scholarly journals Pengembangan Strategi Tata Kelola Museum Omahku Memoriku

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-63
Topan Indraseni Gunawan

Pada tahun 2010 terjadi letusan Gunung Merapi yang mengeluarkan abu vulkanik mencapai 600 derajat celcius yang telah menghancurkan desa dan rumah tinggal warga sekitar. Setelah letusan tersebut masyarakat menyediakan jasa Lava Tour dan Museum Omahku Memoriku salah satu destinasi wisata di dalam Lava Tour. Museum Omahku Memoriku sebagai tempat untuk mengenang ganasnya letusan Gunung Merapi, terletak di Dusun Petung Desa Kepuharjo, Kecamatan Cangkringan, Sleman. Koleksi yang dipamerkan dalam museum ini diantaranya sepeda motor, gamelan, kerangka hewan dan perlengkapan rumah yang telah rusak. Tujuan penelitian ini menjelaskan tata kelola serta memperoleh formulasi strategi museum Omahku Memoriku dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif untuk memahami persepsi stakeholders museum sehingga dapat dirumuskan variabel-variabel internal dan eksternal dari museum. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan analanisis SWOT. Pendekatan ini digunakan untuk membantu menganalisis variabel internal dan eksternal di dalam pengelolaan museum Omahku Memoriku sehingga diperoleh formulasi strategi tata kelola. Temuan di lapangan mengindikasikan berdasarkan matriks IE (internal-external) menunjukkan bahwa tata kelola museum Omahku Memoriku pada posisi Growth and Build (tumbuh dan bina) selanjutnya berdasarkan kuadran analisis SWOT ada pada posisi expansion atau perluasan. Berdasarkan posisi tersebut maka strategi tata kelola Museum Omahku Memoriku menggunakan kekuatan dan peluang untuk mengambil setiap keunggulan yang ada yaitu, bekerja sama dengan hotel dan pemandu wisata, membuat proposal untuk mendatangkan investor ataupun dapat menggunakan dana CSR, dan toko cenderamata dan kantin dapat diubah menjadi kafe karena area sekitar mendukung untuk itu. In 2010 there was an eruption of Mount Merapi volcanic ash reached 600 degrees Celsius which has destroyed villages and homes residents around. After the eruption the community provides services Lava Tour and Museum Omahku Memoriku one tourist destination on the Lava Tour. Museum Omahku Memoriku as a place to commemorate the ferocious eruption of Mount Merapi, located in Petung Hamlet Village Kepuharjo Village, District Cangkringan, Sleman. Collections exhibited in this museum include motorcycles, gamelan, animal skeletons and home supplies that have been damaged. The purpose of this study describes the governance as well as get the formulation of museum strategy Omahku Memoriku by using descriptive qualitative research methods to understand the perceptions of museum stakeholders so that can be formulated internal and external variables of the museum. The approach used is a quantitative approach with SWOT analanisis, this approach is used to help analyze internal and external variables in the management of museum Omahku Memoriku so obtained formulation of governance strategy. The findings in the field indicate that based on the IE matrix (internal-external) shows that the management of museum Omahku Memoriku in the position of Growth and Build then based on SWOT analysis quadrant is in Expansion or expansion position. Based on that position, the Museum Omahku Memoriku governance strategy uses the strength and the opportunity to take every advantage that is, in cooperation with hotels and tour guides, make proposals to bring in investors or to use CSR funds, and the cendramata and canteen stores can be converted into cafes because the surrounding area supports it.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Waamilus Sholikatin

