2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 461-476
Edimarcio Francisco Rocha ◽  
Eduardo Ribeiro Mueller ◽  
Edslei Rodrigues Almeida

Resumo: Neste artigo, apresentamos uma experiência sobre a utilização de espaços não formais para o desenvolvimento de atividades relacionadas ao ensino e à aprendizagem de conteúdos curriculares que podem envolver diversas áreas do conhecimento, como a química e a biologia. Desse modo, destacamos um museu de pré-história como um potencial espaço não formal para o desenvolvimento dessas atividades. Utilizando pressupostos da pesquisa qualitativa e como recurso metodológico a aula de campo, realizamos observações e proposições sobre possíveis abordagens de temas relacionados ao ensino e aprendizagem de conceitos científicos, tendo como objetivo indicar aos professores meios alternativos ao processo tradicional de ensino que fragmenta o conhecimento. Como um espaço não formal para o ensino, o museu apresenta elementos que podem contribuir para a aprendizagem, uma vez que oferece formas de contextualizar o conhecimento das diferentes áreas, demonstrando ser um ambiente que propicia trabalhar assuntos relacionados com as Ciências da Natureza e, também, a conceitos étnicos, históricos, geográficos, linguísticos e políticos. Além disso, esse espaço se caracteriza como um local capaz de romper as barreiras da sala de aula, permitindo a interação do indivíduo com os artefatos expostos, contextualizando questões locais e contribuindo para a apropriação do conhecimento científico de maneira construtivista.Palavras-chave: Museu. Alfabetização científica. Mediação. Construtivista.Abstract: In this article, we present an experience about the use of non-formal spaces for the development of activities related to the teaching and learning of curricular contents that may involve several areas of knowledge, such as chemistry and biology. Thus, we highlight a pre-history museum as a potential non-formal space for the development of these activities. Using qualitative research assumptions and as a methodological resource the field class, we make observations and propositions about possible approaches to topics related to teaching and learning of scientific concepts, aiming to indicate to teachers alternative means to the traditional teaching process that fragments knowledge. As a non-formal space for teaching, the museum presents elements that can contribute to learning, since it offers ways to contextualize the knowledge of the different areas, proving to be an environment that facilitates work related to Nature Sciences and, also , to ethnic, historical, geographical, linguistic and political concepts. In addition, this space is characterized as a place capable of breaking the barriers of the classroom, allowing the interaction of the individual with the exposed artifacts, contextualizing local issues and contributing to the appropriation of scientific knowledge in a constructivist way.Keywords: Museum. Scientific Literacy. Mediation. Constructivist.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
F. Fakhriyah ◽  
S. Masfuah ◽  
M. Roysa ◽  
A. Rusilowati ◽  
E. S. Rahayu

<p>The fundamental issue is the growing use of scientific information possessed by students to solve problems in daily life and produce useful scientific source from scientific literacy. The purpose of the research was to analyze and describe the ability of a student science concepts from the aspect of scientific literacy that includes aspects of scientific knowledge, scientific competence, scientific context as well as the factors that influence the students’ science literacy skills. This research was quantitative descriptive analysis. The instrument used was a matter of objective 40 along with the reasons of the physics concept and biology concepts that are used to measure aspects of scientific knowledge, scientific competence, and scientific context, while the students’ attitudes towards science and science teaching and learning strategies measured by questionnaire instrument. Instruments used included multiple-choice test questions reasoned and questionnaires (the attitude of science and science teaching and learning strategies). Based on data analysis it was known that the ability of science literacy PGSD UMK students varied, 66.2% of students were at the level of nominal and 33.8% of the students were at the functional level. It showed that 66.2% of students already had a concept for connecting science with other disciplines, could write a scientific term, but students still had misconceptions, while 33.8% of students considered the theory and explained concepts correctly, but they had a limited understanding and were difficult to connect to the concept of his own opinion.</p>

Dessyana Nasution And Masitowarni Siregar

The aims of this study are to know the Teachers’ Strategies on Teaching Reading Comprehension of Recount Text at Grade X of SMA Negeri 1 Simpang Empat. It was conducted by using qualitative research method. The subjects of this study are two English teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Simpang Empat. The two teachers taught at Grade X. They chosen as the subject which were observed and interviewed. The writer used two instruments, they were observation and interview. This study found that the teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Simpang Empat used appropriate strategy in teaching reading comprehension of recount text and using the media to make the students be motivated and interested in learning. The teachers guided and managed the students in comprehending the material. The teachers' reason in using strategies is because the students get difficulties in comprehending the material if the teachers were used the traditional teaching strategies. The implementation of the strategy adapted by the teachers with the material, the indicator, the purpose of learning on the syllabus and curriculumn. All of the students were active and motivated in teaching and learning process. They were also brave to share the idea, asked the teacher when they found the problem on learning the material and answer the question that given by the teacher.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Carlos Alberto Moreira Dos Santos ◽  
Marco Antonio Carvalho Pereira ◽  
Maria Auxliadora Motta Barreto ◽  
Mariana Aranha De Souza ◽  
Paola Oliveira Cicarelli

