scholarly journals Fragmented Approach to Spatial Management in Indonesia: When it Will Be Ended?

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
I Gusti Ngurah Parikesit Widiatedja

As a regulatory tool, spatial planning is important as it directs socio-economic development and prevents environmental and social damage by commercial and public projects. There should be an integrated spatial management to ensure the effective use of restricted spatial resources, balancing infrastructural, industrial and commercial business development with the available resources, including land, forest, and marine. However, the fragmented approach to spatial management has been thrived since the independence of Indonesia. The newly controversial Law No. 11 of 2020 on Job Creation has emerged a big hope that Indonesia will end the fragmented approach to spatial management. However, this Law seems to maintain this approach by enacting four different governmental regulation for four spatial issues, namely land use planning; forestry; energy and mineral resources; and marine and fishery. This fragmented approach has adverse consequences as it leads to overlapping authorities that may end up with disharmony and conflicting regulations. Besides, the insistence to employ fragmented approach to spatial management has linked to oligarchy issue as shown by old older, new order and the regional autonomy era.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Oloan Sitorus

Abstract: The legal relations of land tenure, ownership, usage and utilization of agrarian resources still require furtherrestructurization. The economic development during the New Order era abandoned the necessity of the legal differences of landtenure and land ownership, with the legal relations of the collection and utilization of agrarian resources excluding land. Consequently,there are misleading in interpreting the right and permission as a form of legal relationship. These misleading should berectified in the land law draft which will be drafted. The future land law should be able to clearly regulate the legal relations of landtenure, and should be consistently built since the early tenure in the form of occupation, possession, and ownership by the Ministryof Agrarian and Land Use Planning/NLA. Land tenure relationship is mentioned by the concept of land right. Furthermore, it shouldbe confirmed in the Land Law Draft that the relationship between collection and utilization of natural resources are confirmed aspermit, and should not be considered as the basic of land utilization as earth surface. Reclamation set up by the concession holdersfor mining area recovery should not be considered as an “entry point” to legalize land rights.Keywords: legal relation, right, licenseIntisari: Hubungan hukum penguasaan dan pemilikan serta penggunaan dan pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Agraria masih memerlukanpenataan. Perkembangan ekonomi selama era Orde Baru mengabaikan pentingnya pembedaan hubungan hukum tenurial penguasaandan pemilikan tanah dengan hubungan hukum pengambilan dan pemanfaatan sumberdaya agraria selain tanah. Akibatnya, terjadikesesatan berfikir dalam mamaknai hak dan ijin sebagai bentuk hubungan hukum. Kesesatan berfikir ini harus diakhiri di dalam RUUPertanahan yang akan disusun. RUU Pertanahan itu harus jelas mengatur bahwa hubungan hukum tenurial dengan tanah haruskonsisten dibangun sejak penguasaan awal dalam bentuk okupasi (occupation), penguasaan dan pemunyaaan (possession), danpemilikan (ownership) oleh Kementerian ATR/BPN. Hubungan tenurial dengan tanah disebut dengan konsep hak atas tanah.Selanjutnya, perlu dikonfirmasi dalam RUU Pertanahan tersebut bahwa hubungan pengambilan dan pemanfaatan kekayaan alamdikonfirmasi sebagai ijin, yang tidak dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar untuk menggunakan tanah sebagai permukaan bumi. Reklamasiyang dilakukan pemegang ijin untuk memulihkan areal tambang, tidak dapat dijadikan sebagai “pintu masuk” bagi terjadinya hak atastanah.Kata kunci: hubungan hukum, hak atas tanah, ijin

