Ika Karyaningsih

Kertawana Village is one of the villages in the District of Kalimanggis Kuningan Regency with a fairly barren area with less rainfall where the agricultural land is only rain-fed agriculture. Empowerment of housewives as members of the community is still classified as a productive workforce is very important, aimed at fostering awareness and independence in doing business, while expanding employment to increase family income. The potential of these housewives needs to be developed because for generations they have the skills to make various crackers. Then the activity in the form of gathering the skills and local knowledge of mothers who have very important to do. The skills of making crackers and their recipes need to be documented so as not to just disappear as one of the cultural heritages and need to provide motivation that these cracker making skills can be the main capital for housewives to produce and be entrepreneurs.Keywords: empowerment; local skills; crackers.AbstrakDesa kertawana adalah salah satu desa di Kecamatan Kalimanggis Kabupaten Kuningan dengan wilayah yang cukup tandus dengan curah hujan yang kurang dimana lahan pertaniannya hanya merupakan pertanian tadah hujan. Pemberdayaan Ibu-ibu rumah tangga sebagai anggota masyarakat masih tergolong sebagai tenaga kerja produktif sangat penting dilakukan, bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran dan kemandirian dalam berusaha, sekaligus memperluas lapangan kerja guna meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga. Potensi ibu-ibu rumah tangga ini perlu dikembangkan sebab secara turun-temurun mereka memiliki keterampilan pembuatan aneka kerupuk. Maka kegiatan berupa penghimpunan keterampilan dan pengetahuan lokal ibu-ibu yang memiliki sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Keterampilan pembuatan kerupuk beserta resepnya perlu didomumentasikan agar tidak hilang begitu saja sebagai salah satu warisan budaya serta perlu memberikan motivasi bahwa keterampilan pembuatan kerupuk ini dapat menjadi modal utama bagi para ibu rumah tangga untuk berproduksi dan berwirausaha.Kata kunci : pemberdayaan; keterampilan lokal; krupuk.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 430
Endi Rekarti ◽  
Zakaria Bahari ◽  
Normaisarah M. Zahari ◽  
Caturida Meiwanto Doktoralina ◽  
Nor Asariah Ilias

The number of women who engage in small entrepreneurs (SMEs) in Malaysia, Kelantan has a high number of Muslim businesswomen whose efforts have been in place for over ten years and their businesses are able to increase family income on sustainable. This paper aims to identify the types of sustainability activities undertaken by Muslim small business women in Kelantan and to analyse the factors that influence the viability of Muslim women entrepreneurs doing business there. A case study was conducted to answer the question of how Muslim women entrepreneurs can be sustainable in business. Interview respondents were selected from a random sampling conducted on 15 Muslim women entrepreneurs in Kelantan. These findings indicate the dry food product business is more sustainable than wet goods because the sale of dry goods is always in demand and does not require much initial capital. This study shows that the factors that influence the survival of Muslim women small entrepreneurs in Kelantan are divided into three categories i.e., First financial capital, the human capital of an inherited business and the family experience gained in the field plays a role. Last, the patient's spiritual element, which is deliberate and honest.

Shankar Chatterjee

Assured water is one of the important inputs for good harvest which is sine qua non for Indian farmers and if water is assured then not only they will sustain but country can prosper, as we all know Gandhiji long ago mentioned, “India does not live in its towns but in its villages” ( on villages).In view of this, we have to focus on development of farmers as they have been providing us food by doing hard labour in all the seasons.Keeping in mind of these, inAhmednagar district of Maharashtra at Bahirwadi village ofAhmednagarblock by constructing awatershedin2001, many farmers as well as 400 acres of agricultural land have been benefitted. Of course rainfall (normal in the area is 500 millimetres) should be normal. Keeping in mind of this, a study was conducted in January 2018 about the crops grown, its production, farmers’ individual family income etc., and for this few farmers were contacted and data were collected from them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-72
Ashekur Rahman Mullick ◽  
Md Shafiur Rahman ◽  
Manzurul Haque Khan ◽  
Irin Hossain ◽  
SK Akhtar Ahmad