Kripik makroni spiral Makeci merupakan produk makanan ringan yang memiliki keunggulan dari segi varian level kepedasan, produk ini juga memiliki kelemahan pada aspek kemasanya, dalam artian produk ini tidak memiliki identitas, melainkan hanya dikemas dengan plastik transparan dengan label yang ditulis tangan, sehingga tidak memiliki daya tarik bagi konsumen. Tujuan perancangan kemasan produk kripik makroni spiral Makeci adalah sebagai upaya memberikan identitas produk dan dapat menunjukkan image produk dengan kompetitor lainnya. Perancangan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan berbasis praktik yaitu dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT untuk produk dan analisis VIEW untuk menganalisis fitur kemasan. Konsep perancangan kemasan produk Makeci menampilkan desain kemasan produk dengan citra makanan ringan yang mempunyai ciri khas rasa pedas dan mengandung unsur budaya Jawa namun tetap memiliki kesan modern, serta menambah visual infografis mengenai diskripsi singkat budaya yang ada di Indonesia pada kemasan bagian belakang, sehingga kemasan dapat berfungsi sebagai media informasi, serta memberi kesan berbeda dengan kemasan kompetitornya. Makeci macroni spiral chips  is a snack product that has advantages in terms of spiciness level variants, this product also has weaknesses in its aspect of packaging, in the sense that this product does not have an identity, but is only packaged in transparent plastic with a handwritten label, so it has no power appeal to consumers. The purpose of the Makeci macroni spiral chips packaging design is an effort to provide product identity and be able to show the image of the product with other competitors. The design is done using qualitative research methods with a practice-based approach that is by conducting observations, interviews, documentation and literature study. Data were analyzed using SWOT analysis for products and VIEW analysis to analyze packaging features. The concept of the design of the product packaging Makeci displays the design of the product packaging with the image of snacks which has a characteristic spicy taste and contains elements of Javanese culture but still has a modern impression, as well as adding a visual infographic about a brief description of the culture that exists in Indonesia on the back of the packaging, so that the packaging can serves as a medium of information, and gives a different impression to the competitors packaging.

2018 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-59
Ehsan Daneshyar

This article adopts Ray Oldenburg's definition of third places and argues that the eight characteristics of third places are demonstrated in the tea houses of Masulih. In many vernacular communities, participating in informal public gathering places, or third places, is one of the daily routines of local inhabitants. The male inhabitants–including seniors and shopkeepers, as well as the shepherds who migrate seasonally with their herds from plateau of Gilan to Masulih–regularly visit and socialize in Masulih's tea houses. Recently, tourists also have become regular visitors of the tea houses. Qualitative research methods were conducted during extended field work in Masulih during 2008 to 2015. In-depth interviews with local inhabitants placed them as local experts. This allowes for a deeper understanding of the use of the tea houses as third places. In addition, research was conducted through visits to the tea houses at various times of the year in order to record their seasonal usage. While not every vernacular settlement in Iran is a tourist destination, Masulih, with its tea houses integrated in the bazaar, sees regular and steady tourist visitation. Masulih's rich cultural, architectural, and tourist landscape generates a complex research ground. This article suggests that tea houses, as third places, are vital for informal regular gathering of local Masulih residents, seasonal visitors, and tourists.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 94-111

SWOT analysis is a form of analysis within company management or within organizations that can systematically assist in the preparation of a mature plan to achieve goals, both short-term and long-term goals. This analysis must be applied by a company. The purpose and benefits of a SWOT analysis are to combine four factors or compositions accurately on how to strangth, weaknes, opportunities and threath. The SWOT analysis method can be considered as the most basic method of analysis, which is useful for looking at a topic or a problem.To facilitate understanding in this study, researchers used qualitative research methods. The data obtained by researchers in the field include interviews with leaders of BMT NU Pusat Gapura Sumenep to find out strategies to face business competition. In addition, the data collection techniques were carried out by researchers by means of interviews, observation and documentation. In this study also, the presence of researchers is very important because researchers are human instruments as well as data collectors

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Zaid Munawar

The purposes of this research were (1) to describe the implementation of social ewareness character to students in SDIT An Najah Jatinom Klaten, (2) to describe the change in character building of social ewareness from students in SDIT An Najah Jatinom Klaten. This research was a qualitative research. Methods of data collection were conducted in four ways, namely (1) Observation, (2) Interview, (3) Documentation, (4) Questionnaire containing student social attitude at SDIT An Najah. The results of this research are: (1) the implementation of social character building of students in SDIT An Najah is done through socialization strategy, fundraising strategy and distribution strategy in Islamic philanthropy of Rumah Sabilillah, and (2) Islamic Filantrophy approach of Rumah Sabilillah able to improve character social awareness of students in SDIT A Najah, as evidenced by several things namely; the increasing of philanthropy fund of Rumah Sabilillah, the increasing of the mustahiq that can be supported, and the widespread use of philanthropy fund which is not only limited to the five excellent programs of Rumah Sabilillah, but also able to provide assistance to the construction of mosque in Jatinom subdistrict and surrounding area.

