scholarly journals Kedudukan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi dan Perlindungan Hak Konstitusional Penghayat Kepercayaan

I Dewa Gede Palguna

This study is a normative legal research which aims at discovering answers of two fundamental questions, namely, first, how is the status of the decisions of the Indonesia’s Constitutional Court according to the country’s constitutional system; secondly, what legal remedies may be pursued by the Indonesian citizens who are followers of indigenous beliefs whose constitutional rights to embrace such beliefs remain infringed despite there has been the decision of the Indonesia’s Constitutional Court Number 97/PUU-XIV/2016 which confirms the constitutional guarantee of such beliefs.  With respect to the first issue, the study found that the status of the Court’s decision was equal to Law because it was the product of a negative legislator. In addition, because the Court was also the interpreter of the Constitution (UUD 1945), then its decision was the Court’s constitutional interpretation concerning the issue at hand. As to the second issue, the study found that the followers of indigenous beliefs could file several legal remedies, namely citizen suit; class action; individual law suit; and submitting a formal complaint to the president, as the highest chief administrative officer, asking the president to reprimand its subordinates and to instruct them to observe the Court decision. Kajian ini adalah sebuah penelitian hukum normatif yang bermaksud menemukan jawaban atas dua pertanyaan mendasar yaitu, pertama, bagaimana kedudukan dari putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi menurut sistem ketatanegaraan Indonesia; kedua, jalan hukum apa yang dapat ditempuh oleh warga negara Indonesia penghayat kepercayaan yang hak konstitusionalnya untuk menganut keyakinan tersebut tetap dirugikan meskipun telah ada Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 97/PUU-XIV/2016 yang menegaskan jaminan konstitusi terhadap hak tersebut. Terhadap isu pertama, kajian ini menemukan jawaban bahwa kedudukan putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi adalah setara dengan undang-undang karena merupakan produk dari negative legislator. Sebagai tambahan, oleh karena Mahkamah Konstitusi juga merupakan penafsir Konstitusi (UUD 1945), maka putusannya adalah penafsiran konstitusional Mahkamah terhadap masalah yang sedang ditanganinya. Terhadap isu kedua, kajian ini menemukan jawaban bahwa penghayat kepercayaan dapat mengajukan beberapa upaya hukum, yaitu gugatan warga negara, gugatan kelompok, gugatan individual, dan membuat pengaduan resmi kepada presiden, selaku kepala pemerintahan tertinggi, dan meminta agar presiden memperingatkan bawahannya serta memerintahkan mereka untuk mematuhi putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi.

Rahmadianto Andra ◽  

The background of this paper is inspired and triggered to observe and study the legal uncertainty between the public prosecutor and the convict/his heirs regarding the authority to submit a PK Application as regulated in Article 263 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code. The article states "the right of the public prosecutor" to apply for a PK application. However, what is expected by the Petitioner's wife is that Article 263 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code can be interpreted in this way, "PK applications can only be filed by the convicted person or their heirs". This condition was exacerbated by the issuance of the Constitutional Court decision Number 33/PUU-XIV/ 2016 regarding "the right of the public prosecutor to file a PK application in a criminal case". This study aims to determine the application of extraordinary legal remedies by the public prosecutor and the implications of implementing these extraordinary remedies. The research method used is normative legal research. The results showed the application of extraordinary PK legal remedies for the public prosecutor after the Constitutional Court decision Number 33/PUU-XIV/2016, had direct implications for the Petitioner and his family. This implication is detrimental to the Petitioners' constitutional rights based on Article 28G of the 1945 Constitution because the protection of personal, family, honor and dignity has clearly been lost. It is better if the Constitutional Court reaffirms the legal principles in the article through constitutional interpretation which is an integral part that is not separate from the article in question and is able to provide fair legal certainty.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-148
Xavier Nugraha ◽  
Ave Maria Frisa Katherina ◽  
Safira Noor Ramadhanty ◽  
Elma Putri Tanbun

