Удобрение перца сладкого

2018 ◽  
V.A. Borisov ◽  
A.M. Menshikh ◽  
V.S. Sosnov ◽  
G.F. Monakhos

Показано действие минеральных удобрений, микрокристаллического комплексного водорастворимого удобрения «Мастер» и органоминерального наноудобрения с ростостимулирующей активностью «Арксойл» при капельном орошении на урожайность и качество сладкого перца нового гибрида F1 Темп. Сочетание основного удобрения с листовой и корневой подкормками позволяет получить до 65 т/га плодов перца высокого качества.The action of mineral fertilizers, microcrystalline complex water soluble fertilizer Master and organic mineral nano-fertilizer with growth-stimulating activity Arksoil under drip irrigation on the productivity and quality of sweet pepper of the new hybrid F1 Temp is shown. The combination of basic fertilizer with leaf and root fertilizing allows to obtain up to 65 t/ha of pepper fruits of high quality.

2020 ◽  
pp. 12-14
В.С. Соснов ◽  
А.А. Рубцов ◽  
В.А. Борисов ◽  
А.М. Меньших

При внедрении новых технологий можно добиться высокой рентабельности томата за счет повышения продуктивности культуры. Федеральным научным центром овощеводства и рядом других селекционных организаций создано множество новых сортов и гибридов томата. Цель исследований, проведенных авторами в 2019-2020 годах: оценка отзывчивости нового среднераннего салатного сорта томата Красный банкир отечественной селекции на капельное орошение и применение минеральных удобрений, анализ продуктивности и качества продукции, выращенной на обыкновенных черноземах в условиях Ростовской области на Бирючекутской овощной селекционной опытной станции – филиале ФГБНУ «Федеральный научный центр овощеводства». В 2019 году сорт включен в Госреестр по Российской Федерации для выращивания в открытом грунте и под пленочными укрытиями в ЛПХ. Была поставлена задача: за счет дифференцированного применения удобрений и орошения добиться стабильной урожайности томата до 100-120 т/га, без снижения качества продукции. В качестве корневых подкормок использовали раствор микрокристаллического водорастворимого удобрения «Мастер» с капельным поливом, листовые подкормки проводили вручную раствором органоминерального наноудобрения с ростостимулирующей активностью «Арксойл ККР» (концентрат коллоидного раствора). Авторами выявлена очень высокая эффективность применения основного удобрения и подкормок водорастворимыми удобрениями при возделывании культуры томата на обыкновенных черноземах в условиях капельного орошения, которые повышают урожайность плодов фактически в три раза (до 98-103 т/га, доля стандартных плодов 98%). Количество плодов на растении увеличилось более чем в два раза. Использование для корневой подкормки растений водорастворимого удобрения «Мастер» с различным соотношением питательных элементов по основным фазам вегетации увеличило урожайность томата на 15-21%. Применение изучаемых агротехнических приемов не ухудшало качество плодов томата, продукция экологически безопасна для потребителей. With the introduction of new technologies, self-sufficiency in tomato can be achieved by increasing the profitability of the crop. At present, the Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing and a number of other breeding organizations have created many new varieties and hybrids of tomato. The purpose of the research conducted by the authors in 2019-2020 was to assess the responsiveness of a new medium-early salad tomato variety Krasnyi bankir of domestic breeding for drip irrigation and the impact of mineral fertilizers, to analyze the productivity and quality of products grown on ordinary chernozems in the Rostov region at the Biryuchekutskaya vegetable selection experimental station – a branch of FSBSI Federal Scientific Vegetable Center. In 2019, the variety was included in the State Register for the Russian Federation for growing in open ground and under plastic covers in private household plots. The task was to achieve a stable tomato yield up to 100-120 t/ha due to the differentiated application of fertilizers and irrigation, without reducing the quality of products. A solution of microcrystalline water-soluble fertilizer Master with drip irrigation was used as root dressings, foliar dressings were carried out manually with a solution of organo-mineral nano-fertilizer with growth-stimulating activity Arksoil KKR (colloidal solution concentrate). The authors revealed a very high efficiency of the use of the main fertilizer and topdressing with water-soluble fertilizers when cultivating a tomato crop on ordinary chernozems under drip irrigation, which increase the yield of fruits actually 3 times (up to 98-103 t/ha, the share of standard fruits is 98%). The number of fruits per plant has more than doubled. The use of water-soluble fertilizer Master for root feeding of plants with different ratios of nutrients in the main phases of the growing season increased the tomato yield by 15-21%. The use of the studied agrotechnical methods did not worsen the quality of tomato fruits, the products are environmentally safe for consumers.

