2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Nurdin Nurdin ◽  
Mohammad Nur Ahsan

Internet does not only provide positive information but also depict negative information and images such as radical and pornography. Previous studies found that most of young citizens have accessed online radical and pornography contents. This caused massive impacts on their behaviour and society life. Instead the negative impacts have been addressed in previous studies, little is known how those impacts should be eliminated. Through an intensive literature review approach, this study, therefore, is intended to provide insight on how the impacts of online radicalism and pornography should be prevented or eliminated. The author usd secondary data from various online data sources such as journals, mass media sites, and other relevant sites. The results show that online radical contents can trigger society to be radical and lack tolerant toward social life. Meanwhile, online pornography contents cause young generation to lack sensitive toward their marriage life and cause them to practice abnormal sexual life. This study also found that the impacts can be prevented and eliminated through increasing Muslim leaders and da’i roles in spreading intensive Islamic values into society, increasing government actor roles to monitor and block such contents, and providing training for society to block negative sites on their own. In conclusion,  online radical and pornography contents can impact society life regarding increasing violent and intolerant behavior, while online pornography contents can cause lack sexual sensitivity and increase violent toward women. However, such impacts can be prevented and eliminated through increasing da’i roles, increasing government actor roles in monitoring the sites, and improving citizen skills to block the sites.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Bejo Sutrisno ◽  
Albert Situmorang

The aims or this research are to analyze the moral values ​​and principles of moral values that are delivered in the "Kick boxer" movie. To strengthen this analysis, the qualitative research methods are used by using two data sources, namely primary and secondary data. Primary data is “kick boxer" movie, where the data are carefully recorded from the movie based on the problem formulation. Secondary data is taken from other sources related to the analysis, such as journals, e-books, and websites. Based on the analysis, the findings of moral values ​​are presented in: (1) Trustworthiness; (2) Respect; (3) Responsibility; (4) Fairness; (5) Caring and the principles of moral values ​​present are: (1) Respect for rules; (2) Avoidance of illicit Operation. Furthermore, from these findings too, that moral values ​​and the principles of moral values ​​are a way of human life that reflect good behaviors that are very important and valuable things in human social life, in terms of getting peace, mutual help, happiness, and good goals

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Rita Ernawati ◽  
Dyah Ratri Nurmaningsih

The developments in higher education must be in line with the development of the world today, as the college itself is an institution with the function of reviewing, preserve, develop, and disseminate art, science and technology in order to educate the nation. The physical development of multicampus masterplan must have basic design principles as follows; flexibility, adaptability, orderliness, campus social life-oriented, formality and symbolizes the development of technology and culture of Indonesia in the future. This paper is part of the Campus Development Feasibility Study Report II UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya in Gunung Anyar Surabaya. The social study is one of the substantial aspects in the preparation of a feasibility study toward land acquisition based on the public response againts the campus development plan. A descriptive qualitative method was use to collect and analyzed the data base on the result of communty feedback identification as well as the supporting secondary data. The analysis showed that the community strongly agree with the development plans in their surrounding areas as a means of education. The public has a positive image for the institution of UIN Sunan Ampel so they showed their enthusiasm with the campus development plan. The campus development are expected to contribute positively to community enhancement, both economic and social. However, it should be well anticipated the possibility of negative impacts that may occur as a result of the development plan, both socially as well as the physical condition of the environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 96
Andi Zulfikar Darussalam ◽  
Syarifuddin Syarifuddin ◽  
Ega Rusanti ◽  
A. Darussalam Tajang

Halal Tourism is one of the cultural-based tourist forms that Putting Islamic values and norms first. The potential for Halal Tourism development in Indonesia is enormous but needs to be upgraded in terms of the developer concept by applying lokal cultural values. One tourist destination in South Sulawesi is 'Taman prasejarah Leang-Leang' in Maros regency that has become a promising region To be developed as a Halal Tourism area by promoting lokal Sipakainge’ and Sipakalebbi’ concepts of wisdom. This study is a qualitative descriptive study using primary and secondary data sources through observation and documentation carried out by researchers. Research results are obtained if Sipakainge’ and Sipakalebbi’ can apply as Tourism clean development concepts by upholding the value of humanizing one another, reminding and respecting one another in the process. Additionally, the development can also be achieved by increasing the tools and infrastructure that makeup residence and characteristics of Halal Tourism.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Rita Ernawati ◽  
Dyah Ratri Nurmaningsih

