Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap Berbasis Partisipasi Masyarakat (PTSL-PM) di Kabupaten Bojonegoro

Tunas Agraria ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 180-199
Fariz Wahyu Aditya ◽  
Sarjita Sarjita ◽  
Yendi Sufyandi

Abstract: The technical instruction number: 002/JUKNIS-300.UK.01.01/II/2019 dated on 1-02-2019 concerning Complete Systematic Land Registration Program Based on the Community Participation (Juknis PTSL-PM) enables the presence of community involvement as the manifestation of Article 42 paragraph (1) of the Regulation of the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Ka.BPN Number 6 of 2018. The practice can be found in Bojonegoro District which has started the PTSL–PM program before the issue of the technical instruction of PTSL-PM so that it causes issues related to the compatibility of the technical instruction of PTSL-PM implementation with the participative mechanism occurred in Bojonegoro District. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the implementation of the technical instruction of PTSL-PM. This research used qualitative research method through descriptive approach. The result of the research found that from 97 description of the activities as the comparison instrument, 48 activities were not appropriate, while 42 activities were appropriate (the activities type contains participation which is not regulated in the technical instruction of PTSL-PM) and 7 activities have not been studied so that those were not included in the research object. The components related to the working map, land data collection formation basic, and measurement method used were the components which affect the implementation of technical instruction of PTSL-PM the most. Land office of Bojonegoro District cannot perform the technical instruction of PTSL-PM fully since the participation method uniformity is not possible considering the community characteristic, human resource, and facilities-infrasturure which are different in each region.Keywords: PTSL, Community’s Participation, Technical Instruction Intisari: Petunjuk Teknis Nomor 002/JUKNIS-300.UK.01.01/II/2019 tentang Kegiatan PTSL Berbasis Partisipasi Masyarakat (Juknis PTSL-PM) memungkinkan adanya keterlibatan dari masyarakat sebagai perwujudan dari Pasal 42 ayat (1) Permen ATR/Ka.BPN Nomor 6 Tahun 2018. Praktiknya di Kabupaten Bojonegoro telah memulai program PTSL-PM sebelum diterbitkannya Juknis PTSL-PM sehingga menimbulkan persoalan terkait kesesuaian pelaksanaan Juknis PTSL-PM dengan mekanisme partisipatif yang telah terjadi di Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan Juknis PTSL-PM. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah dari 97 uraian kegiatan sebagai instrumen pembanding, 48 kegiatan tidak sesuai, 42 kegiatan sesuai atau dapat disesuaikan (jenis kegiatan bersifat partisipasi namun tidak diatur dalam Juknis PTSL-PM) dan 7 kegiatan belum diteliti sehingga bukan merupakan objek penelitian. Komponen yang berkaitan dengan peta kerja, dasar pembentukan pengumpul data pertanahan dan metode pengukuran yang digunakan merupakan komponen yang paling mempengaruhi pelaksanaan Juknis PTSL-PM. Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Bojonegoro tidak dapat melaksanakan secara penuh Juknis PTSL-PM karena keseragaman metode partisipasi tidak dimungkinkan mengingat karakteristik masyarakat, sumberdaya manusia dan sarana prasarana memiliki perbedaan di setiap daerah.Kata Kunci: PTSL, Partisipasi Masyarakat, Petunjuk Teknis 

Tunas Agraria ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 139-161
Damar Jati Nurcahyo ◽  
Eko Budi Wahyono ◽  
Dian Aries Mujiburrohman

Abstract: The limited human resources that has bbeen a problem in the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/ National Land Agency was resolved by involving the community through the mechanism of Community-Based Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL+PM). a PTSL+PM program had been carried out at the Land Office of Ngawi Regency before the technical guidelines were issued, so this raised a question on whether the implementation was in accordance with the regulation in the technical guidelines. The objectives of this study are to (1) Find out the information about the implementation and comparing the activity PTSL+PM in Ngawi Regency to PTSL+PM technical guidelines; (2) Evaluate PTSL+PM in Ngawi Regency. To achieve those objectives, a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach was used. This method described and reviewed each PTSL+PM implementation process in Ngawi Regency so that it could be used to evaluated PTSL+PM technical guidelines to be more effective to be implemented in all regions in Indonesa. The result of this study shows that there are several elements of PTSL+PM implementation in Ngawi Regency that are not in accordance with the technical guidelines, including work maps, measurenments by land data collectors, and criteria and mechanism for forming land data collectors. Ngawi Land Office implemented the PTSL+PM program with the established community participation and is administratively going to follow the technical guidelines of PTSL+PM. Keywords: Land Registration, Community Participation, Technical Guidelines, Work Map  Intisari: Keterbatasan sumber daya manusia yang selama ini menjadi kendala di Kementerian ATR/BPN diselesaikan dengan pelibatan masyarakat melalui mekanisme Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap Berbasis Partisipasi Masyarakat (PTSL+PM). Pelaksanaan program PTSL+PM di Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Ngawi telah dilaksanakan sebelum Juknis PTSL+PM terbit sehingga menimbulkan permasalahan apakah pelaksanaannya telah sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam Juknis PTSl+PM. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) Mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan dan membandingkan kegiatan PTSL+PM di Kabupaten Ngawi dengan Juknis PTSL+PM; (2) Mengevaluasi PTSL+PM di Kabupaten Ngawi. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, digunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif guna menggambarkan dan mengkaji setiap proses pelaksanaan PTSL+PM di Kabupaten Ngawi sehingga dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi Juknis PTSL+PM agar lebih efektif dijalankan di seluruh daerah di Indonesia. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan adanya beberapa unsur pelaksanaan PTSL+PM di Kabupaten Ngawi yang tidak sesuai dengan Juknis meliputi peta kerja, pengukuran oleh Puldatan, kriteria dan mekanisme pembentukan Puldatan. Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Ngawi melaksanakan program PTSL+PM dengan partisipasi masyarakat yang sudah terbentuk dan secara adminsitrasi akan mengikuti ketentuan Juknis PTSL+PM.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-191
Titi Stiawati

