Volodymyr Vytiuk

The article researches the feasibility and relevance of implementating the 5th group of the simplified tax system. The existing scientific researches and legislative initiatives on this issue are analyzed. A significant increase of registered individual entrepreneurs in the Ukrainian IT industry has been detected (overall increase of registered entrepreneurs of the three main IT KVED for 2018-2020 increased to 44.27%, reaching 188,539 people). It was noted that starting from the 1st half of 2019, KVED 62.01. Computer programming has surpassed retail trade and has taken the first position. The strong agreement about the need to shift perception of the simplified taxation system – from legitimate method of aggressive tax minimization to a tool for the development of small business and personal entrepreneurship has been reached. The positive impact of the IT sector growth on the economic development of Ukraine has been proven. Main attention was focused on the possible extraction of the IT industry into a particular group of the simplified taxation system. The practical economic feasibility of such a decision was substantiated. The author’s own concept of such a reform is proposed, which provides for the creation of a particular 5th group of simplified taxation. Its main features are: turnover tax rate should be increased to 10% and preferential conditions for legal entities will be offered simultaneously. The importance of canceling the “income ceiling” within the group was emphasized, while setting the income criterion at the level of 75% from the provision of IT services is needed. The absence of large Ukrainian IT legal entities with a permanent staff of employees is noted as a matter of fact. At the same time, the vast majority of actors apply “Business-to-business” schema. The level of taxation of the IT sector in foreign jurisdictions has been investigated and compared to Ukrainian conditions. The preferential and discriminatory nature of legal tax regulation of individual entrepreneurs has been established. Further growth of the IT industry provided the implementation of the author’s concept is predicted. The necessity of forming a positive tax culture and fair setting of tax rates was emphasized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (525) ◽  
pp. 122-128
S. V. Priymak ◽  
Y. M. Romaniv ◽  
Y. I. Harazdovska ◽  

The article discloses the theoretical, practical and legal principles of regulation of activities and taxation of IT companies in Ukraine, in particular, the legal support for the formation, functioning and development of the IT industry is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the structure and main tasks of the National Program of Informatization in Ukraine, other economic and tax legislation that guide IT companies in their activities. The analysis of the IT services market in Ukraine for 2018-2020 was carried out and the dynamics of tax payment by domestic IT specialists in 2017-2020 were analyzed, which indicated the successful functioning and transformation of the market. The volume of products produced and sold in 2020 is increased by UAH 134.2 billion compared to 2018, and the total amount of taxes paid in 2020 compared to 2017 is increased by UAH 3,569 million. Enterprises of the industry and individual entrepreneurs are profitable: in 2020, an IT specialist accounted for UAH 37,757 of the taxes paid. The choice of taxation system is especially relevant for the IT business of Ukraine. The ability to carry out professional activities as an individual entrepreneur and pay a single tax is an important condition for the development of the domestic IT industry, ensuring the competitiveness of IT specialists in the capital market. At the same time, the application of a simplified tax system is a certain manipulation of the norms of the tax legislation used by IT companies in order to minimize the tax burden. The necessity of development of the domestic IT market is substantiated, the main trends and prospects for the development and optimization of taxation are determined to strengthen the competitiveness of companies in both domestic and global IT markets. The elaboration of transparent principles and rules of taxation will have a positive impact on the development of the domestic IT industry.

Rattana Pinthong ◽  
Paiboon Pajongwong ◽  
Thamrongsak Svetalekth

The purpose of this research to study of taxation system, taxpayers, taxation agencies, tax rates, penalties, term and conditions of tax privileges and comparative analysis of taxation systems between Thailand and Philippines. The findings of tax system comparison were the difference of tax collection organization between Thailand and Philippines, however, both countries have the same tax system that are tax baskets, tax regulations, tax benefits. From these findings can be concluded that taxpayers or entity in Thailand has more advantage than Philippines’s in tax allowance regulations, personal tax income allowance favoured to taxpayers for lower tax rate. Moreover, the tax rate in Thailand is lower than in Philippines resulting to proprietors or investors could bring these proceeds to expand their business or investment, finally, it will generate economic growth.

