scholarly journals Bioethics and Biolaw in the Vaccine against COVID 19 in Brazil

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Eliana Aló Silveira

The pandemic that was caused by COVID 19 made the world rethink ethical principles, morals, and justice, but always side by side with science. Never has bioethics been thought of so much, as a science that aims to provide the ethical content so that the human being is treated with dignity in the face of scientific techniques that concern life. Bio law as a branch of legal science reveals itself as an indispensable branch to the legal system, to regulate and reconcile biotechnological advances with the principle of human dignity, founded on democracy and the defense of fundamental rights. In the international sphere, the right to life is foreseen in art. 4 of the 1969 American Convention on Human Rights, a document that was ratified by Brazil and comes from the regional system. In the Brazilian legal system, the provision is in article 1, clause III, of the Federal Constitution of 1988, which established human dignity as the foundation of the Democratic State of Law, also regulating, in article 5, the right to life. Starting from these guidelines that the human being should not be considered a "thing", or an instrument, the thought, even if philosophical, can lead to important conclusions in the field of scientific experimentation, especially with what has been happening in relation to the vaccines for COVID-19, that even if approved by a committee and following international protocols, one cannot guarantee with them the absolute protection of human dignity, principles of bioethics and fundamental human values. And, because of these discussions, the courts are urged to manifest themselves about the refusals of workers to be vaccinated.

Alan Felipe Provin ◽  
Audrey Pongan Borteze

O presente artigo objetiva a análise do direito à liberdade religiosa de crianças e adolescentes, tendo em vista que este é consagrado com um dos direitos fundamentais previstos na Constituição Federal de 1988. A pesquisa possui como problemática o questionamento acerca da possibilidade de atribuir o fundamento da liberdade de convicção religiosa às crianças e adolescentes, ainda que em conflito com o direito à vida, considerando a incapacidade civil dos menores. Ademais, analisa também os direitos constitucionais e princípios aplicados aos menores à luz da doutrina da proteção integral, bem como expõe o conflito entre direitos fundamentais e aborda as posições dos Tribunais quanto ao tema. Em termo de metodologia, utilizou-se a pesquisa qualitativa, indutiva e bibliográfica. Ao final dos estudos, concluiu-se que, em que pese o direito à vida e a liberdade religiosa serem direitos fundamentais, com hierarquia idêntica, há casos em que é permitida a relativização de um direito em prol do outro, devendo ser analisado cada caso em concreto.   Abstract: This article aims to analyze the right to religious freedom of children and adolescents, given that this is enshrined as one of the fundamental rights provided in the Federal Constitution of 1988. The research has as problematic the possibility of attributing the foundation of religious´ freedom to the children and adolescents, although in conflict with the right to life, considering the civil incapacity of the minors. In addition, it also analyzes the constitutional rights and principles applied to minors in the light of the doctrine of integral protection, as well as exposes the conflict between fundamental rights and addresses the positions of the Courts on the subject. In terms of methodology, we used the qualitative, inductive and bibliographic research. At the end of the studies, it was concluded that, in spite of the fact that the right to life and religious freedom are fundamental rights, with a similar hierarchy, there are cases where the relativization of one right is allowed for the other, and each case must be analyzed in particular.

