2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 1159
I Kadek Wira Dwipayana ◽  
Kadek Agus Sudiarawan

Tulisan ini merupakan tulisan yang memiliki tujuan agar dapat menyampaikan informasi mengenai upaya pelestarian lingkungan hidup melalui partisipasi masyarakat dengan mengurangi penggunaan plastik sekali pakai (PSP). Tulisan ini memuat bahasan mengenai karakteristik pengaturan peran masyarakat dalam Pergub Bali No.97/2018 serta relevansinya dengan pengurangan sampah plastic sekali pakai (PSP) di Bali. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan, konseptual serta analitis. Sumber bahan hukum pada tulisan ini berasal dari sumber bahan hukum primer dan sekunder dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur sumber bahan hukum. Setelah dianalisis, ditemukan hasil mengenai karakterisik pengaturan peran masyarakat yang berupa hak dan kewajiban yang dimuat didalam peraturan tersebut. Namun meskipun demikian ditemukan juga beberapa kelemahan dari peraturan tersebut yang dapat membuat dilanggarnya peraturan tersebut.     This paper was aimed at conveying information about environmental conservation efforts through community participation by reducing the use of disposable plastics (PSP).  It contained a discussion of the characteristics of community role regulation in the Governor of Bali No. 97/2018 and its relevance to reducing disposable plastics (PSP) waste in Bali.  The research method used was a normative legal research method with a statutory, conceptual and analytical approach.  The source of legal material in this study came from primary and secondary legal material sources with data collection techniques through the study of legal source literature sources.  After being analyzed, it was found regarding the characteristics of the regulation of community roles in the form of rights and obligations contained in the regulation.  However, there were also some weaknesses in the regulation which were able to make the regulation violated.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-26
Candra Irawan ◽  
Adi Bastian ◽  
Febrozi Rohadi

Currently in Indonesia Islamic Bank has gained a place and interested in the community, causing many emerging Syari'ah Bank and Financial Institutions of the syari'ah, and products in Islamic banks are widely used is murabahah financing. The formulation of the problem in this research are: (1). How is the implementation of the sale and purchase through murabahah financing between Bank Muamalat Harkat with customers. (2). Is trading system murabahah financing between Bank Muamalat Harkat and customers have been according to the principles of Syari’ah. (3). How murabahah financing efforts to resolve the breach between the customer and Muamalat Harkat. This research method is empirical legal research, this study was conducted in Bank Muamalat Harkat based data collection through field research such as interviews, observation and description as well as information from respondents through library research. The results of this research are: before an agreement Bank to assess carefully the prospective customer in the form of a comprehensive analysis and is divided into several stages, such as the assessment using the principle of 5C Character (Character of the debitor), Chapacity (Capability Candidate Debitor) , Capital (Capital candidate Debitor), Collateral (Collateral candidate Debitor) and Condition of economy (economic condition of the prospective Borrower). Trading system murabahah financing between Bank Muamalat Harkat with the customer has not fully based on the principles of the Syari'ah. Murabahah financing efforts to resolve the defaults can be solved by R3 is Restrukturing (Arrangement Back), Reconditioning (Terms Back) and Rescheduling (rescheduling), sales collateral and auction execution. 

Tunas Agraria ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 180-199
Fariz Wahyu Aditya ◽  
Sarjita Sarjita ◽  
Yendi Sufyandi

Abstract: The technical instruction number: 002/JUKNIS-300.UK.01.01/II/2019 dated on 1-02-2019 concerning Complete Systematic Land Registration Program Based on the Community Participation (Juknis PTSL-PM) enables the presence of community involvement as the manifestation of Article 42 paragraph (1) of the Regulation of the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Ka.BPN Number 6 of 2018. The practice can be found in Bojonegoro District which has started the PTSL–PM program before the issue of the technical instruction of PTSL-PM so that it causes issues related to the compatibility of the technical instruction of PTSL-PM implementation with the participative mechanism occurred in Bojonegoro District. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the implementation of the technical instruction of PTSL-PM. This research used qualitative research method through descriptive approach. The result of the research found that from 97 description of the activities as the comparison instrument, 48 activities were not appropriate, while 42 activities were appropriate (the activities type contains participation which is not regulated in the technical instruction of PTSL-PM) and 7 activities have not been studied so that those were not included in the research object. The components related to the working map, land data collection formation basic, and measurement method used were the components which affect the implementation of technical instruction of PTSL-PM the most. Land office of Bojonegoro District cannot perform the technical instruction of PTSL-PM fully since the participation method uniformity is not possible considering the community characteristic, human resource, and facilities-infrasturure which are different in each region.Keywords: PTSL, Community’s Participation, Technical Instruction Intisari: Petunjuk Teknis Nomor 002/JUKNIS-300.UK.01.01/II/2019 tentang Kegiatan PTSL Berbasis Partisipasi Masyarakat (Juknis PTSL-PM) memungkinkan adanya keterlibatan dari masyarakat sebagai perwujudan dari Pasal 42 ayat (1) Permen ATR/Ka.BPN Nomor 6 Tahun 2018. Praktiknya di Kabupaten Bojonegoro telah memulai program PTSL-PM sebelum diterbitkannya Juknis PTSL-PM sehingga menimbulkan persoalan terkait kesesuaian pelaksanaan Juknis PTSL-PM dengan mekanisme partisipatif yang telah terjadi di Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan Juknis PTSL-PM. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah dari 97 uraian kegiatan sebagai instrumen pembanding, 48 kegiatan tidak sesuai, 42 kegiatan sesuai atau dapat disesuaikan (jenis kegiatan bersifat partisipasi namun tidak diatur dalam Juknis PTSL-PM) dan 7 kegiatan belum diteliti sehingga bukan merupakan objek penelitian. Komponen yang berkaitan dengan peta kerja, dasar pembentukan pengumpul data pertanahan dan metode pengukuran yang digunakan merupakan komponen yang paling mempengaruhi pelaksanaan Juknis PTSL-PM. Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Bojonegoro tidak dapat melaksanakan secara penuh Juknis PTSL-PM karena keseragaman metode partisipasi tidak dimungkinkan mengingat karakteristik masyarakat, sumberdaya manusia dan sarana prasarana memiliki perbedaan di setiap daerah.Kata Kunci: PTSL, Partisipasi Masyarakat, Petunjuk Teknis 

