scholarly journals The State of the Cyprus Question

Juliette Renard

The Cyprus question raises a wide number of questions and issues to be investigated. Using scientific literature mainly, this present work is giving a broad overview and understanding of the main issues at stake, while acknowledging that not all the aspects of the conflict and its resolution are brought up. Moreover, a theoretical approach is used to define the type of reconciliation process ongoing in Cyprus and the several challenges it has faced in the past. Thus, this paper is structured as follows: firstly, the historical and political context in which the Cyprus question erupted is detailed. Afterwards, the notion of reconciliation is theoretically developed. In the third part, we enounce the issues that challenge and delay the peace process. That section acknowledges: one, the important role of the “motherlands” on Cyprus’ reconciliation; two, the issue of identity and nationalism in this context, and three, the rejection of the Annan plan and its consequences are mentioned. In the conclusion, a formulated response to the research question is provided and a short reflection over the “almost moral” imperative to reconcile former enemies concludes the paper.

1992 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 407-423 ◽  
Michael H. Kater

While in recent years a great deal has been written to clarify Germany's medical past, the picture is not yet complete in several important respects. In the realm of the sociology of medicine, for example, we still do not know enough about physicianpatient relationships from, say, the founding of the Second Empire to the present. On the assumption, based on the meager evidence available, that this relationship had an authoritarian structure from the physician on downward, did it have anything to do with the shape of German medicine in the Weimar Republic and, later, the Third Reich? Another relative unknown is the role of Jews in the development of medicine as a profession in Germany. Surely volumes could be written on the significant influence Jews have exerted on medicine in its post-Wilhelmian stages, as well as the irreversible victim status Jewish doctors were forced to assume after Hitler's ascension to power

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Sylvia Frisancho-Kiss

During the past decades, populous expansion in mast cell scientific literature came forth with more, than forty-four thousand PubMed publications available to date. Such surge is due to the appreciation of the momentous role of mast cells in the evolution of species, in the development and maintenance of vital physiological functions, such as reproduction, homeostasis, and fluids, diverse immunological roles, and the potential of far-reaching effects despite minute numbers. While the emerging knowledge of the importance of mast cells in equilibrium comes of age when looking at the matter from an evolutionary perspective, the recognition of mast cells beyond detrimental performance in allergies and asthma, during protection against parasites, falters. Beyond well known classical functions, mast cells can process and present antigens,can serve as a viral reservoir, can respond to hormones and xenobiotics,initiate antiviral and antibacterial responses, phagocytosis, apoptosis, and participate in important developmental cornerstones. During evolution,upon the development of a sophisticated niche of innate and adaptive cell populations, certain mast cell functions became partially transmutable,yet the potency of mast cells remained considerable. Reviewing mast cells enables us to reflect on the certitude, that our sophisticated, complex physiology is rooted deeply in evolution, which we carry ancient remnants of, ones that may have decisive roles in our functioning. This communication sets out the goal of characterizing mast cells, particularly the aspects less in limelight yet of immense significance, without the aspiration exhaust it all.

Open Biology ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 130217 ◽  
Puneet Sharma ◽  
Alo Nag

The ability of cullin 4A (CUL4A), a scaffold protein, to recruit a repertoire of substrate adaptors allows it to assemble into distinct E3 ligase complexes to mediate turnover of key regulatory proteins. In the past decade, a considerable wealth of information has been generated regarding its biology, regulation, assembly, molecular architecture and novel functions. Importantly, unravelling of its association with multiple tumours and modulation by viral proteins establishes it as one of the key proteins that may play an important role in cellular transformation. Considering the role of its substrate in regulating the cell cycle and maintenance of genomic stability, understanding the detailed aspects of these processes will have significant consequences for the treatment of cancer and related diseases. This review is an effort to provide a broad overview of this multifaceted ubiquitin ligase and addresses its critical role in regulation of important biological processes. More importantly, its tremendous potential to be exploited for therapeutic purposes has been discussed.

Michael P. Roller

The conclusion revisits the three major inquiries addressed in the text, drawing together the evidence and contexts provided in the previous seven chapters. The first investigates the role of objective settings, such as the systemic and symbolic violence of landscapes and semiotic systems of racialization in justifying or triggering moments of explicit subjective violence such as the Lattimer Massacre. The second inquiry, traces the trajectory of immigrant groups into contemporary patriotic neoliberal subjects. In other terms, it asks how an oppressed group can become complicit with oppression later in history. The third inquiry traces the development of soft forms of social control and coercion across the longue durée of the twentieth century. Specifically, it asks how vertically integrated economic and governmental structures such as neoliberalism and governmentality which serve to stabilize the social antagonisms of the past are enunciated in everyday life.

2007 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-76 ◽  
Donald Bruce

Abstract Translating the Commune: Cultural Politics and the Historical Specificity of the Anarachist Text — This essay deals with three interrelated matters: the first is the role of discourse analysis and the conscious theorization of discourse typologies in translation methodologies; the second is the absence of any complete English translation of Jules Vallès's autobiographical/historical trilogy, Jacques Vingtras, comprised of L'Enfant (1879), Le Bachelier (1881), and L'insurgé (1885); and the third is the analysis of specific discursive characteristics which establish the formal and functional identity of the Discourse of the Commune. Though widely published in popular and scholarly editions in France, Vallès's novels have not been included in the lycée corpus through an act of conscious cultural exclusion. This has contributed to the exclusion of Vallès abroad and to the absence of translations of the trilogy. In order to remedy this situation the translator must be aware of the specific socio-political context surrounding these novels as well as the particular formal characteristics which make up the discourse from which these texts emerge. Radical decentralisation, narrative fragmentation, multiple enunciative positions, neologisms, a structure based on an unresolved binary dialectic, interdiscursive mixing and semantic ambiguity are common characteristics of the discourse of the Commune as they are transposed metaphorically from the anarchistic theoretical discourse of P.-J. Proudhon to the Vallès texts: these specific factors coupled with a cultural politics of exclusion have long marginalized the trilogy in various curricula and, in addition, led to its exclusion from non-francophone cultures both in the original French and in translation.

