2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-72
Gelar Dwirahayu

Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian tentang kompetensi pedagogis guru matematika MTs dalam hal mengembangkan desain pembelajaran. Dua hal yang dikaji yaitu: 1) bagaimana guru mengembangkan pembelajaran menggunakan pendekatan saintifik; 2) bagaimana kompetensi guru dalam proses pembelajaran yang mendukung kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa (KBTTM). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah guru MTs yang berasal dari Banten, Sumatra Selatan, Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Timur, dan Sulawesi Selatan. Guru yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 61 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu lembar observasi yang meliputi 11 keterampilan dasar dalam penyusunan RPP dan angket yang terdiri dari 24 butir pernyataan dan 5 pertanyaan terbuka. Instrumen diuji validitasnya dengan uji pakar yang melibatkan 6 orang dosen. Temuan penelitian: 1) berdasarkan hasil observasi diketahui bahwa guru dapat merancang pembelajaran matematika menggunakan pendekatan saintifik cukup baik, namun penjabaran indikator yang menunjukkan KBTTM belum terlihat; 2) berdasarkan hasil angket disimpulkan bahwa keterlibatan guru dalam pengembangan KBTTM siswa di MTs masih belum maksimal yang ditunjukkan dengan intensitas keterlibatannya dalam mengikuti pelatihan atau seminar. This paper is the result of study about mathematics teachers’ pedagogical competencies in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) in developing scientific-based lesson plan. Two things that were examined in this study are: 1) how teachers develop learning using scientific approach; 2) how the teacher’s competence in the learning process that supports students’ high-level thinking skills (KBTTM). The population in this study is MTs teachers in Banten, South Sumatra, Jakarta, West Java, East Java, and South Sulawesi. There were 61 teachers involved in this study. The instrument used was an observation sheet which included 11 basic skills in the preparation of lesson plan, and a questionnaire consisting of 24 statements, and 5 open questions. The instrument was tested for validity with an expert test involving 6 lecturers. Research findings: 1) based on observations, teachers are able to design mathematics learning using scientific approaches quite well, however, the elaboration of indicators that show KBTTM has not been seen. 2) based on the results of the questionnaire, teacher involvement in the development of KBTTM students in MTs was still not maximal, as indicated by the intensity of their involvement in attending training or seminars.    

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-169
Bayuk Nusantara Karaeng Jannang Tompong ◽  
Jailani Jailani

The quality of mathematics learning in Bantaeng Regency, South Sulawesi were in a low category based on the research findings from the Institute of Educational Quality Assurance of South Sulawesi in 2011. It affects students to be unwilling to be involved in the process of mathematics learning. This study aims to evaluate the process of learning mathematics in the elementary educational level at Bantaeng Regency. The model of evaluation used in this study is the Stake Countenance Model consisting of three steps of evaluation, namely antecedent, transaction, and outcomes. The subjects of this study were 12 teachers at state elementary schools in Bantaeng Regency assessed by three raters. There were 363 midterm score tests from 12 schools. The instruments used in this study were observation sheet, lesson plan sheet, assessment documentation sheet, and interview guideline. This study used a quantitative research approach supported by qualitative data. The result of the study shows that (1) the lesson plan of mathematics subject is in a good category (93.45%), (2) the learning process is in the good enough category (67.07%), (3) the document of students assessment is in the good enough category (71.34%), and (4) most students in each school do not pass the school standard.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Muhammad Assaibin ◽  
Hamzah Upu ◽  
Muhammad Darwis

The research was Development Research with limited test which aimed to develop Mathematics learning devices with Cooperative Model with The Combination Of Experiences, Language, Pictorial, Symbol, Application (ELPSA) and Scientific Approach in Inequality Absolute Value, Fraction, and Irrational material which covered Lesson Plan, Students Book, and Students Worksheet. The subjects of the research were the students of class X at SMAN 2 Polewali Mandar District with the total of 35 students. The Development procedure of the research employed Thiagarajan Model (4-D) which covered four stages, namely defining, design, development, and dissemination. The result of limited test showed that (1) the average score obtained by the students in learning result test is 75.42 from ideal score by 100 with deviation standard 8.69 where 29 from 35 students or 82.85% met individual completeness which shows that classical completeness had been reached; (2) by using Mathematics learning devices with Cooperative Model with the Combination Of Experiences, Language, Pictorial, Symbol, Application  (ELPSA) and Scientific Approach, the students are more active in the learning process; (3) in general, the students gave good responses on the learning devices used; and (4) the level of teacher’ abilities in managing learning process of Cooperative Model with the Combination Of Experiences, Language, Pictorial, Symbol, Application  (ELPSA) and Scientific Approach is in good category, meaning that the teachers’ performances can be maintained. Based on the results of the research, it can concluded that Mathematics learning devices with Cooperative Model with the Combination Of Experiences, Language, Pictorial, Symbol, Application  (ELPSA) and Scientific Approach developed has met the requirement of valid, effective, and practical criteria.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-115
Fifi Aris Wulandari ◽  
Urip Meilina Kurniawati ◽  
Moh. Agung Rohimawan

