scholarly journals Simulakra Baudrillard dalam Multidimensi Posmodernisme: Kajian Fotografi Makanan dalam Media Sosial Instagram

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Adya Arsita

Makanan kini dipandang dengan sudut pandang yang berbeda, karena ia tak lagi sekedar kebutuhan pokok, tetapi telah dimaknai jauh dari fungsi utamanya.  Telah sekian lama makanan menjadi simbol kemakmuran orang yang berpunya sejak dari abad ke-16 dan ke-17 yang ditunjukkan dalam lukisan-lukisan di masa itu, yang kini kemudian meraih masa gemilangnya melalui berbagai tayangan di televisi, majalah, dan buku-buku masakan.  Makanan tidak lagi sekedar apa yang dimakan, tetapi menjadi sesuatu yang dipamerkan dan berkembang menjadi gaya hidup.  Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi komunikasi, orang cenderung mengumbar kegemarannya akan makanan melalui berbagai media sosial, salah satu yang terkenal yaitu Instagram.  Visualisasi makanan telah diekspos sedemikian rupa dari menu rumahan yang sederhana hingga makanan kelas atas yang biasanya tersaji di restoran mewah.Tulisan ini membahas banyaknya foto-foto makanan yang diunggah ke dalam berbagai akun Instagram dan kemudian akan dicoba untuk menemukan bagaimana unggahan tersebut mempengaruhi keseharian kita.  Metode yang digunakan adalah mengaitkan teori simulakra dari Baudrillard dengan pendekatan multidimensi posmodernisme.  Akun Instagram dipilih secara acak berdasarkan tampilan enam frame pertamanya yang menampilkan foto-foto makanan, yang kemudian foto-foto tersebut dianalisis menggunakan kajian simulakra dari Baudrillard. Hasil temuan dari analisis menunjukkan bahwa orang tidak lagi mengonsumsi sesuatu (makanan) sesuai fungsinya, tanpa disadari mereka telah mengonsumsi sebuah tanda yang akhirnya akan meletakkan mereka ke dalam hirarki, kelompok, dan kelas dengan kemampuan mengonsumsi yang sama.  Instagram merupakan salah satu media sosial yang menggunakan foto sebagai instrumen untuk berkembangnya budaya visual yang makin memperkuat berlangsungnya simulakra dalam keseharian, yang memisahkan objek dari apa yang seharusnya direpresentasikannya hingga ke ambang batas nihilisme dan orang tidak bisa lagi mengenali apa yang sesungguhnya mereka apresiasi. Food has been seen in different views nowadays, it is not merely one of the staples, but it has gone far beyond its primary function.  Food has long been a symbol of prosperity of the haves since the 16th  until the 17th century through paintings, which later these days regains its triumph in the abundant TV shows, magazines and cook books.  Food is no longer what we eat, but it is something to show off and lately it has become a lifestyle.  Along with the advanced communication technology, people tend to flaunt their food fetish through various social media, one that has become so popular is Instagram.  The visuality of food has been vividly exposed from simple home cooking   menu to high-end foods such those served in fine dining restaurants.   This article tries to analyze the massive photographs of food uploaded in several random accounts of Instagram, and then to find out to what extent they influence our everyday life.  The method employed is Baudrillard’s simulacra with a hint of approach of multidimensional postmodernism.  Random accounts of Instagram were chosen based on their first six frames or feeds all exposing food,  then those photographs were elaborated and analyzed using Baudrillard’s simulacra.          The findings show that people no longer consume something (food) as it is, but they have consumed ‘signs’ or the prestige symbols embedded in that object.  The act of consuming signs will finally put them in certain hierarchy, groups, and classes with the same interest and ability to consume the same sign in the same way.  Instagram as one  of the social media using the photograph as the instrument in blossoming the visual culture strengthens the simulacra that happens in daily basis, that it seems separating the object from what it should represent until it fades to nihilism and people can hardly recognize what they really appreciate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-88
Manuela Salazar

In 2014, the Spanish artist Amalia Ulman gathered inspiration from the ways of aestheticizing everyday life chosen by Instagram users to develop an elaborate performative photographic series that lasted months and existed firstly only on her personal Instagram feed @amaliaulman. In April of that year, she suddenly started posting iPhone photographs about an apparently trendy life she was living in Los Angeles, California. She started reproducing the style of different Instagram personas while incorporating the usual aesthetic choices of the social media. The narrative constructed by each of the 175 pictures accounted for her life as an artsy girl who firstly moves to LA after apparently breaking up with a boyfriend, starting work as an escort, having cosmetic plastic surgery and drug abuse issues, followed by time in rehab, and finally posts about recovery, and healthy and fitness habits. The attention to the details of what she wrote and exhibited was what probably made the almost 90 thousand subscribers she gathered along the 5 months of the performance very surprised when she finally announced it was all part of an art work entitled Excellences and Perfections. This fictional life of Amalia Ulman was thoroughly calculated to appear believable to an audience already accustomed to aesthetics of this social media visual culture by reproducing certain patterns of pictures, captions, use of hashtags and interactions with followers. This paper will analyse the performance via the Instagram archive as well as the recently published book Excellences and Perfections. (2018), discussing the ways that it deals aesthetically with questions of identity, gender, class, sexuality and “lifestyle porn” in a visual network platform. The main question to be discussed is: how did the aesthetic choices of this performance made a fake story so convincing?