This study aims to determine community participation in the Community-Based Total Sanitation Program (STBM) in changing healthy living behavior in the Kasunyatan Village, Serang City, Banten Province. The qualitative research method is the approach used in this study, namely by collecting data through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The results of the study found that the community-based total sanitation program had the benefit of changing people's behavior from the aspect of clean environmental awareness and disposing of water not indiscriminately. Community involvement is a necessary aspect to be able to control locally in realizing a quality environment. Community involvement in sanitation development, starting from planning, implementation to utilization. The community-based total sanitation program is welcomed by the community, but in terms of the amount of assistance, it still does not meet all community needs.

Yurindah Yurindah ◽  
Sri Narti ◽  
Indria Indria

Instagram social media is a unique medium because through this media not only communicating by sharing photos, but also penetrating into videos that everyone can get various videos that inform various kinds of actifities or routines that are carried out. The use of instagram also occurs among the community in the city of Bengkulu, precisely Sanggar Arastra community, thus encouraging members to play Instagram. The purpose of this study is to find out the motives of social media users to upload instagram story. This study uses a qualitative research method with a qualitative descriptive approach and this study uses the motive theory by Papacharissi and Rubin (2017), which consist of several motives, utility motives and motives seeking information. This research was conducted with data collection techniques through interview, observation and documentation study. The subjects in this study were five members of Sanggar Arastra owning an Android or iOS cellphone with an application and an Instagram account, they actively play Instagram and like ti upload photos, videoa and texts on the Instagram Story. The results of thie study indicate that the motives of members of Sanggar Arastra in uploading photos, videos nd texts in Instagram story are convenience motives, entertainment motives, passing time motives to follow current trends. Of all the motives, there is the most dominant motive, namely Convenience Motives because what they upload on Instagram stories is a form of expressing themselves, a place to express feelings in the form of photos, videoa and texts. Their uploads form a good image in order to get the desired recognition.

Aryanti Dwi Untari ◽  
Nurfitriana Nurfitriana

This study aims to find out how the role of pancasila and citizenship education teachers in addressing the delinquency of learners in MTs Al-Khairiyah Kepandean, what are the forms of delinquency of learners in MTs Al-Khairiyah Kepandean and what are the obstacles of teachers pancasila education and citizenship in overcoming mischief students in MTs Al-Khairiyah Kepandean. This research uses qualitative research method, with descriptive approach. Data collection conducted by using interview techniques, observation, and documentation later processed again and examined by using triangulation techniques that aim to check the validity of data. The results of this study illustrate that the role of Pancasila and citizenship education teachers in addressing the delinquency of learners in MTs Al-Khairiyah Kepandean done through the role as a mentor, role as a moral agent, role as communicator and role as model. The forms of delinquency of learners in MTs Al-Khairiyah Kepandean are included in a-social and a-moral delinquency and can be categorized into mild mischief. The barriers of Pancasila and citizenship education teachers in dealing with delinquency of students in MTs Al-Khairiyah Kepandean are derived from family factors, environmental factors and schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Aditya Armin ◽  
Awerman Awerman ◽  
Akmal Akmal