The authority of the Constitutional Court in the current regulations in Indonesia still does not fully protect the constitutional rights of the citizens. This is reflected by seeing that the examination that were accommodated only covered the abstract review (there were no concrete cases in the court). This condition causes the absence of legal remedies to resolve the issue of constitutionality of legal norms in the court (concrete review), even though often the issue of constitutionality of laws is precisely found in court proceedings. This research is a dogmatic legal research. The primary legal material usedis the Law of the Constitutional Court, whilst the secondary legal material consists of books, journals, and other relevant sourcesrelated to the issues discussed in this research. Based on this research, it was found that it is necessary to raise a constitutional question so that the Acts that are being examined can be annuled by the Constitutional Court and articles that are considered in contrary to the constitution cannot be used as a basis by the judge to decide related cases that being examined concretely. AbstrakWewenang Mahkamah Konstitusi yang ada dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia saat ini masih belum melindungi hak-hak konstitusional warga negara secara penuh. Hal ini tercermin dari pengujian yang diakomodasi hanyalah melingkupi abstract review (belum adanya kasus konkrit di pengadilan). Kondisi ini menyebabkan tidak adanya upaya hukum menyelesaikan persoalan konstitusionalitas norma hukum di pengadilan (concrete review), padahal sering kali persoalan konstitusionalitas undang-undang justru ditemukan dari proses di pengadilan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum dogmatik. Bahan hukum primer yang digunakan yaitu Undang-Undang Mahkamah Konstitusi, sedangkan bahan hukum sekunder terdiri dari buku, jurnal, dan sumber lain yang relevan dengan masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, ditemukan bahwa perlu diterapkannya constitutional question supaya undang-undang yang diujikan dapat dibatalkan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi dan pasal yang dinilai bertentangan dengan konstitusi tersebut tidak dapat dijadikan dasar oleh hakim untuk memutus terkait kasus yang diujikan secara konkrit.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 172
Mohammad Mahrus Ali

The Constitutionality of norms are inseparable with the model of judicial review of laws against the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. It can be see  from the reviews of abstract and concrete norms by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia. The review of conrete norms in the decision of judicial review basically does not constitute authority of the Constitutional Court. Theoretically, norms review should be starting from abstract norms as the implications of the Constitutional Court authority. In order to review the constitutionality of laws, norms and abstract norms should be interpreted by the Constitutional Court. While concrete norms focuse more on the implementation or application of the norm itself. The application of norms cannot be separated from the legality of the norms, while constitutionality of norms is related to its coherence with with the Constitution. If the basis of norms review is the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia then abstract norms  should be the main subject matter to be reviewed. Otherwise, when concrete norms are the subject matters to be reviewed, then the implementation    of the norms that have been applied in concrete cases. This research is using normative juridical method with case approach in which 15 (fifteen) verdicts of the Constitutional Court of Republic of Indonesia over the period of 2003-2013 in judicial review of laws against the 1945 Constitution are analyzed. The focus is on the ratio decidendi of the Constitutional Court judges in determining the constitutionality     of norms. The result of this research shows that, the Constitutional Court, in the judicial review of laws against the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia does not separate abstract norms and concrete norms dichotomously. In an attempt to protect the constitutional rights of citizens, the absence of legal remedies that can be further pursued by the  applicant,  as  well  as  to  provide  legal  certainty, the Constitutional Court, granted, in its decision,  the review of concrete norms.  Even though the Constitutional Court remains firm in satting that it is a concrete norms,  the applicant’s petition is granted in part which is concerning the review  the abstract norms only. Whereas, with respect to the verdict of the constitutional court that rejected the review of concrete norms, it is because the review is not on the constitutionality of norms but the application of the norms and also concerns     a petition for an interlocutory decision which is irrelevant to the subject matter of the case. The review of concrete norms in a rejecting ruling is a form of prudence   by the Constitutional Court in order not to prosecute the matters which constitute the authority the other judicial bodies, namely the Supreme Court and the lower courts. As for the ruling which declared a petition inadmissible, the Constitutional Court stated that the applicant has no legal standing and the Constitutional Court does not have the authority to test these norms. In the future the Constitutional Court needs to affirm the status of norms before further examining in depth the petition filed. In addition, the Constitutional Court should be conferred with the authority to hear constitutional complaint and constitutional question in order to create the harmonization of interpretation based on the Constitution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 130
Titon Slamet Kurnia

Artikel ini mencerminkan pendapat penulis yang tidak setuju dengan keberadaan KPK dan Teori Konstitusi yang mendasarinya. Artikel ini didasarkan pada teori trias politica klasik dan mengajukan pendapat bahwa keberadaan badan-badan yang bersifat eksekutif harus sesuai dengan preskripsi teori unitary executive. Sesuai dengan teori unitary executive, presiden harus diberikan kewenangan to appoint and remove setiap pejabat eksekutif secara eksklusif. Kaidah ini didasarkan pada status presiden sebagai Chief Executive. Berdasar pengertian ini, KPK, sebagai badan independen, inkonstitusional. Seturut dengan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 36/PUU-XV/2017 yang mengkualifikasikan KPK sebagai eksekutif, tata konstitusional kita yang abnormal, dengan keberadaan KPK, harus dinormalkan sesuai dengan teori unitary executive. This article expresses the author’s view to disagree with the existence of the KPK and its supporting Constitutional Theory. This article is based on classical model of the trias politica theory and suggests that the existence of executive bodies should conform with the prescription of unitary executive theory. According to the unitary executive theory, the president should have the power to appoint and remove any executive official exclusively. This norm is based on the status of the president as the Chief Executive. According to this notion, the KPK, as independent agency, is unconstitutional. In line with the Constitutional Court Decision No. 36/PUU-XV/2017, qualifying the KPK as executive, our abnormal constitutional order, with the existence of the KPK, should be normalized in accordance with the unitary executive theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 799
Mohammad Mahrus Ali ◽  
Zaka Firma Aditya ◽  
Abdul Basid Fuadi

