I Gusti Kade Ari Satria Putra ◽  
I Made Ardwi Pradnyana ◽  
Gede Aditra Pradnyana

AbstrakMengenalkan peribahasa Bali untuk melestarikan budaya bali menjadi hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat ini. Pengembangan permainan peribahasa Bali dalam bentuk labirin merupakan salah satu sarana untuk mengenalkan jenis–jenis paribasa Bali yang sudah berkembang di kalangan masyarakat umum. Pada permainan labirin paribasa Bali ini pemain dapat melihat jenis–jenis paribasa Bali dalam bentuk 3 dimensi dan juga buku–buku paribasa Bali dalam bentuk 3 dimensi. Pengembangan Game Labirin Paribasa Bali ini menggunakan metode ADDIE. Ada lima tahap dalam metode ADDIE yaitu Analisis (Analysis), Desain (Design), Pengembangan (Development), Implementasi (Implementation) dan tahap Evaluasi (Evaluation). Pengembangan produk dengan metode ADDIE menghasilkan produk yang baik, karena pada setiap tahapan yang sudah dilalui, peneliti telah melakukan evaluasi dan revisi. Pengujian yang telah dilakukan seperti pengujian respon pengguna, yang pengujiannya difokuskan ke masyarakat umum yang berupa penyebaran angket dan mendapatkan hasil dengan persentase rata – rata sebesar 91%, yang artinya aplikasi termasuk kedalam kategori sangat baik AbstractIntroducing a Balinese prolingual to preserve Bali's culture to be worth noting today. Development of Balinese language games in the form of a maze is one of the means to introduce the types of Balinese Paribasa that has developed among the general public. In this Bali Paribasa Maze game players can see the type – the type of Balinese Paribasa in the form of 3-dimensional and also books – Books of Balinese Paribasa in the form of 3 dimensions. The development of this Bali Paribasa Maze Game uses the ADDIE method. There are five stages in the ADDIE method, namely analysis (Analysis), design, development, implementation and evaluation stage. Product development with ADDIE method produce a good product, because at every stage that has been passed, researchers have conducted evaluation and revision. Tests that have been done like user response testing, which tests are focused on the general public in the form of poll distribution and get a result with an average percentage of 91%, which means that the app belongs to the category very well.

Robby Wijaya Khoerniawan . ◽  
I Made Putrama, S.T., M.Tech . ◽  
Dr. Ketut Agustini, S.Si, M.Si. .

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan sebuah aplikasi permainan edukasi “Penjelajah” Pengenalan Benda-Benda Pra Sejarah Berbasis Virtual Reality. Adapun tujuan dari pengembangan permainan ini adalah untuk membantu pelajar dan mahasiswa dalam mengenali dan mempelajari benda-benda prasejarah di Indonesia. Fitur utama dari permainan ini yaitu pemain dapat melihat bentuk, nama, dan juga deskripsi dari benda prasejarah yang ditemukan dan juga terdapat ruangan museum mini yang berisikan benda-benda prasejarah yang telah didapatkan selama permainan. Pengembangan permainan edukasi “Penjelajah” ini menggunakan model ADDIE. Ada lima tahap dalam model ADDIE yaitu Analisis (Analyze), Desain (Design), Pengembangan (Development), Implementasi (Implementation), dan Evaluasi (Evaluation). Pengembangan produk dengan model ini dapat menghasilkan produk yang baik, karena pada setiap fase yang dilalui dapat melakukan evaluasi dan revisi. Pengujian untuk mengetahui respon masyarakat setelah menggunakan permainan edukasi “Penjelajah” ini dilakukan dengan metode angket dan memiliki hasil dengan persentase rata-rata sebesar 91.81% yang artinya aplikasi masuk kategori baik.Kata Kunci : Virtual Reality, Benda Pra Sejarah, 3D, HTC Vive, ADDIE The purpose of this research is to develop an education game named “Penjelajah” about the Introduction of Indonesian Prehistoric Artifacts Based on Virtual Reality. This game can help the student and colleger to learn prehistoric artifacts in Indonesia. The features are player can see the object, name, and description of prehistoric artifacts found and there’s a museum room containing prehistoric items that have been obtained. The development of this “Penjelajah” Education Game is using ADDIE model. There are five stages in the ADDIE model: Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The development of this model can produce a good product, because in every phase which passable can do evaluation and revision. Testing to determine the response of the public after using this “Penjelajah” Education Game, done with the questionnaire method and has a result with an average percentage of 91.81% which means the application is in a good category.keyword : Virtual Reality, Pre Historic Artifact, 3D, HTC Vive, ADDIE

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-31
Meilia Tika Ayu Ningrum ◽  
Agus Purnomo ◽  
Idris Idris

