scholarly journals Pengembangan Modul Tari Berbasis Digital untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru Sekolah Menengah Tari

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Eko Purnomo ◽  
Trianti Nugraheni

This study aimed to develop teacher modules to improve teachers' ability in managing learning materials. The study used a research and development method developed by Borg and Gall. The Subjects of the research was Teachers of Arts studies that are not backgrounded in art education. The data collection techniques used questionnaires and Focus Group Discussion. Technique of the data analysis used analisys description. Arts Subject is still guided by teachers who have no background in art education. On the other hand, the progress of information technology is still not utilized optimally. Art dance material in practice is easier to use audio visual media. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a digital-based module that can be accessed through various social media. The results showed a digital-based module developed to improve the ability of teachers in managing learning materials. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the development of digital dance teacher module is used to improve the teachers’ competency of art and culture. Recommended, teachers are be able to develop modules in accordance with the needs in the field.

Deepika Pandita

This paper reconnoiters and gives importance to how social networking has been tactically applied as a current means by many companies for branding their companies and inventive talent acquisition approaches in India. This research backs to the arenas of the domain talent management and has crucial suggestions for industry practitioners concerning the practicality of social network websites (SNWs) to organizational branding, talent management. Interviews were taken, which was a qualitative way of getting responses from 78 focussed group discussion with HR professionals working in information technology companies (IT). Later the data was analysed to their talent acquisition techniques that endorse the increasing consumption of (SNWs) social networking websites as part of their talent strategy.

Khasanah Khasanah ◽  
Effi Triyani ◽  
Djoko Harsono ◽  
Ismail Ismail ◽  
Rini Sulistyowati

Abstrak - Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki keanekaragaman seni budaya, namun tidak semua masyarakat Indonesia mengetahui kebudayaan apa saja yang ada. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah belum tersedianya mediavisual interaktif yang dapat mempermudah dalam memberikan informasi seni budaya Indonesia secara lengkap yang dapat diakses kapan saja, dimana saja secara online. Masalah tersebut coba diselesaikan dengan mengembangkan sebuah rancangan sistem geografis seni budaya Indonesia berbasis web. Metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode Waterfall yang meliputi beberapa tahapan seperti : Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation dan System. Sistem inidibuat dengan program PHP dan Database MySQL. Informasi yang ditampilkan berupa peta geografis Indonesia dengan dilengkapi keterangan informasi seni budaya yang mewakili beberapa provinsi di Indonesia.Sistem ini bertujuan untuk membantu masyarakat agar lebih mengetahui keanekaragaman budaya yang dimiliki Indonesia akan terselesaikan.Katakunci: MySql, PHP, seni budaya, SIG,waterfall Abstract - Indonesia is a country that has a diversity of cultural arts, but not all Indonesian people know what culture exists. The problem that occurs is the unavailability of interactive visual media that can make it easier to provide information on Indonesian cultural arts in full which can be accessed anytime, anywhere online. The problem was solved by developing a web-based design of the geographical system of Indonesian art and culture. The system development method uses the Waterfall method which includes several stages such as: Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation and System. This system is made with PHP and MySQL Database programs. The information displayed is in the form of a geographical map of Indonesia with information on cultural arts representing several provinces in Indonesia. This system aims to help the community to be more aware of the cultural diversity that Indonesia has to be resolvedKeywords: arts and culture, GIS, MySQL, PHP, waterfall

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 71
Andi Khaerunnisa Hardyanti Arki ◽  
Army Auliah ◽  
Iwan Dini

 ABSTRAKPenelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cara menerapkan langkah-langkah metode pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS sehingga dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas XI MIA.2 SMA Negeri 3 Model Takalar. Empat tahapan PTK, yaitu (1) perencanaan, (2) pelaksanaan, (3) pengamatan, dan (4) refleksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan sebanyak dua siklus. Data hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode pembelajaran tipe TPS dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa Kelas XI MIA.2 SMA Negeri 3 Model Takalar yang terdiri dari 7 langkah yaitu: (1) menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran dan mengaitkan materi pembelajaran dengan materi sebelumnya; (2) memberikan masalah kepada siswa secara tertulis yang diselesaikan secara individual dengan memberikan Time Of Think selama 15 menit; (3) mengelompokkan siswa secara berkelompok secara sejajar yang kemudian mendiskusikan hasil pemikiran individualnya secara silang; (4) membagikan hasil diskusi kelompok kepada kelompok lain dengan mempresentasekan secara singkat; (5) memberikan tes kepada siswa berupa soal essay yang dikerjakan oleh siswa seara individual untuk menguji kemampuan yang dimilikinya; (6) memberikan reward dalam bentuk pujian kepada setiap siswa yang memiliki nilai tertinggi; dan (7) meminta siswa untuk menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran. Hasil belajar siswa siklus I yaitu 62.13% tidak mencapai ketuntasan. Hasil belajar siswa siklus II yaitu 87.06% mencapai ketuntasan.Kata kunci: TPS, Hasil belajar, Asam basa ABSTRACTThis classroom action research aims to know how to apply the cooperative learning method of TPS type to enhance the student’s achievement of the class XI MIA.2 SMA Negeri 3 Model Takalar. There are four stage of CAR, (1) planning, (2) action, (3) observation and (4) reflection. The research was done in two cycle. The result showed that TPS learning method could enhance the student’s achievement of class XI MIA.2 SMA Negeri 3 Model Takalar, there are 7 steps are: (1) explain the learning purpose and linking the learning materials with that have been studied previously; (2) giving problem to the student who solved individually by providing the time of think for 15 minutes; (3) Grouping students in parallel and share the results of discussions within the group as a cross; (4) share the group discussion result to the other group by short presentation; (5) provided the test to the students in the form of essay is done by individually to test its capabilities; (6) given the reward in the form of compliment to every student who has the highest score; dan (7) asked the student to summarize the learning result according to the learning purpose. The student’s achievement for cycle I is 62.13% incomplete. The student’s achievement for cycle II is 87.06% complete.Keywords: TPS, Student’s achievement, Acid-base.

2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (8) ◽  
pp. 453-455 ◽  
Sarah Edwards ◽  
Damian Roland

BackgroundClinicians in the emergency care specialties often access information via social media (SM) to supplement their learning. The rapid and user-centred dissemination of information via SM speeds knowledge translation and means unnoticed errors may propagate quickly. East Midlands Emergency Medicine Educational Media is a UK web-based resource that produces emergency medicine-related learning materials. In October 2018, we inadvertently shared two sets of incorrect learning materials via SM because of a non-intentional mistake. We highlight how these errors were perpetuated and then corrected.MethodIn October 2018, two separate posts were published on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Reddit. One was an incorrect ECG where a paced rhythm was published instead of an ECG of hypocalcaemia; the other was incorrect information contained within an infographic. We reviewed the analytics of the posts, on each of the SM platforms.ResultsThe ECG mistake was picked up on Facebook 40 hours after posting by a follower. The infographic mistake was picked up on Reddit, within 3 hours. Despite these mistakes, and their correction, they continued to be shared on both Twitter and Facebook. The posts reached over 15 000 people.ConclusionHighlighting errors in educational content shared on SM is rarely reported in academic literature. We feel disclosure, and adding an update to the post is the best methodology to amend errors. We invite debate on a strategy to elucidate the number of errors in medical educational resources shared via SM and strategies on how to correct and improve them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Halim Budi Santoso ◽  
Argo Wibowo ◽  
Jong Jek Siang ◽  
Rosa Delima ◽  
Antonius Rachmat Chrismanto

Information Technology has been implemented in some sectors in life. One of them is the usage of Information Technology for online commerce. Mitra Sejahtera Disabled Person Organization has some featured products which are sold locally in some places nearby and only in Gunung Kidul. The usage of Information Technology in marketing will help people to expand the basic consumer and market. On the other hand, Mitra Sejahtera Disabled Person Organization does not have enough access and ability to start and open online shop. Furthermore, the usage of the smartphone for member of Mitra Sejahtera Disabled Person Organization has not been optimal yet, like the utilization of social media as an official account. Training and empowerment activities to Mitra Sejahtera Disabled Person Organization will contribute in increasing and optimizing the utilization of social media and e-commerce. This training and empowerment activities also will give some knowledge to the participant about how to open online shop in one of the biggest online marketplace in Indonesia. The result of this activity is official account in media social. The participant also encouraged and trained to start online shop in one of the biggest online marketplace platform in Indonesia. 

