scholarly journals Ideologi dalam Novel Pabrik Karya Putu Wijaya

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-26
Ahmad Zamzuri

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap ideologi dan formasi ideologi dalam novel Putu Wijaya yang berjudul Pabrik dengan menggunakan teori hegemoni Gramsci. Masalah penelitian ini adalah ideologi apa yang dapat ditemukan dalam novel dan bagaimanakah pembentukannya. Untuk mengungkap ideologi dan formasi ideologi dalam novel ini, penelitian menggunakan metode melalui langkah-langkah berikut: (1) menentukan subjek penelitian; (2) melakukan studi kepustakaan; (3) mengidentifikasi ideologi berdasarkan teori hegemoni Gramsci; dan (4) menganalisis formasi ideologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada empat ideologi dalam novel tersebut, yaitu (1) ideologi otoritarianisme; (2) ideologi individualisme; (3) ideologi liberalisme; dan (4) ideologi anarkisme. Formasi ideologi dalam novel tersebut muncul dalam tiga hubungan, yaitu hubungan kontradiktif antara ideologi otoritarianisme dan demokrasi, hubungan korelatif antara ideologi liberalisme dan hedonisme, dan hubungan bawahan antara ideologi otoritarianisme dan liberalisme. [Title: Ideology in Putu Wijaya’s Pabrik]. This study aims to reveal the ideology and ideological formation in Putu Wijaya's novel entitled Pabrik using Gramsci's theory of hegemony. The problem of this study is what ideology that can be found in the novel and how its formation is. In revealing the ideology and ideological formation in the novel, this research is organized through the following steps: (1) determining the subject of research; (2) conducting library research; (3) identifying ideologies based on Gramsci's theory of hegemony; and (4) analyzing the ideological formation. The results show that there are four ideologies in the novel; those are (1) the ideology of authoritarianism; (2) the ideology of individualism; (3) the ideology of liberalism; and (4) the ideology of anarchism. The ideological formation in the novel appears in three relationships, namely the contradictory relationship between the ideology of authoritarianism and democracy, the correlative relationship between the ideology of liberalism and hedonism, and the subordinate relationship between the ideology of authoritarianism and liberalism.

2021 ◽  
pp. 559-581
Purwarno Purwarno ◽  
Sylvia Mardhatillah ◽  
Andang Suhendi

This study aimed to reveal the liberal feminism in Ika Natassa’s novel, Critical Eleven. This study applied liberal feminism as proposed by Lewis (2018) who claims that liberal feminism focuses on the issues of woman’s equality in the workplace, education and political rights. This study used qualitative methods since it involved the characteristics of qualitative procedures of analysis (Creswell, 2009). The main data were collected from the novel, and the supporting data were taken from books, journals and websites dealing with the subject matter of this research. Therefore, this study is categorized as a library research study as is noted by Herbert (1990: 18) who claims that a library research study is research to collect ideas and theories and to report empirical data within scholarship in the library. The research results show that of the three issues foccused on in liberal feminism as proposed by Lewis (2018), those of woman’s equality in the workplace and education are vividly reflected in the novel by the character named Anya who had a prestigious education (she is a Georgetown University graduate) and also has a good career as a management consultant. Equality in political rights is not found in the novel. Keywords: Feminism, Liberal Feminism, Women, Equality in Education, Equality in the Workplace

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 158-166
Agustia Anusi

The problem in this thesis is the irony of love story between two human beings who are in love, the irony occurs when the fate has separated their love story. The tragic story of Hazel and Augustus' love is inspired by the author's visit to chronic cancer patients at the hospital, about their hopes and love that would be impossible to achieve. In this writing, library research is taken as the method of data collection. As for data analysis method, the writer performs systematic procedures by understanding the novels, the characters of Hazel and Augustus, as well as the structural theory. Data collection technique uses documentation technique in finding relevant data to the subject of analysis. In data analysis techniques, the writer uses structural technique by analyzing the novel based on the elements that shape them. The results of research in this thesis are: 1) destiny seems to separate the love story of Hazel and Augustus, where Hazel is suffered from the chronic cancer while Augustus is in good shape, but Augustus is willing to love Hazel until the end of life, 2) destiny continues to play their love story, this time it is August that suffers from chronic illness and is on the verge of death, while Hazel's condition is getting better. This time, it is Hazel that loves Augustus until the end of his life, and faithfully accompanied him; 3) the irony has occurred in the love story of Hazel and Augustus where the unfair destiny has turned the deaths and hopes on both of them, the one who is almost dies has become better, on the contrary the one who is healthy has been picked by the death in the end. The love story and hope of being together have been ironically played by the fate.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Anugrah Cahyo Hudi

