T. V. Chernikova

The article is devoted to the examination of the issue of Russian borrowing of military and technical as well as cultural experience of the West at the beginning of the Time of Troubles during the reign of Feodor I Ivanovich (1584-1598), Boris Godunov (1598-1605) and Dmitry the Pretender (1605-1606). One of the channels of the Russian contact with the west-European "powder revolution" and culture was foreigners on Moscow service. A lot of them were the military; doctors of the Tsar had a huge power; some merchants (for example, Jerome Horsey) carried out special orders of the Russian government. The article gives the description of western foreigners' position both, at the beginning of the Time of Troubles, when the Moscow government was interested in western innovation, and after 1606, when the situation changed. The author tries to find out in which areas and what kind of foreign experts were used in Russia; what were the reasons for the use of the Western European experts; what were the results of this phenomenon. While analyzing the "Notes" of foreigners, who were on the Russian service at the beginning of the Time of Troubles, the author examines the achievements of the "common revolution" at the beginning of XVII century.

Олег Марченко

Ключові слова: Московська держава в XVII ст., династія Романових, самодержавство, абсолютизм, станово-представницька монархія. Анотація На основі новітніх історичних досліджень поданий неупереджений погляд на розвиток Московської держави в XVII ст. через призму соціокультурного, проблемного підходу до суперечливих в історіографії питань, що турбують сьогоднішніх істориків, політиків, звичайних людей України, Росії, інших країн світу і стають предметом численних спекуляцій та маніпуляцій. У результаті проведеного дослідження висвітлено основні риси суспільно-політичних трансформацій у Московській державі в XVII ст., акцентовано увагу на спростування радянських та сучасних російських міфів щодо розвитку централізованої самодержавної моделі Московії, визначаються можливості цивілізаційного вибору Московської держави XVII ст. між станово-представницькою та абсолютистською моделями розвитку. Посилання Andreev, 2003 – Andreev I.L. Aleksey Mihaylovich [Alexey Mikhailovich]. Moskva: Molodaya gvardiya, 2003. 638 s. [in Russian] Ahiezer, 2013 – Ahiezer A., Klyamkin I., Yakovenko I. Istoriya Rossii: konets ili novoe nachalo? [History of Russia: end or new beginning?] / 3-e izd., ispr. i dop. Moskva: Novoe izdatelstvo, 2013. 496 s. [in Russian] Bogdanov, 2009 – Bogdanov A.P. Nesostoyavshiysya imperator Fedor Alekseevich [Failed Emperor Fyodor Alekseevich]. Moskva: Veche, 2009. 320 s. [in Russian] Volodihin, 2013 – Volodihin D.M. Tsar Fedor Alekseevich, ili Bednyiy otrok [Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, or Poor youth]. Moskva: Molodaya gvardiya, 2013. 267 s. [in Russian] Danilov, 2007 – Danilov A.G. Alternativyi v istorii Rossii: mif ili realnost (XIV–ХІХ vv.) [Alternatives in the history of Russia: myth or reality (XIV – XIX centuries)]. Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks, 2007. 303 s. [in Russian] Zarezin, 2018 – Zarezin M.I. V puchine Russkoy Smutyi. Nevyiuchennyiy uroki istorii [In the abyss of the Russian Troubles. Unlearned history lessons]. Moskva: Veche, 2018. 400 s. [in Russian] Istoriia Rosii, 2013 – Istoriia Rosii (z naidavnishykh chasiv do kintsia XVIII st.) [History of Russia (from ancient times to the end of the XVIII century)]: navch. posib. /avtor-uklad. V.M. Mordvintsev. Kyiv: Znannia, 2013. 346 s. [in Ukrainian] Kozlyakov, 2004 – Kozlyakov V.N. Mihail Fedorovich [Mikhail Fedorovich]. Moskva: Molodaya gvardiya, 2004. 352 s. [in Russian] Kozlyakov, 2017 – Kozlyakov V.N. Boris Godunov. Tragediya o dobrom tsare [Boris Godunov. The tragedy of the good king]. Moskva: Molodaya gvardiya, 2017. 330 s. [in Russian] Lobachev, 2003 – Lobachev S.V. Patriarh Nikon [Patriarch Nikon]. Sankt-Peterburg: Iskusstvo-SPb, 2003. 416 s. [in Russian] Lukin, 2000 – Lukin P.V. Narodnyie predstavleniya o gosudarstvennoy vlasti v Rossii XVII v. [Popular ideas about state power in Russia in the XVII century].Moskva: Nauka, 2000. 296 s. [in Russian] Marchenko, 2015 – Marchenko O.M. Istoriia slovianskykh narodiv. Chastyna persha. Istoriia Rusi, Moskovskoi derzhavy, Rosiiskoi imperii do kintsia XVIII st. Kurs lektsii dlia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv: Navchalnyi posibnyk [History of Slavic peoples. Part one. History of Russia, the Moscow State, the Russian Empire until the end of the XVIII century. Course of lectures for students of higher educational institutions: Textbook]. Druhe vydannia, pereroblene y dopovnene. Kirovohrad, POLIMED-Servis, 2015. 