scholarly journals Development Learning Device Model of Environmental Education in the Character of Environmental Care at Senior High School in Solok Selatan Regency

Maisardi Maisardi

Implementation of environmentally caring education in schools requires teachers to develop learning tools that can lead learners to achieve the expected growth of character. The purpose of this research to produce learning devices of environmental education (PLH) that can grow this characters in high school students in Solok Selatan Regency. Development method using the 4-D model which consists of four stages of defining, design, development and disseminate. Learning tools developed in the form of the syllabus, Lesson Plan, and students worksheet. The result of document analysis of learning devices shows that during this implementation of environmental character education through PLH at senior high school in Solok Selatan Regency has not been done properly. It is necessary to develop effective learning tools effectively to build the environmental caring character of learners. As a proven from the analysis of the validity of learning devices showed in a very good category, the device practicability by the teacher was very good and by the students of the good category. Effectiveness device seen from the learning of cognitive domain and effective were also in the good category. The character formed through the development of learning tools PLH classified into 2, namely individual characters, among others: religious, disciplined, creative, independent. Then the second was the social character, among others: environmental care, social care, responsibility. The study of learning device development only up to stage three development of four stages of development of the 4-D model. It would be better if the development model was done until the disseminate stage so that learning devices can be developed on a wider scale.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Juliana Juliana

The lack of the students ' interest and attention toward the local wisdom values of the local culture is this research background. The phenomena are due to the absence of interactive media to strengthen character education based on local wisdom in school. The purpose of this research is to create an interactive media based on local wisdom values with the implementation of the iconic card to strengthen the local wisdom values of Malay culture which is useful to build students’ character education. The research used a qualitative descriptive method with social anthropolinguistics approach. The subject of this research was students of Nurul Hasanah Senior High School, Medan. The data were collected through field observation, interview, and documentation. The results showed that the iconic card might be used as a media to teach Malay wisdom values with the use of the Pak Belalang icon and Malay pantun. Pantun in this research has local wisdom values of Malay culture such as moral, ethical and norm values. Therefore, it can be concluded that the iconic card can be used as media in strengthening the local wisdom values of Malay culture that useful for students' character education.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 779
Sri Istinafiatin Fadilah ◽  
Soeparman Kardi ◽  
Z.A. Imam Supardi

The aim of this research is to develop biology inquiry-based instructional materials, on the topic Human Excretion System to facilitate senior high school students to think critically and work cooperatively. The instructional materials consisted of the lesson plan, worksheet, learning material, and evaluation instruments. Before the try-outing, the instructional materials had been validated by expert and good categorized.  The result showed that: 1) the developed instructional materials were feasible; 2) the lesson plan had been well implemented (98%); 3) the highest students activities were discussion (27,56%), writing hypotheses (22,16%), formulating conclusion (13,70%), and testing hypotheses using the data collection (13,14%); 4) student learning outcomes including the ability of the achievement of competence indicators completeness 88% and  the think critically had reached 95,6% of mastery level in the indicator gives the argument (92,6%) and take decisions and actions (88,1%); 5) student motivation level based on the ARCS instrument were respectively: 4,48 for Attention, 4,44 for Relevance, 4,22 for Confidence, and 4,47 for Satisfaction. The percentage of student response to the instructional process was 80,77% , 84,62% to the teaching materials, 82,05% to the worksheets; and 6) 87,3% in collaboration work. Based on the above result showed that developed biology inquiry based instructional materials on the topic Human Excretion System were feasible to facilitate senior high school students to think critically and work cooperatively. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran yang layak berdasarkan pendekatan berbasis inkuiri pada pokok bahasan sistem eksresi manusia dalam upaya untuk melatih keterampilan berpikir kritis dan kerjasama siswa SMA. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah Silabus, RPP, Materi Ajar, LKS, dan Instrumen Penilaian. Sebelum diujicobakan perangkat pembelajaran telah divalidasi oleh pakar dan hasilnya valid dan berkategori baik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) perangkat pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan secara keseluruhan layak digunakan; 2) keterlaksanaan RPP adalah 98% terlaksana baik; 3) aktivitas siswa dalam proses pembelajaran yang tertinggi adalah berdiskusi dengan guru  atau siswa lain, yaitu (27,56%), menuliskan hipotesis (22,16%), membuat kesimpulan (13,70%), dan menguji hipotesis (13,14%); 4) hasil belajar siswa yang meliputi ketuntasan indikator ketercapaian kompetensi 88,8% dan keterampilan berpikir kritis rata-rata (95,6%) dengan persentase tertinggi pada indikator memberikan argumen (96,2%) dan mengambil keputusan dan tindakan (88,1%); 5) respon siswa siswa terhadap pembelajaran dapat dilihat dari nilai angket dengan menggunakan ARCS, yaitu untuk Attention (perhatian) = 4,48, Relevance (relevansi) = 4,44, Convidence (keyakinan) = 4,22, dan Satisfacation (kepuasan) = 4,47, Persentase respon untuk proses pembelajaran 80,77%, materi ajar 84,62%, dan LKS 82,05%; 6) kemampuan kerjasama siswa tertinggi pada aspek menghargai anggota kelompok, yaitu 87,3 %. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  perangkat pembelajaran biologi berbasis inkuiri yang dikembangkan adalah layak dan dapat melatih keterampilan berpiki kritis dan kerjasama siswa SMA pada materi Sistem Ekskresi Manusia.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-196
Endrise Septine Rawanoko ◽  
Wuri Wuryandani

