scholarly journals As artes psicofísicas na pedagogia do Antigo Oriente

Lais Sá

Esta é uma abordagem psicoantropológica sobre os padrões pedagógicos gerados no contexto cultural do oriente antigo, com base na comparação intercultural e na teoria junguiana da cultura. O objetivo é criar uma referência teórica para a compreensão e a interpretação das concepções pedagógicas ancestrais da humanidade. Supõe-se também que esta base etnográfica possa ser útil à pesquisa de metodologias para a Educação Ambiental e a Ecologia Humana. No texto são abordadas as categorias prático-teóricas que fundamentam a filosofia da educação nesses antigos modelos culturais, tais como: o conceito de tradição, a noção de filosofia prática, de alquimia interior, a experiência estética, a abordagem ética da ecologia e a pedagogia das artes marciais da escola interna. As conclusões remetem a um passo subseqüente, apontando as mediações necessárias para que esses modelos possam contribuir para a construção de pedagogias da mudança cultural, neste momento crítico da sociedade contemporanea. Tal empreendimento é parte de um projeto de pesquisa-ação, onde se testa a eficácia dos princípios pedagógicos estudados, ao mesmo tempo em que se desenvolvem processos formativos das pessoas envolvidas na experiência. Desta forma, pretende-se promover uma reflexão prática sobre ecologia humana e mudança cultural. Abstract This is a psycho-anthropological approach of the pedagogic patterns engendered in the cultural context of the ancient orient. It is based upon intercultural comparison andjunguian theory of culture. The aim is Io offer a theoretical reference for the understanding and interpretation of human 's ancient pedagogic conceptions. It is also supposed that this ethnographic support can help the researches in the field of new methodologies for Ambiental Education and Human Ecology. In the text are presented and described some practical and theoretical categories that support education philosophy in these ancient models, such as: the concept of tradition, the notion of practical philosophy, that of inner alchemy, aesthetic experience, the ethical approach of ecology, and the pedagogy of inner martial arts. The conclusions point out to a further step consisting in the reflection about the needed mediations to the construction of new pedagogies for cultural change, inspired on these ancient patterns, in this critical moment of contemporary society. The field work is part of an action-research enterprise, in which it is tested the efficacy of the models studied, while developping formative processes of people involved in the experience. So it is furthered a practical reflections about human ecology and cultural change. Résumé Ils 'agit d'une approche psycho-anthropologique sur les modeles pédagogiques engendres dans le contexte culturel de l'ancien orient, basée dans une étude comparative interculturelle et dans la théorie junguienne de la culture. Le but de cette étude est de créer un point de référence théorique qui puisse servir à la compréhension et à l'interprétation des conceptions pédagogiques anciennes de l'humanité. A partir de cette base ethnographique il sera peut-être possible de soulever quelques principes méthodologiques pour l'Education Ambientale et l'Ecologie Humaine. Ici on approche les catégories pratiques et théoriques qui sont le fondement de la philosophie de l 'éducation dans ces modèles de la culture orientale ancienne. On se détient sur le concept de tradition, la notion de philosophie pratique, celle d'alchimie intérieure, expérience esthétique, l 'éthique de l'écologie et la pédagogie des arts martiaux d'école interne. Les conclusions présentent des réflexions qui portent à une nouvelle étape qui consistera dans la discussion sur les médiations nécessaires pour établir des pédagogies tournées vers le changement culturel, dam un moment de crise telle que subit la société contemporaine. Cette entreprise fait partie d'un projet de recherche-action où il est mis en pratique les principes pédagogiques étudiés et mesurée son efficacité. L 'experience permet aussi de développer des processus formatifs des personnes qu 'y participent. Cela peut promouvoir une réflexion pratique sur l'écologie humaine et le changement culturel. Resumen Éste es un enfoque psico-antropologi co de los modelos pedagógicos engendrados en el contexto cultural del antiguo oriente. Fundamentase en la comparación intercultural y en la teoría junguiana de la cultura. El objetivo es de criar una referencia teórica para la comprensión y interpretación de las concepciones pedagógicas ancestrales de la humanidad. Se supone además que esta base etnográfica sea de utilidad en las investigaciones acerca de nuevas metodologías para Educación A m bien tal y Ecología Humana. En el texto se presentan y se describen las siguientes categorías práctico-teóricas que fundamentan la filosofía de la educación en estos ancianos modelosculturales: el concepto de tradición, la noción de filosofía práctica, de alquimia interior, la experiencia estética, el enfoque ético de la ecología y la pedagogia de las artes marciales. Las conclusiones apuntan hacia una reflexión subsecuente acerca de las mediaciones necesarias para que estos modelos puedan inspirar la construcción de nuevas pedagogías para el cambio cultural, en este momento crítico de la sociedad contemporánea. El trabajo de campo esparte de una empresa de pesquisaacción en la cual se hace prueba de la eficacia de los principios pedagógicos estudiados, mientras que se desarrollan procesos formativos de las personas envolvidas en la experiencia. De este modo se desarrolla una reflexión práctica acerca de ecologia humana y cambio cultural.