Este trabalho reporta uma nova metodologia que articula naturalmente ensino e aprendizagem tradicional ao uso de metodologias ativas e educação a distância por meio de uma rede social. São abordadas as dificuldades de se usar novas metodologias de ensino e aprendizagem em sala de aula, procurando utilizar uma nova proposta como forma de solução para essas dificuldades. Os resultados do desempenho dos alunos, com base no tempo destinado ao material didático postado na rede social Cuboz e nas avaliações escritas individuais, sugerem que estes tiveram desempenho similar ao das turmas anteriores. As percepções dos alunos no início, meio e fim da disciplina, associadas às análises dos resultados das avaliações de desempenho, sugerem que a nova metodologia melhora as questões de motivação e dedicação dos alunos, pois permite que eles realizem suas atividades no momento que entendem de forma mais conveniente e por meio de seus dispositivos eletrônicos de comunicação individuais. A nova metodologia permite liberar parte do tempo de sala de aula, que pode ser usado para a realização de atividades avançadas, como palestras, realização de projetos colaborativos e articulação com disciplinas experimentais ou projetos integradores.Palavras-chave: CEMTRAL. Metodologia híbrida. Cuboz.CEMTRAL: A New Hybrid Teaching and Learning MethodologyAbstratThis work reports a new methodology that naturally articulates the traditional teaching and learning to the use of active methodologies and distance education through a social network. The difficulties of using new teaching and learning methodologies in the classroom are addressed, trying to use a new proposal as a way of solving the difficulties pointed out. The results of the students performances, based on the time dedicated to the teaching material published in the Cuboz social network and the individual written evaluations, suggest that their performance was similar to the previous classes. The students' perceptions at the beginning, middle and end of the course associated with the analyses of the results of the performance evaluations suggest that the new methodology improves students' motivation and dedication issues as it allows them to carry out their activities at the moment they feel most convenient and through their individual electronic communication devices. The new methodology allows releasing part of the classroom time, which can be used for the accomplishment of advanced activities like advanced lectures, performing collaborative projects and articulation with experimental subjects or of integrative projects. Keywords: Central. Hybrid methodology. Cuboz.CEMTRAL: Una Nueva Metodología Híbrida de la Enseñanza y el Aprendizaje ResumenEste trabajo reporta una nueva metodología que articula naturalmente la enseñanza y el aprendizaje tradicional al uso de metodologías activas y educación a distancia a través de una red social. Se abordan las dificultades de utilizar nuevas metodologías de enseñanza y aprendizaje en el aula, buscando utilizar una nueva propuesta como forma de solución a las dificultades señaladas. Los resultados de los rendimientos  de los alumnos, basados en el tiempo destinado al material didáctico publicado en la red social Cuboz y en las evaluaciones escritas individuales, sugieren que tuvieron desempeño similar al de las clases anteriores. Las percepciones de los alumnos al inicio, medio y final de la disciplina asociada al análisis de los resultados de las evaluaciones de desempeño, sugieren que la nueva metodología mejora las cuestiones de motivación y dedicación de los alumnos, pues permite que ellos realicen sus actividades en el momento que entienden más conveniente y por medio de sus dispositivos electrónicos de comunicación individuales. La nueva metodología permite liberar parte del tiempo de aula, que puede ser utilizado para la realización de actividades avanzadas como conferencias, realización de proyectos colaborativos y articulación con disciplinas experimentales o de proyectos integradores.Palabras clave: Cemtral. Metodología híbrida. Cuboz.

Degi Alrinda Agustina ◽  
Lili Rahmawati

This study aims to analyze the scientific literacy skills of PGSD students at the University of Borneo Tarakan with the Test of Scientific Literacy Skills (TOSLS). TOSLS is a test that measures skills related to the main aspects of scientific literacy, namely recognizing and analyzing the use of investigative methods that lead to scientific knowledge and skills to organize, analyze, and interpret quantitative data and scientific information. This study uses qualitative research, namely by analyzing and describing the main aspects of student scientific literacy with TOSLS. The results showed that the students 'scientific literacy skills were still in poor criteria as indicated by the students' skills in understanding the method of investigation that led to scientific knowledge of 59.54%, and the skills of organizing, analyzing, and interpreting quantitative data and scientific information by 54.56%. The results of this research become the basis for further research with innovative learning models and teaching materials to improve students' scientific literacy. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-16
Joel Weddington ◽  
Charles N. Brooks ◽  
Mark Melhorn ◽  
Christopher R. Brigham

