Rusdiansyah Rusdiansyah

The aim of this study is to explain the effective way in teaching reading comprehension through Note-Taking technique. Reading is an important skill in learning a language besides listening, speaking, and writing. It is an effort to increase our knowledge and achievement. Everyone should have the ability to read, especially in English because the fact shows that most of the scientific books are written in English. This research applied Classroom Action Research method by using four stages, such as; planning, implementation of action, observation, and reflection. This research conducted in two cycles. They were first and second cycle. Each cycle comprises the series of activities which relates each other. The realization of the second cycle was continued and improved based on the evaluation of the first cycle. The results of this research can be explained that note taking technique increase students’ reading comprehension. In this research, the researcher applied note-taking technique to increase students’ reading comprehension ability because by using note-taking technique the students are easier to make note and easy to answer the questions. They can explain about the keywords or the main ideas of the text, and absolutely they can comprehend the text. The result of the students is increasing by looking their score in cycle 1 and cycle 2. Their mean score in cycle 1 only 51 and cycle 2 the score develops to be 76. It means that the student’s reading comprehension was increased.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Khaerunnisa Khaerunnisa ◽  
Rosdiah Salam ◽  
Uli Astuti

This study aims to describe the application of learning strategy of SQ3R to improve reading comprehension ability of the fourte grade student of SDN Mapala Kec. Rappocini Makassar. Type of this research is class room action research wich overwhelm planning step, action, observation and reflection. This research is focus on student n teacher. Result of the research shows that teacher’s teaching activity in cycle is in category cukup while in cycle II is in category baik. In cycle of frequency of ketuntasan categoried tidak tuntas and of the name some time  in cycle II categoried as tuntas.The conclusion is applying of SQ3R can improve reading comprehension ability of fourt grade student of SDN Mapala Kec Rappocini Makassar

Delina R ◽  
Hatma Heris Mahendra ◽  
Riga Zahara Nurani

<p><em>The research has problem less reading comprehension ability explanation text in class IV. This research aims to increase reading comprehension ability using SQ3R in text explanation at IV class SDN Nantang. The researcher uses classroom action research. The result shows the use of SQ3R can increase reading comprehension ability in text explanation. Pre-test shows average scores are 45,83 with 27% complete and 73% incomplete. Cycle I with average scores are 75,67% with 60% complete and 40% incomplete and cycle II average scores 87,83 with 90% complete and 10% incomplete. The result of average is 42.  Reading comprehension ability is 53%. Based on the increase in pre-test until cycle I and cycle II, the conclusion is SQ3R can increase reading comprehension ability in text explanation at IV class SDN Nantang sub-district Cigalontang regency Tasikmalaya period 2020/2021</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (7) ◽  
pp. 920
Rizqo Nurjanah ◽  
Utami Widiawati ◽  
I Made Suardana

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This study aims to improve reading comprehension in class II MI Islamiyah Kediri City. This type of research is classroom action research. The study was conducted in two cycles. The results showed an increase in students' understanding of reading. The reading comprehension ability test is carried out in writing in the form of a description item. Minimum Mastery Criteria that has been set is 70. In the pre-cycle success percentage of 55.56%, increased to 72.22% in the first cycle, and increased again to 83.33% in the second cycle. he average class success target that researchers set was 80%. The success in the second cycle has reached 83.33%. This means that the average class success target has been achieved.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan membaca pemahaman kelas II MI Islamiyah Kota Kediri. Jenis penelitian yaitu penelitian tindakan kelas. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pemahaman siswa terhadap bacaan. Tes kemampuan membaca pemahaman dilaksanakan secara tertulis dengan bentuk soal uraian. Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal yang telah ditetapkan yaitu 70. Pada prasiklus presentase keberhasilan sebesar 55,56%, meningkat menjadi 72,22% pada siklus I, dan meningkat lagi menjadi 83,33% pada siklus II. Target keberhasilan rata-rata kelas yang peneliti tetapkan yaitu 80%. Keberhasilan pada siklus II sudah mencapai 83,33%. Hal tersebut berarti target keberhasilan rata-rata kelas telah dicapai.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 217
Mila Arizah ◽  
Lora Claudia