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. e100062 ◽  
Youwei Zhu ◽  
Na Zhong ◽  
Hang Su ◽  
Xiaolu Ruan ◽  
Jiayi Bao ◽  

BackgroundDespite high relapse rate among methamphetamine (MA) abusers, there still have been little empirical data to date detecting the risk factors related to craving and relapse from the perspective of MA abusers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to use qualitative research methods exploring the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat factors that could facilitate or impede individuals’ abstinence in a real-life context from the perspectives of MA abusers.AimTo use qualitative research methods exploring the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat factors relating to individuals’ abstinence in a real-life context.MethodSemistructured interviews were conducted with 32 MA abusers recruited in Shanghai guided by open-ended questions on narrating the real-life catalysts and inhibitors related to craving, initiation, relapse and abstinence. All data were transcribed verbatim and analysed using a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis.ResultsThe results of the SWOT analysis revealed that contextual factors including peer influence, prevalence and availability of MA, familiar venue of MA use, discrimination, sexual behaviours, alcohol, emotional states and their attitudes towards smoking MA were important factors that contribute to reinitiation and relapse. Surveillance systems, antidrug social workers, vocational skills trainings, moving to another city and family responsibility might serve as counter measures targeting those mentioned weaknesses and threats above.ConclusionThis SWOT analysis highlights the complex nature of relapse. Comprehensive interventions strengthening coping skills such as virtual reality techniques are desperately needed to facilitate individuals’ sustained abstinence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-103
Rendy Suciana ◽  
Elok Damayanti

This study aims to explore PT Pegadaian (Persero) Branch Wiyung Surabaya using qualitative research methods. The development at PT Pegadaian is increasingly progressing, but this should not make it less competitive with other competitors. Many things must be addressed at PT Pegadaian, one of which is by providing and providing the best quality service to its customers, therefore it requires strategic management to compete with other pawning services. So to determine the strategy used, the researcher uses a SWOT analysis, namely the steps through a matrix approach, identification of the external and internal environment, EFAS and IFAS analysis, determining the score so that the formulation of the competitive strategy will be found. The results of the SWOT analysis will find strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to PT Pegadaian (Persero) Surabaya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Suhartina Suhartina ◽  

Aii Collection is a fashion store in the clothing business that focuses on fulfilling the needs of women, located on Jln. Pangeran Antasari, Number 8B, Bandar Lampung City. This study analyzes the strategies that can be carried out in order to increase women's fashion business opportunities at the Aii Collection store. The purpose of this research is to find out what strategies can be done to increase sustainable business opportunities at the Aii Colection store by using qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques are field research and interviews, which clearly describe how these factors are interrelated in the Aii Collection effort by analyzing using SWOT analysis and IFE EFE matrix tools. From the research results, SWOT matrix analysis and SWOT cartesius diagram shows that the Aii collection effort is in quadrant I, with values ​​(1.92 and 1.55). Where is a situation that will benefit and it is known that the company is still a developing company. The best strategy that can be applied to the Aii Collection business is the aggressive strategy or the Growth Oriented Strategy. Keywords: IFE EFE, strategy, business opportunities, SWOT

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-45
Farkhah Farkhah

Inhibitors of the Zakat collection in the BAZNAS Semarang Regency. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The results showed that the strategy used to increase the collection of zakat, infaq, and sadaqah funds was through socialization, both directly and indirectly, and through pick-up service. The results of the SWOT analysis show that the Semarang Regency BAZNAS in carrying out the collection of zakat experiences several obstacles, but these obstacles can be overcome by the strength of the Semarang Regency BAZNAS. From several aspects caused by weakness, BAZNAS of Semarang Regency is still categorized as a stable position, considering that BAZNAS Semarang Regency is still able to implement programs and has tried to innovate to increase the collection of zakat, infaqs, and sadaqah in the future. The author recommends that the Semarang Regency BAZNAS pay more attention to intensive and continuous work program socialization, as well as enlightenment to the public about the primacy of ZIS payments through the BAZNAS that does not reduce virtue and reward, compared to being channeled directly to mustahik.

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