scholarly journals Mass media as actors of world politics

V. V. Fokina

The article is devoted to the questions about mass media as non-governmental actors of world politics. The author notes the main activities of mass media in world politics, researches the state information policy, models of the relations of the state with mass media. The role of political censorship and propaganda in interaction with the international public opinion is considered especially.

E. G. Ponomareva

The processes of globalization have determined significant changes in the prerogatives of nation states. In the twenty-first century the state no longer acts as a sole subject having a monopoly of integrating the interests of large social communities and representing them on the world stage. An ever increasing role in the global political process is played by transnational and supranational participants. However, despite the uncertainty and ambiguity of the ways of the development of the modern world, it can be argued that in the foreseeable future it is the states that will maintain the role of the main actors in world politics and bear the responsibility for global security and development. All this naturally makes urgent the issues related to the search for optimal models of nation state development. The article analyzes approaches to understanding patterns, problems and prospects of the development of this institution existing in modern political science. These include the concept of "dimensionality" based on the parameters of scale (the size of the territory) of the states and their functions in the international systems, as well as the "political order". In the latter case the paper analyzes four models: the nation-state, statenation, consociation, quasi-state. The author's position consists in the substantiation of the close dependence of the success of a model of the state on its inner nature, i.e. statehood. On the basis of the elaborated approach the author understands statehood as "the result of historical, economic, political and foreign policy activity of a particular society in order to create a relatively rigid political framework that provides spatial, institutional and functional unity, that is, the condition of the society’s own state, national political system." Thus statehood acts as a qualitative feature of the state.

O. Voitko ◽  
V. Onishchuk

The events analysis since the beginning of the aggravation of relations between Ukraine and Russia evidences about the inefficiency of information policy, incoordination of activity of different subjects of ensuring the information security of the state, the weak presence of Ukraine in the world information space etc. At the same time, the problems of ensuring the information security of the state and realization of effective set of counter-propaganda measures, realization of information policy, aimed at consolidating Ukrainian society and the international community for the purpose of suppression of armed aggression are identified by the higher military-political governance of Ukraine as the most priority. Various internal and external factors negatively affect at the ability of Ukraine to adequately respond to challenges and risks in the military sphere. The insufficient and unprofessional efforts of Ukraine’s state authorities in the field of counteraction to the Russian Federation’s propaganda and information-psychological operations are the most important ones. That’s why there’s necessity of development the system of opinions and determination of the plan of the higher military-political governance’s of Ukraine actions regarding the implementation of state information policy and providing of information security of Ukraine and legislative definition of a conceptual document. Besides the importance of this fact consist in that after the restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine the main aims of military policy will be prevention the emergence of new armed conflicts, systematic strengthen the state's defense capability and increasing the role and authority of Ukraine in the international area.

Mykola Sanakuiev ◽  

The subject of the study is information as a mobilizing factor in social activity. Taking into account the subject of the research and the corresponding national peculiarities of this complex social phenomenon, structural and functional, historical-comparative, comparative-critical methods of research were used. In particular, the comparative-critical approach was used in the analysis of existing concepts and versions of mobilization in the philosophical and historical context. Structural-functional approach was used in the analysis of elements of social capital, as a system of social interaction. The historical-comparative approach was used in the format of the analysis of the genesis of the concept of informative communication, for tracking historically predetermined trends of development and changes in society, depending on the growth of the amount of information. The purpose of this article is to study the mobilization qualities of the phenomenon of information space in the life of modern Ukrainian society. The results of the research reveal the causal links of the functioning of the state information policy of modern Ukraine, as a stimulating factor for the development and mobilization of human capital. On the way to the information society in Ukraine, there are a number of obstacles that need to be taken into account when developing the state information policy. Among them, it should be noted: the lack of digital information resources, low electronic literacy of the population, the lack of public television and radio broadcasting sites, the confrontational tone of socially important topics, the existence of biased journalism and prohibited topics.