The developments in higher education must be in line with the development of the world today, as the college itself is an institution with the function of reviewing, preserve, develop, and disseminate art, science and technology in order to educate the nation. The physical development of multicampus masterplan must have basic design principles as follows; flexibility, adaptability, orderliness, campus social life-oriented, formality and symbolizes the development of technology and culture of Indonesia in the future. This paper is part of the Campus Development Feasibility Study Report II UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya in Gunung Anyar Surabaya. The social study is one of the substantial aspects in the preparation of a feasibility study toward land acquisition based on the public response againts the campus development plan. A descriptive qualitative method was use to collect and analyzed the data base on the result of communty feedback identification as well as the supporting secondary data. The analysis showed that the community strongly agree with the development plans in their surrounding areas as a means of education. The public has a positive image for the institution of UIN Sunan Ampel so they showed their enthusiasm with the campus development plan. The campus development are expected to contribute positively to community enhancement, both economic and social. However, it should be well anticipated the possibility of negative impacts that may occur as a result of the development plan, both socially as well as the physical condition of the environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (12) ◽  
Nawir Yuslem ◽  
Nurlaila Nurlaila ◽  
Yurmaini Yurmaini

The problem behind this research is that ideally the financial accountability of Islamic organizations including educational institutions must uphold Islamic values. But in reality, there are still many Islamic educational institutions that have not made Islamic values ​​the basis for managing the financial system. Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah as a community organization based on Islamic teachings manages several universities, where financial management and accountability are required to be based on Islamic values. The formulation of this research is how financial accountability has the dimensions of Islamic values ​​at Al Washliyah College in North Sumatra. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach, while the paradigm used is an interpretive paradigm. Data collection methods are interviews, observation and documentation. The data sources of this research are primary and secondary data sources. Primary data were obtained directly from the results of interviews with all informants, namely the vice chancellor II/vice chair II for finance at each Al Washliyah university in North Sumatra. Data analysis techniques are data collection, data reduction and drawing conclusions. Techniques to guarantee data validity are credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability testing. The results of this study concluded that Islamic values ​​on financial accountability at Al Washliyah College are the value of siddiq, the value of tabligh, the value of trust, the value of fatah, the value of sincerity and the value of deliberation which are used as the basis for carrying out financial management at the Al Washliyah College of North Sumatra.

Arkus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-85
Dewi Oktaviani

Social media is a medium that allows users to do social activities virtually with each other through the internet network. The use of social media is mainly used to show excessive self-existence that affects the perspective, lifestyle, and culture of a nation. Social media for IAIN Metro students is essential not only to get exciting information but also to become a lifestyle. This study aims to determine and describe the influence of social media on the lifestyle of IAIN Metro students. Researchers' research method is a type of field research (field research), qualitative descriptive. The data sources that researchers use are primary data sources and secondary data sources. Primary data sources were obtained from IAIN Metro students. Secondary data sources are obtained from books, the internet, and other literature. Methods of data collection, researchers used interviews, observation, and documentation. The researcher's data analysis method is data reduction, presenting data, and concluding data and verification. The results showed that IAIN Metro students used social media such as Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook. Social media has become a lifestyle for IAIN Metro students. The influence of social media on the lifestyle of IAIN Metro students has both positive and negative impacts. Judging from the aspect, the behavior of IAIN Metro students is included in impulsive buying because it is based on a sudden desire for a moment. Islam recommends a fair and balanced pattern of consumption and use of wealth, not being stingy and not being extravagant.

Having the tourism industry as the only development model for a country with its natural and cultural resources could not only destroy the social life but also the tourism industry itself. Although the equation ―more tourists=more tourism income‖ is so simple, it is not a sustainable approach for the development plans of the destinations. This process leads to overuse of natural and cultural attractions and places pressures on tourism earnings. Tourism paradox is the name of this concept. Tourism paradox is the name given to this phenomenon where tourism industry destroys natural and cultural environment that is necessary for tourism activities. The growth of tourism cannot be always considered as having a positive impact for destinations. The balance, which does not change and disturbs the social and economic relations at the destination is called ―tourism equinox‖. New projects and approaches to solve the problems caused by the growth of urban populations and establish healthy sustainable tourism destinations are becoming more important than ever. Tourism detox is a treatment that is intended to remove harmful substances from the destination. Detox is a radical decision and it is not an easy process. Therefore, spatial reorganization and urban regeneration play a crucial role for the marketing of destinations and this transformation action affects all infrastructure facilities, restorations of old buildings, reorganization of historical zones, and revitalizing the architectural style of the destinations. This paper investigates the influence of tourism paradox and equinox on destinations in relation to tourism activities and the protection of natural and cultural resources with the help of tourism detox. It primarily relies on qualitative research to understand the main futures of tourism paradox, equinox and detox taking the negative impacts of tourism into consideration. As research methodology a literature review and the sources of secondary data were used.