The purpose of this study was to determine the problems of mathematics in "thematic learning at the SD / MI level.This research uses a qualitative approach. The qualitative research design was carried out with a library research (library research) using various sources of literature as a source of research data. Sources of data in this study consist of secondary data and primary data. The data obtained were then analyzed descriptively which was presented systematically and objectively.The results of the study are students feeling bored, afraid when learning mathematics, the teacher still dominates in the learning process, the problems or problems conveyed by the teacher are still not contextual with the students' real life. Media, methods, strategies, and learning models applied by teachers do not pay attention to the characteristics of students. The thematic learning process of basic mathematics competence has not yet paid attention to the characteristics of mathematics learning, students have difficulty in understanding foreign symbols and languages. Solution to the problematics of mathematics in thematic learning, namely the teacher pays attention to 5 factors in the process of learning mathematics, namely personal, instructional, environmental, identity and socio-cultural factors. So the mathematical achievements of students can increase and have high-level thinking skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-17
Helmia Tasti Adri ◽  
Yudianto SA ◽  
Annisa Mawardini ◽  
Afridha Sesrita

This research is motivated by the desire to make a change to conventional and monotonous ways of learning by providing variations in science learning for students, where so far learning has been fixated on old media that are not relevant to the demands of innovation in education namely skill-based learning in the 21st century and the industrial revolution 4.0. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of video animation based on a scientific approach to the high-level thinking skills of students. The sample in this study were students majoring in Primary teacher education programs in science education, which were determined by cluster random sampling techniques. The study used an experimental methodology with a pretest-posttest control design. (3) T-test results from the results of the analysis of high-level thinking skills scores of students showed a significance value of 0.002 <0.05, proving that the final ability of the experimental class group was significantly higher than the control class. This indicates that the use of scientific animated video approaches influences students' high-level thinking skills.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 192
Usmadi Usmadi ◽  
Ergusni Ergusni

The issues in this study are how learning outcomes, learning motivation and student’s interest in mathematics learning material are being affected after applying classroom flipped learning strategies with a scientific approach to class XI grade students of SMK 2 Padangpanjang? Are student’s learning outcomes by applying classroom flipped strategies with the scientific approach are better than the one that does not apply that method? This study aims to describe student’s learning outcomes, motivation, and interests in mathematics learning, and to see whether the experimental class learning outcomes are better than the control class. This research was conducted at SMK 2 Padang Panjang in the academic year 2017/2018. The sample is taken by using the random sampling technique which consisted of two sample groups, and each is consisted of 28 people. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the student’s mathematics learning outcomes are better than the previous one. In addition, student’s motivation towards mathematics learning is in a high level and students' interests as well.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-70
Ni Putu Meina Ayuningsih ◽  
Ni Made Dwijayani ◽  
Ketut Gus Oka Ciptahadi

Abstract: The low HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) students based on the results of PISA 2015 in mathematics shows the characteristics of mathematics learning are still familiar with Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) questions. Based on this, HOTS math problems need to be developed at the Vocational high school education level. The difficulty of the teacher in applying HOTS questions is due to the lack of information obtained by the teacher and the lack of sharing activities to compile HOTS questions. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide training for vocational mathematics teachers in making HOTS questions. This community service activity is in the form of training for Mathematics Teachers of Denpasar Development Vocational School and involving all teachers of mathematics subjects. The partner in this dedication activity named I Made Surya Mega Widiastha, S.Pd is one of the mathematics teachers at the Denpasar Development Vocational School. The implementation of community service activities is carried out through three stages, namely planning, implementation, and reflection. Based on the results of the questionnaire given to the partners and to the school, the results of the service have been able to run well.            Keywords: Dedication, Mathematics, Training, Hots  Abstrak: Rendahnya HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) siswa berdasarkan hasil PISA 2015 dalam matematika  menunjukkan karakteristik pembelajaran matematika masih terbiasa dengan soal-soal Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS). Berdasarkan hal tersebut, perlu dikembangkan soal matematika HOTS di jenjang pendidikan sekolah menengah Kejuruan. Kesulitan guru dalam menerapkan soal-soal HOTS dikarenakan kurangnya informasi yang diperoleh guru serta minimnya kegiatan sharing untuk menyusun soal HOTS. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk memberikan pelatihan bagi guru matematika SMK dalam membuat soal-soal HOTS. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini berupa pelatihan kepada guru matematika SMK Pembangunan Denpasar dan melibatkan semua guru mata pelajaran matematika. Mitra pada kegiatan pengabdian ini bernama I Made Surya Mega Widiastha, S.Pd merupakan salah satu guru matematika di SMK Pembangunan Denpasar. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan melalui tiga tahapan, yaitu perencanaan, implementasi, dan refleksi. Berdasarkan hasil kuisioner yang diberikan kepada pihak mitra maupun ke pihak sekolah diperoleh hasil pengabdian sudah dapat berjalan dengan baik. Kata kunci: Pengabdian, Matematika, Pelatihan, Hots