2020 ◽  
pp. 231-238
Є. М. Найдьон ◽  
В. А. Сандул

The relevance of the article is that tax benefits play a significant role in shaping a sustainable and developed economy because the system of benefits is a kind of guide for legal entities and individuals when choosing their field of activity, forms of income, benefits reduce tax pressure on taxpayers. The task of tax benefits is not only the equality of all in the field of taxation, but also to stimulate enterprises, including enterprises that use IT technologies, a tool to improve the economic situation in Ukraine. This issue becomes especially relevant in the context of the European integration process, when our country is increasingly entering the European economic arena. Accordingly, Ukraine needs to develop an effective tax system for providing benefits and advantages to progressive industries, including IT. The purpose of the article is to identify areas for improvement of the procedure for providing tax benefits to businesses operating in the field of IT, taking into account European standards. In the article the author considers the peculiarities of the purpose of tax benefits for the IT industry. Relevant issues of tax policy development related to the support and development of the IT industry have been identified. The normative legal acts in the field of taxation of the IT industry and the main directions of its improvement in accordance with international standards are studied. The need to create a preferential tax regime for companies operating in the IT industry has been established. It is concluded that the growth of the IT industry requires a stable fiscal policy, which would provide benefits and advantages to new progressive companies, thereby helping to fill the state treasury. However, today Ukraine is only taking the first steps to improve the taxation system of the IT industry, develops and improves legislation in this area, in accordance with the problems of practice, and therefore the issue of creating an effective preferential tax regime for IT industries remains open and needs further study. taking into account the experience of European and other developed countries, the taxation models of which can serve as a basis for the Ukrainian tax system and tax regimes.

2016 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 174-204 ◽  
John Creedy ◽  
Norman Gemmell

This article considers the question of whether marginal tax rates (MTRs) in the US income tax system are on the “right” side of their respective Laffer curves. Previous attention has tended to focus specifically on the top MTR. Conceptual expressions for these “revenue-maximizing elasticities of taxable income” (ETI L), based on readily observable tax parameters, are presented for each tax rate in a multi-rate income tax system. Applying these to the US income tax, with its complex effective marginal rate structure, demonstrates that a wide range of revenue-maximizing ETI values can be expected within, and across, tax brackets and for all taxpayers in aggregate. For some significant groups of taxpayers, these revenue-maximizing ETIs appear to be within the range of empirically estimated elasticities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 142-153 ◽  
M. M. Yumayev

The subject of the research is mineral extraction tax evolution as the main rental payment in mineral resources sector.The purposesof the work are to determine the role of the mineral extraction tax in the current taxation system, assessment of its influence on the extracting industries development, studying key problems in taxation methodology and policy, proposals on the development of mineral extraction tax mechanisms submission. The author analyses the tax current state, compliance to the criteria of economic efficiency and principles of taxation, the reforming of the mineral extraction tax and the newest trends in the sphere are assessed.The author emphasizes scientific basis for oil metering perfection, correlation between metrological and economic aspects of this metering, assessment of influence of systemic approach to the raw materials transported by oil-trunk pipelines quality.The author also analyses special tax relieves in mineral extraction taxation and their influence on the budget revenue, considers the unsolved problems of cost of extracted solid minerals and tax  incentives for import substitution of some minerals basing on the public statistics, tax statistics, forecasts for social economic development and the main directions of budget, tax and customs policies. The research resulted in arguments for the necessity of transition to specific tax rates for solid mineral extraction taxation that should be adjusted taking into consideration some factors that are used for tax differentiation in taxation of hydrocarbon extraction; also conceptual features of reliable inventory-making for hydrocarbons have been developed; an assessment of special tax relieves in mineral extraction taxation is given. It is concluded that application of the rated method of calculating taxation base in mineral extraction taxation is economically meaningless as the real value of the extracted materials is not taken into account. Taxation base for mineral extraction must be defined not as value, but as the amount of the extracted mineral, and tax rate should be defined according a proposed formular.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Furkat Bazarov

The research studies impacts of new tax changes to the small businesses, unemployment and to economic growth in Uzbekistan. The study shows that the tax policy directed on perfection of tax mechanisms, reduction of tax rates aimed to raise economic efficiency of manufacturing and increasing individual income. As a result from year to year the tax burden is reduced and the taxation order becomes simpler. Empirical analysis shows that only for last seven years the general tax burden in economy was reduced with 40 to 27 percent. The author found problems existing in small business taxation and generalizes recommendations for simplification of tax system and tax administration. 

