Ольга Борисовна Степанова

В статье исследуется голод — одно из частых явлений прошлого северных селькупов: рассматривается периодичность голодовок, определяются группы селькупского общества, наиболее подверженные регулярному недоеданию, вскрываются причины голода. В результате исследования автор приходит к следующим выводам. Голод селькупы переживали ежегодно, в зимне-весенний период, когда доедались все запасы, сделанные на зиму. Летом и осенью пища запасалась селькупами в недостаточном количестве. Причина этого кроется в селькупском национальном характере, которому не были присущи такие качества, как запасливость и расчетливость. Большого числа заготовок селькупы не делали также из-за кочевого образа жизни. Заканчивался сезонный голод с прилетом весенних перелетных птиц. После коллективной охоты на них устраивался праздник и всеобщее пиршество, на котором селькупы первый раз в году наедались досыта. Вслед за утками возвращалась рыба — основная летне-осенняя пища селькупов. В голодный зимне-весенний период селькупы жили охотой, но полноценная охота была невозможна для безоленных селькупов, так как она требовала выезда в места, где водился пушной зверь, или проходили миграции дикого оленя. Охотничья добыча часто не оправдывала надежды селькупов, поскольку зависела от капризов природы — миграций объектов промысла, сильных морозов, «урожайности» текущего года на зверя и т. д. Кроме кочевого образа жизни, особенностей национального характера и неудачной охоты у селькупского голода была еще одна социально-экономическая причина. Русские чиновники, представители православной церкви, купцы и торговцы, а также собственная родовая знать эксплуатировали, спаивали и при торговых сделках обманывали селькупов. Учрежденные государством хлебозапасные магазины, призванные не допустить голода у населения Туруханского края, лишь усугубили положение селькупов, сделав их вечными должниками казне. Голоду была подвержена подавляющая — бедняцкая — часть селькупского общества. Селькупы не боролись с голодом, а смиренно переживали его, для чего у них имелось несколько пассивных методов, к которым относились «ожидание весны», особая голодная «диета», родственная и неродственная взаимопомощь. Голод в том виде, в каком он переживался селькупами, может считаться одной из селькупских традиционных хозяйственных практик. The article examines one of the frequent phenomena of the past of the northern Selkups — famine; the frequency of hunger strikes is examined, the groups of the Selkup society most susceptible to regular malnutrition are identified, and the causes of hunger are revealed. As a result of the research, the author comes to the following conclusions. The Selkups experienced famine annually, in the winter-spring period, then all the reserves made for the winter were consumed. In summer and autumn, the Selkups stored food in insufficient quantities. This is due to the Selkup national character, which was not characterized by such qualities as thrifty and prudent. The Selkups also did not make a large number of procurements because of the nomadic way of life. The seasonal famine ended with the arrival of spring migratory birds. After a collective hunt for them, a holiday and a general feast were arranged, at which the Selkups ate their fill for the first time in a year. After the ducks, fish returned — the main summer-autumn food of the Selkups. During the hungry winter-spring period, the Selkups lived by hunting, but full-fledged hunting was impossible for the deerless Selkups, since they required going to places where fur-bearing animals lived, or wild reindeer migrated. Hunting success often did not meet the expectations of the Selkups, since it depended on the whims of nature — migrations of fishing objects, severe frosts, the «yield» of the current year for the animal, etc. In addition to the nomadic way of life, peculiarities of national character and unsuccessful hunting, the Selkup famine had another socio-economic reason. The Selkups were exploited, drunk and deceived in commercial transactions by Russian officials, representatives of the Orthodox Church, merchants and traders, as well as their own clan nobility. Bakeries established by the state, designed to prevent hunger among the population of the Turukhansk region, only exacerbated the situation of the Selkups, making them eternal debtors to the treasury. The overwhelming part of the Selkup society was exposed to hunger. The Selkups did not fight hunger, but humbly endured it, for which they had several passive methods, which included «waiting for spring», a special hungry "diet", kindred and non-kindred mutual assistance. Hunger in the form in which it was experienced by the Selkups can be considered one of the Selkup traditional economic practices.

S. Zhunusbaev ◽  

In this article, the author, using widely the materials of the multivolume essay "Turkestan Collection" stored in a single copy in the city of Tashkent, could in a detailed plan provide a real historical picture of the past, activities, household, culture and life, family and household characteristics, national character , morals and spiritual and moral values, and ideals of nomadic Kazakhs. The works of N.M. Przhevalsky, I.V. Mushketov, travel notes by P.P. Semenov and N.A. Severtsov – researchers of the Tien Shan, the works of N.A. Maev on the Turkestan Territory, and others were published. At the same time in periodicals many articles have appeared, often for the first time touching upon and covering political and economic issues, history, ethnography and culture of Central Asia

1995 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-30 ◽  
Aron Y. Gurevich

