Ni Putu Suci Meinarni ◽  
Komang Redy Winatha ◽  
I Putu Pedro Kastika Yasa ◽  
Arya Aditya Widya Semara

AbstractSD Negeri 1 Perean Kangin is a partner in the Community Partnership Program, which is one of the state primary schools located in the Baturiti Tabanan area, where the environment around the school is still a beautiful rural environment with little technological development. The problem faced is the lack of awareness of the potential of organic waste contained in their environment, and knowledge of the importance of sorting rubbish, which still piles up various types of garbage in one trash can. The purpose of this activity is to increase awareness and increase students' knowledge and skills to sort and manage waste, especially organic waste. The presentation method is used to describe in general the concept of waste segregation and by staying interactive with students. The material presented is the difference between organic and inorganic waste, and how to use it according to the type of waste, and the results of organic waste management. The results of activities that have been carried out are the presentation of material on organic and inorganic waste, as well as training in making compost as a result of organic waste processing. Based on the activities that have been carried out students are able to sort waste according to its type.Keywords: Environment, Community Partnership Program, Waste, Compost Fertilizer.�AbstrakSD Negeri 1 Perean Kangin adalah mitra dalamProgram Kemitraan Masyarakat yang merupakan salah satu sekolah dasar negeri yang terdapat di daerah Baturiti Tabanan, dimana lingkungan disekitar sekolah merupakan lingkungan pedesaan yang masih asri dengan terpengaruh sedikit perkembangan teknologi. Masalah yang dihadapi adalah kurangnya kesadaran terhadap potensi sampah organik yang terdapat di sekitar lingkungan mereka, dan pengetahuan tentang pentingnya pemilahan sampah, yang masih menumpuk sampah berbagai jenis dalam 1 tempat sampah. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan menambah pengetahuan dan keterampilan siswa untuk memilah dan mengelola sampah khususnya sampah organik. Metode presentasi digunakan untuk menjabarkan secara umum konsep pemilahan sampah dan dengan tetap interaktif dengan siswa. Adapun materi yang disampaikan adalah perbedaan sampah organik dan an organik, serta cara pemanfaatannya sesuai dengan jenis sampah, dan hasil dari pengelolaan sampah organik. Hasil kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan adalah pemaparan materi tentang sampah organik dan an organik, serta pelatihan pembuatan pupuk kompos sebagai hasil dari pengolahan sampah organik. Berdasarkan kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan siswamampu untuk memilah sampah sesuai dengan jenisnya.Kata Kunci: Lingkungan, Program Kemitraan Masyarakat, Sampah, Pupuk Kompos.

Mujahiddin ◽  
Yurisna Tanjung ◽  
Sahran Saputra

The implementation of the Community Partnership Program (PKM) was carried out in Pematang Johar Village. This village was chosen because the waste management activities still use the Kumpul-Angkut-Dispose system. In addition, it is still a community member who manages waste by completing receiving waste, This PKM is carried out by providing training on waste management to the people in Pematang Johar Village. The method in this PKM activity is carried out with two approaches namely; socialization, training and FGD. The results of the PKM implementation show that: community group consisting of PKK Group and BUMDes Management Group have understood the practice of household scale waste management using the 3-R Principle. In addition, community groups have understood and are able to practice organic waste management into compost through the composter method. Community groups also understand and are able to practice inorganic waste management into creative goods such as piggy banks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Hafinuddin Hafinuddin ◽  
Muhammad Arif Nasution

The traditional fish aggregating devices (FADs) have been assist fishing gear i.e. surface gill nets and hand lines to catching pelagic fish. The traditional FADs have been used by partners of fishermen in Aceh Jaya District and that is increased operational/maintenance costs and decreased fishermen's profits. In addition, areca leaves or coconut leaves are increasingly difficult to obtain. Therefore, the palm fiber FAD technology is expected to be able to increase fishermen's income and satisfaction for community who catch fish for fishing recreation or fishing sport. The approach to solving problems was carried out with education, training and mentoring. This community partnership program (PKM) activity was carried out from January to March 2020. The output of PKM activities is to increasing knowledge and skills for fishing communities. In addition, applied of palm fiber FADs can be better than traditional FADs and can be effect to fisherman’s income of recreational fisheries.

M Nilzam Aly ◽  
Marlin Pernilawati Susilawati Ruyawari

Background: Waste is part of environmental problems because the increase in volume of waste correlates with population growth and efforts to reduce waste are still limited. Pataan Village which is one of the villages in Sambeng Subdistrict is also inseparable from the garbage problem. Most of the household waste will be collected in the yard and then burned, both organic and inorganic waste. In Pataan Village, there is already a 3R Waste Disposal Site (TPS) which functions as a place to collect garbage and a place to sort waste, unfortunately it is not functioned optimally due to various obstacles. Purpose: Solve the problem of managing organic waste especially corncobs by maximizing it as a mushroom planting media. Method: Socialization, training and assistance of mushroom cultivation using corncobs media to youth groups who are members of the Karang Taruna Organizations in Pataan Village. Results: The results of training and assistance for 25 days, it can be noted that the optimization of corncobs as a medium for mushroom cultivation can be an effective solution in handling the waste problem in Pataan Village and has the potential to bring up new commodities in Pataan Village in the form of janggel mushrooms. Conclusion:Partners get increased knowledge and skills in utilizing corncobs as a medium for cultivating janggel mushrooms. So that in the next period can be given about how the processing of the janggel mushroom in order to have added value.