Ekonomika ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 84 ◽  
Edyta Małecka-Zieńska

The Polish taxation system has been undergoing substantial changes in recent years, aimed at creating a more transparent system and conforming to the taxation standards of market economy countries. The two most important changes were introduction of the personal income tax (PIT) in 1992 and replacement of the turnover tax with the value added tax (VAT) in 1993. The uniform personal income tax covered all incomes generated by natural persons irrespective of where the sources of income are located. The reform provided also a more equitable distribution of the tax burden by introducing a progressive system with three nominal tax rates (in 1992-20%, 30%, 40%).A comparative study of the effective PIT rate for pensioners and other groups of PIT payers is the main goal of this paper. The study refers to our own research on data received from The information of Polish Ministry of Finance about accounting of PIT in several subsequent years. Statistics cover a period from 1993 to 2003. However, numbers of taxpayers refer also to year 1992 when the PIT has been established and a period from 2004 to 2006.Concluding the situation in Poland, taxpayers with the highest income make exhaustive use of tax reductions. There are occurring situations when well-off people benefit more than people with relatively minor income (e. g. pensioners). It happens even if most of deductions were aimed generally at all taxpayers. Such a situation reduces the impression of the system fairness. Because tax deductions reduce budgetary revenues, the foregone revenues have to be compensated by other taxes or / and higher rates. Therefore, the system of deductions and relief, on the one hand, supports the special gains (e. g. house building), however, on the other it generates costs. It is possible that the reduction of tax rate for the I tax bracket and removal of some tax exemptions and deductions would make the Polish personal income tax more transparent, equal and simple.

Owner ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 709-721
Kalyana Mitta Kristanti

In 2022, Indonesia would apply changes in tax brackets and rates for personal income tax. This adjustment is based on the Article 17 Paragraph 1 Tax Harmonization Law Number 7 of 2021. The government tries to accommodate the needs of the community through formulating process of this regulation. In particular, it provides convenience to the lower-middle income community and encourages an even distribution of income. People belonging to the high wealth income will be subject to the highest tariffs that have just been set through this law. Through a qualitative descriptive method in which data collection is carried out by taking from literature review; law, articles, books, and website, the author tries to analyze changes in brackets and rates of personal income tax. This study presents illustrations of the calculation to explain the difference in the amount of income tax payable before and after the implementation of the Tax Harmonization Law. In addition, the analysis of the principles of equity and democracy on the adjustment of layers and tax rates is elaborated in this paper. The results obtained explain that with the application of the new tax rate, taxpayers get a tax burden relief because the tax expense is lower due to the broadening of income range. However, wealthy taxpayers will pay more taxes because of the higher tax rates. This condition proves that the new tax rate supports vertical fairness in the taxation system. In addition, the implementation of regulations related to tax rates adjustment provides evidence that the implementation of democracy has been implemented. The adjustment of tax brackets and rates has a positive impact on the community and the government so that the allocation of tax revenues can run optimally to support the welfare of the community.

Brandusa Tudose ◽  
Constantin Strapuc

Summarizing the results of theoretical and empirical research, the paper aims to analyze the impact of tax system on global competitiveness through the following three variables: taxation on incentives to invest; total tax rate and taxation on incentives to work. Summarizing the analysis to the European Union member states, the paper presents rankings and provides interpretations for each case. Luxembourg is the country where there is registered: a) the biggest impact on competitiveness of tax policies supporting investment, b) the largest fiscal affordability (measured by GDP/capita and total tax rate) and c) the most generous labor taxation system in the EU. However, in the ranking realized based on the global competitiveness index Luxembourg ranks on the 22nd place, on the first place being Finland.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-121
Ismayantika Dyah Puspasari ◽  
Zulistiani Zulistiani

The purpose of this study is to analyze the positive impact of the issuance of Government Regulation no. 23 of 2018 on the growth of MSMEs in terms of capital, profits, and business value. The research method uses a qualitative phenomenological Tran-sendental approach to the concept of "I" with the affirmation of the existence of "I" distinguish one UMKM from another UMKM in seeing the impact of reducing tax rates. The results of this study are that both informants explicitly stated they felt supported by the government with a reduction in the {noema} tax rate so that for them it provided more benefits.

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