Spatium ◽  
2011 ◽  
pp. 20-25 ◽  
Vladimir Stevanovic

On a broader scale, the aim of this paper is to examine theoretically the effects a cultural context has on the aesthetic experience of images existing in perceived reality. Minimalism in architecture, as direct subject of research, is a field of particularities in which we observe functioning of this correlation. Through the experiment with the similarity phenomenon, the paper follows specific manifestations of general formal principles and variability of meaning of minimalism in architecture in limited areas of cultural backgrounds of Serbia and Japan. The goal of the comparative analysis of the examples presented is to indicate the conditions that may lead to a possibly different aesthetic experience in two different cultural contexts. Attribution of different meanings to similar formal visual language of architecture raises questions concerning the system of values, which produces these meanings in their cultural and historical perspectives. The establishment of values can also be affected by preconceptions resulting from association of perceived similarities. Are the preconceptions in aesthetic reception of architecture conditionally affected by pragmatic needs, symbolic archetypes, cultural metaphors based on tradition or ideologically constructed dogmas? Confronting philosophical postulates of the Western and Eastern traditions with the transculturality theory of Wolfgang Welsch, the answers may become more available.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-89
Aijaz Ali Khoso ◽  
Muhammad Shahbaz Manj ◽  
Abu Sufian Qazi Furqan Ahmad

Islam is a nonviolent and peaceful religion, everyone either Muslim and non-Muslim can get the safety in the shade of this religion. Allah (SWT) chose it for mankind. Its teachings are regarding the justice, equality, brotherhood, peace and harmony etc. Pakistan has been made on the name of Islam. Its rules and policies should be according to Islamic teachings, therefore. But, the present conditions are quite different. We have forgotten the sacrifices and real efforts of our elders (seniors) in getting this country, unfortunately. As well as, we also ignored the Islamic teachings, whereas our lives are entirely dependent on them. Islam advises for showing obedience concerning implemented rules of society. It needs to maintain peace and tranquil in society. But, we are not following the implemented rules. Due to which, we are facing the critical and misery situations in society, such as murder, injustice, robbery, harassment in different forms, domestic violence, acid throwing, wife beating, rape/gang rape, child harassment, child marriages and jealousy etc. Actually, due to breaking the rules, we are going towards ruin with the passage of time. However, we do not accept it and even, we are in this misconception that we are moving towards development. In reality, this thought is a reason to create an unpleasant environment in society. Although, we can eliminate disobedience only in this form that we follow the Islamic teachings strictly and give significance to the implemented rules of society. Then the creation of a pleasant atmosphere would be possible in society. The aim of this research work was to explain the circumstances of contemporary society in the light of Islamic teachings. The method of qualitative and quantitative have been used in this research work, for this purpose one hundred people of Peshawar have been taken and questionnaires have been filled by them to know their views. The majority of people gave their response that the disobedience of implemented laws of state is a main reason of violent environment in state. Therefore we should follow the implemented rules of state and strickly act upon on Islamic teachings, then we would be able to produce peace, harmony, brotherhood and justice in enironment of society. This research work may be significance due to its specific theme and field work for researchers and readers.