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Izmy Khumairoh

Abstract This article analyzes the close relationship between religion (i.e. religious discourses in the context of everyday life) and modernization (i.e. the intensive and excessive use of social media in society). This article is based on literature and social media review—in particular it reviews on how the role of religion changed drastically due to mediatization process that occurs in the public sphere; as well as how the social media plays a dynamic role in society. This article concludes that the new image of religion as shown in mass media and social media demonstrates its shifting power from traditional institutions to mass and social media. Religious value immerses into every aspect of the everyday life and the religious aura; and this phenomenon neglects the secularization theory. Keywords: anthropology, social media, marriage, Islam  Abstrak Artikel ini menganalisis hubungan erat antara agama (yaitu wacana keagamaan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari) dan modernisasi (yaitu penggunaan media sosial yang intensif dan eksesif dalam masyarakat). Analisis berdasar pada studi literatur dan observasi di dunia maya - termasuk beberapa akun media sosial dan interaksi antara netizen - terutama bahasan mengenai perubahan peran agama yang drastis akibat proses mediatisasi yang di ranah publik; sebagaimana media memainkan peran dinamis dalam masyarakat. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa citra baru agama, yang terpampang di media massa dan media sosial, mencerminkan pergeseran kekuasaan agama dari institusi tradisional ke media. Nilai-nilai agama terus menemukan celah untuk memasuki setiap aspek kehidupan dan mencakup aspek aura agama sehingga fenomena ini tidak sesuai dengan teori sekulerisasi. Kata kunci: antropologi, media sosial, pernikahan, Islam

Seung-Hyun Lee

From being a simple communication technology to a key social tool, the mobile phone has become such an important aspect of people's everyday life. Mobile phones have altered the way people live, communicate, interact, and connect with others. Mobile phones are also transforming how people access and use information and media. Given the rapid pervasiveness of mobile phones in society across the world, it is important to explore how mobile phones have affected the way people communicate and interact with others, access the information, and use media, and their daily lifestyle. This article aims to explore the social and cultural implications that have come with the ubiquity, unprecedented connectivity, and advances of mobile phones. This article also focuses on the discussion about people's dependence on, attachment and addiction to mobile phones, social problems that mobile phones generate, and how people value mobile phone use.

Víctor Hernández-Santaolalla

Social media brings to the forefront two very important factors to today's politics: the prominent role of the internet and the importance of personalisation which is closely tied to a tendency of political candidates to overexpose their private lives. This does not mean that the candidate becomes more relevant than the political party or the ideological platforms thereof, but the interest tends to fall on the candidate's lifestyle; on their personal characteristics and their most intimate surroundings, which blurs the line between the public and private spheres. Online profiles are used as a showcase for the public agenda of the politician at the same time as they gather, on a daily basis, the thoughts, tastes and leisure time activities of the candidates. This chapter offers a reflection of the ways in which political leaders develop their digital narratives, and how they use the social media environment to approach citizens.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 301-329
Wendell Schwab

Asyl Arna is the most popular Islamic television channel in Kazakhstan and the dominant Islamic media company in Kazakhstan. This article examines how images on the social media pages of Asyl Arna create a way of understanding and engaging in contemporary Islamic life in Kazakhstan. I examine four kinds of images: lists, portraits of authority figures, illustrations or photos of the Qur’an, and images related to a middle-class life with a strongly gendered division of labor. The visual culture of Asyl Arna’s social media promote Islam as an achievable part of a middle-class lifestyle that can provide simple rules for a pious, economically successful life and a connection to the numinous through the Qur’an.