Cássio Guilherme Alves ◽  
Caroline Müller Bitencourt

O DIREITO FUNDAMENTAL SOCIAL À SAÚDE NA CONSTITUIÇÃO DE 1988: A GARANTIA DA DIGNIDADE DA PESSOA HUMANA ENTRE O PODER JUDICIÁRIO E A PONDERAÇÃO DE PRINCÍPIOS  The FUNDAMENTAL SOCIAL RIGHT to HEALTH IN THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION of 1988: the guarantee of HUMAN DIGNITY AMONG the judiciary and the BALANCE of PRINCIPLES  Cássio Guilherme Alves* Caroline Müller Bitencourt**  RESUMO: No presente estudo se buscará a análise da realização do direito fundamental social à saúde no Estado Democrático de Direito, haja vista sua proteção constitucional na Carta de 1988. Após o reconhecimento da saúde como direito fundamental social, imprescindível a criação de mecanismos que garantam sua concretização quando o Estado for ineficiente ou se negar à prestação material necessária. Para fins deste artigo será utilizado o método hipotético-dedutivo com análise das teorias da reserva do possível x mínimo existencial vinculado aos princípios de direitos fundamentais para a garantia do direito à saúde. Dessa forma, o Poder Judiciário enquanto poder constituído possui em sua natureza jurisdicional a competência e prerrogativa para compor conflitos, devendo decidir o caso concreto na esfera da jurisdição constitucional, evitando que sejam cometidos abusos e restrições contra os direitos fundamentais. Assim, o direito fundamental social à saúde possui estreita vinculação com a dignidade da pessoa humana, não sendo possível pensar em vida com dignidade com restrições a este direito. Nessa seara, o Poder Judiciário se apresenta como importante ator na concretização e garantia do direito à saúde quando o Poder Público for ineficiente na sua promoção, devendo agir através da jurisdição constitucional para, com o uso do instituto da ponderação, preservar os direitos fundamentais na garantia do mínimo existencial vinculado à dignidade da pessoa humana no Estado Democrático de Direito. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Dignidade da Pessoa Humana. Direito Fundamental Social à Saúde. Poder Judiciário. Ponderação de Princípios. ABSTRACT: In this study will seek to analyze the carry out of the fundamental social right to health in democratic State of law, its constitutional protection in 1988. After the recognition of health as a fundamental right, essential to the creation of mechanisms to ensure its implementation when the State is inefficient or refuse to provide necessary material. For the purposes of this article shall be used the hypothetical-deductive method with analysis of theories of possible x existential minimum linked to the fundamental rights to the guarantee of the right to health. In this way, the Judiciary while power constituted has the jurisdiction and prerogative Court nature to compose disputes, and decide the case in the sphere of constitutional jurisdiction, preventing are committed abuses and restrictions against fundamental rights. Thus, the fundamental social right health has close linkage with the dignity of the human person, it is not possible to think of life with dignity with restrictions on this right. In this field, the Judiciary presents itself as an important actor in the implementation and guarantee of the right to health when the Government is inefficient in its promotion and should act through the constitutional jurisdiction to, with the use of weighting Institute, preserving fundamental rights in existential minimum guarantee linked to the dignity of the human person in the democratic State of law. KEYWORDS: Dignity of the Human Person. Fundamental Social Right to the Health. Judiciary. Balance of Principles.  SUMÁRIO: Introdução. 1 A Saúde como um Direito Fundamental Social e sua Vinculação com a Dignidade da Pessoa Humana. 2 A Colisão de Direitos Fundamentais e a Ponderação de Princípios. Considerações Finais. Referências.* Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC), Rio Grande do Sul.   ** Doutora em Direito pela Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC), Rio Grande do Sul. Professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC), Rio Grande do Sul.

2021 ◽  
pp. 107-160
William A. Schabas

Human dignity is not necessarily treated as a human right per se, but it may describe in particular several of the most fundamental rights that concern physical and psychological integrity: the right to life, the prohibition of torture and ill treatment, the prohibition of slavery and servitude, the right to liberty and security, and the recognition as a person before the law. Within these rubrics, some quite specific issues are addressed including the resort to capital punishment and other extreme penalties, the criminalisation of genocide, and the imposition of medical treatment. The references to dignity in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights appear to make up for the absence of any recognition of a supreme being,

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Manuel de Jesús Verdecia Tamayo

Covid-19 has raised multiple topics for reflection; among them is the problem of vaccination against such a pandemic. The article seeks to reveal that the Cuban strategy for immunizing the population against this epidemic is based on ethics, whose touchstone outlines the ethical framework that supports decision-making regarding this process and its implementation in social practice. Although immunization has its own principles and norms, in its application against this disease, due to its purposes and scope, moral principles and fundamental rights are applied specifically to benefit all people: girls, boys, the elderly, women and men. The Cuban case constitutes a benchmark to determine what is fair and what is good in safeguarding the fundamental values that are at stake and are essential for everyone, in the face of Covid-19, such as the right to life and health.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. a8en
Thaís Kristosch Imperatori ◽  
Felipe Portela Bezerra

The reflections presented in this article discuss the guarantee of the right to life for all, granted by the Brazilian State, recognizing the specificities of people with disabilities in the context of the Covid-19 outbreak. The research methodology analyzes public statements and notes from councils and entities of civil society that defend the rights of people with disabilities in the face of threats during a pandemic. It is observed that this population segment becomes more vulnerable to contracting coronavirus and its implications. The mobilization of civil society to defend the guarantee of the right to life and human dignity is highlighted.

