Ni Luh Shinta Putu Eka Setyarini ◽  
Aniek Prihatiningsih ◽  
Liana Fentani Natalia Sianturi ◽  
Stephen Deprianto Gea

The imbalance population and number of vehicles increasing from year to year with number of roads causing traffic jam. Build toll road is the government's effort to solve traffic jam. The construction of toll roads that carried out by Government is expected to be able reduce traffic jam on arterial roads but in reality, does not reduce traffic jam even though traffic jam still exist on toll roads. Traffic jam causes stress and fatigue and can lead to traffic accidents. Indonesia has a much higher mortality rate compared to other countries. Traffic accidents are influenced by three main factors: human factors, vehicle factors, and road factors. To improve road safety and high number of deaths each year, it will be carried out research by direct observation using the Road Safety Audit (RSA) form of the Kunciran-Serpong Toll Road. The result of this research by direct observation on Kunciran-Serpong Toll Road in general there are still many shortcomings, such as various types of road damage and pavement, there are no signs to bend to the left or right, the drainage system is not good on several roads, and the median is not good because not all segments get fenced. Keywords: Traffic Jam; Accident, Toll; Road Safety AuditAbstrakSeiring dengan pertambahan jumlah penduduk maka jumlah kendaraanpun terus berkembang dari tahun ke tahun, sedangkan panjang ruas jalan tidak dapat menyusul secara signifikan, hal ini mengakibatkan terjadinya kemacetan lalu lintas. Upaya pemerintah mengurangi kemacetan dengan membangun jalan Tol yang diharapkan untuk mampu mengurangi kemacetan yang ada di jalan arteri. namun pada kenyataannya tidak mengurangi kemacetan bahkan jalan tol saat ini juga mengalami kemacetan. Beberapa jalan tol dibangun untuk mengurangi kemacetan yang ada di ruas jalan tol yang lama, karena apabila tidak dikurangi maka kemacetan menyebabkan stres dan lelah fisik, mengurangi produktifitas yang akhirnya mengakibatkan kecelakaan lalu lintas. Indonesia memiliki tingkat kematian yang jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan negara lainnya di ASEAN. Kecelakaan lalu lintas dipengaruhi tiga faktor utama yaitu faktor manusia, faktor kendaraan, dan faktor jalan. Dalam rangka upaya meningkatkan keselamatan jalan dan mengurangi angka kematian setiap tahunnya maka dilaksanakan observasi langung dengan mengunakan formulir Audit Keselamatan Jalan (AKJ) atau Road Safety Audit (RSA) pada ruas jalan tol operasional. Hasil dari observasi langung pada ruas jalan tol operasional di bawah 1 tahun secara umum masih terdapat banyak kekurangannya, seperti berbagai jenis kerusakan jalan terutama pada perkerasan, tidak adanya rambu peringatan tikungan ke kiri maupun ke kanan dan beberapa rambu lainnya, kecepatan eksisting yang lebih besar dari kecepatan rencana, dan median yang kurang baik karena tidak semua ruas terdapat pembatas

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 639
Liana Fentani Natalia ◽  
Ni Luh Putu Shinta Eka Setyarini

