2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 297-305
Ririn Mustaqimatul Luthfiyah ◽  
Mohammad Taufiq ◽  
Muhammad Syamsul Ghufron ◽  
Akhwani Akhwani ◽  

This study aims to describe the use of the Teams Games Tournament learning model towards learning outcomes in elementary schools. The method used in this study is the meta-analysis method. This research begins by formulating the topic to be investigated, then making the formulation of the problem and the purpose of the research, at the next stage collecting relevant articles to collect data. The data was obtained from online journal searches through Google Scholar. The keywords used are "Teams Games Tournament learning model" and "learning outcomes". From the search results there are 10 articles. Data obtained and analyzed again using quantitative methods. Based on the analysis of the Teams Games Tournament learning model with proven to be able to improve student learning outcomes with the significant result after being given treatment that 63.2 compared with the result before give treatment that is equal to 56.21 so thath in increases by 6.99. Keywords: Teams Games Tournament learning model, Learning Outcomes, Elementary School.

Aksioma ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-83
Hernita Rancendo ◽  
Abd. Hamid ◽  
Marinus B. Tandiayuk

Abstrak:Tujuan penelitan ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan model Pembelajaran Van Hiele untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi Luas Permukaan serta Volume Balok dan Kubus di kelas VIII  SMP N 18 Palu. Rancangan penelitian mengacu pada model Kemmis dan Mc.Taggart, yang terdiri dari 4 komponen yaitu: 1) perencanaan, 2) tindakan, 3) pengamatan, dan 4) refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini ialah siswa kelas VIII  SMP N 18  Palu yang berjumlah 20 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu observasi, tes, wawancara, dan catatan lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Van Hiele dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dengan mengikuti fase-fase: 1) informasi, 2) orientasi terarah, 3) uraian, 4) orientasi bebas, dan 5) integrasi. Kata Kunci: model Pembelajaran Van Hiele, Hasil Belajar, Luas Permukaan serta Volume Balok dan Kubus. Abstract: The purpose of this research is to describe the application of Van Hiele Learning model to improve student learning outcomes on Surface Surface and Block and Cube in Grade VIII SMP N 18 Palu. The study design refers to the Kemmis and Mc.Taggart model, which consists of 4 components: 1) planning, 2) action, 3) observation, and 4) reflection. The subject of this research is the students of class VIII SMP N 18 Palu, amounting to 20 students. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, tests, interviews, and field notes. The results showed that the application of Van Hiele learning model can improve student learning outcomes by following the phases: 1) information, 2) orientation directed, 3) description, 4) free orientation, and 5) integration. Keywords: Van Hiele Learning model, Learning Outcomes, Surface Area and Volume of Beams and Cubes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Agnes Maria Goni ◽  
Zoya Sumampow ◽  
Natalia Synthia Bujung

This study aims to improve student learning outcomes onhuman respiratory system material. This study uses a classaction research design proposed by Kemmis and MCTaggart. The subject of the research was grade V studentsSD Inpres Kakaskasen II which totaled 39 students. theresults showed that in the first cycle the percentage ofstudent learning outcomes only reached 28% and in thesecond cycle the percentage of learning outcomes reached89.74%. Based on the results of these studies it can beconcluded that the application of the demonstration learningmodel can improve the learning outcomes of humanrespiratory system material in class V students SD InpresKakasksen IIKeywords: demonstration learning model, learning outcomes, humanrespiratory system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Pretty Lia Qoriah ◽  
Rinaningsih Rinaningsih

This article was written to report the well-prepared steps and their results of how the above mentioned concept was released. The method used is a meta-analysis method by comparing several similar articles to know the scientific effect of using them. The data collection technique used non-test, by browsing articles with Researchgate, Science Direct and DOAJ. Based on the result of the analysis, it was found that handouts can improve student learning outcomes. Comparison of student learning outcomes was observed from the percentage before and after using the handouts. Data analyzed used statistical test type paired sample. Based on the results of the analysis test from six studies on handouts, it was found that a significant increase in learning outcomes was 37,50%. These results indicate that the use of handouts can be used to support chemistry learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-56
Wasis Sonoto