Background: This study aimed to assess the extent of socio-demographic factors that affect food insecurity among rural school going children. Methods: A school based cross-sectional study was conducted among 460  rural  school  going children  (class 4  to class I 0) in Saltha upaziila of Faridpur district, Bangladesh  from  January-December,  2019.  Children  providing assent after getting consent from their parents were inducted as study participants. Semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data on the food insecurity and socio-demographic variables. The study was conducted in  Saltha upaziila of Faridpur district, Bangladesh from January-December, 2019 Results: Among the participants about 59.3% were moderately food insecure which means they were deprived of psychological and physical access to food. 53.7% were female and 88.3% of them were Muslims , 30.7% were from class 8, 70.7% were from nuclear family, 93% had siblings , 92% resided into house on their own land , 78.5% had own agricultural land and in 52.7% cases participant's father were farmer and their mean income was 98208.18 ± 13618.196 Taka per. 35.2% lived in both Semi Pucca house and Tin Shade house and 7 I% had domestic animal in their hou se, such as goat, sheep, cow, duck, hen etc., 41.5% had television in their house but 52% didn't have refrigerator in their house. There was a statistically significant relationship between food insecurity and age of participants (p- 0.000),educational status (p- 0.000),head of family (p- 0.008),occupation of father (p- 0.0IO). yearly ineome of family member (p-0.000), house type (p-0.000). Conclusion: National policies and programs need to stress on how to improve family income earning capacity and socioeconomic status to handle food insecurity. JOPSOM 2020; 39(1): 67-72

Setia Budhi ◽  
Sri Hidayah ◽  
Ismar Hamid ◽  
Siti Aulia ◽  
Muhammad Agrianto Suwandi

In the last five years, the world's attention has shifted to food security in relation to climate change adaptation and mitigation, particularly in 2008, when food prices skyrocketed, causing famine in Cape Africa and even the Sahel, which is still feeling the effects of this famine in 2012. In the same year, the OHCHR report (the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights) notes the need to safeguard food security and nutrition in the context of Human Rights. A major shift occurred in Indonesian agriculture due to the 1999 eruption of Mount Elanor. A focus on climate influences has been a prominent component of the Indonesian government's policy regarding agriculture for some time. Plant-resistant crops or programs for mitigating climate change take the form of either of these options. Culminating a significant development in policies to secure food security, such as protection of agricultural land, various policies were created to evaluate land use and regulations of the Minister of Agriculture pertaining to guidelines for land use. The study, which was done for a period of six months, has a goal of learning more about the Banjar people's local knowledge on climate change. By collecting data from locals, such as farmers, community leaders, and village heads, who have detailed knowledge about Banjar customs and traditions, and from Banjar people who are selected for the research in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan, qualitative methods and collection of local knowledge and local wisdom strategies were employed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (6) ◽  
pp. 2059-2072

Iskandar J, Mubarokah M, Kusmoro J, Partasasmita R. 2018. Ethnobotany of banana plants (Musa x paradisiaca) of Palintang Hamlet, Cipanjalu Village, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 2059-2072. Rural people of West Java have traditionally farmed many varieties (landraces) of bananas (Musa x paradisca L) in the agroecosystem of homegardens and gardens. Because of the increasing human population, rapid rate of agricultural land conversion to other land uses, intensive penetration of market economy to rural areas, and introduction and selection in favor of banana landraces having good taste for culinary and high market price, some landraces of bananas have become rare, even locally extinct in rural areas. The main purpose of this study was to elucidate local knowledge of Palintang people on landraces, population, local farming management, and utilization of bananas. The mixed methods, qualitative and quantitative were applied in this study, while some techniques of collecting primary data, mainly observation, participant observation, semi-structured interview, structured interview, semi-quantitative population of banana plant were carried out. The results of study showed that 18 landraces of bananas have been recorded in Palintang hamlet. Local knowledge or traditional ecological knowledge of Palintang people on bananas have been predominantly obtained from individual personal experiences and from the parents and ancestors, inherited from generation to generation via oral communication. Most banana landraces cultivated by Palintang farmers have superior culinary aspect, particularly good taste, and high price. As a result, some landraces of bananas considered not having good taste and having low price have rarely been planted in the gardens. Banana trees have traditionally been cultivated by farmers of Palintang based on traditional ecological knowledge and which has been culturally embedded. There are 7 main stages of banana cultivation, namely preparation of banana suckers, land preparation, planting, caring, harvesting, post-harvesting management, and utilization of bananas for home consumption and sale through village middlemen and market. The banana cultivation has dramatically changed due to both ecosystem and rural community’s socio-cultural changes.