Sepuluh tahun yang lalu putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 3/PUU-VIII/2010 telah menegaskan bahwa  bahwa pemberian hak pengusahaan perairan pesisir (HP3) oleh pemerintah kepada pihak swasta bertentangan dengan konstitusi, terutama dengan Pasal 33 ayat (4) UUD 1945. Pembentuk undang-undang kemudian merespon putusan tersebut dengan merevisi UU Nomor 27 Tahun 2007 menjadi Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 27 Tahun 2007 tentang Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil. Revisi tersebut telah mengubah Rezim HP3 dari UU 27/2007 menjadi rezim perizinan dalam UU 1/2014. Sayangnya, perubahan tersebut justru menimbulkan berbagai persoalan mulai dari konflik antara undang-undang serta peraturan dibawah undang-undang yang pada akhirnya sangat berpotensi merugikan hak-hak konstitusional masyarakat pesisir pantai. Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada aspek yuridis maupun sosiologis terkait perlindungan hak-hak konstitusional masyarakat pesisir pantai setelah Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 3/PUU-VIII/2010. Penelitian ini secara mendalam membahas mengenai tindaklanjut putusan MK a quo oleh pembentuk undang-undang, pemerintah pusat hingga pemerintah daerah dan stakeholder serta pemenuhan hak-hak konstitusional masyarakat pesisir pantai. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan cara meneliti Putusan MK Nomor 3/PUU-VIII/2010. Pembahasan secara deskriptif digunakan untuk memahami politik hukum pengelolaan wilayah pesisir sebagai upaya memenuhi hak-hak konstitusional masyarakat pesisir pantai. Disamping itu, Pengelolaan wilayah pesisir secara terpadu yang merupakan proses yang dinamis, multidisiplin, dan berulang untuk mempromosikan pengelolaan kawasan pesisir yang berkelanjutan. Termasuk seluruh siklus pengumpulan informasi, perencanaan, pengambilan keputusan, manajemen dan pemantauan implementasi. Ten years ago, the Constitutional Court Decision Number 3/PUU-VIII/2010 confirmed that the granting of concession rights for coastal waters (after this: HP3) by the government to private parties was contrary against the constitution, especially Article 33 paragraph (4) of the 1945 Constitution. Legislators then respond to the decision to revise Law No. 27 of 2007 as Law No. 1 of 2014 on the Amendment of Law No. 27 of 2007 on the Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands. The revision has changed the HP3 regime from Law 27/2007 to the licensing regime in Law 1/2014. Unfortunately, these changes would lead to various juridical problems ranging from conflict between the laws and regulations under legislation that ultimately is potentially detrimental to the constitutional rights of coastal communities. This research focuses on juridical and sociological aspects related to the coastal communities protection of constitutional rights after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 3/PUU-VIII/2010. This research in-depth discusses the follow-up of the Constitutional Court decision a quo by legislators, central government, local governments, stakeholders, and the fulfilment of the constitutional rights of coastal communities. This research is normative legal research by examining the Constitutional Court decision Number 3/PUU-VIII/2010. The descriptive discussion used to understand coastal zone management law's politics to fulfil the constitutional rights of coastal communities. Besides, integrated coastal zone management (Integrated Coastal Zone Management) is a dynamic process, multidisciplinary, and repeated to promote sustainable coastal areas' sustainable management. It includes the whole cycle of information collection, planning, decision-making, management, and implementation monitoring.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 239-242
Ramot H.P Limbong ◽  
I Gusti Bagus Suryawan ◽  
I Nyoman Sutama