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-101 ◽  
Sylvain Soriano ◽  
Eric Huysecom

Ounjougou (Dogon Country, Mali) is now known for the discovery there of pottery dating to the first half of the 10th millennium cal BC, which is among the earliest evidence of the use of ceramics in Africa. While our understanding of early African ceramics is becoming well developed, certain other evidence associated with the first manifestations of the African Neolithic are still poorly understood, including notably the lithic industries. On the basis of technological and typological analyses of the lithic assemblage associated with the Ounjougou pottery, we will show that these materials also express profound behavioral changes within cultural groups of this period, and indeed they help clarify processes for the spread of ceramics. For these reasons lithics are extremely important for understanding this period of great cultural change and should not be neglected. Technological and typological data collected during the analysis have been used to propose an original taphonomic approach and to test in this way the coherence of the assemblage. Comparisons with Early Holocene industries in the Saharan zone (Temet, Tagalagal, Adrar Bous 10, etc.) provide new elements of consideration regarding the cultural context of the appearance of pottery, and enable us to propose a scenario for the adoption of technological innovations marking the beginning of the Holocene, from sub-Saharan West Africa toward the central Sahara. The lithic industries are seen as a valuable means of clarifying the cultural context and processes of the appearance and spread of pottery in this region from the first half of the 10th millennium cal BC to the middle of the 9th millennium cal BC.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-42 ◽  
Lorenzo Gelmini

Over the last few decades a growing awareness of the role of firms in society has emerged and, consequently, a call for a different approach towards accounting and accountability. Among various proposals, Integrated Reporting (IR) represent the more recent and ambitious one, even if some critical matters have to be dealt with by companies involved in its implementation. In effect, some Authors have already highlighted that it is necessary to introduce a cultural change in order to develop a new approach with reference to the measurement and communication (Songini et al., 2015). In this sense, in recent years critical and interdisciplinary research has significantly challenged the predominantly technical and a-political view of business and accounting. This has led to growing consensus that the most valuable insights are gained from studying practices in the organizational and broader social settings in which they operate, i.e. their cultural context. On the basis of the above, Islam does represent a strongly important field of study for the cultural context into which IR could develop. In effect, in Islamic thought, it is believed that Adam, the progenitor of the human race and Islamic prophet-was appointed Trusteeship (khalifa) or guardian of the planet Earth; in addition, a concept unique to man is amana or trust (Rizk, 2014). Allah offers amana to the heavens, to the earth, to the mountains - to the rest of creation - who all refused; only mankind was foolish enough to accept it. A trust entails one who entrusts and a trustee. Qur’an is embodied with the principles of moderation, balance and conservation, which are the core of sustainable development and provide a framework for discernment, without which there would arguably be no limits to waste, extravagance or greed both individual as well as corporate. Further exploration does suggest that the accountant, and hence accounting, is actually given a very key role. The person that is described as accountant or Muhtasib in Islam is the one responsible for making sure that business is not harming the community. Tawheed (unity) stimulates the desiderata of an explicit public commitment to reasonable and comprehensible accounting – full and relevant disclosure – in the public interest, as such an explicit commitment becomes a charge in relation to which those formally regulating accounting can be held accountable. At the same time, Islam encourages humankind to experience lazkiyah (self-correction) through active participation in life, since only behaving ethically in the materialistic life (duniya) Muslims prove their worth to Allah (Hassan, 2016). The paper is mostly theoretical, yet it offers fruitful practical insights since only a truthful assessment of the cultural pattern, as such as Islam, can lead to a conscious approach towards sustainability. This paper offers insights for future research on the broad field of social and environmental issues, as well as Integrated Reporting, since it suggests to take always in account – when addressing issues and potentialities of non financial reporting – the cultural pattern.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-64
J.M. Méndez