Shanty Bahar Ising ◽  
Mujiono Mujiono

This study aims to find out, describe and analyze the democratic leadership of the Principal in improving achievement at the Palangka Raya Model State Madrasah (MAN). The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The researcher wanted to describe the Principal's democratic leadership in improving achievement at the Palangka Raya Model State Islamic Senior High School (MAN). Primary data sources (person) are the Principal, Teachers (Teachers) and Students of MAN Model Palangka Raya. Whereas secondary data sources are the data in the Palangka Raya Model MAN and supporting literature. The results of the study show that the Principal's leadership in improving achievement in the Palangka Raya Model MAN is very democratic, this condition can be seen from: (1) Principals are happy to receive suggestions, opinions and even criticism from subordinates both delivered by students and teachers through suggestion boxes and in the teacher council meeting, (2) the Principal always strives to prioritize teamwork cooperation in an effort to achieve the goal by appointing the instructor teacher, trainer teacher and mentor teacher and conducting deliberation in planning, implementing and evaluating activities, (3) the Principal always tries to make subordinates more success than him, which is realized by including teachers in seminars, workshops, training and competitions so that they get achievements both locally and nationally, and (4) Principals always try to develop their personal capacity as good leaders in conceptual skills, human skill and technical skill.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 962-975
Emerson Rodrigues Lima ◽  
Ana Carla Alves Gomes ◽  
Ícaro Paiva de Oliveira ◽  
Maria Lucia Brito da Cruz

A pesquisa trata de uma análise da relação sociedade natureza no contexto da Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) do rio Ceará e teve como objetivo principal o estudo dos impactos negativos sofridos a partir dessa interação, descrevendo os principais problemas ocasionados pela ocupação desordenada, como a intervenção nas dunas, poluição do mangue e desmatamento da mata ciliar, os quais condicionam a mudança da dinâmica natural do ambiente causando interferências paisagísticas e biológicas no local. O aporte teórico metodológico embasa-se nas teorias clássicas pertinentes, bem como levantamento de dados secundários, trabalho de campo e a técnica de geoprocessamento para a elaboração de material cartográfico. Os resultados demonstram a urgência em inserir práticas vinculadas a educação ambiental na APA, dessa forma, o trabalho visa servir de subsídio à conscientização da necessidade de preservação deste ambiente, recomendando, assim o diálogo entre a população e os órgãos responsáveis para garantir o uso sustentável da mesma.Palavras-chave: Conservação; Educação Ambiental; Análise Geoambiental. ABSTRACTThe research deals with an analysis of the relation nature-society in the context of the APA (Ambiental Protection Area) of Ceará River and it had as main objective the study of the negative impacts suffered from this interaction, describing the main problems caused by the disordered occupation, such as the intervention in the dunes, mangrove pollution and deforestation of the riparian forest, which condition the change of the natural dynamics of the environment causing landscape and biological interferences in the place. The theoretical methodological support is based on the relevant classical theories, as well as secondary data collection, field work and the geoprocessing technique for the preparation of cartographic material. The results show the urgency to insert practices related to environmental education in the APA, so this work aims to serve as a subsidy to raise awareness of the need to preserve this environment, recommending in this way the dialogue between the population and responsible bodies to ensure sustainable use of the same. Keywords: Conservation; Environmental education; Geoenvironmental Analysis. RESUMENLa investigación aborda un análisis de la relación de la sociedad de la naturaleza en el contexto del Área de Protección Ambiental (APA) del río Ceará y su objetivo principal fue el estudio de los impactos negativos sufridos por esta interacción, describiendo los principales problemas causados por la ocupación desordenada, como el intervención en las dunas, contaminación del manglar y deforestación del bosque ribereño, que condicionan el cambio de la dinámica natural del ambiente causando interferencia biológica y paisajística en el lugar. La base teórica metodológica se basa en las teorías clásicas relevantes, así como en la recolección secundaria de datos, el trabajo de campo y la técnica de geoprocesamiento para la preparación de material cartográfico. Los resultados demuestran la urgencia de insertar prácticas relacionadas con la educación ambiental en la APA, por lo tanto, el trabajo tiene como objetivo apoyar la conciencia de la necesidad de preservar este medio ambiente, recomendando así el diálogo entre la población y los organismos responsables para garantizar un uso sostenible de la misma.Palabras clave: Conservación; Educación ambiental; Análisis geoambiental.

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