Iryna Sopilko

The study gives definitions of information security and related terms, such as cybersecurity, national security, and others, indicates the goals, objects, subjects of the concepts under consideration. The author also considers the features of the foundation and development of the information society in Ukraine, the components of its state information policy for ensuring information security, and identifies the key operations of activity of state bodies in the information sphere. The approaches of scientists who studied certain aspects of national and information security were analyzed, based on their work valuable conclusions were drawn and the conceptual basis of the article was formed. Independently, the definition and characteristics of external and internal threats to the information security of the country are given, methods for solving the problems arising in this connection are introduced, ways of ensuring the information security of the state are indicated. Information security in this study is considered as the central element of the national security of Ukraine, as well as a problematic issue in the field of information protection and ensuring the high-quality functioning of the information space. The author made an in-depth analysis of the existing regulatory and legal instruments for ensuring information security, pointed out their shortcomings, and gave recommendations for their further advancement. Also, recommendations are given to improve the current situation with the regulation of information security in the country, the directions of the state information policy are suggested and ways to ensure the continuity of the functioning of the information security system of Ukraine are indicated.

2016 ◽  
pp. 171
Manuel Delgado

Variant constantment d'objecte sense modificar mai d'objectiu, la mentalitat persecutòria porta segles reiterant entre els seus arguments aquell que assenyala els grups o individus a acuitar com a lladres menjadors de nens. L'àpat caníbal, la devoració d'ànimes o la vampirització sexual han estat les figures intercanviables de l'apoderament il·legítim, per part dels malignes, del més fonamental dels aliments que nodreixen tant la societat com l'Estat: els infants. De les acusacions contra els primers cristians fins a la imaginació antisectària dels mass media actuals, la pràctica totalitat dels discursos estigmatitzadors produïts fins ara han inclòs, entre les abominacions atribuïdes als perillosos, la de la seva predilecció per la més fresca de les carns, pel més tendre dels esperits. Entre tots els destinataris d'aquesta imputació, en destaquem un en especial: la mateixa Església catòlica, durant les fases històriques en què els esdeveniments van forçar-la a mudar el seu habitual paper de perseguidora pel de perseguida.Variando constantemente de objeto sin modificar nunca su objetivo, la mentalidad persecutoria lleva siglos reiterando en sus argumentos aquél que señala a los grupos o individuos a hostigar como ladrones comedores de carne infantil. El banquete caníbal, la devoración de almas o la vampirización sexual han sido las figuras intercambiables del apoderamiento ilegítimo, por los malignos, del más fundamental de los alimentos de que tanto la sociedad corno el Estado se nutren: los niños. De las acusaciones dirigidas contra los primeros cristianos basta la imaginación antisectaria de lo mass media actuales, la práctica totalidad de los discursos estigmatizadores producidos basta ahora han incorporado entre las abominaciones atribuidas a los peligrosos la de su predilección por la más fresca de las carnes, por el mismo tiempo de los espíritus. Entre todos los destinatarios de tal imputación, se destaca aquí uno en especial: la propia iglesia católica, durante las fases históricas en que los acontecimientos la forzaron a mudar su habitual papel de perseguidora en el de perseguida.Variant constamment d'objet sans jamais modifier son objectif, la mentalité persécutrice depuis des siècles réitère parmi ses arguments celui qui consiste à signaler les groupes ou les individus à fustiger comme des voleurs mangeurs de chair d'enfant. Le banquet cannibale, le repas d'âmes ou le vampirisme sexuel ont été les figures interchangeables de l'appropriation illégitime, par les malins, du plus fondamental des aliments dont aussí bien la société que les Etats se nourrissent: les enfants. Des accusations visant les premiers chrétiens jusqu'à l'imagination anti-sectaire des mass media actuels, la quasi-totalité des discours de stigmatisation produits jusqu'à nos jours ont incorporé, parmi les abominations attribuées aux êtres dangereux, celle de leur prédilection pour la plus fraîche de toutes les chairs, pour le plus tendre des esprits. Parmi tous les destinataires d'une telle imputation, on en remarque ici tout spécialement un: l'Eglise catholique elle-même, au cours des phases historiques pendant lesquelles les événements l'obligeront à taire son habituel rôle de persécutrice et à endosser celui de persécutée.Constantly changing its object without ever altering its objective, persecutory imagination has, for centuries, repeatedly singied out the argument which points to groups or individuals to be censured as thieving eaters of child-flesh. The cannibal banquet, the devouring of souls and sexual vampirism have been the interchangeable figures in the illegitimate seizure, by the perverse, of the most basic stuff on which both society and the state feed: children. Ranging from the accusations hurled at the first Christians to the antisectarian imagination of today's mass media, practically all stigmatizing discourse produced to date has numbered the predilection for that freshest of all fresh, the most tender off all souls, among the abominations attributed to the dangerous. Of all those accused of this charge, there is one which particularly stands out here: the Catholic church itself, during the phases of its history when events forced it to change its usual role of persecutor for that of persecuted.

