Decision Support System for Direct Target Cash Recipients Using the AHP and K-Means Method

Teguh Sri Pamungkas ◽  
Agus Susilo Nugroho ◽  
Ichsan Wasiso ◽  
Tri Anggoro ◽  
Kusrini Kusrini

<strong><em>In the Covid-19 pandemic situation, the government organized a Direct Cash Assistance as known as BLT for the people who were affected by Covid-19. The nominal amount of BLT received by the public is Rp. 600,000 per month. But in fact, the amount of BLT quota is not proportional to the list of BLT recipients submitted by regional officials, in this case, RT (Rukun Tetangga). So, to find out who is really suitable or appropriate, a decision-making system is needed so that the deposit of the BLT from the government can be right on target in accordance with the criteria set by the government. Stages of the study began with clustering of weights. After that, it is entered into the system to do a decision support process with AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). The target of this research is the application that can be used to assist the government in distributing BLT to be right on target. Based on the functional testing of the system, the functions in the system have been succeeded according to plan. This system has successfully applied the K-Means and AHP methods for decision making, to receive direct cash assistance from the government. This system has a 100% accuracy rate. Where the most important criteria in this system are income with a weight of 0.394142515, ownership of a house with a weight of 0.231035138, number of dependents with a weight of 0.190359096, age with a weight of 0.081077616, employment with a weight of 0.058111736, and weight with a weight of 0, 045273898</em></strong>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-34
Anis Nadhiroh ◽  
Dewi Agustianingsi ◽  
Diajeng Syahdania Syahdania ◽  
Dian Prasti M

Efforts Government provides social assistance in order to fulfill all the needs of the economy for the people, especially the business of Micro Small Medium Enterprises are exposed to the impact of the virus covid-19 turned out to be still considered not optimal. So many actors business who think that aid social who do not and have not been precisely targeted and The Government also recognizes the problem that, until the time of this Ministry of Social Affairs and the government is still updating the data in order to precisely target. The case is suspected to be due to data collection that is not in accordance with facts and is not real-time in each region. Inputting the data in manually in the District Paiton Probolinggo risk not the right target, the receiver doubles as well as there are elements – elements that utilize state of the. Be because the methods TOPSIS expected to be able to determine the criteria of Enterprises of Micro Small Medium Enterprises are entitled to receive the assistance of social COVID-19. Method of TOPSIS is a method that uses calculations or that provides the kinds of criteria specified which have a weight of up to the value end of the weight will be the decision final. Method of TOPSIS it refers to the benchmark Enterprises Micro Small Medium Enterprises or actors effort that deserves receive the corresponding data is relevant.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 1396-1417
Resi Ariyasa Qadri ◽  
Amrie Firmansyah

Purpose of the study: This paper aims to elaborate on how the institutional logic of public housing provision transforms from the old logic into the new logic. By encapsulating tacit-knowledge from the shift, this study focuses on how to explicate a model of multi-criteria decision-making for executing official residence projects in Indonesia. This research also aims to recuperate the future of the public residency field. Methodology: The methodology employed was a mixed method. The qualitative method was firstly applied by utilizing semi-structured interviews to build a decision-making model. Later, a quantitative method was implemented to improve the consistency of the model by using the Analytical Hierarchy Process protocols. Thirteen project representatives and ten decision-makers were being involved as the main informants. Google Sheets web-based software was applied for analyzing survey results by making use of a mathematical model for the Analytical Hierarchy Process. Main Findings: The result indicates that land not used as paddy field, fair house price, safe from flood location, serene ambiance, and developer experience has played a significant part in affecting buying decisions for residency projects. To carry out the new method, the total scores of the AHP calculation should be above 50. Otherwise, the government shall opt for the old mechanism. Applications of this study: The paper contributes to the public sector accounting field in the area of asset management and public housing procurement. The paper also gives a strong basis for the field to make use of the model of Indonesia's public housing provision. The government can adopt the research framework for choosing the new model or the old one. Novelty/Originality of this study: This study might be the only one of its kind. The research was using a multi-method to achieve the objectives. To generate a multi-criteria decision-making model, grounded data of excessive interviews were abstracted. Then the abstracted tacit-knowledge was tested with AHP to provide a consistent model.

