car accidents
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2021 ◽  

The work presented here uses a science-based approach to obtain new understandings on the mechanisms and the ramifications of competition in everyday life. Assuming competition of a Darwinian nature we can deduce an S-shaped pattern for growth in most competitive environments. Examples range from a rabbit population growing in a fenced-off grass field to scientists competing for Nobel-Prize awards. There are secrets embedded in the mathematical law that describes growth in competition. The rate of growth being proportional to the amount of growth already achieved makes beginnings difficult and sheds light on such proverbial wisdom as “you need goal to make gold”. It also argues for the necessity to engage teachers in the learning process. Other revelations are linked to the symmetry of a life-cycle pattern, which possesses predictive power and demystifies the easy-come-easy-go phenomenon. Predictive power characterizes the rapid-growth phase of the S-shaped pattern (rheostasis) as well as the end of the pattern when growth reaches a ceiling (homeostasis) where supply and demand are in equilibrium. The latter phenomenon is best exemplified by society’s tolerance of deadly car accidents because deaths from car accidents have remained at an invariant level for many decades reflecting equilibrium. The mathematical equation for growth in competition when cast in discrete form reveals fluctuations of chaotic nature before and after the rapid-growth phase. This can illuminate the turbulent times before and after the formation of the USSR as well as the tumultuous times of the 1930s in America. Extending the quantitative approach to two species competing in the same niche involves introducing coupling constants that account for how one species impacts the growth rate of the other. A celebrated example is the predator-prey relationship, which is only one of six possible interactions all of which can be encountered in the marketplace where products and companies compete like species. There are six possible dimensions for action in a two-species competitive struggle that can be exploited toward managing competition and setting one’s role/image in the marketplace. An example dealt in detail is the evolution of the number of American Noble-Prize winners whose numbers are not about to begin diminishing. Americans are involved in a win-win competitive struggle with non-American scholars, but Americans are drawing more of a benefit.

2021 ◽  

The concept of a Singularity as described in Ray Kurzweil’s book cannot happen for a number of reasons. One reason is that all natural growth processes that follow exponential patterns eventually reveal themselves to be following S-curves thus excluding runaway situations. The remaining growth potential from Kurzweil’s “knee”, which could be approximated as the moment when an S-curve pattern begins deviating from the corresponding exponential, is a factor of only one order of magnitude greater than the growth already achieved. A second reason is that there is already evidence of a slowdown in some important trends. The growth pattern of the U.S. GDP is no longer exponential. Had Kurzweil been more rigorous in his fitting procedures, he would have recognized it. Moore’s law and the Microsoft Windows operating systems are both approaching end-of-life limits. The Internet rush has also ended — for the time being — as the number of users stopped growing; in the western world because of saturation and in the underdeveloped countries because infrastructures, education, and the standard of living there are not yet up to speed. A third reason is that society is capable of auto-regulating runaway trends as was the case with deadly car accidents, the AIDS threat, and rampant overpopulation. This control goes beyond government decisions and conscious intervention. Environmentalists who fought nuclear energy in the 1980s, may have been reacting only to nuclear energy’s excessive rate of growth, not nuclear energy per se, which is making a comeback now.What may happen instead of a Singularity is that the rate of change soon begins slowing down. The exponential pattern of change witnessed up to now dictates more milestone events during year 2025 than witnessed throughout the entire 20th century! But such events are already overdue today. If, on the other hand, the change growth pattern has indeed been following an S-curve, then the rate of change is about to enter a declining trajectory; the baby boom generation will have witnessed more change during their lives than anyone else before or after them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 11863
Diana Bulgaru-Iliescu ◽  
Andrei Nicolau ◽  
Ștefan Roșca ◽  
Ioan-Adrian Ciureanu ◽  
Florentina Severin

Background. Cervical trauma can be closed or open, have different degrees of severity, incidence rates, prevalence, or mortality, with variations in the presence of demographic factors. The different types of traumatic injuries have a certain pattern of occurrence depending on criteria related to sex, age, alcohol consumption, and socio-demographic factors. Increasing the rate of trauma is becoming a public health problem and it is necessary to study their epidemiology and implement control strategies. Aims. The objectives of the study are to establish the particularities of epidemiological, morphopathological, and pathophysiological factors involved in complex neck traumatology. Methods. The study group consisted of 384 patients, representative for the population of Moldova, who presented at the ENT Clinic, Hospital “St. Spiridon” Iași and the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Iași during 2012–2016, with complex cervical trauma pathology, produced by various mechanisms, such as car accidents, domestic accidents, aggressions, ballistic trauma, self-inflicted attempts, hanging or strangulation. Data were collected from autopsy reports and medical records. Results. Complex cervical trauma occurs with a predisposition in males, with an average age of 43 years, from rural areas. The mechanism of cervical trauma is predominantly self-inflicted—hanging in 78.4% of the total number of cases, followed by 14.8% of stabbing aggression. The majority of neck injuries, both open and closed, are located in anatomical zone II (73.6%), vascular and pharyngeal are produced by stabbing. Psychiatric disorders and blood alcohol levels are correlated with complex cervical trauma caused by self-inflicted mechanism—hanging and can be considered a predictive factor of suicide attempts. Conclusions. Overall, the vast majority of closed neck injuries were caused by the self-inflicted mechanism, attempted suicide by hanging, followed by the accidental mechanism. Regarding the penetrating complex aero-digestive cervical traumas, they were mostly produced by stabbing both in aggression and self-inflicted circumstances. Aggravating addictive factors such as alcoholism and mental disorders require a competent assessment in terms of the indication of institutionalized treatment, prevention of repeated self-inflicted attempts, or social reintegration.