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi pendidikan karakter demokratis pada siswa di SMAN 1 Kesamben Kabupaten Jombang melalui pembelajaran PPKn. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Observasi digunakan oleh peneliti untuk memperoleh data saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Wawancara digunakan oleh peneliti untuk memperoleh data dari guru dan siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Kesamben Kabupaten Jombang. Data dokumentasi yang diperoleh peneliti berupa perangkat pembelajaran yang dimiliki guru yaitu RPP. Keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui triangulasi teknik (observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi) dan pencocokan data dengan teori. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa nilai karakter demokratis di masukkan guru melalui mata pelajaran PPKn dengan menggunakan metode diskusi. Sedangkan evaluasi dari penanaman karakter demokratis dilakukan dengan evaluasi tertulis dan tidak tertulis untuk melihat moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral action.Kata Kunci: pendidikan karakter demokratis, pembelajaran PPKn THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DEMOCRATIC CHARACTER EDUCATION THROUGH PANCASILA AND CIVIC IN GRADE XIIAbstractThis research was aimed to explain the implementation of a democratic character education through Pancasila and civics in grade XII students of senior high school. This was a descriptive qualitative study. The research data were collected through observation, interview and documentation. The observation was used to obtain data during the learning process. Interview was used to obtain data from the teacher and students in Senior High School in Kesamben Jombang Regency. The document used as information research way a set of lesson plan. Data validity of this research was obtained through triangulations technique (observation, interview, and documentation) and data theory verification. Data analyses used were data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. This research showed that the implementation of a democratic character education through the Pancasila and civics in grade XII students of senior high school could be applied well using a discussion learning method. The evaluation for character democratic used written evaluation and non test evaluation for know a moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral action.Keywords: democratic character education, Pancasila and civic learning

Laelah Azizah ◽  
Wahyu Kurniati Asri ◽  
Misnah Mannahali

This research aims to know the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the DAF web-based media learning listening skills for high school students in Makassar City. The design of instructional media uses the Thiagarajan four D (4-D) model of development stages the which consists of four items, namely define, design, develop and develop. Data collection is done through validation of learning tools, observation, student questionnaire responses. The products produced in this study were lesson plans, teaching materials, and LKPD web-based learning daf listening skills. Based on the results of the analysis of the data it was concluded that the learning media for listening to the German language based on web DAF is valid, practical, and effective.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-142
Yunita Wardianti ◽  
Ria Dwi Jayati

The research aims at producing a valid biology module with local wisdom-based to senior high school students of Lubuklinggau. The research used research and development design with local wisdom-based. The development of the module refered to four D model which was developed by Thiagarajan. The model consists of four stages, namely Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. However, the research was limited on the development stage, particularly on validation stage. The validity test on this stage was a theoretic validity, which is executed by the three experts. The validation included material validation, construction/media validation, and language validation. The result showed that the development met the validity criteria with material validity score 4,165; construction/media validity score 4,259; and language validity  score 4,338 categorised to be 'very valid'. In conclusion, the biology module developed with local wisdom-based to senior high school students of Lubuklinggau was valid. Keywords: validity, biology module, local wisdom