 ABSTRAKLatar belakang penelitian adalah adanya masalah yang dihadapi guru:         (1)Rendahnya hasil belajar peserta didik dalam Tema 4 Sehat itu Penting, (2) Peserta didik kurang aktif, (3) Nilai rata-rata kelas dalam Tema  4 Sehat itu Penting masih rendah. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah Penggunaan metode/model pembelajaran yang kurang tepat.Rumusan Permasalahannya adalah Bagaimanakah penerapan model pembelajaran Discovery Learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada Tema 4 Sehat itu Penting Subtema 2 Gangguan Kesehatan Organ Peredaran Darah Kelas V SD Negeri 1 Kalen?                                                                 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan model pembelajaran Discovery Learning pada Tema 4 Sehat itu Penting yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik,diharapkan pula dapat meningkatkan kriteria ketuntasan maksimal (KKM). Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik KelasV SD Negeri 1 Kalen Kecamatan Kedungtuban Kabupaten Blora yang berjumlah 35 siswa yang terdiri dari 18 laki-laki dan 17 perempuan. Data hasil belajar pada peserta didik Kelas V diperoleh melalui Penilaian Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan, lembar observasi yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data kegiatan peserta didik di dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran Tema 4 Sehat itu Penting. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil belajar peserta didik Kelas V SD Negeri 1 Kalen Kecamatan Kedungtuban Kabupaten Blora dapat meningkatkan minat dan motivasi terhadap proses pembelajaran sehingga dapat mencapai nilai KKM.Peningkatan Hasil belajar siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 1 Kalen Kecamatan Kedungtuban Kabupaten Blora dapat dilihat dari peningkatan yang signifikan dari kondisi siklus I ke siklus II,siklus II ke siklus III. Data yang diperoleh pada siklus I yang mencapai KKM sebanyak 47,00% dengan rata-rata kelas 69,42 sedangkan pada siklus II memperoleh ketuntasan maksimal mencapai 100% dengan rata-rata kelas 99,14 dan pada siklus III memperoleh ketuntasan 100% dengan rata-rata kelas 99,71.                                                                                Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa dengan penerapan model pembelajaran Discovery Learning dapat meningkatan hasil belajar siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 1 Kalen Kecamatan Kedungtuban Kabupaten BloraKata Kunci : Peserta Didik, Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning, Hasil Belajar  ABSTRACT The background of the research is the problems faced by the teacher: (1) The low learning outcomes of students in Theme 4 Healthy is Important, (2) Students are less active, (3) The class average score in Theme 4 Healthy is Important is still low. One of the causes is the use of learning methods / models that are not quite right. The problem statement is How can the application of the Discovery Learning model improve student learning outcomes in Theme 4 Healthy is Important Sub-Theme 2 Health Problems of Circulatory Organs in Class V SD Negeri 1 Kalen?This study aims to apply the Discovery Learning learning model on Theme 4 Healthy is Important which is expected to improve student learning outcomes, and it is also hoped that it can improve the maximum completeness criteria (KKM). This research is a Classroom Action Research (PTK). This research was conducted in two cycles. The subjects of this study were the fifth grade students of SD Negeri 1 Kalen, Kedungtuban District, Blora Regency, totaling 35 students consisting of 18 boys and 17 girls.Data on learning outcomes for Class V students were obtained through the Knowledge and Skills Assessment, observation sheets used to collect data on student activities in following the learning process. Healthy Theme 4 is Important. The results showed the learning outcomes of Class V students of SD Negeri 1 Kalen, Kedungtuban District, Blora Regency could increase interest and motivation in the learning process so that they could achieve the KKM value.The increase in student learning outcomes of Class V SD Negeri 1 Kalen, Kedungtuban District, Blora Regency can be seen from the significant increase from the conditions of cycle I to cycle II, cycle II to cycle III. The data obtained in the first cycle that reached the KKM as much as 47.00% with a class average of 69.42, while in the second cycle the maximum completeness reached 100% with a class average of 99.14 and in the third cycle it obtained 100% completeness on average - grade average 99.71.The conclusion of this study is that the application of the Discovery Learning learning model can improve the learning outcomes of Class V students of SD Negeri 1 Kalen, Kedungtuban District, Blora Regency.Keywords: Students, Discovery Learning Learning Model, Learning Outcomes

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-13
Anita Wulandari ◽  
Siti Roudlotul Hikamah ◽  
Umi Nurjanah

Learning model is a whole series of teaching material presentation which includes all aspects before and after learning. The problem in this study is that student learning outcomes are still lo and lacking enthusiasm in the learning process, where the value of student learning outcomes is still much below the KKM. This type of research uses PTK, with a quantitative data collection in the from of student learning outcomes tests and qualitative data obtained from intervies and studend documentation data. With 23 students as research subjects. Based on the results of this study, the average cognitive score of srtudentd in cycle I was 73. In the first cycle the average cognitive score of students II was 82, so there was an increase of 9%. So the application of the RCCDE learning model can improve students learning outcomes in the material of interaction of living things with the environment so that it can help in the student learning proses.Keywords: RCCDE model, learning outcomes, the interaction of living things with the environment