Alexander Sukhodolov ◽  
Anna Bychkova

The purpose of the article is to provide a review on the monograph. The authors point out a high theoretical level of the research presented in the monograph and its complex character. The object of the research is the system of normative-institutional and interactive political-legal technologies of interaction between the state authorities and mass media. These technologies include political means of mobilizing public and private media used by the state in order to prevent real threats to the national safety of the country. The review contains a structural analysis of the monograph and evaluates its content. It also gives an overview of the authors’ doctrine perception of freedom of speech and mediasecurity, as well as their vision of the forms of nowadays’ journalism, guarantees of Russia’s national interests security in the information environment, and problems of assessing the efficiency of informational impact on public opinion and national safety.

2020 ◽  
pp. 15-19
N.I. Rodzinskyi ◽  
D.S. Savchenko ◽  
M.H. Khaustova

The article is devoted to the problematic form and pressure of the public opinion. Basic attention is the theoretical aspects of understanding of public opinion as the legal and social phenomenon, as exactly due to a presence or absence of foregoing institute of civil society it is possible to talk about the state and level of democratization of society, taking into account active introduction of processes that provide access and participation of citizens in life of the state. A self concept «public opinion» though has the generalized interpretation and interpretation in a modern kind, however during all way of forming tested quite a bit transformations and modifications. The presence of different conceptions to understanding of the phenomenon of public opinion is first of all explained variety of looks to influence of actors on the origin of public opinion. Scientists in the doctrine of sociology and legal sciences examine public opinion as phenomenon of mass consciousness that has elemental character, a social institute, a social regulator, that brings in the effective contribution to the decisions of question, that touch activity of the state. For today three basic going was formed near understanding of public opinion as social and legal phenomenon – morally-normative that was based on public publicity and openness, approach, that was based not on subject composition, but on thematic, denying here influence of mass character on the process of forming of public opinion and approach demoscopy is fixed in basis of that – research the key aspect of that is realization of analysis of public opinion on the basis of quantitative data. The classic going near understanding of public opinion from the point of view of her nature is conception of V. Lipman, in basis of that influence of environment of existence of individual is fixed on the process of forming of public opinion. In this theory attention is accented on that a human is clearly limited to in informative space the capacity for perception of information, and that is why can not grasp her fully, however this factor plays role of positive factor of forming of public opinion, as it gives an opportunity more deep knowledge in certain industry, creating more organized public opinion that does not limit opinion of every individual here. As well as on any institute of direct democracy on public opinion certain functions – expressive, consultative, directive functions. Due to realization of foregoing functions public opinion there is cooperating of public with organs by the state of power, that it is counted on formation of original symbiosis, the aim of that is creation of positive terms for life of citizens, increase of level of democratization in society, to improve quality and efficiency of realization of the functions fixed on them power within the framework of legislation.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-145
Larisa Nikolaevna Fedotova

The article discusses the nature of our relationship to other countries, it considers the role of information channels, particularly television, in forming this relation. Mass media by selecting the facts creates value picture. TV occupies the special position, being the most heavily consumed by Russians. Information policy becomes a socio-political factor, which depends on certain structures, certain personalities as immediate actors taking place.

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