The study was concerned to investigate the students’ reading comprehension students of SMA Negeri 3 OKU which was taught by using Collaborative Strategic Reading. The objectives of this study was to find out the students’ reading comprehension to the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 3 OKU which was taught by using Collaborative Strategic Reading. The population of this study was the whole of the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 3 OKU. The total number of the population was 258 students; and 30 students were taken as the sample through purposive sampling. The pre-test and post-test and observation were used as the techniques for collecting the data. The researcher concluded Based on the data analysis in chapter IV, the researcher found the students’ pre test score and post-test cycle I was improved from 60,89  to 72.94. Then the students’ post-test cycle I score and post-test cycle II was improved from 72,94 to 79.74. The researcher can be concluded that Collaborative Strategic Reading worked effectively and efficiently in helping the student’s reading comprehension at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 3 OKU 2018/2019 and this learning has applied successfully and able to increased students’ ability in reading comprehension. The students were more active and participated in the teaching-learning process of reading comprehension. Therefore, Collaborative Strategic Reading can be alternative strategy for teacher in teaching reading which can improve their reading comprehension ability.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-97

This study aims at knowing both the process and result of improving students' ability in comprehending English texts through Pedagogical Translation Strategy. The Riel's model of action research method was used to conduct this study. The data was collected through observation, test, interview, questionnaire, and diary. The gained data was analysed statistically or qualitatively in order to know theprocess and the result of improvement caused by the application of Pedagogical Translation Strategy which was eleborated into main instructional actions of first, second and third cyclical Instructional Action Package. It was proved that the quality of process and result of instruction were improved. The average scores for learningprocess increased significantly from 3.1 to 3.4 and to 3.6 in thefirst, second, and third cycle, respectively. Whereas, for learning result, particularly in comprehending English text, students got average scores of 40.2, 59.9, 70.6 and 72.9 in pre-test, cycle I, cycle II and cycle III, consecutively. This means that The pedagogical translation strategy is significantly effective to be used for teaching reading comprehension, particularly English texts. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses dan hasil peningkatan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memahami teks bahasa Inggris melalui Strategi Penerjemahan Pedagogis. Metode penelitian tindakan model Riel digunakan dalam melakukan penelitian ini. Data-data dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan, tes, wawancara, angket, dan catatan harian. Data-data tersebut kemudian dianalisis secara statistik deskriptif atau kualitatif untuk mengetahui proses dan hasil peningkatan yang disebabkan oleh penerapan Strategi Penerjemahan Pedagogis yang dijabarkan menjadi tindakan-tindakan inti dalam Paket Tindakan Pembelajaran siklus pertama, kedua, dan ketiga. Terbukti bahwa kualitas proses dan hasil pembelajaran telah dapat ditingkatkan. Skor rata-rata proses pembelajaran meningkat secara signifikan dari 3,1 pada siklus pertama, menjadi 3,4 pada siklus kedua, dan 3,6 pada siklus ketiga. Selanjutnya, peningkatan hasil pembelajaran ditunjukkan oleh nilai rata-rata tes awal dan siklus pemahaman teks bahasa Inggris. Nilai-nilai tersebut adalah 40,2 pada tes awal, menjadi 59,9 pada siklus pertama, 70,6 pada siklus kedua, dan 72,9 pada siklus ketiga. Hal ini berarti bahwa Strategi Penerjemahan Pedagogis efektif untuk dipergunakan mengajar Pemahaman Bacaan, khususnya teks berbahasa Inggris.

2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-51
Lina Satriyani ◽  
Arwijati Wahjudi Moerdibjon ◽  
Johannes Ananto Prayogo

This research was conducted to improve the students’ reading comprehension by employing graphic organizers through Team-Pair-Solo strategy. Classroom Action Research which involved 32 eighth graders was employed in this study. The instruments were reading comprehension test, observation checklists, field notes and questionnaire. The steps done in employing the strategy were: (1) working in group in comprehending the text, (2) discussing the answer, (3) working in pairs,(4) creating their own graphic organizers, (5) swapping their work (6) giving feedback, (7) discussing the feedback (8) revising individually, (9) retelling the text by using their graphic organizers. The findings of this study showed that the strategy improved students’ ability; most of the students (87.5%) were actively involved and enthusiastic in teaching-learning process; and most of them (90%) gave positive perceptions toward the implementation of the strategy. These results indicated that the strategy was effective in improving students’ reading comprehension ability.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 374
Yusmaidar Yusmaidar