Land ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 90 ◽  
Ronja Herzberg ◽  
Tung Gia Pham ◽  
Martin Kappas ◽  
Daniel Wyss ◽  
Chau Thi Minh Tran

Land evaluation is a process that is aimed at the sustainable development of agricultural production in rural areas, especially in developing countries. Therefore, land evaluation involves many aspects of natural conditions, economic, and social issues. This research was conducted in a hilly region of Central Vietnam to assess the land suitability of potential agricultural land use types that are based on scientific and local knowledge. In the frame of this research, Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA); Analytical Hierarchy Analysis (AHP); Geographic Information System (GIS); and, scoring based scientific literature and local knowledge were applied for Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) for land use evaluation. The results of the PRA survey reveal that five plants offer great agricultural potential in the research area, namely rice, cassava, acacia, banana, and rubber. The land suitability of each plant type varies, depending on physical conditions as well as economic and social aspects. Acacia and cassava represent the most suitable plant types in the research area. Recommendations regarding agricultural land use planning in the A Luoi district are brought forward based on the land evaluation results. The combination of scientific and local knowledge in land assessment based on GIS technology, AHP, and PRA methods is a promising approach for land evaluation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 191
Миро И. Џакула ◽  
Бојан Ј. Данон

Резиме: Лоше економско–социјалне прилике у Босни и Херцеговини: висока стопа незапослености, стагнација БДП-а, слаба покривеност увоза извозом, необрађено пољопривредно земљиште, недостатак домаћих и страних инвестиција, упућују на потребу да се са стручног аспекта одговори на питање: у каквом је стању пословни амбијент у Босни и Херцеговини, што је суштина проблема истраживања у овом раду. Кориштењем метода анализе, дедукције и индукције, а темељено на публикацији Свјетске банке Doing Bussiness, те другим релевантним изворима података, у овом раду је недвосмислено потврђена главна истраживачка хипотеза: Пословни амбијент у БиХ је у лошем стању и спада међу лошије у региону. Такође смо, користећи се идентичним методама као и код главне хипотезе, потврдили и споредну хипотезу: Политички фактор и политичка нестабилност су главне препреке развоју пословног амбијента у БиХ. У посљедњем дијелу рада дате су опште препоруке за унапријеђене економије и пословног амбијент у БиХ.Summary: Poor economic and social situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina; high unemployment rate, stagnation of GDP, week export/import ratio, uncultivated agricultural land, lack of domestic and foreign investments, all is pointing to importance of professional answering to the questionin what condition is business environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is the essence of the research problem in this paper. Using the methods of analysis, deduction and induction, based on World Bank’s publication „Doing Business” and other relevant data sources, this paper has undoubtedly confirmed main research hypothesis: The business environment in BiH is in poor condition and is among the worst in the region. Using the same methods, we have also confirmed supporting hypothesis: The political factor and political instabilityare major obstacles to the development of the business environment in BiH. In the last part of the paper, are given general recommendations for improving the economy and business environment in BiH.