Political parties as legal entities may be subject to criminal liability as they are seen from the characteristic of political parties in accordance with the characteristics of the legal entity. The dissolution of political parties becomes one of the legal issues governed by Indonesian legislation. The problem of this research is: 1) how is the Constitutional Court Authority in the dissolution of political parties in Indonesia? 2) How is the mechanism of dissolution of political parties? The type of research and approach problems used is normative legal research and statutory approaches. The source of the legal material used is the primary source of legal material and the source of secondary legal material. The technique of collecting legal materials is the technique of library study. The collected legal materials are processed and analyzed using legal arguments. The result of this research is the procedure of the dissolution of political parties in the Constitutional Court as follows: Application submission, application registration and trial schedule, preliminary examination, trial examination, meeting Judge, the verdict of the Constitutional Court. The result of the dissolution of political parties may result in external rights and obligations, due to elected positions, due to the status of managers and members and the consequences of internal rights and obligations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-126
Muammar Rachman

The formation of the 1974 Marriage Law is based on Islamic Law, which became a problem when the Constitutional Court gave a decision on the judicial review of the Marriage Law with a decision that was considered by the public that the decision was against Islamic law. The research problem in this article is, How is the Politics of Law in the Reform of Legislation in the Post-Constitutional Court Ruling on Marriage related to the status of children outside of marriage? Does the Constitutional Court Decision No 46 / PUU-VII / 2010 contradict Islamic law?The research approach used in this research is normative juridical. The results of the study indicate that children who are born must receive legal protection. If this is not the case, then the children who are born outside of marriage will suffer losses. The relationship between the child and the father does not only occur because of a legal marriage, but can also be based on evidence of a blood relationship between the child and the boy as the father. This is because birth is a legal result of a legal relationship in which there are reciprocal rights and obligations between the child, mother and father. This decision refers, because there is a relationship that is carried out without any legal conditions for marriage, both religiously and in a state, so that it does not cause harm which implies a child who has not done anything wrong. In conclusion, the Constitutional Court granted the renewal of the norm in article 43 of the Marriage Law No. 1 of 1974, which is to provide constitutional rights for children born out of wedlock whether born from a legally valid marriage or not. The decision of the Constitutional Court related to the addition of article 43 paragraph (1) of this marriage law is still in the spirit of Islam as the struggle of Muslims to be able to apply their religious values in this law is not only legally religiously or nationally. Abstrak Pembentukan Undang-Undang (UU) Perkawinan Tahun 1974 berdasarkan Hukum Islam, menjadi permasalahan saat Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) memutuskan judicial review atas UU perkawinan, bagi masyarakat bertentangan dengan hukum Islam. Permasalahan penelitian ini,  Bagaimana Politik Hukum dalam Pembaharuan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan dalam UU Perkawinan Pasca Putusan MK terkait dengan status anak diluar nikah? Apakah Putusan MK No 46/PUU-VII/2010 bertentangan dengan hukum Islam? Pendekatan penelitian ini yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian menguraikan, anak yang lahir harus mendapat perlindungan hukum. Jika tidak, yang dirugikan adalah anak yang dilahirkan diluar perkawinan. hubungan anak dengan bapak tidak semata-mata terjadi karena adanya sebuah perkawinan yang sah, tapi berdasar pembuktian adanya hubungan darah antara anak dan laki-laki sebagai bapak. Hal ini karena kelahiran adalah akibat hukum dari hubungan hukum yang terdapat hak dan kewajiban secara timbal balik. Putusan ini mengacu, sebab adanya hubungan yang dilakukan tanpa adanya syarat pernikahan yang sah, baik secara agamadan negara, sehingga tidak menimbulkan kerugian yang berimplikasi pada anak yang tidak melakukan kesalahan. Pembaharuan norma dalam pasal 43 UU  Perkawinan No. 1 Tahun 1974, memberikan hak konstitusional  anak yang dilahirkan di luar nikah baik yang lahir dari pernikahan yang sah secara agama atau tidak. Putusan MK terkait penambahan pasal 43 ayat (1) UU perkawinan masih bernafaskan Islam sesuai perjuangan ummat Islam untuk dapat menjalankan nilai-nilai agamanya dalam UU ini hannya tidak sah secara agama  dan Negara.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
I Dewa Gede Palguna

Constitutional complaint is one of important issues to be dealt with by severral countries issues adopting constitutional court in their national legal system and the Federal Constitutional Court Germany (Bundesverfassungsgericht) is considered by expert as one of the most advance mechanism among countries in dealing with the issue. Generally speaking, constitutional complaint can be described as a complaint or lawsuit filed by an individual citizen who deems his or her constitutional right (s) has been violates by act or omission of public institution or public official. Mostly, such a complaint can only be filed it theere is no other legal remedy available or all legal remedies available have been exhausted. The Constitutional Court of The Republic of Indonesia however is not entrusted with authority to hear constitutional complaint case not withstanding the fact that statistical data on judicial review cases filed by many petitioners before the Court were substantially constitutional complaint issues. It means that, empirically giving the Court to hear constitutional complaint case is necessarily pivotal and theoritically, the Court has the very foundation to be entrusted withq such authority. Considering the complex mechanism to amend the Constitution of 1945, which exhaustively deserible the court’s authorities, this article offers the lawmaker a theoretical insight tio give the Court a limited authority to hear constitutional complaint case by the way of amending the law on Constitutional Court.