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Nurul Izzah ◽  
Venny Mulyana

Education is essentially an activity carried out by students which results in changes in themselves. This principle implies that what must be prioritized is the learning activities of students instead of something that is given to students. STEM-based learning (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) can train students to apply their knowledge to create designs as a form of solving environmental problems by utilizing technology. The learning model recommended for use in the 2013 curriculum is a student-centered learning model, one of which is the Project Based Learning model. This study will analyze how much influence STEM education with the PjBL model has on student learning outcomes. This study uses a meta-analysis method. determined via the Effect Size (ES). Research data were obtained from 25 national and international journals. The meta-analysis study is based on three categories, namely education level, subjects and student learning outcomes. The results showed that; first, the influence of the PjBL model of STEM education based on the level of education is most effective in SMP. ES value = 1.89 and categorized as high. Second, based on the type of subject, the most effective influence of the PjBL model of STEM education is Mathematics. ES value = 3,7 and categorized as high. Third, based on student learning outcomes, the influence of the PjBL model of STEM education is the most effective in the aspect of skills. ES value = 1.68 and categorized as high.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Bunga Oktaveanry Nagara ◽  
Lelly Qodariah ◽  
Jumardi Jumardi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran talking stick terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran sejarah kelas X di SMK Grafika Yayasan Lektur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif eksperimen. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kelas XA sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas XB sebagai kelas kontrol. Pada uji validitas instrumen menggunakan korelasi biserial dengan 25 butir soal pilihan ganda dengan 15 butir soal valid an 10 butir soal yang tidak valid. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji normalitas, uji homogenitas dan uji hipotesis menggunakan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar yang diberi perlakuan menggunakan model pembelajaran talking stick lebih tinggi daripada hasil belajar yang diberi perlakuan menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional, dari analisis data diperoleh rata-rata kelas eksperimen 87,16 dan kelas kontrol 66,85, (2) hasil pengujian hipotesis yang diperoleh thitung>ttabel yaitu  2,107>2,002 pada taraf signifikan α=0,05. Hal tersebut berarti hipotesis dalam penelitian ini dapat diterima dan dinyatakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran talking stick terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran sejarah kelas X di SMK Grafika Yayasan Lektur. Kesimpulannya bahwa terdapat pengaruh dari model pembelajaran talking stick terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran sejarah kelas X di SMK Grafika Yayasan Lektur.Kata kunci: model pembelajaran talking stick, hasil belajar AbstractThis study aims to determine the effect of the talking stick learning model on student learning outcomes in class X history subjects at the SMK Grafika Foundation for Literature.  The research method used was an experimental quantitative research method.  The sample used in this study is class XA as an experimental class and class XB as a control class. In the validity test the instrument uses biserial correlation with 25 multiple choice questions with 15 valid items and 10 invalid items.  Data analysis techniques used were normality test, homogeneity test and hypothesis testing using t test. The results showed that: (1) there were differences in learning outcomes that were treated using the talking stick learning model higher than learning outcomes that were treated using conventional learning models, from the analysis of the data obtained an experimental class average of 87.16 and a control class 66,  85, (2) the results of testing the hypothesis obtained tcount> ttable is 2.107> 2.002 at a significant level α = 0.05.  This means that the hypothesis in this study can be accepted and it is stated that there is an effect of the talking stick learning model on student learning outcomes in class X history subjects at SMK Grafika Literature Foundation. The conclusion that there is an influence of the talking stick learning model on student learning outcomes in classs X history subjects at SMK Grafika Literature Foundation.Keywords: talking stick learning model, learning outcomes

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 196-201
Winmery Lasma Habeahan

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine whether using the TPS learning model by using LKS can improve student learning outcomes in the material system linear equation two variable in class X Senior High Public School 2 of Pematangsiantar. The type of research used is classroom action research with 2 cycles. Subjects of class X-IPA 7. On the implementation of the first cycle of action, the result of the analysis of tests of students at the moderate (≥ 65) category in a classical manner were still not achived because only 52.78% of students were completed, with a grade average 65.00. After the implementation of the second cycle of action, the learning outcomes of students in the medium minimum category (≥ 65) have been achived classically, namely 86.11% with an average value 73.75. The increase in students’ mathematics learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle II was 21.11%. Based on the result of the above research it can be concluded that the application of the TPS learning model using LKS can improve student learning outcomes.Keywords: Laerning Outcomes, Think Pair Square (TPS), LKS