2012 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
Rini Fidiyani ◽  
Ubaidillah Kamal

Pranara mangsa is a local knowledge on the management of agricultural land for the Javanese people. This study aimed to determine the ability of Jawva to read the laws of nature and the existence of pranata mangsa on people Banyumas today. What is there in nature is a manifestation of God’s eternal law that by Him manifested in signs of nature. How to interpret the laws of nature by which Java is used as a benchmark in managing land called pranata mangsa.Pranata mangsa are dynamic institution, especially with the uncertain climate change. For farmers Banyumas, pranata mangsa remains a benchmark, but as the development of science and technology, pranata mangsa becoming obsolete. This is a threat to the existence of pranata mangsa as national heritage. Key words: pranata mangsa, anthropology of law, natural law, the Javanese 

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Muhamad Zaril Gapari

The purpose of this study is to know the role of women in improving family economy in the South Sakra Village, Sakra District East Lombok Year. The type of research used in this study is research Qualitative descriptive. The data collection technique used is technique observation, documentation, and interviews. The results of the study indicate that there are several factors within socio-cultural life of the people of the Sakra Village south of Dasan Tereng Village which affects the women farmers to help in life the family economy, namely: mutual cooperation and help in the life of the farmer's family. and there are four important factors that become encouraging women of South Sakra Village farmers to take part in help the family's economic life, including: (1) environmental factors the availability of supporting facilities in the form of agricultural land and markets that can support in expanding marketing of agricultural products (2) economic factors, namely: the decreasing level of income of farmers, in the farming community Southern sakra village has three forms of the role of female farmers in life his family, namely: in family income, in financial management and in household settings. (3) family factors, namely: number dependents, the more the number of dependents the more you have to fulfilled. (4) education factor, which does not require higher education, so this work becomes an alternative. The form of the role of female farmers in improving the family economy in the South Hamlet Sakra Village Dasan Tereng has three things: (1) working in the agricultural sector, (2) working in the livestock sector, (3) working in the trade sector. Based on the things above women farmers in the southern sakra village have a dual role, namely public role and domestic role to help economic life his family.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Neni Wahyuningtyas

Perempuan dalam setiap bencana umumnya hanya dipandang sebagai korban yang pasif dan tidak melakukan apa-apa setelah bencana terjadi. Padahal peran perempuan dalam bencana dapat berpengaruh besar dalam percepatan upaya pemulihan pasca bencana. Dari hasil pengolahan data mentah dilapangan, strategi adaptasi yang dilakukan oleh perempuan Desa Pandansari pasca erupsi Gunungapi Kelud tahun 2014 mencakup adaptasi sosial dan ekonomi. Pada adaptasi sosial beberapa perempuan mengalokasikan seluruh anggota keluarga untuk bekerja, bentuk lain dari adaptasi ini adalah dengan adanya kegiatan kumpul warga yang rutin dilakukan seminggu sekali. Dan pada adaptasi ekonomi, beberapa perempuan  menerapkan diversifikasi pekerjaan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga sementara menunggu lahan pertanian dapat diolah kembali. Seluruh bentuk adaptasi tersebut merupakan upaya untuk memulihkan sumber-sumber penghidupan dengan cepat.Kata kunci: sumber penghidupan, berkelanjutan, perempuan, dan KeludABSTRACT Women in every disaster are generally only seen as passive victims and do nothing after the disaster. Whereas the role of women in disasters can have a major impact in the acceleration of post-disaster recovery efforts. From the results of raw data processing in the field, adaptation strategies implemented by Pandansari Village women after the eruption of Gunungapi Kelud in 2014 include social and economic adaptation. In social adaptation some women allocate all family members to work, another form of adaptation is with the regular gathering of citizens once a week. And in economic adaptation, some women apply job diversification to increase family income while waiting for agricultural land to be reprocessed. All forms of adaptation are an attempt to restore livelihood resources quickly.Keywords: livelihood, sustainable, women, and Kelud

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