Several years ago, when I visited the Netherlands for the first time, a famous historian with whom I was walking along a road through the polders observed that the national character of the Dutch had formed through many centuries of efforts to shape nature, and that nature in its turn bears the imprint of their character. I was greatly interested by this remark on the interaction between mentality and landscape and I asked my colleague to write an article on this subject for the periodical Odissei. Chelovek v istorii (‘Odysseus. Man in history’), which focused on issues of historical anthropology and which I am publishing for several years. Although unfortunately I did not receive the article as such, I was all the more interested to read Nico Roymans' work. The perception of space and landscape does in truth change through history and it would be incorrect to interpret the natural environment as a rigid framework in which the history of mankind unfolds. It is said that culture is man's second nature – but would it not be nearer the truth to say that it is his only nature? Man is a symbolical being (animal symbolicum), who finds his way in this world by means of symbols and who perceives reality through these points of reference, which he creates or reproduces. There is no sphere of activity beyond the boundary of this symbolical world. For this reason the perception of human activity cannot go beyond or neglect this all-embracing symbolical universe. Nevertheless far from all historians have mastered the art of reading or deciphering the sign systems of the past or present, since it is by no means easy to learn to read in this manner.

Mariana Abakarova

The article analyses English and Lak proverbs describing a man. Proverbs have been chosen as a material of study due to the fact that they are the entities revealing the mentality of a certain ethnic group. The author was compelled to conduct this study owing to the current lack of research in the area of Lak proverbs. The novelty of the article lies in the fact that for the first time it has provided a psychological portrait of a man on the basis of the English and Lak languages. Isolated geographical position of Lak and English people was the cause of their inclination for conservative way of life which resulted in the formation of certain stereotypes of a Lak and an Englishman. The aim of the author was to discover those stereotypes by means of detecting universal and specific traits of Lak and English people. To reach that aim the author grouped the proverbs in thematic layers and provided them with linguocultural commentary. The image of man consists of such characteristics as reliability or unreliability, reserve or verbosity, valiancy or cowardice, ability or inability to fight, patience or impatience and love of food. The analysis showed that the ideal man in both Lak and English culture is the one who is patient, restrained and able to defend himself and his family, including the situation on the battlefield. The difference between the Lak and the English appeared in the degree of man’s readiness to fight. For the Laks whose life in the past was passing between wars the key factor was their ability to wage war while the English are more reserved and cautious in their actions.

Franz Rubel ◽  
Katharina Brugger ◽  
Lidia Chitimia-Dobler ◽  
Hans Dautel ◽  
Elisabeth Meyer-Kayser ◽  

AbstractAn updated and increased compilation of georeferenced tick locations in Germany is presented here. This data collection extends the dataset published some years ago by another 1448 new tick locations, 900 locations of which were digitized from literature and 548 locations are published here for the first time. This means that a total of 3492 georeferenced tick locations is now available for Germany. The tick fauna of Germany includes two species of Argasidae in the genera Argas and Carios and 19 species of Ixodidae in the genera Dermacentor, Haemaphysalis, and Ixodes, altogether 21 tick species. In addition, three species of Ixodidae in the genera Hyalomma (each spring imported by migratory birds) and Rhipicephalus (occasionally imported by dogs returning from abroad with their owners) are included in the tick atlas. Of these, the georeferenced locations of 23 tick species are depicted in maps. The occurrence of the one remaining tick species, the recently described Ixodes inopinatus, is given at the level of the federal states. The most common and widespread tick species is Ixodes ricinus, with records in all 16 federal states. With the exception of Hamburg, Dermacentor reticulatus was also found in all federal states. The occurrence of the ixodid ticks Ixodes canisuga, Ixodes frontalis, Ixodes hexagonus and I. inopinatus were documented in at least 11 federal states each. The two mentioned argasid tick species were also documented in numerous federal states, the pigeon tick Argas reflexus in 11 and the bat tick Carios vespertilionis in seven federal states. The atlas of ticks in Germany and the underlying digital dataset in the supplement can be used to improve global tick maps or to study the effects of climate change and habitat alteration on the distribution of tick species.

Rhizomata ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-217
Matthew Sharpe

Abstract This paper examines the central criticisms that come, broadly, from the modern, ‘analytic’ tradition, of Pierre Hadot’s idea of ancient philosophy as a way of life.: Firstly, ancient philosophy just did not or could not have involved anything like the ‘spiritual practices’ or ‘technologies of the self’, aiming at curing subjects’ unnecessary desires or bettering their lives, contra Hadot and Foucault et al. Secondly, any such metaphilosophical account of putative ‘philosophy’ must unacceptably downplay the role of ‘serious philosophical reasoning’ or ‘rigorous argument’ in philosophy. Thirdly, claims that ancient philosophy aimed at securing wisdom by a variety of means including but not restricted to rational inquiry are accordingly false also as historical claims about the ancient philosophers. Fourthly, to the extent that we must (despite (3)) admit that some ancient thinkers did engage in or recommend extra-cognitive forms of transformative practice, these thinkers were not true or ‘mainline’ philosophers. I contend that the historical claims (3) and (4) are highly contestable, risking erroneously projecting a later modern conception of philosophy back onto the past. Of the theoretical or metaphilosophical claims (1) and (2), I argue that the second claim, as framed here, points to real, hard questions that surround the conception(s) of philosophy as a way of life.

