Особенности выращивания белоплодных форм баклажана

2018 ◽  
N.V. Geraskina ◽  
V.V. Ognev

Рассмотрены биологические особенности баклажана с белой окраской плодов, их пищевые и лечебные свойства. Сорта баклажана с белой окраской плодов отличаются высокими вкусовыми качествами и гипоаллергенностью. Они могут использоваться в детском и диетическом питании. Их используют в домашней кулинарии, в лечебном и профилактическом питании. Исследования проводили в центральной части Ростовской области. Климат зоны континентальный, засушливый. Изучение велось в необогреваемых весенних пленочных теплицах и открытом грунте. В исследованиях руководствовались общепринятыми методиками. Материалом для исследований служили образцы мировой коллекции с белой окраской плодов, современные сорта и гибриды отечественной и зарубежной селекции, собственный селекционный материал. Получен ряд образцом с комплексом хозяйственно ценных признаков и представлена характеристика перспективных сортов с белой окраской плодов Умка и Альбион. Новые сорта баклажана с белой окраской плода отличаются высокими вкусовыми и питательными качествами и обладают устойчивостью к болезням увядания. Приведены технологические особенности выращивания белоплодных форм баклажана в условиях юга России, включающие необходимость использовать качественную рассаду. Сортообразцы с белой окраской плодов наиболее требовательны к теплу, почвенному плодородию и нуждаются в тщательном систематическом контроле вредителей и возбудителей болезни. В период выращивания следует применять биопрепараты для защиты от вредных объектов. Рекомендуется заменить обрезку растений на прищипку с подвязкой побегов к шпалере.Biological features of an eggplant with white coloring of fruits, their food and medicinal properties are considered. Eggplant grades with white coloring of fruits differ in high tastes and hypoallergenicity. They can be used in baby and dietary food. They are used in house cookery, in clinical and preventive foods. Researches were conducted in the central part of the Rostov region. Climate of a zone continental, droughty. Studying was conducted in not warmed spring film greenhouses and the open ground. In researches were guided by the standard techniques. As material for researches served samples of a world collection with white coloring of fruits, modern grades and hybrids of domestic and foreign selection, own selection material. A row by a sample with a complex utility of valuable signs is received and the characteristic of perspective grades with white coloring of fruits of Umkа and Albion is submitted. New grades of an eggplant with white coloring of a fruit differ in high flavoring and nutritious qualities and have resistance to withering diseases. The technological features of cultivation of white-fruit forms of an eggplant in the conditions of the South of Russia including need to use qualitative seedling are given. Varieties with white coloring of fruits we are most exacting to heat, soil fertility and need careful systematic control of wreckers and infecting agents. During cultivation it is necessary to apply biological products to protection against harmful objects. It is recommended to replace cutting of plants with a nipping with a garter of escapes to a lane.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 10790-10800

With the advancement of the quality of life and the resultant increase in the frequency of life-threatening diseases, food is being viewed as a source of nutritional and functional benefits. Mushrooms have served as nutritious food from time immemorial along with useful medicinal properties. The genus Ramaria, coral fungi, is a potential group of culinarily acclaimed mushrooms with worldwide distribution. During the past two decades, studies on several species of the genus revealed high medicinal potency. In this review, we particularly aim to update this group's present status with respect to its importance as food and medicine, which will offer a new perception to researchers for its progress from dietary food to functional food.

Z. K. Klimenko ◽  
S. A. Plugatar ◽  
V. K. Zykova ◽  
I. N. Kravchenko

The article presents the results of a long-term research on the introduction study and evaluation of cultivars of tea-hybrid roses introduced and selected by the Nikitsky Botanical Gardens to determine the possibilities of their use in floriculture of the Southern Coast of the Crimea. The research was conducted in the period from 1955 to 2014. The material for the study was 679 cultivars of garden roses from the tea-hybrid garden group of the collection of the Nikitsky Botanical Gardens. As a result of a comprehensive study, 400 cultivars are recommended for use in the floriculture of the Crimea. The main options for this use becomes the growing of tea-hybrid roses in the open ground for gardening purposes in bush and tree-shaped forms, as well as the growing cultivars for cutting in both open and protected ground. The biological features of the cultivars, which determine the possibility of different types of the use and the cultivars, that have these features were identified: 400 cultivars were recommended for use in landscaping in bush form, 45 cultivars - also in tree-shaped form, 226 cultivars are promising for cutting in the open ground and 107 cultivars - for forcing and cutting in greenhouses. The main methods of propagation of cultivars of tea-hybrid roses under the conditions of the Southern Coast of the Crimea are budding and rooting of green and hardwood cuttings. The optimal timing for propagation by each of these methods is indicated. The best rootstocks for budding were identified, depending on the type of their use in floriculture. 