2018 ◽  
Natalie Elizabeth Nilsen

This paper examines the construction of "immigrants" and "threat" in violent crime media coverage in Norway, by drawing upon themes from McCombs and Shaw‘s (1972) agenda-setting hypothesis, and Blalock‘s (1967) race-threat theory. Results from the thematic qualitative analysis and the themes identified suggest an escalating anti-immigrant rhetoric in the Norwegian media, with an agenda that demonises deviant 'others' (i.e. immigrants, particularly of the 'non-Western‘ variety). The current study is limited to print media, however, future research in this field should examine other media mediums, including visual media and social media, as well as comparing and exploring the themes of this paper within other national contexts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-110
Ariyan Zubaidi ◽  
Ramdani Ramdani

Chatbot is considered as one of the hottest technology in recent years. It is used by various sector to serve its customer automatically. It gives benefits to business, primarily in customer care. Chatbot can be divided into 2 (two) types. One operates based on set of rules. It can be used with set of spesific command. The other types uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to provide its service. Chatbot can be utilised as well in education sector. Campus gives service to its students or faculty by providing information and academic service. Commonly, academic information and service has supported by information technology, usually in particular website.  But, not all of the services are available and newest information does not always accessed timely. Hence, this research built a chatbot based on Telegram to provide information and academic services in informatic engineering department of mataram university. Telegram provides API that can be used to develop bot. The bot is built using Python, SQLite as the database and React. Prototyping model is used as a development method. The bot prototype is able to broadcast newest information to its register user and provides academic service such as theses program and internship program.

Harmoni ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 232-251
Nurul Aeni ◽  
Lilam Kadarin Nuriyanto

The economic growth affects the rise of middle class, includes Muslim class. The increase of the middle-class Moslem affects religiosity in Surakarta City. This study aimed (1) to describe the religiosity of middle class Muslims in Surakarta City as the result of their interaction with globalism and modernism and (2) to identify the factors influencing the religiosity of that class. The study was conducted in Surakarta City using a qualitative approach. Data were collected through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with 11 informants with various relevant backgrounds. Then those data were analyzed qualitatively and compared to relevant previous studies. The study resulted: (1) Middle-class Muslims in Surakarta City showed their religiosity by following Majelis Taklim that combining spiritual and social activities and it was different to conventional ones. Religiosity was presented in sharia lifestyle. This was confirmed through the middle class’s appearances and preferences on Islamic-labelled products and services. On one hand, the interaction with modernism value and identity as the part of global Islamic ummah raised the spirit to purify Islamic value. Then, it potentially closed the middle class Muslims to radicalism. On the other hand, that interaction possibly trapped middle-class Muslim on the consumptive and hedonistic culture that contradicted to sharia values. (2) The factors that influenced middle-class Muslim’s religiosity were financial stability, appropriate rationalistic ability, and Islamic learning media. Internet and social media provided crucial influences on the religiosity of middle-class Muslims in Surakarta city since they became the important media to understand Islam.

Enrique Ajuria Ibarra

Recently, scholarly criticism has acknowledged the presence of the Gothic in Latin America, which should be distinguished from magic realism and the fantastic. Latin American Gothic evinces regional, tropicalised and hybridised nuances that not only adapt the mode to specific cultural and regional anxieties, but also have helped coin terms such as ‘Tropical Gothic’. On the other hand, Guillermo delToro’s popularity has brought attention to Latin American Gothic horror in twenty-first-century visual media and how it address issues of identity, folklore and haunting. This chapter analyses the appropriation of Gothic motifs in the films Somos lo que hay (We are What We Are, 2010), La casa muda(The Silent House, 2010) and Juan de losmuertos(Juan of the Dead, 2011). It explores Tropical Gothic, medicine and faith in the TV series Niño santo (2011–14) and reviews the #CharlieCharlieChallenge trending topic on social media as an everyday Gothic experience.

Idva Maria Das Dores Gomes Xavier

The research was intended to know how matter of email function in working. Email has been used, when the first time everyone start to used internet. And email also the one of the social media that have in that time. Agree with the expansion of the internet, have a lot of people that use email to make a communication with the other people. One of the ways that make everyone happy to use email are easy to sending information and easy to use. Email afoot from optional communication to essential. This is proved if we see the work ethic in the big/great city. Every day and every time they can’t stop to open their computer to check out their account email. Because they use to make a business communication from email. Once of the most popular application in the mobile devices is email client.

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