Abstract In most cases of shoulder injury at work, causation analysis is not clear-cut and requires detailed, thoughtful, and time-consuming causation analysis; traditionally, physicians have approached this in a cursory manner, often presenting their findings as an opinion. An established method of causation analysis using six steps is outlined in the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Guidelines and in the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Disease and Injury Causation, Second Edition, as follows: 1) collect evidence of disease; 2) collect epidemiological data; 3) collect evidence of exposure; 4) collect other relevant factors; 5) evaluate the validity of the evidence; and 6) write a report with evaluation and conclusions. Evaluators also should recognize that thresholds for causation vary by state and are based on specific statutes or case law. Three cases illustrate evidence-based causation analysis using the six steps and illustrate how examiners can form well-founded opinions about whether a given condition is work related, nonoccupational, or some combination of these. An evaluator's causal conclusions should be rational, should be consistent with the facts of the individual case and medical literature, and should cite pertinent references. The opinion should be stated “to a reasonable degree of medical probability,” on a “more-probable-than-not” basis, or using a suitable phrase that meets the legal threshold in the applicable jurisdiction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 118 (9) ◽  
pp. 304-312
Dr.Deepa Gupta ◽  
Dr.Mukul Gupta

In this research paper, the researcher has attempted to analyse the impact of MOOCs to improve the performance of faculty members concerning Delhi NCR. Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) are evolving rapidly, and many kinds of research have been conducted to explore the structure, effectiveness and issues arise in MOOCs. The free accessibility of MOOCs has believed in soon replace the traditional teaching and learning method.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Athoillah Islamy ◽  
Nurul Istiani

This study aims to explain the application of hypnoteaching method in spiritual values learning. This type of research is library research. This research is qualitative research. The primary source used in this study is the thought of Muhammad Noer in his book entitled Hypnoteaching For Success Learning. This research concludes that the hypnoteaching method is a learning method that combines teaching and learning with hypnosis. This method can be used as one of the methods in the process of learning spiritual values. In its application, the hypnoteaching method emphasizes the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of students through positive suggestions. With these steps, it is expected to create a more effective and enjoyable spiritual learning process. Keywords: Method, Hypnoteaching, Learning, Spiritual

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 696-714

Abstract. This journal discusses the development of variations in teaching in increasing learning motivation. The learning process is an activity that involves an individual (physical and spiritual), learning activities are never carried out without a strong motivation or motivation from within the individual or from outside the individual who participates in learning activities. Therefore, the learning process requires the development and use of variations in teaching to generate student motivation. Variations in teaching include variations in teaching styles, variations in media and materials, and variations in teaching and learning interactions. Motivation has a very important role in learning activities, there is no learning activity without motivation, therefore motivation has a strategic role in achieving the goals or results of learning. Keywords: Development Of Teaching Variations and Motivation to Learn

Romlah .

IMPLEMENTASI MODEL PEMBELAJARANPENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DENGAN PENDEKATANKONTEKSTUAL SEBAGAI UPAYA MENINGKATKAN KUALITASPEMBELAJARAN DI SMP NEGERI 13 KOTA MALANGOleh :Romlah *)Fakultas Agama Islam UMMABSTRACTIslamic Education teaching and learning process considerably applied traditional teaching modelsresulting low student’s interest in the subject. It influenced the internalization of Islamic Educationvalues to students. According to the above background, contextual approach was assumed to create amore meaningful and effective teaching and learning process. The study revealed that most teachersdeveloped instructional material merely based on Teacher Association for Islamic EducationReference, a discrepancy between lesson plan and the implementation was found due to insufficienttime and too-much material, and a problem in applying various methods was found due to student’sbasic competence diversity ranging from the 75-80% to 20-25% mastery creating less conduciveatmosphere for effective teaching and learning process. Accordingly, Islamic Education teachersneeded to review the previous materials using questioning technique and point particular students toanswer the questions during the review time to attract more attention.Keywords: Implementation of IslamicEducation Teaching Model, ContextualApproach, Improving the Teaching andLearning Process

Journal ◽  
1969 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Judith Okely

Drawing on a multiplicity of learning, teaching and educational experiences, I argue that understanding positionality, or the specificity of each individual, triggers necessary unlearning. Confronting hitherto hidden, subjective knowledge may be the means to recognize grounded learning as ethnocentric and time and space specific. The individual may learn positionality through unexpected contrast, especially through anthropology. The anthropologist is the participant observer, analyst and writer - no managerial delegator, but directly engaged. Learning through engaged action, anthropologists unlearn what they have consciously and unconsciously absorbed from infancy. New embodied knowledge is often gained through making mistakes in other unknown contexts, thus fostering unlearning. This article explores the above themes through an autobiographical account of experiences of both teaching and learning.

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