Ashwag Siddik Noorsaeed ◽  
Mohammed Abdullah AlMuhanna ◽  
Lujain Hussain Aljurbua ◽  
Salihah Abdulaziz Alturki ◽  
Nojoud Omar Balubaid ◽  

Traumatic damage to the teeth and oral tissues are the most common causes of tooth fracture. Because of their location in the oral cavity, front teeth in the upper jaw are the most commonly fractured. Sports, car accidents, and physical violence are the most prevalent causes. Cracked teeth are often diagnosed by visually inspecting the tooth (preferably utilizing microscopes). The size and form of the fracture plane are not always determined by looking at the crack line. One factor that contributes to the difficulty of effectively making an endodontic diagnosis is the inability to visualize the depth of the fracture through a clinical exam alone. Transillumination, microscopes and dyes are a useful tool for finding and diagnosis of the crack, treatment of the crack depends on the type, extend of the crack as well as the condition of the patient. In this review we’ll be looking at the diagnosis, etiology and management of fractured teeth.

2021 ◽  
pp. 17-22
L.E. Mekhantieva ◽  
A.N. Artemov ◽  
V.P. Ilyichev ◽  

The purpose of the study is to determine the role of telecommunication technologies in increasing the efficiency of Voronezh Regional Clinical Center for Disaster Medicine. Materials and methods of research. The data contained in analytical reports and other documentation of the Center for 2018-2020 in terms of identifying patterns of their change with the introduction of telecommunications technologies were analyzed. Results of the study and their analysis. Introduction of telemedicine technologies in the work of the Center resulted in increase of volume of rendering of medical care by its specialists. The neurosurgeons were the most demanded specialists, who performed telemedical consultations, which is mostly related to the necessity of performing consultations for the doctors of trauma centers of the II and III levels, engaged in treatment of victims of car accidents. Voronezh Regional Clinical Center for Disaster Medicine plans to further expand the use of telecommunication technologies not only in treating victims of road accidents, but also victims of other man-made and natural emergencies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 ◽  
pp. 106022
Alessandro De Chiara ◽  
Idoia Elizalde ◽  
Ester Manna ◽  
Adrian Segura-Moreiras

R. Marzoug ◽  
N. Lakouari ◽  
H. Ez-Zahraouy ◽  
B. Castillo Téllez ◽  
M. Castillo Téllez ◽  

M. El Mekawy ◽  
M. Issa ◽  
E. Perjons

Abstract. This paper reports on the results and further extensions of a concept project that was financially supported by VINNOVA (Sweden’s innovation agency). The project aims, by integrating BIM and GIS, to support traffic safety and contribute towards decreasing the probability of car accidents in general and car-bicycle in more specific. The main objective of the project was to investigate different technologies that support the out- and indoor navigation of moving objects on building and geospatial city models based on BIM and GIS, and to present real life objects which help traffic users in taking better decisions. The concept study had a consortium of six partners (academic and industrial). The project resulted in a proposed solution to be implemented in the ongoing extension of the same project. The proposed solution is argued to be comprehensive that utilises BIM-GIS integration, their capabilities and Real Time Positioning Services (RTPS) for smart cities’ applications. Beside its scientific impact, it can be strongly argued that the proposed solution has a high potential for social-economic impact in creating the awareness and framework for automotive, light-weight vehicles manufacturers and automotive appliances suppliers to collaborate in facing this type of rising traffic problem. In addition to that, the open-source nature of the project will encourage different industrial parties to participate and re-utilize the project’s deliverables in new methods and ideas.

2021 ◽  
Sheela. S ◽  
Jothika. D. E ◽  
Swarnapriya. N ◽  
Vishali. B. R

Driver drowsiness has become one of the leading causes of car accidents in recent years resulting in serious physical injuries, fatalities and substantial financial losses. According to statistics, are liable driver drowsiness detection system is needed to warn the driver before a collision occurs. Behavioural, physiological and vehicle based measures are used by researchers to assess driver drowsiness. A thorough examination of these measures will shed light on the current systems, their problems, and the improvements that must be made in order to create a reliable system. By doings other measures will reveal existing systems, their flaws and the changes that must be made in order to produce a credible system.

Ahmed Osman Abdullah ◽  
Abrar Ali Aldhameen ◽  
Razan Mohammed Almutairi ◽  
Nada Abdullah Asiri ◽  
Abdulaziz amer Alshehri ◽  

The absence of a patent ear canal, which can be acquired or congenital, is known as Aural Atresia. The most common cause of acquired Aural Atresia is an inflammatory response to trauma or otologic surgery. Although rare, acquired Aural Atresia is most commonly found after external ear trauma, such as car accidents, gunshot wounds, or recent otologic surgery. The main treatment of Aural Atresia is surgical, also the invention of bone anchored hearing devices provide greater alternative solution, each methods has its advantages of disadvantages, we hope In the future of developing more effective treatment options.

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