2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Yudistira Avandi

The equitable poverty reduction in North Sumatera became one of the unresolved issues until now. The decreasing of poverty percentage in the last five years in North Sumatera can not represent the level of public welfare. In fact , in 2013, there were 22 out of 33 districts in North Sumatera which have the poverty percentage more than ten percent and known as hardcore poverty. The highest poverty percentage was found in North Nias and Gunung Sitoli by 30.94 %, while the lowest was found in Deli Serdang by 4.71 %. This research stated the problem “How is the influence of the economic growth, level of education, and the minimum regional wages toward the level of poverty in North Sumatera Province? The objective is to analyze the influence of economic growth, the level of education and the minimum wages toward the poor population in North Sumatera Province. This research used 165 samples that spread in 33 districts in North Sumatera from 2009 until 2013 with panel data and using Fixed Effect Model Method.  The result of the Ordinary Least Square Method (LOS) through the multiple linear regretion estimated model showed that the economic growth and the minimum regional wages had negative influence, while the level of education had positive influence toward poverty in North Sumatera. The coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.948157 which means the variable of economic growth, minimum regional wages and level of education can define the poverty in North Sumatera by 94.82 %, and 5.18 % defined by other economic variables outside the model.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 69
Yudistira Avandi ◽  
Setyo Tri Wahyudi

The equitable poverty reduction in North Sumatera became one of the unresolved issues until now. The decreasing of poverty percentage in the last five years in North Sumatera can not represent the level of public welfare. In fact , in 2013, there were 22 out of 33 districts in North Sumatera which have the poverty percentage more than ten percent and known as hardcore poverty. The highest poverty percentage was found in North Nias and Gunung Sitoli by 30.94 %, while the lowest was found in Deli Serdang by 4.71 %. This research stated the problem “How is the influence of the economic growth, level of education, and the minimum regional wages toward the level of poverty in North Sumatera Province? The objective is to analyze the influence of economic growth, the level of education and the minimum wages toward the poor population in North Sumatera Province. This research used 165 samples that spread in 33 districts in North Sumatera from 2009 until 2013 with panel data and using Fixed Effect Model Method.  The result of the Ordinary Least Square Method (LOS) through the multiple linear regretion estimated model showed that the economic growth and the minimum regional wages had negative influence, while the level of education had positive influence toward poverty in North Sumatera. The coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.948157 which means the variable of economic growth, minimum regional wages and level of education can define the poverty in North Sumatera by 94.82 %, and 5.18 % defined by other economic variables outside the model.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 315-325
Lyndon M. Etale ◽  
Lucky L. Imbazi

This study set out to empirically examine the influence of selected microeconomic variables (MEVs) on economic growth in Nigeria between 1999 and 2018. It evaluated gross domestic product (as the measure of economic growth) as a function of four selected variables of MEVs: Interest rate, Exchange rate, Inflation and Broad Money Supply. For effective and efficient analysis of the study variables the multiple regression technique based on the ordinary least square method with the help of several inferential statistical tools were used for data analysis to draw necessary conclusions. The models used analyze the relationship between the selected MEVs. Nigeria’s inability to increase her GDP over the years far above her population growth is heavily dependent on the sincerity of our political will to actualize it. The hypotheses formulated were rejected for three variables because the critical P-value 0.05 is < the calculated P-values; except for BMS Broad Money Supply (BMS) which revealed significant positive influence on GDP with P-value of 0.00 < 0.05 level of significance. The study therefore concluded that macroeconomic decision is not enough to bring about economic growth. The interplay of both fiscal and monetary policy backed up with political will to achieve its objectives both in the short and long-run is required. Nigeria still lack good political will for economic growth and poor governance. Still government should improve the regulations and supervisory role in the financial sector for sustainable growth to be achieved in Nigeria.