The imbalance population and number of vehicles increasing from year to year with number of roads causing traffic jam. Build toll road is the government's effort to solve traffic jam. The construction of toll roads that carried out by Government is expected to be able reduce traffic jam on arterial roads but in reality does not reduce traffic jam even though traffic jam still exist on toll roads. Traffic jam causes stress and fatigue and can lead to traffic accidents. Indonesia has a much higher mortality rate compared to other countries. Traffic accidents are influenced by three main factors: human factors, vehicle factors, and road factors. To improve road safety and high number of deaths each year, it will carried out research by direct observation using the Road Safety Audit (RSA) form of the Kunciran-Serpong Toll Road. The result of this research by direct observation on Kunciran-Serpong Toll Road in general there are still many shortcomings, such as various types of road damage and pavement, there are no signs to bend to the left or right, the drainage system is not good on several roads, and the median is not good because not all segments get fenced.ABSTRAKKetidakseimbangan antara jumlah penduduk dan jumlah kendaraan yang dari tahun ke tahun semakin bertambah dengan ruas jalan yang ada hal tersebut menyebabkan kemacetan lalu lintas. Dengan membangun jalan tol adalah upaya pemerintah dalam menangani kemacetan. Pembangunan jalan tol yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah diharapkan untuk mampu  mengurangi kemacetan yang terdapat di jalan arteri namun pada kenyataannya tidak mengurangi kemacetan bahkan jalan tol sekalipun mengalami kemacetan. Kemacetan menyebabkan stres dan lelah fisik dan pada akhirnya dapat mengakibatkan kecelakaan lalu lintas. Indonesia memiliki tingkat kematian yang jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan negara lainnya. Kecelakaan lalu lintas dipengaruhi tiga faktor utama yaitu faktor manusia, faktor kendaraan, dan faktor jalan.  Dalam rangka upaya penyelamatan jalan dan banyaknya angka kematian setiap tahunnya dilakukanlah penelitian metode observasi langung dengan mengunakan formulir Audit Keselamatan Jalan (AKR) atau Road Safety Audit (RSA) pada ruas jalan Tol Kunciran-Serpong. Hasil penelitian metode observasi langung pada jalan Tol Kunciran-Serpong secara umum masih terdapat banyak kekurangan, seperti berbagau jenis kerusakan jalan dan perkerasan, tidak ada rambu peringatan tikungan ke kiri maupun ke kanan, sistem drainase yang kurang baik pada beberapa ruas jalan, dan median yang kurang baik karena tidak semua ruas mendapatkan pemagaran.

Ni Luh Putu Shinta Eka Setyarini ◽  
Michael Gani Virgantara

Tangerang-Merak Toll Road is a toll road connecting Tangerang and Merak Port, which includes Cikupa Toll Road, East Balaraja, West Balaraja, Ciakande, Ciujung, East Serang, West Serang, East Cilegon, West Cilegon, and Merak. With the more congested, will make the risk of car accidents also increased. In an effort to improve of road safety, especially toll roads, a Road Safety Audit (AKJ) is needed. Aspects examined and observed include geometric, traffic management, pavements, street furnitures and complementary buildings. As a result, it is concluded that in geometric aspect, in general has been designed in accordance with the provisions, but nevertheless there are parts that still require improvement. This research will discussed the existing condition of Tangerang-Merak Toll Road based on direct observation. The aspects reviewed are geometric, pavement, street furnitures and road complementary buildings such as Signs, Markings and Median roads. In the end, accident-prone areas will be obtained on tangerang-merak toll road with a comparison analysis of direct observation data, and traffic accident data. Keywords: Toll Road; Street funitures; Accident Prone Areas; Road Safety AuditAbstrakJalan Tol Tangerang-Merak adalah jalan tol yang menghubungkan Kota Tangerang dan Pelabuhan Merak yang mencakup Tol Cikupa, Balaraja Timur, Balaraja Barat, Ciakande, Ciujung, Serang Timur, Serang Barat, Cilegon Timur, Cilegon Barat, dan Merak. Dengan semakin padatnya ruas jalan tol tersebut akan membuat angka risiko kecelakaan mobil juga semakin meningkat. Dalam upaya meningkatkan keselamatan para pengguna jalan, khususnya jalan tol, maka perlu dilaksanakan Audit Keselamatan Jalan (AKJ). Aspek yang diperiksa dan diamati meliputi aspek geometrik jalan, manajemen lalu lintas, perkerasan, bangunan pelengkap jalan dan perlengkapan jalan. Sebagai hasilnya, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa dari segi geometrik, secara umum jalan sudah dirancang sesuai dengan ketentuan, namun demikian ada bagian-bagian yang masih memerlukan penyempurnaan. Penelitian ini akan membahas kondisi eksisting jalan Tol Tangerang-Merak berdasarkan pengamatan langsung. Aspek yang ditinjau adalah aspek geometrik, perkerasan, dan bangunan pelengkap jalan seperti Rambu, Marka dan Median jalan. Pada akhirnya, akan didapatkan daerah rawan kecelakaan pada ruas tol Tangerang-Merak dengan analisis perbandingan dari data pengamatan langsung, dan data kecelakaan lalu lintas.