1947 ◽  
Vol 37 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 70-73 ◽  
Joan Hussey

John Mauropous, an eleventh-century Metropolitan of Euchaïta, has long been commemorated in the service books of the Orthodox Church. The Synaxarion for the Office of Orthros on 30th January, the day dedicated to the Three Fathers, St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory the Theologian, and St. John Chrysostom, tells how the festival was instituted by Mauropous and describes him as ‘the well-known John, a man of great repute and well-versed in the learning of the Hellenes, as his writings show, and moreover one who has attained to the highest virtue’. In western Europe something was known of him certainly as early as the end of the sixteenth century; his iambic poems were published for the first time by an Englishman in 1610, and his ‘Vita S. Dorothei’ in the Acta Sanctorum in 1695. But it was not until the second half of the nineteenth century that scholars were really able to form some idea of the character and achievement of this Metropolitan of Euchaïta. Particularly important were two publications: Sathas' edition in 1876 of Michael Psellus' oration on John, and Paul de Lagarde's edition in 1882 of some of John's own writings. This last contained not only the works already printed, but a number of hitherto unpublished sermons and letters, together with the constitution of the Faculty of Law in the University of Constantinople, and a short introduction containing part of an etymological poem. But there remained, and still remains, one significant omission: John's canons have been almost consistently neglected.

2011 ◽  
Vol 26 (S2) ◽  
pp. 1893-1893
I. Manor ◽  
G. Yazpan

ADHD is a well-known, chronic disorder that persists in adulthood. During the past 20 years its existence in adults is becoming clearer, yet its dynamic aspects are rarely discussed. The treatment of adults is vital, as much as that of children; however the literature discussing it, especially its non-pharmacological aspect, is scarce.We describe the results of our treatment with drama-therapy of two groups of adults with ADHD. These groups included 11 adults (from both groups), men and women, from most socioeconomic strata, aged ≥ 60 yrs., who were diagnosed as suffering from ADHD and were treated for it for the first time in their life. Drama-therapy was selected as we believed it to be a useful method with associative, distracted ADHD patients, since it enabled the use of transitional space through non-verbal images and acts.This presentation discusses the basic themes with which patients began therapy. Interestingly, all patients, however different, shared the same themes that were built on self doubt and the pre-presumption of disappointment. The impairment related to ADHD, that was felt, but not understood, led to a strong experience of heavy losses, which we tried to define separately: of a clear path, of control, of the inner perception of borders and of the loss of an integrative inner self. All these losses were accumulated in the transitional space in a place we named “Nowhere land”.We would like to present these themes of losses and of becoming lost and to discuss their meaning.

Exchange ◽  
1982 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-57

AbstractMons. Antonio Batista Fragoso has been bishop of Crateus in Northeast Brazil for the past ten years. Eighty percent of the 360,000 people in his diocese are impoverished peasants who engage in rudimentary farming. At least half of the peasants are landless. It is among these people that Bishop Fragoso has encouraged the formation of small grassroots Christian communities that are responsible for a profound change in the patterns of Christian living in his diocese. The following is LP's translation of excerpts from a talk that Bishop Fragoso gave to his fellow bishops and priests in Managua in October, 1980. This is the first time it has appeared in English. (Editor Latinamerica Press)

Philosophy ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 85 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-243
Tim Heysse

How should we look back on the history and the origins of our ethical outlook and our way of life? We know that in the past, strange and appalling ethical views and practices have enjoyed widespread and sincere support. Yet we do not regard our contemporary outlook – to the extent that we do, at the present, have a common outlook – as one option among many. However bemused we may feel in ethical matters, at least on some issues we claim to have reasons that are good (enough). If we do not object to the use of the predicate ‘true’ in ethics, we may say that we are confronted with the (ethical) truth of an outlook. Or, to echo a provocative expression of David Wiggins, we claim that ‘there is nothing else to think’.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Simon Reich ◽  
Dajie Zhang ◽  
Tomas Kulvicius ◽  
Sven Bölte ◽  
Karin Nielsen-Saines ◽  

AbstractThe past decade has evinced a boom of computer-based approaches to aid movement assessment in early infancy. Increasing interests have been dedicated to develop AI driven approaches to complement the classic Prechtl general movements assessment (GMA). This study proposes a novel machine learning algorithm to detect an age-specific movement pattern, the fidgety movements (FMs), in a prospectively collected sample of typically developing infants. Participants were recorded using a passive, single camera RGB video stream. The dataset of 2800 five-second snippets was annotated by two well-trained and experienced GMA assessors, with excellent inter- and intra-rater reliabilities. Using OpenPose, the infant full pose was recovered from the video stream in the form of a 25-points skeleton. This skeleton was used as input vector for a shallow multilayer neural network (SMNN). An ablation study was performed to justify the network’s architecture and hyperparameters. We show for the first time that the SMNN is sufficient to discriminate fidgety from non-fidgety movements in a sample of age-specific typical movements with a classification accuracy of 88%. The computer-based solutions will complement original GMA to consistently perform accurate and efficient screening and diagnosis that may become universally accessible in daily clinical practice in the future.

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