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-58
Desi Sommaliagustina

Abstrak Otonomi daerah adalah suatu bentuk demokrasi yang diberikan oleh Pemerintah Pusat kepada Pemerintah Daerah untuk mengelola rumah tangga mereka sendiri dengan berpegang pada hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku. Implementasi otonomi daerah merupakan titik fokus penting dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat. Pengembangan suatu daerah dapat disesuaikan oleh pemerintah daerah dengan potensi dan kekhasan masing-masing daerah. Ini adalah kesempatan yang sangat baik bagi pemerintah daerah untuk membuktikan kemampuannya menjalankan wewenang yang merupakan hak daerah. Otonomi daerah adalah salah satu agenda utama reformasi yang bertujuan mengurangi kesenjangan ekonomi-politik antara pemerintah pusat dan daerah. Era reformasi menjadi titik awal pergeseran paradigma terpusat yang diadopsi oleh Orde Baru ke era desentralisasi. Desentralisasi dalam konteks Indonesia diyakini sebagai cara untuk membangun pemerintahan yang efektif, mengembangkan pemerintahan yang demokratis, menghormati keanekaragaman lokal, menghormati dan mengembangkan potensi masyarakat lokal, dan mempertahankan integrasi nasional. Masyarakat menaruh harapan yang besar pada otonomi daerah untuk membawa perubahan dalam sistem negara. Sayangnya desentralisasi telah menyebabkan banyak korupsi di wilayah ini. Inilah yang terjadi pada 2018 lalu. Tahun 2018 tampaknya menjadi tahun yang gelap bagi upaya pencegahan dan pemberantasan korupsi, terutama di daerah. Pada 2018 Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) telah menjerat puluhan kepala daerah dalam sejumlah kasus dugaan korupsi mulai dari gubernur, bupati, walikota, hingga pejabat daerah. Hingga akhir 2018, KPK masih menjerat kepala daerah yang tersandung kasus korupsi yaitu Bupati Jepara Ahmad Marzuqi dan Bupati Cianjur Irvan Rivano Muchtar sebagai tersangka. Daftar panjang kepala daerah yang dijerat oleh KPK selama 2018 menunjukkan bahwa penanganan kejahatan korupsi di Indonesia masih membutuhkan perhatian serius dari banyak pihak. Demikian juga, Indeks Pencapaian Korupsi Indonesia masih jauh dari ideal, yaitu 3,7, seperti yang dikatakan oleh juru bicara KPK Febri Diansyah. Ini menunjukkan bahwa korupsi yang dilakukan oleh sejumlah kepala daerah merupakan salah satu bentuk kegagalan otonomi daerah. Dengan kata lain ada banyak pekerjaan rumah yang harus dilakukan terkait dengan implementasi otonomi daerah. Karena kasus-kasus yang ditangani oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi menunjukkan bahwa korupsi masih terjadi dan merupakan gejala di banyak lembaga. Kata Kunci: Otonomi Daerah, Korupsi, Kepala Daerah         Abstract Regional autonomy is a form of democracy given by the Central Government to the Regional Government to manage their own household by sticking to the applicable laws and regulations. The implementation of regional autonomy is an important focal point in order to improve people's welfare. The development of an area can be adjusted by the regional government with the potential and distinctiveness of each region. This is a very good opportunity for the local government to prove its ability to exercise the authority that is the right of the region. Regional autonomy is one of the main agendas of reform aimed at reducing the economic-political gap between the central and regional governments. The era of reform became the starting point of shifting the centralized paradigm adopted by the New Order to the era of decentralization. Decentralization in the Indonesian context is believed to be a way to build effective governance, develop democratic governance, respect local diversity, respect and develop the potential of local communities, and maintain national integration. The community places considerable expectations on regional autonomy in order to bring about changes in the state system. Unfortunately decentralization has caused a lot of corruption in the region. This is what happened in 2018 ago. The year 2018 seems to be a dark year for efforts to prevent and eradicate corruption, especially in the regions. In 2018 the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has ensnared dozens of regional heads in a number of cases of alleged corruption ranging from governors, regents, mayors, to regional officials. Until the end of 2018, the KPK still ensnared the regional heads who tripped over corruption cases namely Jepara Regent Ahmad Marzuqi and Cianjur Regent Irvan Rivano Muchtar as suspects. The long list of regional heads snared by the KPK during 2018 shows that the handling of corruption crimes in Indonesia still needs serious attention from many parties. Likewise, the Indonesian Corruption Achievement Index is still far from ideal, namely 3.7, as said by KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah. This indicates that corruption committed by a number of regional heads is one form of failure in regional autonomy. In other words there is a lot of homework that must be done related to the implementation of regional autonomy. Because the cases handled by the Corruption Eradication Commission indicate that corruption still occurs and is a symptom in many institutions. Keywords: Regional Autonomy, Corruption, Regional Head

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (Spl.1) ◽  
Ismael Enrique Moyano Nieto ◽  
Renato Cordani ◽  
Marcela Lara ◽  
Óscar Rojas ◽  
Manuel Puentes ◽  

The Servicio Geológico Colombiano has made available several airborne magnetometry and gamma-ray spectrometry datasets. The information was acquired in 15 blocks that cover approximately 520,000 square  kilometers of Colombian territory, representing more than 850,000 linear kilometers of information. The data  were collected along flight lines separated by 500 meters or 1000 meters, depending on the area, with sampling rates of 10 Hz (8 meters) and 1 Hz (80 meters) for the magnetometry and gamma-ray spectrometry  data, respectively. The information is stored in 30 databases separated for each block and for each of the geophysical methods used. The Servicio Geológico Colombiano has provided a web portal that provides  detailed specifications for each database and allows interested parties to see the terms and conditions to  access the datasets and to check possible restrictions on access to information. To date, there is no  geophysical database in Colombia with the coverage and resolution of these data sets, which will be very  useful for geological research and research on potential mineral resources and to support geohazard monitoring, land-use planning and providing a baseline dataset for environmental monitoring. 