385 s. [in Ukrainian] Narysy istorii, 2007 – Narysy istorii Rosii [Essays on the history of Russia]: per. z ros. /B.V. Ananich, I.L. Andreiev, Ye.V. Anisimov ta in.; Za zah. red. O.O. Chubariana. Kyiv: Nika-Tsentr, 2007. 800 s. [in Ukrainian] Nefedov, 2004 – Nefedov S.A. Pervyie shagi po puti modernizatsii Rossii: reformyi seredinyi XVII v. [First steps towards modernization of Russia: reforms of the middle of the XVII century] // Voprosyi istorii. 2004. №4. – S. 33–52. [in Russian] Payps, 2012 – Payps R.E. Rossiya pri starom rezhime [Russia under the old regime]. M.: Zakharov. 2012. 480 s. [in Russian] Pisarkova, 2007 – Pisarkova L.F. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie Rossii s kontsa XVII do kontsa XVIII veka. Evolyutsiya byurokraticheskoy sistemyi [Russian government from the end of the XVII to the end of the XVIII century: the evolution of the bureaucratic system]. Moskva: ROSSPEN, 2007. 743 s. [in Russian] Svetova, 2013 – Svetova E.A. Dvor Alekseya Mihaylovicha v kontekste absolyutizatsii tsarskoy vlasti [The courtyard of Alexei Mikhailovich in the context of the absolutization of the tsarist power]. Moskva: MGU, 2013. 212 s. [in Russian] Sedov, 2006 – Sedov P.V. Zakat Moskovskogo tsarstva: Tsarskiy dvor kontsa XVII veka [The decline of the Moscow kingdom: the royal court at the end of the XVII century]. Sankt-Peterburg: Dmitriy Bulanin, 2006. 604 s. [in Russian] Skryinnikov, 1988 – Skryinnikov R.G. Rossiya v nachale XVII v. Smuta [Russia at the beginning of the XVII century. Troubles]. Moskva: Myisl, 1988. 283 s. [in Russian] Stanislavskiy, 1990 – Stanislavskiy A.L. Grazhdanskaya voyna v Rossii XVII v. [The Civil War in Russia in the XVII century]. Moskva: Myisl, 1990. 270 s. [in Russian] Talina, 1996 – Talina G.V. Tsar Aleksey Mihaylovich: lichnost, myislitel, gosudarstvennyiy deyatel [Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich: personality, thinker, statesman]. Moskva: Magistr, 1996. 144 s. [in Russian] Ulyanovskiy, 2006 – Ulyanovskiy V.I. Smutnoe vremya [Time of Troubles]. Moskva: Evropa, 2006. 448 s. [in Russian] Cherepnin, 1978 – Cherepnin L.V. Zemskie soboryi Russkogo gosudarstva v XVI – XVII vv. [Zemsky Cathedrals of the Russian State in the XVI – XVII centuries]. / Moskva: Nauka, 1978. 420 s. [in Russian] Shokarev, 2013 – Shokarev S.Yu. Smutnoe vremya v Moskve [Time of Troubles in Moscow]. Moskva: Veche, 2013. 320 s. [in Russian]

Victoria Ruda

Almost from the very outset the development of the common foreign policy and establishing the common defense have been the main aims of the European Community, but the real cooperation in these fields turned out to be quite complex and run into certain obstacles. As part of the European Community, the member states realize the necessity to comply with the common policy in order to become a full-fledged member on the political arena, but this does not take their fears to lose their national sovereignty and to give up some political advantages acquired through either the geographical position or the economic or political and military peculiarities. This explains to a certain extent the complexity of the consensus in searching process between the West European countries in the sphere of the common foreign and security policy. The integration process in Europe was concentrated on the economic cooperation in the first place. Later on the leaders of the West European countries recognized the readiness of the European countries to take a common position on the political and economic aspects of the security and the importance of the foreign policy cooperation in regard to the economic one was for the first time officially admitted. The development of the foreign policy pillar in the pre-Maastricht period clearly distinguished the sphere of competencies of the EU and NATO. The signing of the Single European Act allowed the EU country members to occupy the common position and coordinate their foreign policy. All this allowed the cooperation in the political sphere, which was evolving in two directions: first, conducting the coordinated foreign policy and secondly, ensuring the common security policy with a prospect of establishing the common defense as its separate pillar.