Gede Marhaendra Wija Atmaja ◽  
Nyoman Mas Aryani ◽  
Anak Agung Sri Utari ◽  
Ni Made Ari Yuliartini Griadhi

The purpose of this study is to find out the position of the Constitutional Court which later? an understanding of the politic of International agreement law adopted by the Republic of Indonesia. This can be reviewed from the legal considerations that underlying the Constitutional Court Decision. It is a legal research that examines the laws and regulation related to Constitutional Court through several stages: elaborate textual studies, completing textual studies, analyzing legal materials and determine conclusions. The study shows that International and legalized agreement that has not been ratified are placed as part of national law and are used as a reference to enrich the reasoning horizon in interpreting the constitution. Law on the ratification of the International Agreement containing norms which are attachments and an inseparable part of the law, which in its existence as a law constitutes the authority of the Constitutional Court to examine its constitutionality. In this context, the constitutional Court embraced the politic law of monism with the primate of national law and the Constitutional Court embraced the politic law of dualism when examining the constitutionality of the law concerning the ratification of the International Agreement-in terms of subject matter. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sikap Mahkamah Konstitusi yang nantinya akan memberikan pemahaman tentang politik hukum Perjanjian Internasional yang dianut Negara Republik Indonesia. Hal ini dapat ditinjau dari pertimbangan hukum yang mendasari amar Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi. Artikel ini merupakan suatu penelitian hukum yang mengkaji Peraturan Perundang-undangan dan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi yang ada dengan langkah-langkah melakukan studi tekstual, melengkapi studi tekstual serta melakukan analisis terhadap bahan hukum yang terkumpul dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Perjanjian Internasional yang telah disahkan maupun yang belum disahkan ditempatkan sebagai bagian dari hukum nasional dan dijadikan rujukan guna memperkaya cakrawala penalaran dalam menafsirkan Undang-Undang dasar. Undang-Undang tentang pengesahan Perjanjian internasional memuat norma yang merupakan lampiran dan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Undang-Undang bersangkutan, yang dalam keberadaannya sebagai Undang-Undang merupakan kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi untuk menguji konstitusionalitasnya. Dalam konteks ini Mahkamah Konstitusi  menganut  politik hukum monisme dengan primat hukum nasional dan Mahkamah Konstitusi menganut politik  hukum dualisme saat menguji konstitusionalitas Undang-Undang tentang pengesahan Perjanjian Internasional dalam hal menyangkut pokok perkaranya.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-161
Adeline Laureen Turangan ◽  
Agusmidah Agusmidah ◽  
Suria Ningsih

UU Ketengakerjaan No. 13 Tahun 2003 menetapkan bahwa dalam keadaan perusahaan dinyatakan pailit maka kedudukan upah pekerja/buruh tidak didahulukan sebelum kreditor separatis, pembayaran utang pajak, penggantian polis asuransi dan hak tanggungan. Hal ini dapat menghilangkan hak pekerja/buruh untuk memperoleh upah dan hakhak pasca hubungan kerja (pesangon, uang penghargaan masa kerja, penggantian hak). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa setelah adanya Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 67/PUU-XI/2013 upah pekerja atau buruh harus didahulukan. Sehingga harusnya apabila suatu perusahaan diputuskan pailit, maka perusahaan tersebut terlebih dahulu membayar hak upah pekerja atau buruhnya yang terutang, meski kedudukan hak-hak lain pekerja atau buruh masih berada di bawah tagihan hak upah dan kreditur separatis.   Major Labour Act No. 13 of 2003 stipulates that in the condition when a company is declared bankrupt then the position of wages for workers / laborers is not prioritized before the separatist creditors, payment of tax debt, replacement of insurance policies, and mortgage rights. This can eliminate the rights of workers / laborers to obtain wages and post-employment rights (severance pay, length of service pay, compensation). This study was a normative legal research with a statutory approach. The results of the study revealed that after the Constitutional Court Decision No. 67 / PUU-XI / 2013 the wages of workers or laborers must be prioritized. So that if a company is declared bankrupt, then the company should pay the wage rights of its workers or workers who are owed first, even though the position of other rights of workers or workers is still under the bill of wage rights and separatist creditors.

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