This qualitative research is focused on understanding the literacy practices of children and their mothers in a social and cultural context of the state of San Luis Potosí, central Mexico. I will address the results of field work analysis based on the historical cultural approach. I will show how a mother’s participation in literacy practices with a group of elementary school first graders detonated their process of empowerment and generated new social practices that arose from the actors in the educational community, through symmetrical relationships between children, mothers and teachers. The main results addressed are the acceptance of a mother’s participation in literacy practices in her context; intercultural relations identified in social practices through orality, reading, and writing, with reflection on the social and cultural context of their reality and with the performance of a play; and finally, the generation of new social practices in the classroom and in the context.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-169
A. Ramachandra Aryasri ◽  
Jitender ◽  
Gopal P. Mahapatra

Police forces, traditionally, were tacitly assumed to be rule-bound, legalistic, bureaucratic organisations, in which top-down policies prevailed through a quasi-militaristic rank hierarchy and strict discipline code ( Reiner,2016 ). The profile of the police organisations has been radically transforming, in view of the wider politico-economic and cultural context of re-emerging conflicts and social divisions in the recent past. Because of loose ends in the legal powers and processes, police officers at the operational level were characterised by the extent of discretion on how to behave or misbehave ( Newburn & Reiner, 2012 ). An empirical study was carried out in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh using Convenience sampling on 680 (340 respondents from police from different cadres and public each through separate structured questionnaires for each category of respondents), covering three variables, namely police beat, patrolling and responding to public calls. This article presents how Visakhapatnam Police could focus on the beat and patrolling, responding to public calls as part of aligning its working processes and bring in the cultural change not only in the Police Organisation as a whole, but also among the stakeholders. The Visakha Police is today known to be more citizen-friendly, tech-savvy and relatively fast in addressing and resolving issues.

Filippo Lambertucci

The construction of underground urban transport lines in Rome has provoked in the past years the discovery and the destruction of numerous archaeological sites. The last decade has marked a significant cultural change in Italy in the relationship between infrastructure and archaeology, thanks to the development of new methodologies and successful experiences; thanks to the excavations for the construction, it has been possible to realize the largest archaeological campaigns for decades and open new perspectives to the involvement of findings in the structure of the everyday city. The case study of the new metro station San Giovanni ain Rome offers an example for the conservation of heritage through the tools of narration in a site where the archaeological layers have been removed but can still be perceivable thanks to a narrative system that envelops the passenger in a total experience, with a scientifically museum-like rigorous arrangement of information realized according to the speed of commuters.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 441-462
Irena Kuletin-Ćulafić

Our global society is encountering different challenges of the twentyfirst century. Our cities are in the process of constant transformation influenced by urbanisation, globalisation, advanced technologies, environmental and ecological changes, social, political and economic crises. While corporative capitalism has flourished, world population is growing and our cities are sprawling, architecture is reaching almost utopian visions and the boundaries of aesthetics are becoming more and more loose and permeable. Today our contemporary society lives and acts aesthetically. From art, architecture, music, religion, politics, communication, technological gadgets, homes, gardens, clothes, cuisine to sport and life coaching, everything is a subject to aesthetical consideration. Aesthetical consideration of architecture and urbanism in a constantly changing world demands critical and interactive approaches, that will not only deal with theoretical aesthetic opinions, but also the practical ones. Accordingly, this paper seeks to discuss aesthetical problems of contemporary architecture and urban planning from global, environmental, technological and social points of view. Nature is no longer seen as a paradigmatic object of aesthetic experience, but as our unique collective environment upon which we humans depend. Therefore architecture emerges etic and aesthetic approaches in order to reconsider burden of our cities and possible ways of their future development.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-88
Della Amrina Yusra

The research underlying this paper is descriptive qualitative research conducted through three stages, the pre-field stage, the stage of field-work, and the data analysis stage. The subjects in this study were six students of grade seven Islamic Junior High School or Madrasah Tsanawiyah Yaspi Labuhan Medan with two subjects capable of good mathematical communication, two subjects with sufficient communication skills, and two subjects with less communication skills. Subject selected through purposive sampling. Based on the research, were obtained: first, there is a positive change in the ability of students to communicate mathematics after being given joyful learning based on the context of Malay culture; second, the process of student answers shows that subjects are better able to communicate mathematical questions after being given joyful learning based on Malay cultural context. Furthermore, this research recommended that teachers can use joyful learning based on cultural contexts by presenting problems related to local culture as an alternativelearning.

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