Елена Александровна Сирая

Статья посвящена одной из актуальных проблем - культурному и духовному взаимодействию Украины и Запада. Поднят и рассмотрен вопрос об опосредованном влиянии западноевропейской культуры в XVII-XVIII вв. на духовную и художественную жизнь Украины на примере появления и развития иконографии образа Богоматери «Покров» типа “Mater Misericordiae”. По европейской композиционной схеме иконописцы заполняли пространство иконы портретными образами казаков и духовенства. Отдельно рассмотрена особая разновидность иконографии «Покров», несущая смысловую нагрузку иконографии «Всех скорбящих Радость». Тут отличительная черта - Богоматерь своим плащом покрывает страждущих, больных, увечных, скорбящих и духовенство. Также рассмотрена иконография праздника «Покров Божьей Матери» и её особенности. Иконография праздника «Покров Божьей Матери» в XVII в. была дополнена рядом иконографических деталей, заимствованных с Запада: Богоматерь в солнечной мандорле; облака, на которых стоят персонажи в верхней части композиции; руки молящихся, сложенные в католическом жесте адорации и экстаза. Представлена общая картина развития иконографии образа Богоматери «Покров» и праздника «Покров Божьей Матери» в XVII-XVIII вв. на примерах икон из музеев и храмов Украины. The article is devoted to one of the topical problems - cultural and spiritual interaction between Ukraine and the West. The question concerning indirect influence of West European culture in the end of the XVII-th century - XVIII-th century on spiritual and art life of Ukraine is being raised and studied. This influence is being revealed due to appearance and development of iconography of the Theotokos “Cover” type of “Mater Misericordiae”. According to the European compositional scheme, icon painters filled the space of the icon with portrait images of Cossacks and clergy. A special kind of iconography “Cover” bearing the meaning of the iconography “Joy of All Who Sorrow” is separately considered. There is a distinctive feature - the Mother of God covers the suffering, the sick, the maimed, the grieving and the clergy with Her cloak. Also, iconography of the celebration “Cover of the Theotokos” and its features is studied. The iconography of the feast “Cover of the Theotokos” in the XVII century was supplemented with a number of iconographic details borrowed from the West: the Virgin in the solar mandorla, clouds on which characters stand at the top of the composition, praying hands folded in a Catholic gesture of adoration and ecstasy. The overall picture of the development of the iconography of the image of the Theotokos “Cover” and the feast “Cover of the Theotokos” in XVII-XVIII centuries is presented for examples of icons from museums and churches of Ukraine.

Subject Russian military doctrine. Significance The Russian government adopted a new military doctrine on December 26. Everything from military procurement decisions to force structuring flows from this foundational strategy document. However, the military fundamentals are largely unchanged from the 2010 version, despite much tougher language on the threats and risks to Russia and some updates to reflect changes to Russian operational art. As a result, the new doctrine is best seen as a political document, reflecting Moscow's increasingly and openly hostile perspective on the West. Impacts There are no substantive changes to overall pace and direction of military reform due to new doctrine but certain projects may be delayed. The document does affirm Russia's growing commitment to hybrid and information war. The doctrine enshrines the new Kremlin view that Russia faces an continuing campaign by West to limit its authority.

2007 ◽  
Vol 178 (3) ◽  
pp. 179-195 ◽  
José B. Diez ◽  
Sylvie Bourquin ◽  
Jean Broutin ◽  
Javier Ferrer