2021 ◽  
pp. 21-23
В.А. Борисов ◽  
А.М. Меньших ◽  
В.С. Соснов

Для обеспечения населения РФ качественной, полезной и экологически безопасной овощной продукцией в требуемом количестве необходимо изучение потенциальной продуктивности новых сортов и гибридов овощных культур, применение современных элементов технологии и продуктов в области агротехнологий выращивания. Хороший вкус, высокое содержание ценных для человека витаминов, микроэлементов и органических кислот вывело сладкий перец в ранг наиболее популярных овощных культур. В мире выведено и культивируется огромное количество сортов сладкого перца. В нашей стране наиболее распространенным сортотипом является перец сладкий (Capsicum annuum), или болгарский. На обыкновенных черноземах Бирючекутской селекционной опытной станции (Новочеркасский район Ростовской области), имеющих слабощелочную реакцию среды, мощный гумусовый горизонт, среднюю обеспеченность подвижным фосфором и высокую обменным калием, в 2017–2018 годах была исследована потенциальная продуктивность перца сладкого гибрида Темп при высоком уровне обеспеченности растений влагой и питательными элементами. Оценено комплексное действие основного внесения расчетных доз минеральных удобрений, капельного орошения, трехкратной подкормки водорастворимыми удобрениями «Мастер» и органоминеральным наноудобрением «Арксойл» на урожайность и качество перца сладкого. Выяснено, что основное удобрение и подкормки влияют, в первую очередь, на число плодов на одном растении, увеличивая их в 2–3,3 раза при незначительном повышении массы плода. Установлено, что без применения минеральных удобрений при капельном поливе было получено 25–27 т/га плодов. Использование рекомендованной дозы удобрений N120P120K120 увеличило урожайность перца до 50,5 т/га, а комплексное применение основного удобрения с 3-кратной корневой подкормкой водорастворимым удобрением «Мастер» позволило получить урожайность перца до 64,8 т/га. Наиболее высокая продуктивность растений была получена при комплексном использовании расчетной дозы на урожайность 90 т/га в сочетании с корневой подкормкой – 86,8 т/га при хорошем качестве плодов перца. To provide the population of the Russian Federation with high-quality, healthy and environmentally friendly vegetable products in the required amount, it is necessary to study the potential productivity of new varieties and hybrids of vegetable crops, use modern elements of technology and products in the field of agricultural technologies. Good taste, high content of vitamins, microelements and organic acids valuable for humans have made sweet peppers one of the most popular vegetable crops. A huge number of varieties of sweet peppers have been bred and cultivated in the world. In our country, the most common cultivar type is bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) or Bulgarian. On ordinary chernozems of the Biryuchekutskaya selection experimental station (Novocherkassk district of the Rostov region), which have a weakly alkaline reaction of the environment, a powerful humus horizon, an average supply of mobile phosphorus and high exchangeable potassium, in 2017-2018, the potential productivity of sweet pepper the level of supply of plants with moisture and nutrients. The complex effect of the main application of the calculated doses of mineral fertilizers, drip irrigation, 3-fold top dressing with water-soluble fertilizers Master and organomineral nanofertilizers Arxoil on the yield and quality of bell peppers was evaluated. It was found that the main fertilization and feeding affect, first of all, the number of fruits per 1 plant, increasing them by 2-3.3 times with a slight increase in the weight of the fruit. It was found that without the use of mineral fertilizers with drip irrigation, 25-27 t/ha of fruits were obtained. The use of the recommended dose of fertilizers N120P120K120increased the yield of pepper to 50.5 t/ha, and the complex application of the main fertilizer with 3-fold root feeding with the water-soluble fertilizer Master allowed to obtain the yield of pepper up to 64.8 t/ha. The highest plant productivity was obtained with the integrated use of a calculated dose for a yield of 90 t / ha in combination with root feeding - 86.8 t/ha with good quality pepper fruits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-77
S. А. Bakhvalova ◽  
Kh. A. Piskunova ◽  
А. V. Fedorova