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 162
Tiara Yuniar Azhari

AbstractThis research is motivated by the collapse of the value of character education that is being planted by students, especially high school students. The teenage age instability, students are easily influenced by the social environment; to avoid this they must get used to love reading, namely reading novels. Many life values can be taken from this novel, especially in the value of character education so it can motivate readers about the world of education that can be used as a model in behave. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The object of this research is the novel Sekolah Pohon by Eko Kusumawijaya. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques with assessment and description of the data that had been obtained. The method of data collection is done by conducting literature studies. The result of this study are: (1) the value of character education in the novel Sekolah Pohon by Eko Kusumawijaya uses a pragmatic approach which includes religious values, honesty, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, curiosity, democratic, appreciate achievement, friendly/communicative, love of peace, likes to read, environmental care, social care, and responsibility; and (2) the novel Sekolah Pohon by Eko Kusumawijaya has relevance as a literary teaching material in high school in accordance with the syllabus and lesson plans.Keywords: novel, value of character education, pragmatic approach, teaching     material 

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
Harry S. Magluyan

The social dimension of environmental issues communicates the worsening of environmental problems as a result of human decisions. This descriptive-comparative study evaluates environmental education in the areas of knowledge, awareness, attitudes, skills, and participation of 323 sampled senior high school students. Data were collected using a researcher-made survey questionnaire and were analyzed using mean, t-test, and ANOVA. The findings of the study showed students’ high level of knowledge, attitude, skills, and participation. When grouped according to grade level and sex, significant differences were found in participation and in awareness when grouped according to grade level and strand. Consistently, a significant difference was found in the attitude when students were compared according to grade level, sex, and strand. Generally, this paper validates how knowledge and attitude affect human behavior towards the environment as mediated by appropriate environmental education. Likewise, it affirms that a positive attitude and concern towards the environment positively affects involvement in any environmental initiatives.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Elva Ayu Wardani ◽  
Zakiyah Tasnim ◽  
Wiwiek Eko B

Abstract: This study examined what character education values presented in the English textbook published by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic Indonesia for grade 12. This type of this research is a content analysis. The data source of this research is the English textbook for grade 12 SMA/SMK. Fourteen speaking scripts of this textbook were analysed by using content analysis to find what values inserted in it. The finding showed that there were 17 character education values presented in the English textbook entitled Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK. It means this textbook is suitable as the materials and guidance for English teachers to teach English and to develop the character education values suggested by the 2013 Curriculum to the students.Keywords: character education values, content analysis, the english texbook, the 2013 curriculumANALISIS NILAI-NILAI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DALAM BUKU TEKS BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK SISWA KELAS DUA BELAS SMA: BAHASA INGGRIS SMA/SMK Abstrak: Penelitian ini menguji nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter apa yang disajikan dalam buku teks bahasa Inggris yang diterbitkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia untuk kelas 12. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian analisis isi. Sumber data penelitian ini yaitu buku teks bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/SMK kelas 12. Empat belas potongan pembicaraan dari buku teks ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis konten untuk menemukan nilai-nilai apa yang ada di dalamnya. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada 17 nilai pendidikan karakter yang disajikan dalam buku teks bahasa Inggris berjudul Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK. Ini berarti buku teks ini cocok sebagai bahan dan pedoman bagi guru Bahasa Inggris untuk mengajar Bahasa Inggris dan untuk mengembangkan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang disarankan oleh Kurikulum 2013 kepada para siswa.Kata Kunci: nilai pendidikan karakter, analisis konten, buku teks bahasa inggris, kurikulum 2013

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-172
Eko Mhd Ramadan ◽  
Jumadi Jumadi ◽  
Dwi Ulan Rahmawati

This development research aims to develop online physics learning tools based on guided discovery models for high school grade X students with momentum and impulse material and test the feasibility of Physics online learning tools through validator assessments (material experts, material experts) and limited trials by students' responses. Physics online learning tools developed in the syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheets, handouts, and learning media. The average score of validation assessment for the syllabus is 4.81, the lesson plan is 4.72, the student worksheet is 4.64, the handout is 4.57, the media is 4.76, and the media material is 4.66. All in categorized as very worthy. In this study, a limited trial was conducted for 27 students divided into three groups. The average score results student on worksheet one is 4.06, worksheet two is 3.98, and worksheet three is 3.87. All in with categories worthy. The average score result of handout one is 4.04, handout two is 3.96, and handout three is 4.01. All in with worthy category. The results obtained from the Physics online learning tool based on guided discovery models are appropriate for online learning on momentum and impulse material for grade X high school students.

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