Android-based learning media for Social Studies (SS) might reduce boredom and accelerate student learning because it conveys attractive, creative, and innovative learning materials that support independent learning. This study aims to develop android-based learning media for SS about the Kingdom and Relics of Hindu-Buddhist. It employed Research and Development (R&D) with Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation (ADDIE) model. Validation by material experts and linguists stated that the learning media was feasible with 61.5% and 70%. Results show that the learning media is suitable to use by 88.2%. The product trials resulted in practical products by 100% from educational practitioners, and 80.2% from students. This finding indicates that the media is effective, as can be seen, that 26 out of 32 students scored above the minimum grade. It is suggested that SS learning media are developed through further research by utilizing virtual reality technology. This may accelerate student understanding as the use of videos and pictures, and virtual reality to images and objects help depict things clearly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Ospa Pea Yuanita Meishanti

Augmented Reality is actually not something foreign to the general public, it's just that they don't know what Augmented Reality itself means, Augmented Reality cards can generally be found in some snacks, which the cards can be scanned through a special application available on the Playstore. However, currently researchers are making Augmented Reality for learning, in this case researchers are using bee metamorphosis, so learning becomes more interesting. This study aims to describe the feasibility of Augmented Reality media for bee metamorphosis and to determine student responses to the attractiveness of Augmented Reality media for bee metamorphosis. The development model used is the ADDIE model which includes: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. Products are validated by one media expert and one material expert. The attractiveness test was carried out on 5 students of MTs Al-Ihsan Kalijaring Jombang. Data obtained from media experts, namely 80% with proper qualifications, criteria from material experts, namely 88% with very decent qualifications, while from the data students get a score of 88.75% with qualifications strongly attractiveness. The results of the assessment of media experts, material experts and student responses show that the bee metamorphosis Augmented Reality can be used as a learning media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-222
Yusup Maulana ◽  
Imas Eva Wijayanti ◽  
Solfarina Solfarina

This research aims to development a REACT-based e-worksheet that is feasible to use to stimulate the critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication (4C) skills and determine student response. The challenges of a dynamic era require students to have a 4C skills set critical thinking and problem-solving skills; creativity and innovation; communication; and collaboration. One of the tools that can be used in online learning to achieve this goal is to use the electronic Student Worksheet (E-Worksheet) which includes the student's 4C skill values with REACT strategies: Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, and Transferring. The research chooses one of the topics in chemistry, which is introduction to chemistry and laboratories. This REACT-based e-worksheet was developed using the ADDIE development model which consists of five stages those are analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. In addition, the study used a sample of 10 students of mathematic and natural science 12th grade MAN 4 Tangerang. Based on the results of validation and student response questionnaires, REACT-based e-worksheet to stimulate students' 4C skills was declared valid and obtained an average percentage of 91.8% with very good criteria.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Yulia Fatma ◽  
Regiolina Hayami ◽  
Arif Budiman ◽  
Yoze Rizki

Abstract Riau has many new tourist attractions that are no less attractive to tourist attractions that are already well-known in other regions of Indonesia, but are not widely known by domestic and foreign tourists. So far, the promotion of tourist attractions is only based on writing and photos of one side that is less interactive. Increasing the promotion of tourism locations is needed to increase the interest of tourists to visit the place. One effort that can be done in the development of media promotion of tourist attractions is to use current technological developments, such as a Virtual Tour application. Virtual Reality (VR) application which is designed to be used as a medium of information and tourism promotion in Riau province. The impression of a virtual reality tour using 360°degree photos makes users feel as if they are in the environment. The research method used is the ADDIE development model which consists of five stages which include analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The sample data was used as many as 18 tourism sites taken from 3 districts namely Pekanbaru City, Kampar and Rokan Hulu. Based on the results of the study obtained all the functions of the application run well and are expected to help tourists and the public provide information about the location of tourist attractions and can increase the potential of tourism in the province of Riau, especially Pekanbaru City. Keywords: virtual reality tour, promotion, tourism, riau, android Abstrak Riau memiliki banyak tempat – tempat wisata baru yang tidak kalah menariknya dengan tempat wisata yang sudah terkenal di daerah lainnya di Indonesia, tetapi belum banyak diketahui oleh wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara. Selama ini promosi tempat wisata hanya berdasarkan tulisan dan foto satu sisi yang kurang interaktif. Meningkatkan promosi lokasi pariwisata diperlukan untuk meningkatkan minat wisatawan untuk berkunjung ke tempat tersebut. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan dalam pengembangan media promosi tempat wisata adalah dengan menggunakan perkembangan teknologi saat ini, seperti sebuah aplikasi Virtual Tour. Aplikasi Virtual Reality (VR) yang dirancang digunakan sebagai media informasi dan promosi pariwisata provinsi Riau. Kesan virtual tour reality menggunakan foto 360° derajat membuat pengguna dapat merasa seolah-olah berada di dalam lingkungan tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Model pengembangan  ADDIE yang terdiri dari lima tahapan yang meliputi analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi dan evaluasi. Data sampel digunakan sebanyak 18 tempat pariwisata yang diambil dari 3 kabupaten yaitu Kota Pekanbaru, Kampar dan Rokan Hulu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapat semua fungsi aplikasi berjalan dengan baik dan diharapkan dapat membantu wisatawan serta masyarakat memberikan informasi tentang lokasi tempat wisata dan dapat meningkatkan potensi pariwisata di propinsi Riau khususnya Kota Pekanbaru. Kata kunci: virtual tour reality, promosi, pariwisata, riau, android.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 58
Rahmah Hidayani ◽  
Ardi Widhia Sabekti ◽  
Inelda Yulita