2019 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ayu Suci Rakhima ◽  
Ni Gusti Ayu Dyah Satyawati

Xinjiang reeducation camps are dedicated to cleanse the practice and existence of religion, and majorly subjects the Uighur moslems. China has constantly denied the conduct of gross human rights violations of Uighur moslems within Xinjiang political reeducation camps. This article will elaborate on the actions done by Xinjiang officials to unveil the gross violations of human rights towards the Uighurs within Xinjiang reeducation camps. The article will also examine the available possibility to criminally hold the perpetrators liable and provide effective relief to the victims. This article is constructed using normative legal research method with statutory, case, and fact approaches, along with conceptual/analytical approach. The result shows that there exist gross violations of human rights towards the Uighurs within Xinjiang reeducation camps in a form of arbitrary detention and torture. Moreover, there are some available possibilities to criminally hold the perpetrators liable and provide effective relief to the victims, namely through a municipal court proceeding and through the Committee against Torture.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 139-152
Khoirotin Nisa' ◽  
Muslih Muslih ◽  
Abu Hapsin

Islam exists in order to uphold justice. Likewise with families, where there are often unfair relationships between husband and wife, there are so many obstacles which can threaten the harmony of marriage. So far the issue of nusyūz is often connected to the wife and the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) confirms this. How Islamic law regulates nusyūz and how the perspective of qira'ah mubādalah about this nusyūz is are the main questions of this study. This study uses normative legal research method with descriptive technique. Data collection was carried out by literary study and then they were analyzed qualitatively by the deductive method. The results of this study are as follow: Nusyūz according to Islamic law (KHI) is conceptualized as a wife's disobedience to her husband, such as reluctance to have intercourse, surly in front of her husband, leaving the house without the husband's permission and others which make the husband dislike. If nusyūz occurs then it is resolved by: giving advice, separating beds, and hitting. Mubādalah as a method of interpretation of texts which is reciprocal, in terms of family relations between husband and wife, defines nusyūz as disobedience to household commitments so it applies to husband and wife. Nusyūz settlement by beating is considered as an act of violence so it should not be done. Inviting reconciliation to return to commitment is the best way according to QS. An Nisa': 128.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 112
Ida Ayu Putu Kristanty Mahadewi ◽  
Dewa Nyoman Rai Asmara Putra

Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji akibat hukum serta penyelesaian terhadap harta bersama berdasarkan hukum perkawinan apabila terjadi perceraian dan pemisahan harta bersama karena suatu hal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normative, yakni suatu penelitian yang berdasarkan pada pendekatan perundang-undangan, bahan pustaka, putusan pengadilan dan ketentuan yang sebagaimana mestinya. Serta teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi dokumen. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya suatu perjanjian dalam perkawinan maka harta benda dan harta bersama dari kedua pihak akan memiliki kepastian hukum yang tetap jika dilihat dari perspektif hukum. Penyelesaian harta bersama biasanya dilakukan dengan cara pemisahan harta benda kedua belah pihak. Penyelesaian perkara mengenai pembagian harta bersama yang terbaik adalah dilakukan dengan cara kekeluargaan. Penyelesaian permasalahan mengenai pemisahan harta bersama melalui pengadilan, juga bisa diusulkan melalui pengajuan gugatan sendiri oleh pihak yang berperkara maupun perantara melalui pengacara hukum. Dan permohonan mengenai pemisahan harta bersama tidak bisa diajukan bersamaan dengan gugatan cerai. The purpose of this study is to examine the legal consequences and the settlement of joint assets based on marriage law if the event of divorce and separation of joint assets for some reason. This study uses a normative legal research method, which is a study based on a statutory approach, library materials, court decisions and appropriate provisions. As well as data collection techniques carried out by document study. The results of the study show that with agreement in marriage, the property and joint assets of the two parties will have permanent legal certainty from a legal perspective. Settlement of joint assets is usually carried out by familial way. The settlement of problems regarding the separation of joint assets through the court, can also be proposed through filing a lawsuit by the litigant or intermediary through a lawyer. And applications regarding the separation of joint assets cannot be filed at the same time as a divorce suit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-88
Anak Agung Ngurah Mukti Prabawa Redi ◽  
I Made Suwitra ◽  
Putu Ayu Sriasih Wesna