Andy Bhermana ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati

The main problem faced by sloping lands in the humid tropic includes land degradation influencing natural ecosystem damage broadly. Land conversion and improper land-use have been widely recognized as the main cause of environmental damage since the demands for agricultural lands become greater than land resource available. The objective of this study was to determine the concept of appropriate land-use planning through environmentally sound spatial management in order to prevent land and environmental degradation.  The sub-district of Antang Kalang was chosen as study area representing sloping lands in humid tropic that have a susceptibility to erosion. Conservation approach by the use of USLE erosion risk prediction model and land evaluation through land suitability classification was used in this study. The geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) technology were applied to generate spatial basic information and to assist in spatial analysis. Two crops, upland rice, and rubber,  representing food crop and estate p have been selected based on the local resource that has been existed since a long time ago. The result of spatial analysis shown that the arable land for agricultural practices covers  9,039 hectares (23.19%) while for non-arable land, it is allocated for forest preservation with total areas 29,934 hectares (76.81%). Land-use planning and land resources management involving conservation aspect and land suitability evaluation should be taken into account for farming practice at sloping lands areas since the value of soil loss potential appears as an indicator of erosion risk. Permanent cultivation system and the intercropping farming system is the option of recommended agricultural practice at sloping lands in the humid tropic that have a susceptibility to erosion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 158
Basuki Kurniawan

The investment climate is difficult to develop when there are too many overlapping regulations from the center to the regions, and the old licensing procedure is a source of ongoing problems. Seeing this, President Jokowi made a breakthrough by using the Omnibus Law for Job Creation or often referred to as the Cilaka Omnibus Law Bill. This is something new in Indonesia, but it is a breakthrough in resolving legal chaos in Indonesia. However, the desire of the Government to get a response from a fairly large wave of demonstrations from the workers and society. The demonstration was based on the contents of the articles in the Job Creation Omnibus Law Bill which were deemed to be detrimental to the Indonesian people and workers. Based on the author's opinion, we conclude several things. First, the Job Creation Omnibus Law Bill has several deeper corrections, especially in the paradigm and substance of regulations regarding layoffs, permits, and regional autonomy (decentralization). Second, the Cilaka Omnibus Law Bill intends to reduce the existence of hyper-regulation (the number of laws and regulations), but the bill creates derivative regulations that make more and more new rules emerge. So it is best if the Omnibus Law Job Creation Bill needs to be rearranged while still involving the wider community in providing input and views for the perfection of this Job Creation Bill. Keywords: Omnibus Law, Job Creation

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-81
Andreea Bianca Urs

"Nowadays, more than ever, China plays a major role in economic activities in Africa. China competes aggressively with the West for control of the continent's strategic mineral resources. The great red actor considers that the imposition of Western democratic values on Africa is one of the main causes of political instability and economic stagnation, which is why he has chosen to adopt a different attitude which is has proven to be prolific in the context of globalization. The cooperation of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with China is currently considered by the Congolese people as a safety valve, an insurance against risks. Essentially, the DRC tops the list of China's strategic partners in Africa, and the DRC aims to attract China to help build infrastructure. This cooperation bears the signature of Joseph Kabila (president of the country from 2001 to 2018), his speech being a central point of this research. While the two countries boast of an exemplary model of win-win cooperation, this article aims to explore whether it is really a win-win collaboration or rather China is trying to invent a new order using a cosmetized neocolonialism. Keywords: Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, China, globalization, mineral ressources, neocoloniaslism, global order "

2016 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-118
Olimpia Kozłowska ◽  
Marta Sołomacha ◽  
Iwona Walentek

Abstract Upon accession to the European Union, economic growth became accelerated in Poland, resulting in a boost in infrastructure development. This led to a marked growth in demand for natural sand-gravel aggregates and other raw materials used in road construction. To meet the demand for suitable raw materials, the Ministry of Environment commissioned the Polish Geological Institute–National Research Institute to start a re-evaluation of earlier raw material prognoses assessments in order to delineate prognostic areas for development of new resources. The re-evaluation has been conducted by the PGI-NRI within the frame of the compilation of the Geoenvironmental Map of Poland at the scale of 1:50 000, making it possible to identify potential conflicts with land-use plans as well as already established NATURA 2000 and other natural heritage conservation designations and more or less continuous built up areas which preclude or at least impede exploitation of mineral raw materials. The analyses also covered economic factors related to costs of transport and the current economic criteria of mineral resources and reserves. At the first stage of the project (between 2008 and 2012) the re-evaluation was conducted in 432 prognostic areas with a total area of over 33 thousands of hectares. According to the current economic criteria of sand-gravel aggregate deposits there were estimated resources of over 5 mld tons, of which around 3 mld tons of aggregates were suitable for road investments and over 2 mld tons of aggregates were suitable for construction. The work has made it possible to re-evaluate the occurrences of natural aggregates in the vicinities of urban centers and along corridors delineated for selected planned motorways and expressways as well as those under construction. The study was compiled especially for business entities involved in construction projects or the exploitation of mineral resources and state administrative units as a tool to support land-use planning and management at the level of individual communes, counties (poviats) and voivodeships. Re-evaluated prognostic areas data are gathered in spatial database and are available through WMS service on the Geoenvironmental Map of Poland portal (

1978 ◽  
J. R. LaFevers ◽  
A. B. Agnew ◽  
G. Hill ◽  
J. L. Guernsey

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