severance pay
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Oktarianus Kurniawan ◽  
Ronaldi ◽  
Rizki Setyobowo Sangalang ◽  
Alvin Nur Aulia

During the covid-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia, which affected the economic sector, there were many layoffs by employers, except in Banturung Village, Bukit Batu District, Palangka Raya City. In Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower, it is explained about the rights and obligations of a worker in carrying out his work, in which the Act serves to protect and limit the status of the rights and obligations of workers from employers (entrepreneurs) in accordance with human dignity in the scope of work. In the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, both employers and workers are disadvantaged, because the weak economy makes people's purchasing power decrease and employers cannot rotate their business capital and take steps to unilaterally terminate employment relations. In Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Employment, workers who experience termination of employment must be given severance pay.


LABURPENA: Lan honek Espainiako bitarteko funtzionarioen araubide juridiko zaila, aldakorra eta kontraesanezkoa sistematizatzen du. Figura horren gehiegizko erabilerak eta funtzionario bilakatzeko prozesuek lausotu egin dituzte batzuen eta besteen arteko mugak, eta horri gehitu behar zaio lanbide-sektore batzuetan, hala nola osasunaren eta hezkuntzaren arloetan, enpleguaren aldi baterakotasun tasa handiak profesionalen eskubideak ez ezik, zerbitzu publikoaren egonkortasuna eta kalitatea ere jartzen dituela arriskuan. Milaka interesdunei eragiten dien egoera juridiko kezkagarri horren xehetasunak argi eta garbi adierazi nahian, kritikoki azalduko dugu bitarteko funtzionarioei aplikatu beharreko araubidea, Europako zuzenbideak eta konstituzioko eta administrazioarekiko auzien jurisprudentziak moldatua; hau da, haiek izendatzea zein kargutik kentzeko baldintzak eta balizko kalte-ordainak, bai eta haiei esleitutako eskumenak eta lanbide-karreraren gorabeherak. ABSTRACT: This essay analyzes the confusing, changing and contradictory legal regime of interim or temporary civil servants in Spain. The abuse played upon this figure and the schemes related to turning public employees into civil servants have indeed blurred the limits raised between them, in addition to the risks posed by the highly temporality levels, specially suffered by public health and educational services, to both labour rights and job stability and quality. Thousands of public jobs are affected by this situation, and aiming at making clear the details of that situation a review of its legal regime is shown in this paper, framed by the EU law and constitucional and administrative case-law, beginning with job appointments and ending up with their dismissal and severance pay, along with their authority, jurisdiction, and career development. RESUMEN: Este trabajo sistematiza el complicado, cambiante y contradictorio régimen jurídico de los funcionarios interinos en España. El abuso de esta figura y los procesos de funcionarización han desdibujado los límites entre unos y otros, a lo que se le suma el que en ciertos sectores profesionales como el sanitario y el educativo la alta tasa de temporalidad en el empleo pone en riesgo no solo los derechos profesionales, sino la estabilidad y la calidad del servicio público. Con el fin de exponer con claridad los detalles de esta preocupante situación jurídica que afecta a decenas de miles de interesados, mostramos críticamente el régimen aplicable a los funcionarios interinos, moldeado por el Derecho europeo y la jurisprudencia constitucional y contencioso-administrativa, desde su nombramiento hasta las condiciones de cese y la eventualidad de una indemnización, pasando por las competencias atribuidas y las vicisitudes de su carrera profesional.