Surau tuo nagari Lubuak Bauak Kecamatan Batipuah memiliki struktur bangunan yang menyerupai Rumah Gadang karena memiliki atap Bergonjong. Surau tuo nagari Lubuak Bauak banyak terdapat ukiran, Dari sekian banyak motif ukiran yang terpasang pada arsitektur bangunan surau, ada dua yang unik, karena berada diluar aspek dan tatanan ukiran tradisional Minangkabau, yaitu ukiran mangkuto dan ukiran limpapeh yang mengandung bentuk tanda seperti salib lorraine, penamaan dan bentuk ukiran mangkuto tidak termasuk ke dalam bentuk ukiran tradisional Minangkabau, sedangkan ukiran limpapeh merupakan motif asli ukiran tradisional Minangkabau yang dipengaruhi bentuknya oleh tanda lain yang menyerupai bentuk salib lorraine kristen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap symbol dan makna yang terkandung pada ukiran mangkuto dan limpapeh.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara pengamatan kelapangan, wawancara, dan pengumpulan dokumentasi. Untuk analisis dan pengumpulan data, dilakukan dengan cara mereduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Untuk menguji keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi data.Surau tuo nagari Lubuak Bauak Batipuah Subdistrict has a structure that resembles Rumah Gadang because it has a girdle roof. Surau Tuo Lubuak Bauak has many carvings. Of the many carving motif instaled in the building architecture of surau, there are two unique, bacause it has cultural elements outsides the Minangkabau culture, namely carved limpapeh which cintains building shaped like crosses and mangkuto which are not included in the  tradisional Minangkabau carving forms. The purpose of this research is to reveal the symbols and meanings contained in the carving of mangkuto and limpapeh. The research method used is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The study was conducted by observing space, interviewing and cillecting documentation. For analysis and data collection, it is done reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. To test the validity of the data is done by data triangulation.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Irwandi Irwandi ◽  
Zulamri Zulamri ◽  
Romi Maimori ◽  
Tri Yuliani

The role of women in Minangkabau plays a strategic place in fostering people, including in younger generation in "tahfiz’s house" activities. Problem that usually arises is the authority of women in doing activities outside, especially in the Nagari Tanjung Barulak. The women in Nagari Tanjung Barulak are not only active at home as Limpapeh Rumah Gadang who act as mothers for the children but also as "mothers" for children in Nagari. The research method used is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The techniques of Data collection are interviews, observation and documentation. The result of research shows that women has vital roles in stir Tahfiz's house in Nagari Tanjuang Barulak, Batipuh District. It means there was no contradiction in fostering people in terms of religion. In terms of Minangkabau customs, the role of women also has its own place, and can play a role in two functions, namely the function as mother or Bundo Kanduang in the community and family as well as Bundo Kanduang in the midst of the people.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
I Wayan Mudra

The making of penjor for the Hindu holy day of Galungan shows the existence of innovation and excessive creativities. This research was aimed at investigating the phenomenon of penjor Galungan style in the contemporary Bali which viewed from the community involvement, the use of material, and the emergence of spiritual meaning. This study used descriptive qualitative research method. The data collection was carried out through observation and literature review. The analysis shows that the Hindu community in Bali currently prefers buying the elements of penjor for rather than make by themselves; the making of penjor Galungan uses contemporary available material; and the structural spiritual meaning of penjor Galungan is being embellished by the domination of contemporary spiritual meanings.

Kelasa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Ratih Rahayu

The study of the role of mass media as one of the supporters of efforts to foster Indonesian language and literature needs to be done so that its role can be known and its success rate can be evaluated. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The data collection technique is indirect interviews with staff of twenty Kantor and Balai Bahasa in Indonesia. Of the twenty Kantor and Balai Bahasa that were recorded, it was found that only two Kantor Bahasa had not cooperated with any mass media. There are three Kantor and Balai Bahasa that have collaborated with print and electronic media, namely the Balai Bahasa Kalimantan Barat, Balai Bahasa Riau, and Kantor Bahasa Lampung. Of the twenty Balai and Kantor Bahasa, there are 14 Balai and Kantor Bahasa that have collaborated with radio, both RRI and other private radios. The role of mass media as one of the supporters of efforts to foster Indonesian language and literature has been felt by the community. AbstrakPengkajian peran media massa sebagai salah satu pendukung upaya pembinaan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia perlu dilakukan agar dapat diketahui bagaimana perannya serta dapat dievaluasi tingkat keberhasilannya. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah wawancara tidak langsung dengan staf dua puluh balai dan kantor bahasa yang ada di Indonesia. Dari dua puluh balai dan kantor bahasa yang terdata diketahui hanya dua kantor bahasa yang belum menjalin kerja sama dengan media massa apa pun. Ada tiga balai dan kantor bahasa yang telah menjalin kerja sama dengan media cetak dan elektronik, yaitu Balai Bahasa Kalimantan Barat, Balai Bahasa Riau, dan Kantor Bahasa Lampung. Julah Kantor dan balai bahasa di Indonesia ada dua, tetapi hanya 14 balai dan kantor yang telah bekerja sama dengan radio, baik RRI maupun radio swasta lainnya. Peran media massa sebagai salah satu pendukung upaya pembinaan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia telah cukup dirasakan masyarakat. 