Percurso ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (28) ◽  
pp. 248
Gisleni Valezi RAYMUNDO

RESUMOTrata-se de breve abordagem acerca da liberdade de expressão no Estado Democrático de Direito, por meio da qual se objetiva contextualizar as formas dessa espécie de liberdade previstas no ordenamento jurídico, diante de julgamentos do STF, bem como acerca do direito ao esquecimento e o papel do Poder Judiciário nesse mesmo cenário. Diante dessa perspectiva, se insere o atual debate sobre a Justiça de Transição, o direito ao esquecimento, sendo que esse constitui contraposição às facetas daquela, na medida em que encerra a possibilidade de discussão de acontecimentos pretéritos em detrimento da vida privada. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Liberdade de Expressão; Direito ao Esquecimento; Justiça de Transição. ABSTRACTThis is a brief approach to freedom of expression in the Democratic State of Law, which seeks to contextualize the forms of this kind of freedom provided for in the legal system, in the face of FTS trials, as well as the right to forgetfulness and role of the Judiciary in this same scenario. In view of this perspective, the current debate on the Transitional Justice is inserted, the right to oblivion, in fact, is opposed to the facets of transitional justice, since it closes the possibility of discussing past events in detriment of private life. KEYWORDS: Freedom of Expression; Right to Forgetfulness; Justice of Transition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-30
Sarah Carolina Colorado Borges ◽  
Ana Augusta Rodrigues Westin Ebaid

The adoption institute has undergone numerous changes over the years, and from the 1988 Federal Constitution onwards, the most important innovations began to take effect. From that moment on, the adoption began to gain a significant new guise to protect the rights of children and adolescents. In the present work, through doctrinal and jurisprudential research, through books and articles, it aims to make an analysis of the history and adoption process, which is a subject that is always very relevant and discussed in society, bringing positive aspects, such as innovations. who shifted the focus from suitors to minors, and broughta greater guarantee to their rights; and negative aspects such as prejudices, late adoption and the slowness of our legal system. The methodology included bibliographic survey. The main focus is to analyze the adoption process based on the principles of human dignity found in our Charter, and the principles that govern the adoption institute, and how it has been applied in the daily lives of children and adolescents , to ensure their fundamental rights and family life.

Bruno Humberto Neves ◽  
Christopher Abreu Ravagnani

Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a afirmação do Estado Democrático de Direito na Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF/88). Eis que surge um novo modelo de Estado, não mais somente aquele que regula ou providencia, mas também aquele capaz de produzir as transformações sociais previstas em seus objetivos fundamentais no art. 3º da CF/88. Assim, analisar-se-á a Constituição Federal como uma Lei Maior de caráter compromissório, mormente por estar ligada à dignidade da pessoa humana, sustentáculo do Estado Democrático de Direito. Neste sentido, o movimento do Direito Alternativo é apontado como instrumento capaz de produzir justiça social no Brasil.Abstract: This work has the objective to analyze the assertion of the Democratic State of Right in the Constitution of 1988 (CF/88), as a new state model, not only the one who regulates or provides, but also one capable of producing social, such as the fundamental objectives in art. 3º, CF/88. Thus, the Federal Constitution will be analyzed as a highest law of transformer character, especially because it is linked to human dignity, the basis of the Democratic State of Right. In this sense, the Alternative Law movement is pointed out as an instrument capable of producing social justice in Brazil.

Lynn D. Wardle

The question of when a legal right to life first arises in the course of a human being’s development is pertinent to a variety of contexts, including protection of prenatal life from injury by persons other than the gestational mother, what to do with frozen embryos when the couple who created them divorces, and how to treat children born with severe disabilities, as well as the more familiar context of state regulation, restriction, or prohibition of abortion. This chapter first summarizes social and biological science findings relevant to this question, then details development of legal rules and constitutional doctrine pertaining to abortion regulation before contrasting that with protections for prenatal life in other contexts. It concludes that the most coherent answer to the question when a right to life arises is that the right to life is coextensive with the biological life of the human being, and that a legal right to remain alive arises when a human being comes into existence and continues until it ceases to be a human being—that is, when its life has ended. This might provide justification for greater restrictions on abortion, but that could depend on additional considerations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 291-296
Anil Kumar Mohapatra

Long before India gained independence, M.K. Gandhi remarked that the availability of Sanitation facility is more important than gaining Independence for an Indian. Of late, it is now increasingly felt and realized in India that facilities like toilet, safe drinking water, accompanied by good hygienic conditions are fundamental necessities of a person. These are prerequisites of social and economic justice and genuine development. The Supreme Court of India in one judgement held that Right to life and personal liberty, should include right to privacy and human dignity etc. Despite that it has been an admitted shame that India still has the largest number of people defecating in open in the world. There are reported incidences of rape and murder of women in many places in India as women rely on open field for attending to the call of nature in morning and evening. The attempts like Community toi-let system, pay-and-use toilet system and schemes like ‘Mo Swabhiman -Mo Paikhana’ have been found to be less effective. In this connection the ‘Clean India Mission’ campaign launched by the Government of India in 2014 has been regarded as a right approach in that direction. Government of the day is actively considering the demand to convert the Right to Sanitation from a developmental right to a fundamental right. It would make the state more accountable and responsible. Against this background, the paper argues that spending huge money on that would yield good dividend in future for the country.

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