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 397-406
Tina Sri Sumartini

AbstrakPelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika perlu dilakukan dengan tepat agar siswa memiliki kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Salah satu metode pembelajaran yang bisa digunakan adalah Mood, Understand, recall, Detect, Elaborate, and Review (MURDER). Pelaksanaan pembelajaran ini diawali dengan membangun suasana hati siswa agar memiliki perasaan dan pemikiran positif terhadap matematika, memahami materi matematika, mengingat kembali materi yang telah dipelajari, Mendeteksi kesalahan yang dilakukan, mengelaborasi pengetahuan, dan mengulas kembali apa yang telah dikerjakan. Agar pembelajaran lebih bermakna, dalam pembelajaran MURDER perlu disertai pelaksanaan suatu proyek yang berkaitan dengan materi yang dibahas. Proyek yang dimaksud dapat berupa pengamatan dan pengkajian terhadap fenomena dalam lingkungan sekitar yang berkaitan dengan materi yang sedang dibahas. AbstractImplementation of mathematics learning needs to be done properly so that students have high-level thinking skills. One of the learning methods that can be used is Mood, Understand, Recall, Detect, Elaborate, and Review (MURDER). Implementation of this learning begins by building the mood of students to have positive feelings and thoughts about mathematics, understand mathematical material, recall the material that has been studied, detect mistakes made, elaborate knowledge, and review what has been done. For learning to be more meaningful, in learning MURDER needs to be accompanied by the implementation of a project related to the material discussed. The project in question can be observation and assessment of phenomena in the surrounding environment related to the material being discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-114
Adi Candra Kusuma ◽  
Dwi Setia Mujiono

The research aims to obtain the validity of Problem Based Learning teaching instruments (including lesson plan, textbooks, student worksheets and test for critical thinking skills) through a scientific approach. This type of quantitative research, Quantitative data obtained from the average results of the recapitulation of the validation of experts and colleagues then as an evaluation given through descriptive advice, with the method of collecting observational data, questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis techniques use content and construct validity specified by several experts in the appropriate fields. Construct validation by 2 expert validators and 3 peer validators. The results of the average validation of the learning device recapitulation were obtained RPS (4.00), RPP (4.10), textbooks (4.03), Student Worksheets (4.01) and Tests for students' critical thinking skills (4.00) in the scale range 5 with the title of good to be used as a research instrument. Each of the results of the validation construct of the learning device is given suggestions to be improved before it is used in learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-37
Zainatul Maulidiyah

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan model pembelajaran guru dalam mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir siswa kelas XI pada pembelajaran matematika di MA Miftahul Ulum Mranggen Demak Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru matematika dan peserta didik di MA Miftahul Ulum Mranggen Demak dengan jumlah 7 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Guru matematika di MA Miftahul Ulum Mranggen Demak merupakan tipe guru yang efektif. Hal itu terlihat dari semangatnya dalam bekerja, keramahannya kepada siswa sehingga mampu menjadi komunikator yang baik antara guru dengan siswa, melakukan persiapan pembelajaran dengan baik, dan memiliki cara tersendiri dalam mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir siswa. 2) Upaya yang dilakukan guru matematika di MA Miftahul Ulum Mranggen Demak agar siswa dapat berpartisipasi aktif dalam pembelajaran untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir siswa diantaranya guru memberikan motivasi, dan memberikan penghargaan kepada siswa. 3) Peran dan tugas guru matematika dalam mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir siswa disini sudah terlaksana dengan efektif, yaitu dengan adanya guru sudah mendidik, mengajar, dan melatih siswa dengan baik, guru mampu menarik simpati siswa sehingga siswa mampu menerima materi yang disampaikan tanpa terpaksa dan mudah dipahami dan siswa mampu mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir.Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Guru; Keterampilan Berpikir; Pembelajaran MatematikaAbstractThis study aims to describe the ability of teacher learning models in developing class XI learning in mathematics learning in MA Miftahul Ulum Mranggen Demak 2019/2020 Academic Year. This research uses desriptive qualitative methods. The subjects of this study were mathematics teachers and students in MA Miftahul Ulum Mranggen Demak with total of 7 people. Data collection techniques using interviews, and settings. The results of the study are as follows: 1) The mathematics teacher at MA Miftahul Ulum Mranggen Demak is an effective type of teacher. This can be seen from his enthusiasm in working, improving it for students so that they are able to communicate well with the teacher, prepare well for learning, and have a special way of developing student thinking learning. 2) the efforts made by the mathematics teacher at MA Miftahul Ulum Mranggen Demak so that students can communicate in learning to develop student skills that provide motivation, and give appreciation to students. 3) the role and task of mathematics teachers in developing students “thinking skills here has been carried out effectively, namely by having teachers who have educated, taughte and trained students well, teachers are able to attract students” sympathy so that students can receive the material delivered easily and fun and students are able to develop thinking skills.Keywords: Theacher’s Ability, Thinking Skills; Mathematics Learning

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