The marriage of nyeburin changes the position of women into purusa and men into pradana. Then in terms of inheritance, the priority in the nyeburin marriage is the woman, but the status of the man who becomes pradana is questioned when nyeburin marriage ends and the status of the man is returned to his family of origin. This study aims to analyze the inheritance rights of men who do nyeburin’s marriage on inherited land in their origin family and to analyze the implications of inheritance rights of men who do nyeburin’s marriage in right and obligations of origin family. The research method used is normative legal research. In addition, the data collection technique used is the library study technique. The results of this study revealed that (1) a man who does a nyeburin marriage will lose his right to inherit in his family of origin because of a change in his status to pradana in his wife's family. A man who does a nyeburin marriage will be considered to have left kedaton so that he has the same position as a woman who marries out. (2) Burden marriage has implications for the position of the husband so that here the husband follows the wife. The rights and obligations as husband and wife are still the same as in a normal marriage, only in a marriage where the wife's position is higher than that of the husband.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-186
Doris Rahmat

The institution of society is a place that is used in Indonesia which is emphasized on the aspect of coaching. In this penitentiary the prisoners are nurtured and educated and equipped with knowledge and skills as a provision for him when he finishes his penalty. With this provision the prisoner can return to the community and become a good member and able to be responsible, The research method used is the method of sociological juridical approach that is the problem approach through legal research by looking at the reality of the law in practice, while the data collection tool used in this research is interview, collect primary and secondary data, then Analyzed Qualitatively By Grouping Data According To Aspects Studied.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 646-650
Ni Nyoman Ayu Ratih Ganitri ◽  
I Nyoman Putu Budiartha ◽  
Luh Putu Suryani

Children are not only actively involved as beggars, but toddlers are also passively involved, where children under the age of two are carried in pathetic conditions to make other people feel sad and sorry, thus giving them money. This study aims to explain the qualifications of criminal acts of perpetrators who order children as beggars and examine criminal liability for perpetrators who commit acts of ordering children as beggars. This study used a normative legal research method with a problem and conceptual approach. Sources of data used were primary and secondary legal data. Data collection was done through a literature study by taking notes. The results of the study revealed that the act of begging is categorized as a violation of public order as regulated in Article 504 of the Criminal Code. Doing the act of ordering children as beggars can be classified as a crime and also as an act of violation. Everyone is prohibited from exploiting children in any form as regulated in Article 301 of the Criminal Code junto Article 76I and Article 88 of Law no. 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 456-462
I ketut Suardika ◽  
I Nyoman Putu Budiartha ◽  
I Made puspasutari Ujianti

The collapse of several buildings as reported by various mass media including the collapse of the Yellow Bridge in Nusa Lembongan Klungkung, the perimeter of Soekarno Hatta Airport, the stock trading center building of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) is one of the problems faced today. For this incident, the Contractor who participated in the construction should be assumed to be responsible. The purpose of this research is to analyze the arrangement of building contract agreements in the perspective of Indonesian positive law and civil liability to contractors due to the occurrence of building failures in the perspective of Indonesian positive law. This research uses a normative legal research method with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. Data collection techniques were collected through legal inventory. The sources used are primary and secondary sources of law. After the data is collected, then the data is analyzed systematically. The results of the research indicate that the collapse of the building outside the force majeure in UUJK 2/2017 is referred to as Building Failure. The Civil Code, UUJK 2/2017 concerning Construction Services and their derivative regulations are positive laws that still apply as legal umbrellas in regulating development implementation.

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 573
Ahmad Nazori

Insurance is an institution to invest funds with a specific purpose so that if in the future it is needed by the insurance customer, the funds can be withdrawn by the insurance customer. However, in reality, many insurance customers suffer losses because the funds they have invested in the insurance company are not disbursed by the insurance company. This is the subject of discussion in this study so that the research method is carried out with an analytical approach and a statutory approach. The research materials are primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials so that the data collection techniques use literature studies and qualitative analysis techniques. In this case, discussing the regulation of the duties of the Financial Services Authority in overcoming the occurrence of a loss insurance customers is regulated in Law Number 21 of 2011 concerning the Financial Services Authority, Regulation of the Financial Services Authority Number 1/POJK.07/2013 concerning Consumer Protection Sector Financial Services and OJK Circular Letter Number 2/SEOJK.07/2014 Regarding Consumer Complaint Service and Settlement and consumer protection by the Financial Services Authority for insurance customers who are harmed is that there is no consumer protection carried out by Financial Services cooperatives for insurance customers who are harmed by the company insurance

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