение вреда, расследование, права и законные интересы участников уголовного процесса, следователь, дознаватель

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-175
Sukron Ma'mun

Parents are the first and foremost educators for their children. Included in the application of rewards and punishments. This study was conducted using literature analysis to find theories, concepts, and generalizations of the theoretical basis for good children's education. The results can be concluded: (1) Every parent has a big role for children, especially for child psychology. So far, what parents generally know is that their role is limited to raising and protecting children so that later they become independent and competent individuals. (2) Moral decline or moral decadence has become a common phenomenon that affects young people and adolescents today, especially the influence of western civilization, which speaks volumes about freedom, has suffered tremendous moral damage. (3) Psychologically, adolescents experience mental development, feelings and thoughts rapidly resulting in instability in themselves.

Babayev Djahongir Ismailbekovich ◽  

The article examines the problems of compensation for moral damage caused to the consumer by defects in goods, work performed or services rendered. The article analyzes domestic and foreign law enforcement practice on the issues of compensation for moral damage to consumers and points to the absence of clear criteria for determining the amount of moral damage both in the Republic of Uzbekistan and in foreign countries. The article points to the existing disagreements between the plaintiffs and the judges in determining the amount of compensation for non-pecuniary damage. The rights of individuals and legal entities to claim compensation for moral damage are distinguished.

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