Sherif Kamel

This case focuses on the use of crisis management support systems in Egypt in leveraging the decision-making process in the government and the public sector for socioeconomic development. It describes the experience of the Egyptian public sector in socioeconomic decision-making and the related emergence of an information-based support organization for the government “Information and Decision Support Center”. The case reflects on the type of decision-making and the crisis management mode of operation at the top policy level and the needs and requirements in terms of resources and infrastructure to support the decision-making process. The case addresses the basics and concepts of crisis management support systems in the context of a developing country, Egypt, stemming from the experience of the Information and Decision Support Center from 1985 to date, the growing implications of the information and communication technology evolution and the lessons learned in responding to crisis management situations in supporting decision and strategic issues at the government and the public sector. The essence of the case is to address the use of advanced information systems in responding to socioeconomic development needs. The case demonstrates the use of management and decision support systems in a crisis mode that has had a number of successes over the last decade that implied concrete results within the developmental process that Egypt, a developing country, is realizing.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 282
Supriatin Supriatin ◽  
Bambang Soedijono Wiraatmadja ◽  
Emha Taufiq Luthfi

Bantuan Langsung Sementara Masyarakat (yang selanjutnya disebut BLSM) adalah kompensasi yang diberikan pemerintah kepada orang miskin guna mengurangi beban ekonomi yang semakin menekan kehidupan mereka, sebagai akibat naiknya harga BBM yang membawa dampak membubungnya harga kebutuhan pokok. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya kasus yang menyatakan bahwa penyaluran BLSM tidak tepat sasaran, ada BLSM yang diperuntukkan bagi masyarakat tidak mampu secara ekonomi, namun terkadang masih ada masyarakat kaya yang juga menerimanya khususnya di kabupaten Indramayu, hal tersebut menyulitkan pihak penyeleksi dalam mengadakan penyeleksian calon penerima dana BLSM ini untuk itu dibuat sistem pendukung keputusan dalam menentukan penerima BLSM di kabupaten Indramayu dengan menggunakan metode Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Memberikan usulan untuk prioritas penerima BLSM agar tepat sasaran dan dapat membantu pemerintah kabupaten indramayu dalam pengambilan keputusan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan menggunakan metode AHP, maka dapat dihasilkan suatu alternatif pengambilan keputusan dalam menentukan penerima BLSM yang efektif yang dapat menyaring 39% masyarakat yang seharusnya tidak mendapatkan BLSM.Bantuan Langsung Sementara Masyarakat (BLSM) is the compensation given by the government to the poor in order to reduce the economic burden of an increasingly pressing their lives, as a result of rising fuel prices impact soaring prices of basic necessities. This research is motivated by the many cases which states that the distribution BLSM not on target, there BLSM not intended for economically disadvantaged communities, but sometimes there are people who also receive particularly rich in Kabupaten Indramayu, it is difficult for the selectors to selection of recipients of funds held BLSM made to the decision support system in determining the recipient BLSM in Kabupaten Indramayu using Analytic Hierarchy Processahp (AHP) method. The purpose of this study is to provide the proposed recipient BLSM priority for the right target and can help local governments indramayu in decision making. Based on the analysis by using the method of AHP, it can produce an alternative decision-making in determining effective BLSM receiver that can filter out 39% of the people who should not get BLSM.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 185

The theme of the article is: zakat management. The purpose of the article is: to examine the potential of zakat to overcome poverty. The research method used in this research is qualitative research methods. Zakat is a property that must be issued by a Muslim to give to those who have the right to receive it in accordance with Islamic law. The analysis shows that zakat can reduce the number of poor families from 84% to 74%. This shows the extraordinary potential of zakat which can prosper the people. Therefore the people need to be made aware of the importance of fulfilling the obligation of zakat. This awareness can be through socialization and education to the public related to the law, the wisdom of zakat, the assets of the zakat object as well as the procedures for calculation, and the relation between zakat and taxes. This is the duty of the government and the community to continue to campaign for zakat.

Sherif Kamel

This case focuses on the use of crisis management support systems in Egypt in leveraging the decision-making process in the government and the public sector for socioeconomic development. It describes the experience of the Egyptian public sector in socioeconomic decision-making and the related emergence of an information-based support organization for the government Information and Decision Support Center. The case reflects on the type of decision-making and the crisis management mode of operation at the top policy level and the needs and requirements in terms of resources and infrastructure to support the decision-making process. The case addresses the basics and concepts of crisis management support systems in the context of a developing country, Egypt, stemming from the experience of the Information and Decision Support Center from 1985 to date, the growing implications of the information and communication technology evolution and the lessons learned in responding to crisis management situations in supporting decision and strategic issues at the government and the public sector. The essence of the case is to address the use of advanced information systems in responding to socioeconomic development needs. The case demonstrates the use of management and decision support systems in a crisis mode that has had a number of successes over the last decade that implied concrete results within the developmental process that Egypt, a developing country, is realizing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Wahyuni Fithratul Zalmi

Decision support system is a system adopted from human knowledge, which can help people in the decision making process. In research conducted at PT Coal Bukit Asam (Persero) authors see most of the systems currently used in the search process of promotion of employees still in manual form, causing the length of the assessment process associated with a promotion for every employee of the company in accordance with any the criteria that have been specified company. Various weighting of criteria and sub criteria established companies are always considered manager to each process of inputting assessment. Therefore, the authors make a decision support system application manager that can facilitate the process of inputting weight rating decision promotion of employees in accordance with the criteria and sub-criteria that have been specified company. Application decision support system of promotion is designed using Analytical Hierarchy Process that the process to obtain the priority weighting is done by comparing each criteria and sub-criteria. Decision to be achieved can help managers to determine who the employees are entitled to a promotion in accordance with keptusan obtained from the application of this decision-making system.