The main purposes of the final project are finding out the conflicts happen in the drama script “Love before Brainz” adapted  from the novel entitled Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion as material for teaching drama class, finding out the most dominant conflicts in the drama script and discusses the contributions of the final project in English language teaching. Library research is used in this final project. Library research points out not on the result, but on the process. The writer deals with some books that are available in the library. The information is obtained by reading books, searching internet and other references related to the subject matter. To analyze the conflicts in the drama script “Love before Brainz”, the writer reads the play script in order to understand the content of it many times. After analyzing the conflicts in the drama script, the writer finds the most dominant conflicts and the contributions of this study in English language teaching. From this drama script, the writer knows that the most dominant conflicts is man versus man. Because the conflicts happen between R (zombie) with Julie, Julie with her father (colonel Grigio), and R with Julie’s father

Rahmi Munfangati ◽  
Desi Ramadhani

This research aims to reveal Fagin’s criminal thought in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist and to examine the factors that influence Fagin’s criminal thought presented in the novel. This research is classified into library research. The subject of the research is Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens’ fiction novel. The novel is used as the primary source, while books, journals, and articles related to criminal thought theories in psychology were taken as the secondary source. A psychological approach is applied to analyze the data. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively. In analyzing the data, the researcher took five steps. The data were collected from reading and re-reading the text, identifying those that embody criminal thinking, categorizing them based on the objectives of the research, comparing them to the theoretical frameworks, and finally interpreting them using a psychological approach. After conducting the research, it can be drawn some conclusions; first, by seeing the eight aspects of criminal thought, Fagin has five aspects which are classified in the high category, and second, the factors that influence Fagin’s criminal thought reflected in the novel are societal and economic, neighbor-hood and local institutions, and drugs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Herman Paseru ◽  
I Wayan Ana ◽  
Dewa Ayu Kadek Claria

This research tries to analyze and discuss about the forms and functions of the operator in English found in the novel entitled Twilight written by Stephanie Meyer as the data source. The method used in conducting this research includes; chose the data source, data collection and data analysis. All the data from the novels are collected through library research by selecting the sentences which are related to the topic and analyzed systematically based on its types and functions. The theories applied to support this paper are the theory of Quirk, et al in their book entitled A Grammar of Contemporary English (1972) as the main theory, the theory of Cobuild in his book entitled English Grammar (1990) and others that are relevant to the topic are used as supporting theories. Based on the result of the analysis, it is found that the operators have four major forms namely do, be, have, and central modals. Besides, the functions of the operators are helping the positive declarative sentence in forming negative, interrogative, and nonassertive. In forming negative, the operator is immediately added with the negator not or the enclitic contracted form n’t and it is placed between the subject and the predication. Then, there are two forms of interrogatives or questions, namely yes-no questions and wh-questions. In yes-no questions, operatoris placed in front of the subject generally and in the wh-questions, the operator follows the wh-words. Besides, the operators also have important function in forming the nonassertive because the nonassertive form usually appears in the negative and interrogative sentences.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-221
Agus Mustajib

This research entitled "The Friendship Values between the Main Characters as Reflected in Katherine Paterson’s Bridge to Terabithia: A Psychological Study". This research was intended to find out the friendship values among the main characters of the novel Bridge To Terabithia written by Katherine Paterson. The type of this research was library research, which consists of primary data and secondary data. The primary data of this research were the novel entitled Bridge To Terabithia written by Katherine Paterson, while the secondary data are taken from other sources such as books, journals, articles that are related to the topic, and the internet sources to complete the data. The subject of this research was the novel Bridge To Terabithia, while the object of this research focused on the friendship values between the main characters for life in Katherine Paterson’s Bridge To Terabithia. The methods used in this research were critical reading and documentation. Collecting the data, he does some steps such as reading the novel precisely and intensively, making notes, visiting the library, and exploring the data from the internet which were related to the topic. The researcher found the friendship values of the main characters were caring for others, being helpful, giving respect, giving hope, joys, and inspiring to others.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-200
La Muhiddin

This study is qualitative designed to analyze the character of the novel through psychological approach.  The subject of the study is the works of D.H. Lawrence, focusing on the novel "Sons and Lovers". Two kinds of corpuses for analysis were literary elements corpuses, plot, theme, setting and atmosphere, point of view and the main characters corpuses of Gertrude Morel, Walter Morel, William Morel & Miriam Leiver. Data were collected from literary research and library research. The study revealed that the main characters of sons and lovers are round ones. Miriam was said to be very religious, yet she had sexual intercourse before her marriage. It is shown that there are some aspects of moral quality. Educational value appeared in nuance that  revenge does not give us satisfaction. Through out the novel, relevant implication appeared that sexual desire does not belong to love. Sex is also physiological needs and sometimes an expression of love. The self‑actualization need is dominant in Paul. 