Ni Luh Shinta Putu Eka Setyarini ◽  
Bryan Ivan Lukito

Jagorawi toll road is a link road needed to speed up travel time from Jakarta to Bogor and Ciawi, the condition of Jagorawi is currently very congested resulting in an increasing number of traffic accidents. To improve road traffic safety on toll roads, it's necessary to carry out Road Safety Audits (RSA). Aspects of the road that become objects to examine and direct observations included geometric aspects, traffic management, pavement, road complementary buildings and street furnitures. As a result, in geometric aspect, in general the road has been designed in accordance regulations, however, there are parts of the toll road that still require repair. This research will discuss regard the condition of Jagorawi toll road based on direct observations carried out in the field by using road safety audit form for operational roads. The aim is, accident-prone areas are obtained on Jagorawi toll road with analysis of the results of direct observations, and from traffic accident data obtained from Jasa Marga Keywords: Accident Prone Areas; Road Safety Audit; Toll RoadABSTRAK Ruas jalan tol Jagorawi merupakan jalan bebas hambatan yang dibutuhkan untuk mempercepat waktu tempuh dari Jakarta ke Bogor dan Ciawi, kondisi jalan tol Jagorawi saat ini sangat padat yang berakibat kepada meningkatnya jumlah kecelakaan lalu lintas. Dalam upaya meningkatkan keselamatan lalu lintas jalan di jalan tol, maka perlu melaksanakan Audit Keselamatan Jalan (AKJ). Aspek jalan yang menjadi objek untuk diperiksa meliputi aspek geometrik jalan, manajemen lalu lintas, bangunan pelengkap jalan dan pelengkap jalan. Hasilnya, dari segi geometrik, secara umum jalan sudah dirancang sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku, namun, terdapat bagian-bagian dari jalan tol yang masih memerlukan perbaikan. Penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai kondisi eksisting jalan Tol Jagorawi berdasarkan pengamatan langsung yang dilaksanakan di lapangan dengan mempergunakan formulir audit keselamatan jalan untuk jalan yang sudah operasional. Aspek yang ditinjau adalah aspek geometrik, perkerasan, bangunan pelengkap jalan dan pelengkap jalan. Sebagai hasil akhir, didapat daerah rawan kecelakaan pada ruas Tol Jagorawi dengan analisis dari hasil pengamatan langsung, dan dari data kecelakaan lalu lintas yang diperoleh dari Jasa Marga.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-45
Andi Darmawan ◽  
Zainal Nur Arifin

Abstract  Traffic accidents are a problem, especially on toll roadsbecause toll roads are designed as highways with high levels of comfort, smoothness and safety The number of accidents on Indonesian toll roads is still high. This research is expected to be able to address the above problems, especially the identification of accident-prone locations (black spot), accident characteristics, and proposed treatment at black spot.  The location of the study was the Jagorawi Toll Road (2015 - 2017) for 49 Km. Identification of black spot used the Accident Equivalent Rate (AEK) method, and identified locations prone to accidents (black spot) on Jakarta - Ciawi route were Km 08 - 09, Km 22 - 31, Km 33 – 37, and Km 39 – 43, while on Ciawi - Jakarta, tracks were Km 04 - 09, Km 21 - 23, Km 28 - 29, Km 34 - 35, Km 40 – 41, and Km 44 - 45. Identification of accident characteristics using data approach analysis and statistical analysis were fine weather, one-lane, 00.00 - 06.00, lack of anticipation, self-accident and mini bus. The proposed handling of accident-prone locations (black spot) to reduce the number of accidents is by Minimum Service Standards (MSS) of toll road safety, such as traffic signs, street lighting, rumble strips and other toll road safety equipment. Keywords : Black spot, Equivalent Accident Number, Accident CharacteristicsAbstrak Kecelakaan lalu – lintas merupakan salah satu masalah, khususnya pada jalan tol. Dikarenakan jalan tol dirancang sebagai jalan bebas hambatan dengan tingkat kenyamanan, kelancaran dan keselamatan tinggi, tetapi jumlah kecelakaan di jalan tol Indonesia masih tinggi. Penelitian ini diharap dapat menjawab permasalahan diatas, khususnya identifikasi lokasi rawan kecelakaan (Blackspot), karakteristik kecelakaan, dan usulan penanganan pada lokasi rawan kecelakaan. Lokasi penelitian yang diambil yaitu Jalan Tol Jagorawi (2015 – 2017) sepanjang 49 Km. Identifikasi lokasi rawan kecelakaan menggunakan metode Angka Ekivalen Kecelakaan (AEK), lokasi yang teridentifikasi rawan kecelakaan pada jalur Jakarta – Ciawi yaitu Km 08 - 09, Km 22 – 31, Km 33 – 37 dan Km 39 – 43. Sementara pada jalur Ciawi – Jakarta yaitu Km 04 – 09, Km 21 – 23, Km 28 – 29, Km 34 – 35, Km 40 – 41 dan Km 44 – 45. Karakteristik kecelakaan menggunakan analisis pendekatan data dan analisis statistik yaitu: Cuaca cerah, lajur satu, 00.00 – 06.00, kurang antisipasi, kecelakaan sendiri dan mini bus. Usulan penanganan yang dilakukan pada lokasi rawan kecelakaan untuk mengurangi jumlah kecelakaan adalah dengan Standar Pelayanan Minimum (SPM) bidang keselamatan jalan tol, seperti rambu lalu lintas, lampu penerangan jalan, pita pengaduh (rumble strip) dan kelengkapan lainnya.Kata kunci : Lokasi Rawan Kecelakaan, Angka Ekivalen Kecelakaan, Karakteristik Kecelakaan