2002 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 109-128 ◽  
Kelly D. Sorensen

If there is to be any progress in the debate about what sort of positive moral status Kant can give the emotions, we need a taxonomy of the terms Kant uses for these concepts. It used to be thought that Kant had little room for emotions in his ethics. In the past three decades, Marcia Baron, Paul Guyer, Barbara Herman, Nancy Sherman, Allen Wood and others have argued otherwise. Contrary to what a cursory reading of the Groundwork may indicate, Kant thinks the emotions play an important role in the moral life. I want to extend the work of Baron, Guyer, Herman, Sherman and Wood in three ways. First, I will set out in a diagram Kant's taxonomy of feelings and emotions. Agreement on such a taxonomy should make it easier to evaluate debates about Kant and the emotions. Second, I will focus on a certain subclass of emotions – reason-caused affects – that have previously received little attention, even from these Kant scholars. Third, these scholars base much of their defence of Kant on his later works – especially the Metaphysics of Morals (1797) and the Anthropology (1798) – but Kant's fairly rich taxonomy of the emotions, including reason-caused affects, is clearly in place at least as early as the Critique of Judgment (1790). I believe that the Critique of Judgment is an importantly ignored resource for understanding the moral role of the emotions for Kant. The third Critique makes positive, philosophically interesting claims about the emotions and morality. Kant emphasizes certain roles for emotions in this work that he develops to the same extent nowhere else. Nevertheless, the Critique of Judgment goes all but unmentioned by many who write on these issues. In what follows, I will defend as many of my claims as possible using the third Critique.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Sławomir Godek

Some Remarks on the Role of the Third Statute of Lithuania in Courses on National Law at the Turn of the Nineteenth CenturySummary The long-term validity of the Third Lithuanian Statute of 1588 is a factor often highlighted in the scientific literature devoted to the history of the Lithuanian-Russian lands. The two and a half centuries that the codex operated have left a lasting imprint on the legal relations of these vast territories. In Belarusian lands once belonging the Republic and separated from it by the First Partition, the Statute was abolished as a consequence of the repression after the November Uprising in 1831. In the western and south-western guberniyas, the Statute survived somewhat longer; it was repealed in 1840. In academic circles, both Polish and international, the post-Partition fate of the Lithuanian codex has not yet been clarified. It seems that one aspect which is worth paying attention to in studies on the condition of the Statute after the Partitions is its role in the teaching of law in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Surviving sources, in form of the lecture courses, students’ notes, reports intended for educational authorities and examination tables leave no doubt that the Statute of Lithuania was the very basis of national law lecture courses, both at the University of Vilnius, as well as at the High School and then Lyceum in Kremenets and the Academy of Polotsk. In the lectures of Adam Powstański, Ignacy Danilowicz, Aleksander Korowicki, Józef Jaroszewicz, Ignacy Ołdakowski, and Aleksander Mickiewicz, the Statute was always depicted as one of the most important sources of national law, which maintained its currency, and whose provisions were cited most frequently to illustrate the legal institutions under discussion.

2020 ◽  
Bradley P. Smith ◽  
Shennai G. Palermo ◽  
Lyn Watson

As we enter an era of global mass extinctions, it is important to tackle wildlife research and conservation from multiple fronts, including those made available by wildlife organisations, zoos and sanctuaries. Captive studies are particularly useful when studying free-ranging populations is difficult, and/or when controlled conditions are required. Yet, despite the significant role that they play in supporting research and conservation of species and ecosystems, they are rarely recognised in the scientific literature. Here we present a case study of the Australian Dingo Foundation (ADF), a private organisation and captive breeding facility that actively supports research and conservation efforts relating to the dingo ( Canis dingo). Over the past decade (2010 to 2020), the ADF has facilitated research across eight research disciplines that include archaeology, behaviour, biology, cognition, evolutionary psychology, non-lethal management, reproduction and parental behaviour, and vocalisations. This has resulted in at least 21 published scientific studies which are summarised in this paper. As this case study demonstrates, captive facilities have the potential to contribute to the understanding and conservation of dingoes by providing practical alternatives to, and/or supplement studies of free-ranging populations. We conclude by outlining some of the implications and limitations of conducting research using captive dingo populations.

1974 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-93
M. A. Hussein Mullick

"Development Reconsidered" [6] is not just another addition to the numerous books already published on aid and development over the past two decades. It is something else. The authors try to develop a different approach to the whole process of social change. They do this by critically examining some of the myths and fictions attached to conventional economic concepts. In doing this they either draw heavily on their own personal observations or if that is not sufficient, they try to dig out relevant findings from the writings of other scholars. The book is divided into nine chapters. The subjects treated include, development reconsidered, efficient use of manpower, modernising agriculture and industry, and the significance of nonformal education. There is also one full chapter devoted to the role of the United States in the development of the Third World. The main thesis of the book as I understand is "Hitherto development has promoted a dualistic economic pattern in which only the privileged few have fattened themselves and the rest continue to suffer", This "oasis in the desert" development pattern as the authors call it is not development inducing, but development retarding.

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