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-118
Tuti Triyani

This study aims to improve the social studies learning outcomes of Class VI students of SD Negeri 18 Lubuklinggau by using the Jigsaw learning model. The research method used in this study is a classroom action research method (Action Research) using the Jigsaw learning model. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of observation and tests. Based on the results of research using the Jigsaw learning model in class VI students at SD Negeri 18 Lubuklinggau, it turned out to be able to improve student learning outcomes. Student learning outcomes continue to increase in each cycle, in the first cycle of the first meeting the average student learning outcomes of 51.86, the second meeting of 59.45 then in the second cycle of the first female student learning outcomes of 62.14 and at the second meeting 67 .95. and in cycle 3 the first meeting the average student learning outcomes was 71.14 and the second meeting was 85.76

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Wa Ode Arini Maut

ABSTRAK: Masalah pokok penelitian ini adalah apakah penggunaan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Talking Stick pada mata pelajaran IPS dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi aktivitas ekonomi dan potensi sumber daya alam di kelas IV SDN 8 Tongkuno Kabupaten Muna? Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi aktivitas ekonomi dan potensi sumber daya alam melalui penggunaan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Talking Stick pada mata pelajaran IPS di kelas IV SDN 8 Tongkuno Kabupaten Muna. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas IV SDN 8 Tongkuno Kabupaten Muna pada semester genap Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019 dengan jumlah siswa 23 orang, yang terdiri dari 10 orang laki-laki  dan 13 orang perempuan. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari tes hasil belajar untuk melihat keberhasilan belajar siswa setelah penerapan model pembelajaran Talking Stick,  lembar observasi untuk guru dan siswa untuk melihat kondisi pelaksanaan tindakan. Prosedur penelitian ini terdiri dari: (1) perencanaan, (2) pelaksanaan tindakan, (3) observasi dan evaluasi, dan (4) refleksi. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa. Jenis data  dalam penelitian ini adalah data kuantitatif  adalah hasil belajar siswa yang diambil dengan menggunakan tes hasil belajar, dan data kualitatif diambil dari hasil  observasi aktivitas guru dan aktivitas siswa. Data hasil penelitian pada siklus I siswa tuntas berjumlah 14 siswa dengan persentase 60,9% dan siswa tidak tuntas berjumlah 9 siswa dengan persentase 39,1% dengan nilai rata-rata siswa 70,2. Keberhasilan aktivitas mengajar guru pertemuan pertama sebesar 63,64% dan pertemuan kedua sebesar 72,73%. Data hasil penelitian pada siklus II siswa tuntas berjumlah 20 siswa dengan persentase 87% dan siswa tidak tuntas berjumlah 3 siswa dengan persentase 13% dengan nilai rata-rata siswa 81. Keberhasilan aktivitas mengajar guru pertemuan pertama sebesar 90,91% dan pertemuan kedua sebesar 100%. Kata Kunci: Model, Hasil Belajar, Talking Stick ABSTRACT: The main problem of this research is whether the use of the Talking Stick type cooperative learning model in social studies subjects can improve student learning outcomes on economic activity material and natural resource potential in class IV SDN 8 Tongkuno Muna Regency? The research objective is to improve student learning outcomes on economic activity material and natural resource potential through the use of a Talking Stick type cooperative learning model in social studies subjects in class IV SDN 8 Tongkuno Muna Regency. This research was conducted in class IV SDN 8 Tongkuno Muna Regency in the even semester of the 2018/2019 Academic Year with a total of 23 students, consisting of 10 men and 13 women. The data of this study were obtained from the learning achievement test to see the success of student learning after the application of the Talking Stick learning model, observation sheets for teachers and students to see the conditions of action implementation. The procedure of this research consists of: (1) planning, (2) implementing actions, (3) observation and evaluation, and (4) reflection. Data sources of this research are teachers and students. The type of data in this study is quantitative data is the learning outcomes of students taken using learning outcomes tests, and qualitative data taken from observations of teacher activities and student activities. The results of research in the first cycle of students complete 14 students with a percentage of 60.9% and 9 students who did not complete the number of students with a percentage of 39.1% with an average value of 70.2 students. The success of the teaching activities of the first meeting teachers was 63.64% and the second meeting was 72.73%. The results of the research in the second cycle of students completed 20 students with a percentage of 87% and students who did not complete numbered 3 students with a percentage of 13% with an average value of students 81. The success of teaching activities of the first meeting teacher was 90.91% and the second meeting was 100 %. Keywords: Model, Learning Outcomes, Talking Stick

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