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 179
Nur Azizah ◽  
Akhmad Hasanuddin ◽  
Sri Sukmawati

The Baluran Street Sumberejo Village Banyuputih Districts Situbondo Districts KM SBY 230-231 is categorized as block spot area with 15 accident to 6 dead, 6 people seriously injured (LB) and minor injuries (LR ) 21 people as well as the material loss of Rp113.250.000,00 during the year 2015-2017. The purpose of this study is determined to the factor accident and provided recommendation for handling road safety in the case of traffic accidents. The road safety analysis data used are road safety audit data and accident data released by Unit Laka Lantas Polres Situbondo in 2017. The result of road safety analysis indicates that several road facilities are categorized as “dangerous” and/or “very dangerous” which shall be improved to reduce traffic accident potential. The improvement may includes (1) the geometric aspect of the road, including stop visibility, sight distance to overtake, bend radius, vertical ramp, critical length, vertical bend length, stop visibility at vertical arch, different shoulder elevation road to pavement edge; (2) pavement aspect, including hole and crack; and (3) the complementary aspects of the road including the speed limit at the corner, climbing sign, sign of descendant, anticipatory prohibition sign, bend sign, double bend sign, and road marking. Jalan Raya Baluran Desa Sumberejo Kecamatan Banyuputih Kabupaten Situbondo KM SBY 230-231 merupakan lokasi rawan kecelakaan yang mengalami 15 kejadian kecelakaan dengan jumlah korban meninggal dunia (MD) sebanyak 6 orang, korban luka berat (LB) 6 orang dan korban luka ringan (LR) 21 orang serta kerugian materi sebesar Rp113.250.000,00 selama tahun 2015-2017. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menentukan faktor penyebab kecelakaan dan memberikan rekomendasi penanganan keselamatan jalan pada kasus kecelakaan lalu lintas. Data analisis keselamatan jalan yang digunakan adalah data hasil audit keselamatan jalan dan data kecelakaan yang dikeluarkan oleh Unit Laka Lantas Polres Situbondo tahun 2017. Hasil analisis keselamatan jalan menunjukkan bahwa beberapa bagian fasilitas jalan berada dalam kategori “bahaya” dan atau “sangat berbahaya”, yang harus segera diperbaiki untuk memperkecil potensi terjadinya kecelakaan, yaitu: (1) aspek geometrik jalan yang meliputi jarak pandang henti, jarak pandang menyiap, radius tikungan, landai vertikal, panjang kritis, panjang lengkung vertikal, jarak pandang henti pada lengkung vertikal, beda elevasi bahu jalan terhadap tepi perkerasan; (2) aspek perkerasan jalan yang meliputi kerusakan berupa lubang dan retak; dan (3) aspek pelengkap jalan yang meliputi rambu batas kecepatan di tikungan, rambu tanjakan, rambu turunan, rambu larangan mendahului, rambu tikungan, rambu tikungan ganda, dan marka jalan.