Mohammed Maga Sule

This research centered on the effects of social media on Muslim students in Nasarawa State University, Keffi. The purpose of this is to examine how Muslim students make use of the social media and the effects of these social media sites on them, the level of Muslim students’ awareness of social media, how to properly make use of the social media sites for the propagation of Islam.  The research used quantitative methodology. Questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. Similarly, textbooks, journals, as well as internet sources were used for the research. The research found that social media as a tool has created a new social dimension in the lives of Muslim students. Social media has developed and increased their levels of religious, educational and social awareness. It is argued in the research that, social media has provided an avenue for getting information in many aspects of everyday life, making one to become more knowledgeable which is beneficial especially for Muslim students. The research found that most of the Muslim students surveyed were aware of the positive and negative effects of social media sites and were also conversant with the social media sites that propagate Islam. Some of the social media sites utilized by Muslim students are Facebook, WhatsApp, Ummaland, Masjidway, Nahnu Muslim and Muslim Social to mention but a few.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 46
Khalid Mahmmod Ahmad Mansour ◽  
Fayez Jomah Saleh Al-Najjar

This study aimed to shed the light on the role of Social Media usage in the innovative behavior through the recent information technology (IT) in the organizations specialized in the information and communication technology (ICT) field. The study population consisted of the ICT organizations operating in Jordan as affiliated with the Information and Communication Technology Association (INTAJ) amounting to 161 organization. The analysis unit consisted of the managers in the top and middle level. The study relied on the simple random sample; and it reached a number of conclusions the most important of which is that the perceptions by respondents of the independent variable Social Media Usage were medium; and the same applies to all its dimensions. The dependent variable Innovative Behavior was also medium, as well as all its dimensions. As for the mediator variable IT, the respondents' perceptions were high, along with all its dimensions. The study indicated that there is a statistically significant impact for the Social Media usage with its component on the innovative behavior. Also, it was found that a statistically significant impact for the Social Media usage with its component on the innovative behavior through the IT in the organizations operating in the ICT field in Jordan. These conclusions indicated that there is an opportunity for the ICT organizations to promote its innovative behavior through the Social Media usage. Based on the reached conclusions, the study concluded a set of recommendations the most important of which is that the awareness should be increased with respect to the capacities that are available due to the use of the Social Media as well as the advantages that can be utilized by the ICT organizations in Jordan through this use; the organization should well utilize the Social Media usage especially the Groups and Sharing by taking the necessary decision that lead to the activation of the Social Media role in the various phases of the innovative behavior; and the need for the organizations to direct the use of Social Media through the dissemination of a culture of innovation based on the use of Social Media.

2022 ◽  
Nur Hidayati

This research covers Instagram social media problems that have an impact on the development of cyber literature among the millennial generation. In the digital era that is growing rapidly, communication technology cannot be damned. Today's technology is certainly inseparable from the human need to communicate and socialize. The development of global technology allows a change in human lifestyle in socializing, which was limited initially to interpersonal communication through face-to-face. Still, it is now developing by utilizing communication media such as smartphones or through other social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, which allows users to be registered on a site. Service-based to create profiles. This study aimed to determine the influence of Instagram social media on cyber literature among the millennial generation. This study will use data analysis through observations and references to previous research as a reference by comparing, analyzing, and then combining them before being used to complete the material for this research. The author will describe the results of observations regarding the millennial generation in dealing with the phenomenon of cyber literature, which is facilitated through the social media Instagram.

Malene Charlotte Larsen

This paper analyzes what makes young adults feel insecure when they use social media in everyday life as a means to socialize and connect with peers. The analysis is based on a two-year online ethnography (Hine, 2015) conducted on Jodel, an anonymous location based social media app popular among young adults across Europe. The paper focuses on Jodel users’ anonymous disclosures about their social media related insecurities – shedding light on discourses related to social media practices that are often hidden or neglected in interview studies. The analysis finds that it is often the affordances of the social media platforms (Bucher & Helmond, 2018) or changes in the design of apps such as Snapchat, Instagram or Tinder that lead to feelings of insecurity or uncertainty in relational maintenance or in the forming of new relationships. Thus, the codes of everyday actions become unclear and different expectations as to the affordances of social media platforms result in diffuse interaction orders (Goffman, 1983) in various situations. Put in other words: Because of the platforms, young adults sometimes find it difficult to know why peers behave like they do online resulting in unfounded worries and feelings of insecurity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
Edvardas Rimkus

The Scientific Conference ‘Revolutions and Contrarevolutions of Consumption: Researches in the Philosophy, Sociology and Communication’ held at the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences in 2018 is overviewed in the article. The text reflects the course of the Conference. The main thoughts of speakers are reviewed, some of them are discussed. Topics examined at the Conference are the following: the consumer class, entrepreneurship in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 17th century, consumerism in the popular music, the consumption of body style in the media, alternatives of the consumerism culture, the relation between expansion of consumption and freedom, the ontology of consumption, the features of consumer behaviour of the Z generation, the consumption of sexualized images of women in the social media, the consumption of the artistical identity and other topics.

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