The study of the effect of the chelate complex “Akvarin 5” on grain productivity and quality was conducted on sodpodzolic soil in 2017-2019. The objects of the study were the spring wheat varieties ‘Daria’ (a standard), ‘Sudarynya’, ‘Ladya’, ‘Kamenka’. The purpose of the study was to determine the efficiency of the water-soluble mineral fertilizer with a complex of microelements “Akvarin 5”, produced by the local industry, on grain productivity and quality of various spring wheat varieties. The highest grain productivity was obtained with the use of mineral fertilizers in combination with additional fertilizing of 3 kg/ha of “Akvarin 5”. The productivity increase was 0.53–0.64 t/ha with 0.19–0.24 t/ha of НСР0.5 in comparison with the control. Spring wheat additional fertilizing with water-soluble fertilizer in its pure form increased protein in grain on 0.27–0.94% in comparison with the control, and when fertilizing “Akvarin 5” according to the N26P38K38 background, this indicator increased to 9.69–11.09%. When treating sowings with 1.5 and 3.0 kg/ha of “Akvarin 5” in its pure form, gluten content in grain increased to 18.71–20.30% in all varieties (in the control it was 17.71–18.91%). Treating of growing plants with “Akvarin 5” against the background of mineral fertilizers promoted the varieties to form grain with 19.89–21.26% of gluten. When treating spring wheat sowings with the water-soluble complex “Akvarin 5”, the cost of grain reduced by 14.4–17.5%, profitability raised on 17.7–22.6 in comparison with the control.

S. V. Riabkov

According to the results of previous studies it was specified that the soils of the research areas in south of Ukraine are not provided with the optimal content of nutrients for normal growth and development of fruit crops. As a result of that, a long-term field experiment was set up, which aimed at increasing soil fertility, yield and fruit quality of intensive plantations of peach and apple trees under drip irrigation as well as at improving soil management principles. The field experiment was set up in 2009 on the perennial plantations in Kherson and Mykolaiv regions on the soils with different properties using the water of different quality when applying traditional cultivation technology in the south of Ukraine. It was observed the positive effect on the yield of perennial plants when applying the following fertilizer systems: organic-mineral ("Rost-concentrate"), mineral (N120P30-90K75-120), and organic ("Gumoplant") when irrigating with water of different quality. Thereat, the soil moisture in the layer of 0-60 cm was in the range of 75–90% of MMHC depending on the soil grading. The highest increase in peach yield (33%), in comparison with the check plot was observed on sod sandy soils in SE "DAF named after Solodukhin" in Kherson region when applying mineral fertilizers. The higher dry matter content in fruits by 2,6% and nitrate content by 29% were also observed when using mineral fertilizers on this farm. The highest yield increase up to 21,16 t/ha on dark chestnut medium loam soils in private joint stock company "Radsad" in Mykolayiv region in apple orchards was obtained when using organic-mineral fertilizers and irrigating with partially suitable water. The yield increase up to 26,81 t/ha was obtained on chornozem southern heavy loam soil in private joint stock company "Kamyanskyi" in Kherson region when irrigating with water suitable for irrigation and up to 32,62 t/ha of yield increase was obtained on dark chestnut medium loam soil in "Bilozerskyi" state farm in Kherson region when irrigating with water suitable for irrigation. Higher dry matter contents were recorded under mineral fertilizers, higher sugar content - under organic-mineral and mineral fertilizers, nitrate content under organic fertilizers. The content of nitrates under different fertilization systems for all fruit trees did not exceed the maximum concentration limit of 60 mg/kg. It was also found out that the highest effect on the yield of perennial plantations had organic-mineral fertilizers with a correlation coefficient of 0,75.The results of mathematical data processing showed that the fertilizers applied along with drip irrigation (fertigation) had a positive effect on the yield of peach and apple trees and the quality of their fruits.