2009 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-92
Susan Jones

This article explores the diversity of British literary responses to Diaghilev's project, emphasising the way in which the subject matter and methodologies of Diaghilev's modernism were sometimes unexpectedly echoed in expressions of contemporary British writing. These discussions emerge both in writing about Diaghilev's work, and, more discretely, when references to the Russian Ballet find their way into the creative writing of the period, serving to anchor the texts in a particular cultural milieu or to suggest contemporary aesthetic problems in the domain of literary aesthetics developing in the period. Figures from disparate fields, including literature, music and the visual arts, brought to their criticism of the Ballets Russes their individual perspectives on its aesthetics, helping to consolidate the sense of its importance in contributing to the inter-disciplinary flavour of modernism across the arts. In the field of literature, not only did British writers evaluate the Ballets Russes in terms of their own poetics, their relationship to experimentation in the novel and in drama, they developed an increasing sense of the company's place in dance history, its choreographic innovations offering material for wider discussions, opening up the potential for literary modernism's interest in impersonality and in the ‘unsayable’, discussions of the body, primitivism and gender.

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-319
Aluaș Alina

"The Theatrical Potential in David Foenkinos’ Work. Analysis of the Novel, the Scenario and the Film “La Délicatesse”. Our interest, especially when it comes to the subject of literature, is to show the manner in which the text processing done by the author (script writer/director) brings to light the guidelines of the novelistic text’s semantics, which under careful analysis reveals a kind of personal myth of the novelist. The skewed, syncopated, interrupted writing which disrupts the chronotope serves the needs of the script as well as the director’s selective vision. Unconsciously, the novel seems to follow the structure of the theatrical model. These traits can also be found in the cinematographic structure of the film. Keywords: love, eroticism, delicacy, theatricality, scenario, film. "

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Sri Sabakti

This research is aimed to expose the narrative structure of the novel Ca Bau Kan by using semiotical theory. The source of the data is the novel Ca Bau kan written by Remy Silado and published by KPG, eight edition, 2004. The data is collected by doing the library research. The teory applied in this research is the emiotical theory, especially the literary analysis of Subur Laksono Wardoyo that the analysis of the text of prose can be applied by using three fases; the analysis of the basic scheme narrative, the analysis of mean signifier, and the analysis of syntagmatics and pragmatics. The result of this research showed that the narrative structure in the novel CBK that (1) the life of Tinung before being a ca bau kan, (2) the life of Tinung as a ca bau kan, and (3) the life of Tinung after not being a ca bau kan anymore. Based on the narrative structure, it was found that “ Love is only one. No measurement is needed” is the mean signifier and able to be clarified by the analysis of syntagmatics-paradigmatics based on the biner oposition of weak x strong.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mengungkapkan stuktur narasi dalam novel Ca Bau Kan (CBK) dengan menggunakan teori semiotika. Penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data novel CBK karya Remy Silado yang diterbitkan oleh KPG, cetakan kedelapan tahun 2004. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan teknik kepustakaan. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori semiotika, khususnya analisis sastra menurut Subur Laksono Wardoyo bahwa analisis teks prosa dapat dilakukan melalui tiga tahap, yaitu: analisis skema naratif dasar, analisis signifier utama, dan analisis sintagmatik-paradigmatik. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa struktur narasi pada novel CBK adalah sebagai berikut: 1) kehidupan Tinung sebelum menjadi ca bau kan, 2) kehidupan Tinung sebagai ca bau kan, dan 3) kehidupan Tinung setelah tidak menjadi ca bau kan. Berdasarkan struktur narasi, maka didapatkan bahwa “Cinta cuma satu, kagak perlu takaran” merupakan penanda utama dan dapat diperjelas melalui analisis sintagmatik-paradigmatik yang didasarkan atas sebuah oposisi biner lemah x kuat.

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