This study aims to improve the reading comprehension ability of grade III students at SDN. No. 054/XI Muara Air year 2016/2017 Through the Application of Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review (SQ3R) Methods. The research conducted is classroom action research. The study was conducted at SDN. No. 054/XI Muara Air, Kumun Debai District, Sungai Penuh City, Jambi Province. This study involved five third grade students. Classroom action research was conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisting of four activities, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research data was collected through tests and processed using simple statistical tests. The results showed that the application of the SQ3R method can improve student learning activities. All students have been able to read reading material quickly and thoroughly, make questions based on the contents of the reading, write answers to questions that have been made, and dare to read the results in front of the class. In addition, students also have the courage to respond well to answering teacher questions and providing responses to the results of training from other students. The application of the SQ3R method can also improve student learning outcomes. The average value of students increased from 56.00 (pre-action) to 68.00 in Cycle I and 78.00 in Cycle II. In addition, student learning completeness also increased from 40.00% (pre-action) to 80.00% in Cycle I and 100.00% in Cycle II. Thus, the application of the SQ3R method can improve the reading comprehension ability of third grade students at SDN. No. 054/XI Muara Air year 2016/2017

Marlin Marpaung

This study is to find out the reading comprehension ability of the students at SLTP Advent 4 Paal Dua Manado, when being taught using the Direct Method and the Lecture Method. The population of this study was seventy-six second year students at SLTP Advent 4 Paal Dua Manado, who were divided into two groups, the experimental and control group. The main problem of this study is to find out the effect of the Direct Method in teaching reading comprehension. The result showed that there was no difference in the reading comprehension ability of the students who are taught using Direct Method and students who are taught using Lecture Method. But there was slightly difference between the mean score of post-experimental and post-control. Therefore, the suggestion for English teachers is to teach the reading comprehension using the Direct Method because the Direct Method can improve students’ ability in reading comprehension. Key words: Reading comprehension, Direct Method.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 883
Sasti Karmiani

This study aims to improve the ability to read English comprehension of class VIII A students at SMPN 3 Teluk Kuantanthrough English-language comic media. This research is a classroom action research conducted by following John Elliot'smodel research procedure which includes planning, action, observation, reflection or evaluation. The study was conducted atSMPN 3 Teluk Kuantan in 2018-2019 academic year in odd semester for students of class VIII A, totaling 21 students. Theresults showed that before being given learning using English-language comic media, the average score of students' readingcomprehension was 57.38 (28.57 %) with less criteria. After reading comprehension learning using English language comicmedia the first cycle the average score of students' reading comprehension ability increased to 64.76 (57.14 %) whichincluded in the criteria sufficient, and learning is done in the second cycle students' reading comprehension ability has anincrease in the average value and a percentage of 75.23 (80.95 %) with good criteria.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-175
Zainuddin Hasibuan

ABSTRACT This research aims to explain the implementation of GRP in improving students’ ability in reading comprehension and to describe students’ respond when a teacher implements GRP in teaching reading comprehension. The study belongs to collaborative classroom action research design in which the researcher and collaborator worked together. The subjects of this research were all of the students of VIII/D of MTsN Dewantara. This resaerch was conducted in two cycles by following the procedure of the action research. It began with the preliminary, planning, implementing and reflecting. The researcher used some instruments such as observation checklist, field notes, and test for students in learning of reading comprehension to collect the data. In analyzing the data, the researcher used the descpriptive qualitative meansrument to find out the result. To analyze the data, total score of the students divided with total number of the students, and got the average score of class. The activity of analyzing data done through three steps, namely: data reduction, data display, data conclusion/ verification. First cycle, there were three meetings, as the result the students got 68,8 in first cycle. Second cycle, there were three meetings, as the result students got 73,8. It means, that the students show their improvement in reading comprehension skill. The research result also indicated that the students have good response and motivation and GRP implementation  improves students’ reading comprehension ability.

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