2021 ◽  
Tore Ellingsen ◽  
Eirik Gaard Kristiansen

We propose a model of how the retention motive shapes managerial compensation contracts. Once employed, a risk-averse manager acquires imperfectly portable skills whose value is stochastic because of industry-wide demand shocks. The manager’s actions are uncontractible, and the perceived fairness of the compensation contract affects the manager’s motivation. If the volatility of profits is sufficiently large and outside offers are sufficiently likely, the equilibrium contract combines a salary with an own-firm stock option. The model’s predictions are consistent with empirical regularities concerning contractual shape, the magnitude of variable pay, the lack of indexation, and the prevalence of discretionary severance pay. This paper was accepted by Axel Ockenfels, behavioral economics and decision analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-101
Róbert Román

The basis for the review of the Hungarian and European rules of the rest break during the working day was the fact that there was a lawsuit to establish the illegitimacy of termination, in which I represented the plaintiff. The reason for the summary dismissal on the part of the employer was that the employee was playing cards while on a rest break during the working day. In his action, the plaintiff sought a declaration that his employer had unlawfully terminated his employment. By the judgment of the Court of First Instance, the action was dismissed, and the plaintiff was ordered to bear the court costs. By the judgment of the Court of Law proceeding by the plaintiff’s appeal, the judgement was reversed, and it ordered the defendant to pay the plaintiff severance pay as well as compensation. The defendant presented an application for review, which was not upheld. After completing the matters of fact, the Court of Appeal correctly stated that, at the time of the inspection, the plaintiff availed himself of a rest break during the working day, which was lawful; moreover, it was not disputed by the defendant. The Court of Appeal rightly concluded that the employer may prohibit the employee from playing cards during breaks in the workplace, but this must be communicated unequivocally to him, and this expectation must be consequently carried out. The Court of Appeal also rightly pointed out that in the case of explicit prohibition of some behaviours, employees must also be informed of the legal consequences, which are applicable in case of infringement of the rule. However, in the present case, this was not established, so that the lawsuit ended with the full recovery of a favourable judgment of the employee plaintiff at the Supreme Court of Justice.

Siti Azizah ◽  
Husni Mubarrak ◽  
Muslem Muslem

PT. Darussalam Berlian Motor has terminated one of its employees on the grounds of performing the umroh. However the company/defendant argued that the employee/litigant had left their job without even notifying the defendant in advance. The defendat also explained that during their tenure, the litigant often made serious mistakes. On contrary, due to the serious mistakes that had been committed before, the defendant did not terminate the employment contract and the action was only taken when the litigant performed umroh in the holy land. The question in this research is how the judge considers the unilateral termination of employment experienced by the employee and what are the factors that cause the judge to grant the litigant’s claim. And how is the perspective of Ijārah bi al-‘Amal contract against the judge’s decision regardimg the grant of the litigant’s claim. In this research the authors used normative legal research method that analyzed the judge’s decree No. 1/Pdt.Sus-PHI/2019/PN Bna with qualitative approach. The judge in his decree considered thet the termination of employment on the grounds that the litigant had committed serious problems could not be considered because it was not in accordance with the applicable law. As for the factors that caused the judge to grant the litigant’s claim, due to the absence of evidence of a second PKWT contract between the litigant and the defendant, that’s why the previously PKWT contract changed to PKWTT contract. In Islamic law, when ones terminating a work relationship a company can perform fasakh through urbun which has similarities with the obligation to pay severance pay. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that unilateral termination of employment cannot be justified and does not have a string legal force.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-33
Ach. Nasrullah ◽  
Mohammad Muchlis Solichin

This study aims to determine the implementation of human resource management in improving the quality of education and the factors that support the implementation of human resource management in improving the quality of education. This research was conducted at SMK Al-Faqih Sumber Nyamplong Kowel Pamekasan using a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of Human Resource Management to Improve Education Quality has several stages including a) needs and information analysis, b) teacher recruitment, c) induction of new employees, d) teacher placement, e) granting authority and responsibility for staff, f) implementation of supervision, g) fostering teacher welfare, h) career development for employees, i) termination of relations, and j) severance pay. While the Supporting Factors are a) principals have many considerations, b) programs run in schools can bring positive changes and impacts, c) facilities and infrastructure can be utilized optimally, and d) evaluation.