2021 ◽  
pp. 25-28
А.И. Беленков ◽  
Е.В. Калмыкова ◽  
Н.Ю. Петров ◽  
О.В. Калмыкова

Объектами исследований были гибриды F1 Мой генерал, F1 Пафос и F1 Помпео при комплексном внесении минеральных удобрений, водорастворимого удобрения Растворин и обработке семян и растений регулятором роста Энергия-М под планируемую урожайность 50, 70, 90 т/га. Цель исследований – разработка элементов технологии возделывания перца сладкого, обеспечивающих при поддержании расчетных водного (75-75-75% НВ – постоянный режим орошения и 70-80-75% НВ – дифференцированный режим орошения) и питательного режимов получение планируемой урожайности до 90 т/га высококачественной овощной продукции. В соответствии с целью и задачами работы опыты закладывали в подзоне светло-каштановых почв в 2011-2016 годах (Городищенский район Волгоградской области, ИП «Зайцев В.А.»). Продуктивность сладкого перца зависела от внедрения оптимального минерального питания и режима орошения. Самый адаптивный гибрид – F1 Помпео. В варианте N235P140K130+Растворин+Энергия-М прибавка составила около 34 т/га (планирование 50 т/га), в варианте N300P180K165+Растворин+Энергия-М – около 21 т/га (планирование 90 т/га). Предлагаемая комбинация факторов урожайности позволяет сэкономить водные ресурсы и частично заменить минеральные удобрения на более выгодные и безопасные водорастворимые удобрения. Высокий экономический эффект получен от предложенных нами приемов производства в условиях Нижнего Поволжья у гибрида сладкого перца F1 Помпео (N300P180K165+ Растворин + Энергия-М) при дифференциации поливного режима (окупаемость производственных затрат – 6,8 руб.). The objects of the study were hybrids: F1 Moy general, F1 Pafos and F1Pompeo with the complex application of mineral fertilizers, water-soluble fertilizer, Solution and treatment of seeds and crops with the Energia-M growth regulator for the planned yield of 50, 70, 90 t / ha. The purpose of the study is to develop a set of elements of the technology for the cultivation of sweet peppers, which, while maintaining the calculated water (75-75-75% of HB - a constant irrigation regime and 70-80-75% HB – a differentiated irrigation regime) and nutrient regimes, obtain the planned yield of up to 90 tons / ha of high quality vegetable products. In accordance with the purpose and objectives of the work, our experiments were laid in the subzone of light chestnut soils in 2011-2016 (Gorodishchensky district of the Volgograd region, IP «Zaitsev V.A.»). The productivity of sweet peppers depended on the introduction of optimal mineral nutrition and irrigation regime. The most adapted hybrid is the F1 Pompeo. In the variant N235P140K130 + Rastvorin + Energy-M, the increase was about 34 t / ha (planning 50 t / ha), in the variant N300P180K165+ Rastvorin + Energy-M - about 21 t / ha (planning 90 t / ha). The proposed combination of yield factors allows saving water resources and partially replacing mineral fertilizers with more profitable and safe water-soluble fertilizers. A high economic effect was obtained from the production methods we proposed in the conditions of the Lower Volga region on the F1 Pompeo sweet pepper hybrid (N300P180K165 + Rastvorin + Energy-M) with differentiation of the irrigation regime (return on production costs - 6.8 rubles).

2021 ◽  
Vol 939 (1) ◽  
pp. 012044
A J Shokirov ◽  
S S Lapasov ◽  
K J Shokirov

Abstract At present, scientific research is underway to further develop vegetable growing in the secondary crop, in particular to further increase the yield and quality of white cabbage, to select a system of planting time-sowing scheme that maximizes the biological productivity of varieties, and to apply the most optimal standards of fertilization and irrigation. In this regard, the urgent task remains to determine the optimal varieties of cabbage that can be grown in repeated crops, their optimal planting scheme, timing, development and implementation of optimal standards for each variety of mineral fertilizers and irrigation, and its solution is large-scale throughout the country. Besides that a number of problematic issues are addressed, which could allow to get high and high-quality harvest of white cabbage in repeated sowing in grain-free areas.