2008 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-51 ◽  
P.R. Bhatt

The ASEAN region has become one of the most attractive investment locations in the developing world. It attracted FDI to the tune of US$19 billion in 2003. Among ASEAN countries, Singapore topped the list with US$11 billion FDI inflows followed by Malaysia (US$2.5 bn), Brunei (US$.0 bn), and Vietnam (USɁ5 bn) in 2003. An attempt has been made in this paper to understand the determinants of FDI in ASEAN. The empirical model is estimated for five countries of ASEAN and ASEAN region as a whole for the period 1976-2003. The estimation of the model shows that there is a positive influence of the size of the economy (GNI) on FDI inflows in the case of Indonesia and Singapore. The infrastructure is significant for Indonesia and Malaysia in attracting FDI. Exchange rate had influence on FDI for Malaysia. The openness of the economy was significant in attracting FDI for Indonesia. The model is estimated for panel data of ASEAN region by pooled least square method and fixed effect model. In the case of pooled least square method, gross national income (GNI) is very significant and having expected sign. This implies that market size attracted FDI in the ASEAN region. The depreciation of the currency attracted FDI inflows in ASEAN as indicated by the variable XR which is significant with negative sign. Infrastructure is another significant variable in this model. Openness variable is significant but negative sign. When the model was estimated by fixed effect model it is found that all variables are significant with expected sign except in the case of the variable openness.

Al-Buhuts ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-64
Adya Utami

This study aims to determine the determinants of the money supply, the interest rate, and inflation on Indonesia's economic growth in the 2009-2018 period. This research uses descriptive method and is strengthened by the OLS (ordinary least square) method with secondary data. The data used is sourced from the Central Statistics Agency and Bank Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that the money supply and the interest rate have a negative effect but inflation has a positive effect on Indonesia's economic growth. The JUB variable is not significant with a probability value of 0.1326. The JUB regression coefficient value has a negative relationship to the economic growth variable with a coefficient of 0.9288. The interest rate variable entered in the above equation turns out to be negative and significant with a probability value of 0.0571. The value of the coefficient of the exchange rate is (0.4843). The independent variable inflation gives a negative and not significant result with a probability value of 0.1134. Inflation coefficient value is 0.1724. In the equation model that uses economic growth as the dependent variable above, the magnitude of the coefficient of determination (R Squared) is 0.573429. This shows that the ability of the independent variable in explaining the diversity of the independent variables is 57.34% while the remaining 42.66% is influenced by other variables not included in the model.

Nanda Adhi Purusa ◽  
Nurul Istiqomah

The effects of foreign direct investment (FDI), crude oil price and inflation on the export are mainly examined in the case of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam by using data from 2000 to 2015. These countries have opportunity to increased prosperity in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Therefore, increasing productivity and international trading are important for each country. This study employed panel data model in the analyses and the findings show that Fixed Effect Model with Generalized Least Square method is implemented.  Hence, using this method is determined by likelihood test and Hausman test. The statistical tests in this study consist of partial coefficient test, stimulant, and coefficient of determination. The result shows that FDI and crude oil price have positive effect and significant on export, but inflation has negative effect and significant on export. Constant value shows that each country has the difference condition. Simple bureaucracy is needed to increased efficiency that will attract foreign investors to invest their fund and the discovery of alternative energy and new production technique can increase a country productivity significantly in producing goods or services for both domestic and export-oriented.

2017 ◽  
Vol 44 (9) ◽  
pp. 1122-1138 ◽  
Habib Kachlami

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study the interaction between social and commercial ventures in a region. It achieves this objective through investigating the influence of social ventures’ entry, exit and density on the entry rate of commercial ventures. Design/methodology/approach Organizational ecology is applied for theoretical analysis and the feasible generalized least square method for empirical analysis. Findings The study, in overall, finds a diffuse competition between the populations of social and commercial ventures. The results have revealed a negative influence of social ventures’ entry and density on the entry rate of commercial ventures and a positive influence of the social ventures’ exit on commercial ventures’ entry rate in a region. Originality/value The study is one of the few in its filed that empirically studies the interaction between social and commercial ventures and the first study, which investigates it in the context of Sweden. The previous two studies, however, have only examined either the influence of social ventures entry or social venture density on the entry rate of commercial ventures. This study, however, examines the influence of both of those factors plus the influence of social venture exit on commercial venture entry. The study is also unique regarding the large-scale database it uses including all the 290 municipalities all over Sweden 1990-2014.