Тамерлан Шайх-Магомедович Едреев

В данной статье анализируется правовая природа выходного пособия, рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с изменением норм ТК РФ о выходном пособии. This article analyzes the legal nature of severance pay, discusses issues related to changes in the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on severance pay.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 5-9
V. V. Kulakov ◽  

The article deals with the controversial issues of the reciprocity of the obligation from the employment contract. The author suggests applying approaches to understanding the synallagma in civil law to labor relations. Based on this, the author draws conclusions about the need to maintain a balance of the legal interests of the employer and the employee in determining the salary and severance pay paid to managers.

Jefri Rahmansyah Putra ◽  
Sriono Sriono ◽  
Bernat Panjaitan

Government prepares Law Copyright Labor by using the concept of Omnibus Law, to be used as a scheme to build the economy in order to attract investors to invest in Indonesia. Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation has several clusters, one of which regulates employment as stated in the previous Law, namely Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower. In the employment cluster, the Government seeks to harmonize the 3 laws so that they are in line so as to provide a space for investors to open their businesses without worrying about overlapping regulations and causing losses to investors. This research menuse normative juridical methods , the concept of the Omnibus Law So far it is not clearly regulated in Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation . The government is trying to implement the omnibus law to create jobs. But it is not balanced with regulatory substances that are able to avoid conflicts that have occurred so far. This Job Creation Act still has many weaknesses. This problem exists in changes to the provisions for leave, giving severance pay and others. These changes further narrow the space for workers / laborers to fight for their rights.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-52
Hesty Kartikasari ◽  
Agus Machfud Fauzi

AbstrakTujuan dari penulisan jurnal ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon masyarakat terhadap UU Cipta Kerja yang terlah disahkan oleh DPR RI. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu studi literatur. Hasil pembahasan menyatakan bahwa pengesahaan RUU yang disahkan dalam sidang Paripurna pada 5 Oktober 2020 menuai beragam reaksi dari masyarakat. Banyak elemen masyarakat yang tidak setuju dengan pengesahaan UU Cipta Kerja tersebut. UU Cipta Kerja dinilai tidak memihak pada masyarakat terutama kaum buruh. Beberapa pasal dalam UU Cipta Kerja dinilai merugikan kaum buruh. Salah satunya mengenai uang pesangon dan nilai santunan yang diturunkan. Banyak masyarakat yang kontra dengan pengesahaan UU tersebut. Masyarakat, terutama yang berasal dari elemen buruh dan mahasiswa melakukan aksi demo di berbagai wilayah untuk menolak pengesahaan UU Cipta Kerja. Di Sidoarjo demo dilakukan oleh para buruh dan mahasiswa di depan gedung DPRD Sidoarjo pada Kamis 8 Oktober 2020. Beberapa elemen mahasiswa turun ke jalan dan mendatangi gedung DPRD dan menyampaikan tuntutan penolakan atas pengesahaan UU Cipta Kerja.Kata kunci: Pengesahan, UU Cipta Kerja, MasyarakatAbstactThe purpose of writing this article is to find out how the public responds to the UU Cipta Kerja which has been legalized by the Indonesian Legislative Assembly. The data collection technique that being used literature review. The results of the discussion stated that the ratification of the RUU which was passed in Sidang Paripurna October 5, 2020, attracted various reactions from the public. Many elements of society expressed their with the passage of the UU Cipta Kerja. UU Cipta Kerja is considered to be impartial to the community, especially the workers. Several articles in the UU Cipta Kerja are considered to be detrimental to workers. One of them is regarding severance pay and lowered compensation value. Many people contravene the legalization of the law. The community, especially those from labor and student elements, held demonstrations in various regions to reject the ratification Creation of the UU Cipta Kerja. In Sidoarjo a demonstration was held by workers and students in front of the Sidoarjo DPRD building on Thursday, October 8, 2020. Several student elements took to the streets and came to the DPRD building and submitted demands for rejection of the ratification of the UU Cipta Kerja.Keyword: legalized, UU Cipta Kerja, Society

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