Dewi Mutmainah ◽  
Kamaluddin Kamaluddin

Peran guru dalam membentuk peserta didiknya sangatlah penting. Arahan guru menjadi petunjuk jalan bagi kegiatan siswanya. Seorang guru yang tidak hanya mengajar, tetapi juga mendidik dan melatih, ketika ingin mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang diharapkan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran guru pendidikan pancasila dan kewarganegaraan dalam membentuk sikap dan kepribadian siswa. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriftif. Subjek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, guru PPKn, guru agama, guru BK/BP, dan siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunkan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Analisis menggunakan analisis secara interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran guru PPKn dalam membentuk sikap dan kepribadian siswa yaitu membentuk sikap siswa yang mempertahankan hak dan kewajibannya serta mampu melaksanakan hak dan kewajibannya dengan baik. Membentuk siswa yang memiliki rasa cinta terhadap tanah air serta memiliki rasa kebangsaan yang kuat dan dapat membentuk siswa yang dapat menghormati orang dalam kehidupan di sekolah maupun di masyarakat serta mentaati aturan yang berlaku. Membentuk siswa yang dapat melaksanakan musyawarah dalam mengambil keputusan baik di sekolah maupun di masyarakat serta membentuk siswa yang mengakui bahwa indonesia ini adalah negara yang plural yaitu terdiri dari berbagai macam agama, suku, bahasa, dan budaya.The role of the teacher in shaping students is very important. The teacher's direction becomes a guide to the activities of their students. A teacher who not only teaches, but also educates and trains, when he wants to achieve the expected learning goals. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the teacher of Pancasila education and citizenship in shaping the attitudes and personality of students. The research method uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The research subjects were principals, PPKn teachers, religious teachers, BK / BP teachers, and students. Data collection uses observation, interviews, documentation. Analysis uses interactive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the role of PPKn teachers in shaping the attitudes and personality of students is to shape the attitude of students who defend their rights and obligations and are able to carry out their rights and obligations properly. Form students who have a sense of love for the homeland and have a strong sense of nationality and can form students who can respect people in life in school and in society and obey the applicable rules. Form students who can carry out deliberations in making decisions both at school and in the community and form students who recognize that Indonesia is a pluralistic country that consists of various kinds of religions, ethnicities, languages and cultures.

Tunas Agraria ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-162
Achmad Kusyaeri ◽  
Bambang Suyudi ◽  
Rochmat Martanto

Abstract: Complete Systematic Land Registration/ Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL) is a land registration program in Indonesia which is targeted to be completed in 2025. The availability of a working map is an initial requirement in the preparation of PTSL implementation. The implementation of PTSL 2018 in Karanganyar Regency targeted to register 35,195 parcels of land. The registration map can be used as a reference for making PTSL Working Maps. Collecting physical data and identifying land parcels can be carried out by the community. This study aimed to (1) find the community participation in preparing working maps at the Land Office of Karanganyar Regency, and (2) know the use of working maps. To achieve these objectives, the researcher used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach to describe and examine the making of a working map. The results of this study showed that the community provided the PBB, DHKP, and CSRT maps in 2014 that used as a basic source for the development of the current PTSL map. Working maps used in mapping a complete village.Keyword: community participation, work map, PTSL. Intisari: Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL), merupakan program pemerintah dalam penyelesaian pendaftaran tanah di seluruh indonesia yang akan diselesai pada tahun 2025. Ketersediaan peta kerja merupakan proses awal dalam persiapan pelaksanaan PTSL. Kabupaten Karanganyar dalam program PTSL 2018 menargetkan 35.195 bidang tanah terdaftar. Ketersediaan infrastruktur berupa peta dasar pendaftaran dapat jadi acuan pembuatan Peta Kerja PTSL. Optimalisasi dan simplikasi pelaksanaan kegiatan PTSL dalam pengumpulan data fisik dan indentifikasi bidang-bidang tanah dapat mengoptimalkan partisipasi masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) mengetahui bentuk partsipasi masyarakat dalam penyiapan peta kerja di Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Karanganyar; (2) mengetahui pemanfaatan peta kerja. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, digunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, guna menggambarkan dan mengkaji setiap proses penyiapan peta kerja. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bentuk dari partisipasi masyarakat dalam penyiapan peta kerja dalam bentuk sumbangan materi berupa barang peta PBB, DHKP dan CSRT yang dijadikan sumber data pembangunan peta dasar pendaftaran yang selesai pada tahun 2014 dan dijadikan acuan peta kerja PTSL saat ini. Pemanfaatan peta kerja digunakan sebagai pemetaan desa lengkap.Kata Kunci: partisipasi masyarakat, peta kerja, PTSL 

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