Harlina Harlina ◽  
Muhammad Saenong ◽  
Andi Hamdillah

One of the villages in Pangkajene and Islands District is Tamarupa Village, Mandalle District, which is a coastal area. Most of the population are fish farmers. In this village, there is a shrimp farmer group "Sipakaenre II". The main problem faced by farmer group is the low production of shrimp because the technology used is still traditional, relying on natural food and using the monoculture method. Shrimp production can be increased by improving aquaculture technology. For this reason, the purpose of this community partnership program (CPP) was to provide a better understanding and skill to shrimp farmer groups about how to cultivate good shrimp through training activities of polyculture shrimp farming techniques based on Best Aquaculture Practice (BAP). The approach method used to achieve the objectives of the community partnership program was a participatory method. After this activity, there was an increase in the knowledge and skills of farmer group partners about shrimp aquaculture technology with BAP-based on polyculture systems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Rakib ◽  
Ilham Thaief ◽  
Dian Anugrah Sanusi

The partner of this Community Partnership Program (PKM) was Labakkang District Head, Pangkep Regency. The problem is: (1) the lack of public knowledge (housewives and young women) about the use of plastic waste into selling value products and (2) the lack of skills of housewives and young women in processing plastic waste into sale value products. The targets are housewives and young women. The methods used are: observation, testing, training, and evaluation. The results achieved are (1) housewives and young women have very high levels of participation in training in processing plastic waste into valuable products and (2) housewives and young women have the knowledge and skills to process plastic waste into products selling value.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Adya Hermawati ◽  
Choirul Anam ◽  
Candra Aditya ◽  
Dwi Anggarani ◽  
Syamsul Bahri

Abstrak. Motif batik malangan mempunyai makna luhur bagi penggunanya sehingga banyak dimininati oleh masyarakat luas sehingga membuka potensi peluang usaha bagi warga Malang. Potensi dan peluang bisnis pengrajin batik Malangan ini sangat prospektif, namun proses pembuatan dan pemasarannya belum optimal. Pelaksanaan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) ini berfokus pada kelompok Pengrajin Industri Rumah Tangga (IRT) “Batik Asli Malangan” dan Pengrajin IRT “Batik Tradisional Sido Mukti”. Program pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk dapat meningkatkan jumlah produksi secara efisien dengan mentransformasi teknologi. Penambahan canting dan kompor elektrik dari pelaksanaan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM)  ini menjadi salah satu upaya untuk menambah jumlah produksi secara efisien dengan mentransformasi teknologi tersebut. Dalam rangka peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pengusaha Batik Malangan Konvensional di Kelurahan Merjosari Malang dalam hal pembukuan, pemasaran hasil usaha dan pewarnaan batik diadakan pula pelatihan pembukuan, pemasaran hasil usaha dan pewarnaan batik. Pelatihan dilaksanakan disalah satu rumah warga Kelompok Batik Malangan Konvensional di Kelurahan Merjosari Malang dengan jumlah peserta 30 orang pelaku usaha.Kata Kunci: Program Kemitraan Masyarakat, Industri Rumah Tangga, Batik MalangAbstract. Malangan batik motif has a significant meaning for its users so much in demand by the broader community that it opens up potential business opportunities for the citizens of Malang. The potential and business opportunities of Malangan batik artisans are very prospective, but the manufacturing and marketing processes are not optimal. The implementation of the Community Partnership Program (PKM) focuses on the group of Home Industry Craftsmen (IRT) "Original Malangan Batik" and IRT Craftsmen "Sido Mukti Traditional Batik." This community service program is carried out to increase the amount of production efficiently by transforming technology. The addition of canting and electric stoves from the implementation of the Community Partnership Program (PKM) is one of the efforts to increase the amount of production efficiently by transforming technology. This community services aimed to improve the knowledge and skills of Conventional Malangan Batik entrepreneurs in Merjosari Kelurahan Malang in terms of bookkeeping, marketing of business results, and batik coloring, there is also bookkeeping training, marketing of business results and batik coloring. The training was held in one of the houses of residents of the Conventional Malangan Batik Group in Merjosari Village Malang, with a total of 30 participants.Abstrack: Community Partnership Program, Home Industry, Batik Malang 