Л. М. Єрмакова ◽  
Є. В. Крестьянінов

У статті наведено результати досліджень щодо впливу позакореневого підживлення посівів кукурудзи водорозчинним добривом «Нутрімікс», «Нутрібор» і «Мікро-Мінераліс» на фоні розрахункової норми повного мінерального добрива N158P52K52 (фон) на урожайність та якість зерна  кукурудзи. Встановлено, що застосування позакореневого підживлення на фоні основного удобрення має позитивний вплив на продуктивність досліджуваних гібридів  кукурудзи. На основі аналізу результатів досліджень виявлено, що оптимізація живлення сприяє більш повному розкриттю ресурсного потенціалу рослин та підвищенню врожайності. The results of studies of the influence of foliar feeding crops of corn water-soluble fertilizer «Nutrimiks», «Nutribor» and «Micro-Mineralis» on background calculation rules N158P52K52 complete mineral fertilizer (background) on the yield and quality of corn grain are presented. It was found that the use of foliar feeding on the background of the main fertilizer has a positive effect on the performance of the studied maize hybrids. Based on the analysis of the research results revealed that optimizing nutrition contributes to more complete disclosure of the resource potential of plants and higher yields.

2021 ◽  
pp. 94-99
T. E. Ivanova ◽  
E. V. Lekomtseva ◽  
T. N. Tutova ◽  
E. V. Sokolova ◽  
L. A. Nesmelova

Relevance. One of the most important elements of the technology of cultivation of strawberries for increasing productivity and improving the quality of berries is the use of fertilizers that can regulate the growth, development, yield and quality of products.Methods. During 2016-2018, the impact of pre-planting application of complex mineral fertilizers on the yield and quality of strawberries in the Udmurt Republic was studied. The analysis of meteorological conditions during the growing season of the crop according to the research results is carried out.Results. The results of the use of complex fertilizers Azofoska, Perm-yagodnoye and Fusco-yagodnoye on garden strawberries when grown in the conditions of the Udmurt Republic are presented. It was found that the use of these fertilizers in comparison with the control (Azofoska) contributes to an increase in yield and has a positive effect on the quality of berries. The aftereffect of the studied fertilizers on the second and third year of fruiting of wild strawberries is noted. According to the results of research, the highest yield of berries of the garden strawberry was obtained in 2016 in the first year of fruiting when applying Chamfer-berry (1.33 kg/m2 ). The pre-planting application of the FaskoYagodnoye fertilizer provided a reliable increase in yield at all times of berry harvesting, and on average for three years by 0.13 kg/m2 with an NSR of 0.04 kg/m2 . The content of dry matter, water-soluble sugars and vitamin C in the berries corresponded to the characteristics of the Darenka variety and to a greater extent depended on the meteorological conditions of the growing season of strawberries.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 27-32
S. Antoniv ◽  
S. Kolisnyk ◽  
O. Zapruta

Aim. Development of effi cient fertilization of red clover seed sowings with mineral, lime and microfertilizers in order to optimize plant nutrition during their vegetation period to obtain stable seed yields with high sowing and yield qualities. Methods. fi eld, visual, measuring, weight, quantitative, method of a test sheaf, laboratory, mathematical-statistical. Results. The paper presents the results of optimizing the nutrition of red clover seed sowings on the basis of the rational application of quick-acting lime (Ca(OH) 2 – 0.5 of the rate by hydrolytic acidity, mineral (N 30 P 60 K 60 ) and water-soluble fertilizers, which ensured seed yield increase 1.8–2.0 times at the level of 0.35–0.40 t/ha. Conclusions. The most effective combination of the basic fertilization with mineral fertilizers (N 30 P 60 K 60 ) and lime fertilizers (Са(ОН) 2 ) at the rate of 0.5 by hydrolytic acidity applied under the cover crop using water-soluble fertilizer (plantafol – 1.0 kg/ha) and boric fertilizers (H 3 BO 4 – 0.8 kg/ha) at the shooting stage of the second cut of red clover and molybdenum fertilizers ((CNH 4 ) 2 MoO 4 – 0.3 kg/ha) in spring at the beginning of its regrowth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 105-110
A. Rasulov

The conducted research has established the most optimal option for fertilizing table variety grapes Taifi Pink. Thus, when applying N90P220K90 + 10 t/ha of poultry manure, the quality of grapes most suitable for storage and transportation was observed.

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