Gito Sugiyanto ◽  
Ari Fadli ◽  
Mina Yumei Santi

Traffic accidents are increasing along with the increasing number of traffic violations, the increasing number of vehicles, especially motorcycles, and driving vehicles exceeds the maximum allowable speed (speeding). The number of traffic accidents and the number of accident victims is increasing every year. Data from the National Police Traffic Corps, road transportation accidents in 2016 recorded 106,129 cases with 26,185 fatalities, 22,558 seriously injured, 121,550 minor injuries, and property damage only Rp 226,883,000,000.00. The most vulnerable road users are pedestrians, non-motorized vehicle users, children, and elderly people. The solution proposed is by mapping traffic accident-prone locations, conducting road safety audits at black spot locations to determine the conditions and handling efforts to reduce accident events in the form of installing traffic signs. The results of the road safety audit revealed that there had been a deficiency of road infrastructure in Tlahab Lor road section. One of the recommendations made is by installing traffic signs. Handling of black spot locations on the Tlahab Lor road, Karangreja that is by installing 4 (four) vehicle maximum limit signs of 40 km/h and 30 km/h. After knowing the location of black spot people is expected to be more alert and careful when passing through these roads.

ICCD ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 601-606
Widodo Budi Dermawan ◽  
Dewi Nusraningrum

Every year we lose many young road users in road traffic accidents. Based on traffic accident data issued by the Indonesian National Police in 2017, the number of casualties was highest in the age group 15-19, with 3,496 minor injuries, 400 seriously injured and 535 deaths. This condition is very alarming considering that student as the nation's next generation lose their future due to the accidents. This figure does not include other traffic violations, not having a driver license, not wearing a helmet, driving opposite the direction, those given ticket and verbal reprimand. To reduce traffic accident for young road user, road safety campaigns were organized in many schools in Jakarta. This activity aims to socialize the road safety program to increase road safety awareness among young road users/students including the dissemination of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. Another purpose of this program is to accompany school administrators to set up a School Safe Zone (ZoSS), a location on particular roads in the school environment that are time-based speed zone to set the speed of the vehicle. The purpose of this paper is to promote the road safety campaigns strategies by considering various campaign tools.

The driver of an automobile is the key part of the “driver–car–road–environment” system, the stable functioning of which determines the efficiency and safety of road traffic. The driver as the operator of the “driver –car–road–environment” system receives most of the information from the road, data from moving and standing objects, road signs, traffic lights, surface conditions and traffic conditions. An analysis of most traffic accidents shows that the weakest part of the “driver–car–road–environment" system, restricting its effectiveness and dependability, is the person. To ensure the necessary dependability and safety, the driver of any vehicle must be careful. This is supported by an appropriate psychophysiological state, which, in turn, depends on many factors. The article presents an analysis of research work taking into account the influence of various factors on the dependability of a vehicle driver. Means and methods of research are described. Recommendations are given on creating a stand for studying the influence of the psychophysiological state of the driver on road safety. Keywords Driver dependability; road traffic; automobile; traffic environment; road accidents; road safety

Ahmet Yıldız

Traffic roads are a core element of GIS and many volunteered systems like openstreetmaps have the goal to make road data publicly available. Road users collecting geographical information and sharing them according some rules are a great opportunity to make our roads a safer place. Traffic accidents are a major cause of death and with increase in urbanization and motorization the risk is expected to rise higher. Research regarding road safety is mostly reactive; sections of the road where a lot of accidents has already happened are investigated and possibly causes are identified and then improved. This means, that people have to die in order to make those road sections safe. The system described in this chapter is a proactive method and can be operated by the community or some responsible authority. The gathered data is also very useful for different research areas like social sciences or civil engineering.

2020 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 06008
Prashant Awsarmal ◽  
S. L. Hake ◽  
Shubham Vaidya ◽  
P. K. Bhandari ◽  
M. P. Wagh

Efficient road network is a part-n-parcel of rapid industralization, urbanization and development of nation. While designing roads and highways, main emphasis is given on speed which will help to reduce time of journey and save fuel. But safety of drivers and passengers travelling along road is also important. In past, it was observed that while travelling, due to excess speed passengers safety was compromised. It will lead to accidents. It may cause severe injuries and loss of human life. Therefore it is important to check every aspect of vehicles as well as road during its design, construction and throughout the life of the road. Road safety audit is conducted to check performance of new road projects on grounds of offering maximum safety. Also checks are applied to study performance of existing roads to suggest repairs, rehabiliatation and maintenance work in order to improve condition of roads. During audit process, accident prone locations are identified. Past accident record from traffic department, Police department, hospitals etc are referred to understand damage that had occured. Even road geometry is investigated on technical basis. In present investigation, particular stretch of Beed Bypass Road passing through Aurangabad city in Maharashtra state, India was selected. On this road, accident sites where major accidents occurred in past were identified and investigated for different parameters. Based upon study, different causes of accidents and thereafter preventive methods were recommended during research work.

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