Daryatmo Daryatmo ◽  
M. Rachman Hakim ◽  
Wempie Pakiding

The purpose of this community partnership program were to provided the knowledge and skills of duck breeder communities in Maros Regency, especially in the hatchery aspect. Community service activities begin with a socialization stage to identify problems under supervision, observe training and mentoring, and post achievement activities. Through the stages of training activities, the service provider together with the breeders implements good hatching egg selection, applies the hatching of eggs using a hatching machine and is followed by handling post-hatch ducks. The level of participation in activities is quite high, with the participation of all breeders during service activities. It is hoped that this activity will increase the livestock population so that the income of breeders can be improved and improve the welfare of the community. In addition, community service activities that have been carried out support local government programs in developing duck livestock populations in the Simbang District, Maros Regency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Syamfitriani Asnur ◽  
Arman Setiawan

The Community Partnership Program (PKM) are people who are members of the Pabbata Ummi TPA Antang Foundation, which consists of Youth and Fathers groups and groups of mothers in RT 02 and 03 Tamangapa Village, Manggala District, Makassar City. The problem is: (1) constraints of knowledge and skills in processing plastic waste, especially for making paving blocks, (2) preparation of paving block manufacturing businesses. The external target is the use of plastic waste and technology that can turn it into a long-lived product so that it does not return to waste in a short time and has a high selling value so that it can improve the standard of living of citizens. The method used is: lectures, demonstrations, discussions, questions and answers, and counterpart partners. The results achieved are (1) partners have knowledge and skills in processing plastic waste, especially paving blocks, (2) partners have preparation to start a business making paving blocks.

2018 ◽  
pp. 154
Gita Srihidayati ◽  
M Rusli Baharuddin ◽  
Eva Dwi Masni

Abstrak: Tujuan dari pelaksanaan kegiatan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) kelompok petani rumput laut adalah untuk memberdayakan kelompok petani dalam meningkatkan nilai guna rumput laut Gracilaria sp. melalui penerapan metode pengeringan menggunakan bambu, mengembangkan diversifikasi produk olahan serta memanfaatkan limbah rumput laut sebagai pupuk organik cair (POC) pada tanaman.  Target dan hasil yang diharapkan dari kegiatan ini adalah: 1) Peningkatan keterampilan petani dalam penanganan pasca panen rumput laut sehingga diperoleh rumput laut kering berkualitas, 2) Peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam mengolah rumput laut menjadi produk olahan 3) Petani mampu membuat Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) berbahan dasar limbah rumput laut. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM menunjukkan bahwa petani rumput laut yang berada di kecamatan Wara Timur Kota Palopo telah menerapkan teknik penanganan pasca panen yang tepat menggunakan alat bambu, mampu mengolah rumput laut menjadi produk olahan serta meminimalisir limbah rumput laut menjadi produk POC yang bermanfaat. Berdasarkan Penilaian Pelaksanaan Kegiatan pemberdayaan kelompok tani melalui peningkatan nilai guna rumput laut Gracilaria sp oleh mitra menunjukkan rerata skor 4,50 (kategori baik).Abstract:  The purpose of the implementation of the Community Partnership Program (CPP) group of seaweed farmers is to empower the group of farmers in increasing the value of the use of Gracillaria sp. seaweed through the application of drying methods using bamboo, developing diversified processed products and utilizing seaweed waste as a liquid organik fertilizer (LOF) on plants. The targets and expected outcomes of this activity are: 1) Improving the skills of farmers in handling post-harvest seaweed to obtain dry seaweed qualified, 2) Increasing the knowledge and skills of partners in processing seaweed into processed products 3) Farmers are able to make LOF from seaweed waste. The results of the implementation of CPP activities shows that seaweed farmers in Wara Timur sub-district of Palopo City have implemented appropriate post-harvest handling techniques using bamboo tools, able to process seaweed into processed products and minimize seaweed waste into useful LOF products. Based on the Assessment of Implementation the empowerment activities of farmer groups through increasing the value of the use of Gracillaria sp. seaweed by partners showed a mean score of 4.50 (good category).

Khuliyah Candraning Diyanah ◽  
Nuzulul Kusuma Putri ◽  
Aditya Sukma Pawitra

Background: The partnership program with the community was held by establishing  a garbage bank and a waste management center in Samirplapan Village, Duduk Sampeyan District, Gresik. Starting with the problem of partners, the large amount of waste generated due to being on the edge of the inter-city connecting road of Gresik- Lamongan that is often passed by many vehicles. The community still has not the knowledge to manage waste becomes more economic value. Purpose: this activity aimed to help the community in utilizing inorganic waste to be more economically valuable through the garbage bank system. While organic waste will be processed in each household into compost using the Takakura method. Methods: This activity ran for 6 months, beginning with the socialization of garbage banks to village communities, technical training, implementation of the garbage bank system, monitoring and evaluation, and development. The targets of this partnership program are PKK (community that focused on woman welfare) and community in Samirplapan village, which are mostly housewives. Results: A Garbage bank in Samirplapan village has been formed with 35 members, participants actively participate in garbage bank activities, and the knowledge of participants has also increased. In addition, participants were given training in handicrafts made from inorganic waste and how to make compost with Takakura. Conclusion: Garbage bank is one form of solution in handling waste problems by applying the principle of 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) based on community.

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