Nanda Jarti

Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) Is a state guarantee card for the continuity of college by providing freedom of tuition fees, fees given to underprivileged students so that they can continue their education. The problem that occurs in the provision of kip scholarships is that it is difficult to analyze students who are entitled to receive the scholarship so that standard criteria are needed such as proof of kip card, photocopy of report card, certificate of graduation, photo of student's house and photocopy of family card so that the scholarship given is right on target for students who entitled to receive such assistance. This study uses the Sugeno method by taking the Max value (the highest value) and using the or operator. The benefits of this research can be used as a decision-making system.

Mafrizal Mafrizal ◽  
Ilyas Ilyas

Abstract A village is a legal community unit that has territorial boundaries that are authorized to regulate and administer government affairs, the interests of the local community based on community initiatives, rights of origin, and / or traditional rights that are recognized and respected in the government system of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Village Government is the Village chief or what is referred to by any other name assisted by the Village apparatus as an element of Village Government administrators. To choose a candidate for village chief in accordance with the stipulated provisions that will be made as a candidate for village chief who will be elected, it must be adjusted to the feasibility of the village chief candidate's selection, so that the implementation of the village chief candidate selection can be aligned with the recipient's needs and avoid imbalances in selection and the selection process later. To assist in solving this problem, it is necessary to have a Decision Making System (SPK) so that any work related to decision making in the selection of prospective village chiefs can be helped in making a good decision according to the eligibility level of the participants to become candidate village chiefs. In the decision support system for selecting candidates for village chief, so that decision support is met, a decision support method for decision support systems is used, namely the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The results of the calculation showed that the main priority to become a participant in the Pilkades was Hendri as the first rank with a value of 0.395 or 39.5%. The indicators used in this comparison are: can recite the Koran, can give speeches, interview tests, and written tests.   Abstrak Desa adalah kesatuan masyarakat hukum yang memiliki batas wilayah yang berwenang untuk mengatur dan mengurus urusan pemerintahan, kepentingan masyarakat setempat berdasarkan prakarsa masyarakat, hak asal usul, dan/atau hak tradisional yang diakui dan dihormati dalam sistem pemerintahan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Pemerintah Desa adalah Kepala Desa atau yang disebut dengan nama lain dibantu perangkat Desa sebagai unsur penyelenggara Pemerintahan Desa. Untuk memilih calon kepala desa yang sesuai dengan ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan yang akan di jadikan sebagai calon kepala desa yang akan terpilih nantinya haruslah disesuaikan dengan kelayakan hasil seleksi calon kepala desa tersebut, agar pelaksanaan seleksi calon kepala desa dapat diselaraskan dengan kebutuhan penerima dan menghindari ketimpangan dalam seleksi serta proses pemilihan nantinya. Untuk membantu dalam memecahkan masalah tersebut perlu adanya suatu Sistem Pengambilan Keputusan (SPK) agar setiap pekerjaan yang menyangkut pengambilan keputusan dalam seleksi calon kepala desa dapat terbantu dalam mengambil suatu keputusan yang baik yang sesuai dengan tingkat kelayakan peserta untuk dijadikan calon kepala desa. Pada sistem pendukung keputusan seleksi calon kepala desa ini agar pendukung keputusannya terpenuhi maka digunakan sebuah metode penunjang keputusan untuk sistem pendukung keputusan yaitu metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hasil perhitungan yang didapat bahwa yang menjadi prioritas utama untuk dijadikan sebagai peserta pada pilkades yaitu Hendri sebagai peringkat pertama dengan nilai 0.395 atau 39,5%.  Indikator yang digunakan dalam perbandingan ini yaitu: bisa mengaji, bisa berpidato, tes wawancara, dan tes tertulis.

Marlina Drawati Saragih ◽  
Heru Satria Tambunan ◽  
Rafiqa Dewi

Indonesia Smart Card is a cash assistance from the government given to students whose parents are less able to finance their education. As a continuation and expansion of the objectives of the Poor Student Assistance (BSM) program. KIP has the goal of increasing access for children aged 6 (six) to 21 (twenty one years). In Primary School 091329 in the recipient of the Smart Indonesia Card faces many problems As students who are entitled to receive assistance actually do not receive. because of that there were protests and demonstrations caused by Kartu Indonesia Pintar which were not on target. The criteria for Indonesian card recipients are smart social protection card holders, parents' income, no vehicles, no dependents, orphans. In its implementation, it certainly has obstacles in deciding who students get the smart Indonesian card. To solve the problem, a weighted Sum Model (WSM) decision support system can overcome this problem. By applying the Weighted Sum Model (WSM) which is relatively easy and fast, it is believed to be able to get the best results. This research can provide information to the school in the recipient of the Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) for the following year. Keywords: SPK, Weighted Sum Model (WSM), Receiver of Smart Indonesia Cards

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