The aim of this study was to determine the practicality and effectiveness of educational game media using the Lectora Inspire application on chemical equilibrium. This study used research and development (R&D) methods, with the ADDIE research model, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. In this study only the Implementation and Evaluation stage was carried out. The test subjects in this study were 2 teachers and 20 students of class XI IPA 2 Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Tanjungpinang. The results of practicality tests using teacher questionnaire responses was 88% with the category of very practical and in terms of student responses, it was obtained a percentage of 84% with very practical criteria. In the aspect of effectiveness obtained learning outcomes with pretest and posttest scores N-Gain 0.5 results in the medium category. Based on the results of evaluations conducted by educative game media using the Lectora Inspire application on chemical equilibrium, it is declared practical, and effective for use.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 256-271
Januardi Rosyidi Lubis ◽  
Deka Maita Sandi

Museum is an educational institution where tangible (fossils, artifacts) and intangible (values, traditions, norms) are displayed. The museum in Medan has various range of but there has been no inventory of the Ulos as a Bataknese traditional ethnic cloth yet as one of the cultural identities of native people in North Sumatera, Indonesia. By using Android platform, this study aims to analyze and explain various patterns and motifs of the Batak Ulos in 6 (six) regencies: Karo, Pak-pak, Simalungun, Toba Samosir, Tapanuli, and Mandailing. The problems were (1) designing a digital Ulos museum using Android software, (2) describing and explaining the various motifs of Ulos representating each region, and (3) explaining noble values contained in Ulos. Therefore, people nowadays can safe time and distance as well as easily find information about the use, the meaning, and the function of each Ulos. This study uses the ADDIE (Analysis Design - Development - Implement - Evaluate) method. The results of this study are in the form of an android-based application that can be distributed offline to students, teachers, and the general public. In the future, this research is expected to develop applications that can be accessed online through various Playstores.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 90-98
Diah Syafitri ◽  
Fury Styo Siskawati

The aim of the research is to develope PROBZI as an innovative learning media in disruptive era. This research was done in MTs Ma’arif Ambulu with the data colleting methode are interview, observation, documentation, test and questioner. And than the development model that used is ADDIE which cover analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Based on the research that was done can be explained that PROBZI has been successfully developed as an alternative learning media in the disruptive era. PROBZI that has been developed can be said to be very feasible with an average percentage given a value of 90.40%. As for the more detailed value is given at 86.43% by the validator which includes material experts and media experts, then a value of 94.37% is given based on user responses that include teachers and students. Keywords: PROBZI, innovative learning media, disruptive

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-55

Variable calculus is a subject that requires students to have high mastery and competence. This is because the material presented requires students to think critically and creatively to solve problems. In fact the results of the previous semester's assessment analysis, the percentage of students who graduated with grades A or B was very low. The research method is research and development, with ADDIE development stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The results of the needs analysis showed that students need teaching material for calculus variable which is assisted by a technology of mathematical applications, where students' opinions on the need for a mathematical application such as geogebra software in learning, there are 66.7% of students strongly agree, and there are 33.3% agree . The validation results show that the average of all aspects of the assessment of teaching materials obtained an average of 4.29 means that the teaching materials are valid. The results of the practicality questionnaire analysis of the 20 students who took the lecture obtained an overall average of 4.28, which means practical. The results of student responses to the teaching material questionnaire from the aspects of teaching materials and learning activities obtained an average percentage of total positive responses of students amounted to 81.67% meaning that teaching materials are effectively used by students in learning

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-108
Rendy Putra Pratama ◽  
Rochmawati Rochmawati

Learning media is believed to be one of the important parts of the learning process, especially computer-based media. This study aims to develop a computer game-based media Make a Match and to analyze its feasibility as a media enrichment. This study provided a type of educational Research and Development (RD) by referring to the model of development ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The result of validations by material experts, linguists, and media experts showed thatthe average worthiness of assessment was 86,27%. The average percentage revealed the number of 90,1% in the material aspect, 81,4% in the linguistics aspect, and 86,7% in the media aspect. Therefore, this computer based-game is very decent to be used as amedia enrichment for students. 

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