Abstract The Permo-Triassic ‘Buntsandstein’ facies was studied from outcrops in the Aragonian branch of the Iberian range (Zaragoza, Spain). Using an integrated analysis of sedimentological and palynological data, we propose a sequence stratigraphic analysis for the Permo-Triassic deposits in this area. A comparison with the stratigraphical cycles of other parts of the Iberian domain and other peri-Tethyan basins enables us to specify the stratigraphic context of the Lower Triassic in the western European domain and characterize the importance of the Lower Triassic hiatus. The ‘Buntsandstein’ deposits studied here from the Aragonian branch occur in three outcrop areas: Tabuenca-Rodanas, Morata de Jalón and Fombuena. The Permo-Triassic deposits lie unconformably on the Hercynian (Variscan) basement. The ‘Buntsandstein’ facies were attributed to the ‘Detrital Group’ by Arribas [1984], who recognized four informal formations: the Araviana, Tierga, Calcena and Trasobares formations, in ascending stratigraphic order. Based on sedimentological criteria indicating fluvio-lacustrine environments for the Araviana cycle, the basal ‘Buntsandstein’ facies of this area can be attributed to the Permian. The discontinuity observed between the Araviana and Tierga formations, and the palaeobotanical evidence indicating an Anisian age (i.e. Middle Triassic) for the Tierga, suggests a hiatus during the Lower Triassic in this area. The Lower Triassic in Spain and many other parts of western Europe is characterized by fluvial sediments preserved in arid palaeoenvironments, associated with occasional aeolian deposits, and lacking any palaeoflora. At the scale of the western European domain, the onset of Triassic sedimentation would appear mainly in the Olenekian. Stratigraphic continuity between Permian and Triassic non-marine deposits, with sediments attributable to the Induan (lower part of the Lower Triassic), is only observed in the central Germanic Basin. In the Aragonian branch, the first Triassic sediments are dated as Anisian and characterize the retrogradational trend of a major cycle (Tierga – Calcareous Group major cycle) showing the vertical evolution from braided rivers to marine Muschelkalk deposits. At the scale of the west-European domain, the Anisian is always characterized by fluvial and fluvio-lacustrine deposits, with palaeosols, passing upward into marine deposits. Thus, the connection with the open sea was established during the Anisian. In this western Peritethyan domain, the diachronous nature of the Muschelkalk transgression is evident: the onset of Muschelkalk facies occurs during the lower Anisian in the Germanic Basin, the middle Anisian in the eastern part of the Paris Basin and the late Anisian in the Iberian Peninsula.

Boris G. Koybaev

Central Asia in recent history is a vast region with five Muslim States-new actors in modern international relations. The countries of Central Asia, having become sovereign States, at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries are trying to peaceful interaction not only with their underdeveloped neighbors, but also with the far-off prosperous West. At the same time, the United States and Western European countries, in their centrosilic ambitions, seek to increase their military and political presence in Central Asia and use the military bases of the region’s States as a springboard for supplying their troops during anti-terrorist and other operations. With the active support of the West, the Central Asian States were accepted as members of the United Nations. For monitoring and exerting diplomatic influence on the regional environment, the administration of the President of the Russian Federation H. W. Bush established U.S. embassies in all Central Asian States. Turkey, a NATO member and secular Islamic state, was used as a lever of indirect Western influence over Central Asian governments, and its model of successful development was presented as an example to follow.

1983 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-247 ◽  
Amechi Okolo

This paper traces the history of the relationship between Africa and the West since their first contact brought about by the outward thrust of the West, under the impetus of rising capitalism, in search of cheap labour and cheap raw material for its industries and expanding markets for its industrial products, both of which could be better ensured through domination and exploitation. The paper identifies five successive stages that African political economy has passed through under the impact of this relationship, each phase qualitatively different from the other but all having the common characteristic of domination-dependence syndrome, and each phase having been dictated by the dynamics of capitalism in different eras and by the dominant forces in the changing international system. Its finding is that the way to the latest stage, the dependency phase, was paved by the progressive proletarianization of the African peoples and the maintenance of an international peonage system. It ends by indicating the direction in which Africa can make a beginning to break out of dependency and achieve liberation.

Michael Sheng-ti Gau ◽  
Si-han Zhao

Abstract In 2014 Japan’s Cabinet Order No. 302 declared the outer limits of its continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles (OL) to the west and north of Oki-no-Tori Shima (Area 302). Oki-no-Tori Shima consists of two small, barren, and uninhabitable rocks in the West Pacific. The northern part of Area 302 is broader than what the 2012 recommendations of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) specify. A question arises whether Order No. 302 violates Article 76(8) of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which provides that the OL established by a coastal state ‘on the basis of’ the CLCS recommendations shall be final and binding. Another question is the role played by the CLCS in ‘assisting’ the coastal states to delimit their national jurisdiction so as to know where the Area (i.e., the Common Heritage of Mankind under UNCLOS Articles 1(1)(1) and 136) begins. The essential questions arising from Area 302 concern how well the UNCLOS mechanism can perform to safeguard the Common Heritage of Mankind through preventing encroachment thereupon by individual coastal states. This article looks at the context and explores the obligations implied by Article 76(8) for coastal states to ‘follow’ the recommendations in establishing the OL, with special reference to the northern part of Area 302. The article also examines legal consequences arising from a breach of these obligations.

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