2016 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Denni Setiawan Jayadi ◽  
Aloysius Gunadi Brata

Abstrak            Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis peran pertumbuhan ekonomi terhadap penurunan kemiskinan dilihat dari sektoral tahun 2004–2012. Variabel yang digunakan adalah jumlah penduduk miskin sebagai variabel dependen dan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PRDB) di sembilan sektor sebagai variabel independen. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari terbitan world data bank. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi data panel dengan pendekatan model fixed effect. Dalam mengolah data, penulis menggunakan bantuan software Eviews 8.1.            Berdasarkan hasil estimasi di peroleh bahwa secara keseluruhan pertumbuhan ekonomi berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap kemiskinan di tingkat Provinsi di Indonesia. Selanjutnya dilihat dari segi sektoral ditemukan bahwa variabel sektor per-tambangan memiliki pengaruh yang negatif dan signifikan terhadap penurunan kemiskinan. Hal itu disebabkan adanya commodities boom terhadap komoditi hasil tambang. Sehingga sektor pertambangan bukanlah sektor yang menjadi kunci dalam penurunan kemiskinan namun terjadinya commodities boom memiliki pengaruh terhadap penurunan kemiskinan di Provinsi di Indonesia. Kata Kunci :  Fixed Effect, Kemiskinan, PDRB sektoral, pertumbuhan ekonomi, commodities boom. AbstractThis study aims to identify and analyze the role of economic growth on poverty reduction seen from sectors in 2004-2012. The variables used were the number of poverty as the dependent variable and the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) in nine sectors as independent variables. The data used in this research is secondary data obtained from the data published by the World Bank. The analytical method used is the panel data regression with fixed effect model approach. In processing the data, the authors using statistical software Eviews 8.1.Based on estimates obtained that overall economic growth is negative and have significant effect on poverty at the provincial level in Indonesia. Furthermore, in terms of sectoral found that variable per-mining sector has a negative influence and significant impact on poverty reduction. It was caused by the commodities boom of the commodity mined. So that the mining sector is not a sector that is key in reducing poverty, but the commodities boom have an impact on poverty reduction in the province in Indonesia. Keywords: Fixed Effect, poverty, the GDP sectoral, economic growth, commodities boom.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 186-198
Priyo Utomo ◽  
Anton Budi Satria ◽  
Novi Sri Sandyawati ◽  
Noor Farid ◽  
Farasandya Amalia Hapsari

This study aims to analyze the hump-shaped relation of regions in East Java Province. The proof of hump-shaped relation is seen from the influence of the degree of fiscal decentralization on economic growth. Fiscal decentralization analysis which is the ratio of regional original income and total regional expenditure, as well as using control variables consisting of government investment, and education which is implemented with reading and writing ability figures. The method used in this research is the econometrics approach. The model used in this study is the Fixed Effect Model with the Generalized Least Square method. The results of this study indicate that together the degree of decentralization, the degree of quadratic fiscal decentralization, government investment, the Gini ratio, the Gini squared ratio, and education significantly influence the regional economic growth in East Java Province. Partially the degree of decentralization, the degree of decentralized fiscal squared, government investment, the Gini ratio, the quadratic Gini ratio, and education also significantly affect economic growth, and show a hump-shape relationship, namely the degree of fiscal decentralization has a positive effect and quadratic fiscal decentralization hurts economic growth.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 78
Davy Christian ◽  
Tina Melinda

Achievement earned by the company is inseparable from the employees’ performance. There are several factors affecting their performance. Two of them are leadership and motivation. The study aims to examine the influence of leadership on the sense of the achievement of the employees of Terang Utama Abadi (TUA) Ltd., the influence of leadership on the performance of the employees at TUA Ltd., the influence of the sense of achievement on the performance of employees at TUA Ltd., and the sense of achievement as an intervening variable on employee at TUA Ltd.. The respondents of this study were fifty-eight employees at TUA Ltd. This study was a quantitative research with structural equation modelling partial least square method. Questionnaires were used to collect the primary data. This study found that leadership and sense of achievement has positive influence on the employees’ performance. Meanwhile, the sense of achievement served as an intervening variable.

2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Prita Sukma Ariyanti

The purpose of this study is to examine the moderating role of free cash flow to relationship between insider ownership and dividend toward debt policy. This studi uses non-banking and insurance firms, which listed in the indonesian stock market over 2004 - 2008. Empirical data are analyzed by using pooled least square method. The results show that insider ownership has positive influence on debt policy meanwhile dividend payout ratio has negative influence on debt policy. Free cash flow has the moderating effect on the relationship between insider ownership and dividend toward debt policy. Keywords: Insider Ownership, Dividend Payout Ratio, Debt Policy, Free Cash Flow.

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