2020 ◽  
pp. 156-166
Serhii Vdovenko ◽  
Oleksandra Ivanovych ◽  
Pavel Shvydkyi ◽  
Oleg Zatolochny

Vegetable growing is one of the most important and, at the same time, the most complex plant growing branches of agriculture in Ukraine. Firstly, this is due to the value and irreplaceability of vegetable products for human nutrition, which determines the spread of vegetable crops in all regions of the country and the allocation of large areas of agricultural land for their cultivation. On the other hand, a feature of the industry is low transportability and high labor intensity of vegetable production, a large set of cultivated vegetable crops and the mechanization of individual production processes of their cultivation, in particular harvesting, is complicated. Therefore, it is very important to expand better than the cultivation of new vegetable crops, the cultivation areas of which are currently relatively small. One of these crops is Brussels sprouts, which is characterized by excellent nutritional and medicinal properties, but whose cultivation areas are insignificant, due to insufficient study of the characteristics of crop cultivation. Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. Gemmifera) - vegetable crop. Traditionally regarded as a variety of the species Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) of the genus Cabbage (Brassica) of the Cabbage family (Brassicaceae), some modern sources do not consider Brussels sprouts as an independent species, but consider it a group of varieties of the species Brassica oleracea L., with this approach, the correct name of this group considered Brassica oleracea Gemmifera Group. Keywords: brussels sprouts, variety studies, hybrid, vegetable growing, seed, growing season, shoots.

2020 ◽  
pp. 14-18
А.П. Глинушкин ◽  
В.И. Старцев ◽  
Б.Б. Картабаева ◽  
Л.В. Старцева

В статье приведены результаты исследований по использованию комплекса биопестицидов, биоудобрений и стимуляторов роста в производстве экологически чистой продукции основных овощных культур – капусты белокочанной сорта Слава 1305 и томата – сорта Челнок. Исследования проводились в течение 2019–2020 годов на опытно-производственной базе «Раменки» ФГБНУ ВНИИ фитопатологии (Московская область, Одинцовский район). Опыты состояли из девяти вариантов на каждой культуре. Различия по вариантам состояли в составе комплекса биопрепаратов и кратности их применения. Рассаду выращивали в пластиковых кассетах в условиях зимней теплицы с поликарбонатным покрытием. Высаживали в открытый грунт в 20-х числах мая по схеме 70×40 см. Во время вегетации проводили обработки растений ручным ранцевым опрыскивателем, делали учеты, фенологические наблюдения и биометрические измерения. С целью выявления состава фитопатогенной микробиоты в лабораторных условиях отобранные образцы растений капусты белокочанной и томата помещали на питательную среду Чапека. Установлено оптимальное сочетание биопрепаратов в комплексе – вариант №3, который позволил увеличить продуктивности растений томата в открытом грунте по сравнению с контролем (без обработок). На растениях томата в варианте № 3 количество видов грибной микробиоты было на 33% меньше по сравнению с контролем. В целом, в обработанных растениях меньше присутствовали грибы из родов: Alternariaи Aspergillus, представляющие особую опасность для человека в качестве источников вторичных метаболитов фитопатогенных грибов – микотоксинов. Несмотря на значительную численность крестоцветной блошки на растениях во всех вариантах, повреждения верхней точки роста на обработанных растениях не наблюдалось, в то время как на контрольном варианте их было около 1% и растения не образовывали кочана. Кроме того, к моменту уборки растения капусты белокочанной в контрольном варианте имели сильные повреждения капустной белянкой (Pieris brassicae). Использование комплексного сочетания биопрепаратов позволяет получать в условиях открытого грунта в Московском регионе высокую продуктивность капусты белокочанной и томата без использования химически синтезированных удобрений и средств защиты растений. The article presents the results of research on the use of a complex of biopesticides, biofertilizers and growth stimulants in the production of environmentally friendly products of the main vegetable crops – white cabbage Slava 1305 and tomato varieties Chelnok. The research was conducted during 2019–2020 at the experimental production base «Ramenki» of the FSBSI ARRIP (Moscow region, Odintsovo district). The experiments consisted of nine variants on each culture. The differences were in the composition of the complex of biologics and the frequency of their use. Seedlings were grown in plastic cassettes in a winter greenhouse with a polycarbonate coating. Planted in the open ground in the twenties of may according to the scheme 70×40 cm. During the growing season, plants were treated with a hand-held backpack sprayer, records were made, phenological observations and biometric measurements were made. To identify the composition of phytopathogenic microflora in the laboratory, selected samples of cabbage and tomato plants were placed on the Czapek culture medium. As a result of the research work, the optimal combination of biologics in the complex was established-option №3, which allowed increasing the productivity of tomato plants in the open ground compared to the control (without treatments). In the tomato plants in variant 3, the number of fungal microflora species was 33% less compared to the control as a whole, and the treated plants had fewer fungi from the genera Alternaria and Aspergillus, which are particularly dangerous to humans as sources of secondary metabolites of phytopathogenic fungi – mycotoxins. Despite the significant number of cruciferous flea on plants in all variants, damage to the upper growth point was not observed on the treated plants, while in the control variant there were about 1% of them and the plants did not form a head. In addition, by the time of harvesting, white cabbage plants in the control variant had severe damage Pieris brassicae. The use of a complex combination of biological products makes it possible to obtain high productivity of white cabbage and tomato in open ground conditions in the Moscow region without the use of chemically synthesized fertilizers and plant protection products.

Dimpy Rani ◽  
Vandana Garg ◽  
Rohit Dutt

Background: Despite significant advancement in the oncology research, cancer still poses as one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide. The increased incidences of cancer may be attributed to the limited efficacy and disastrous side effects of the conventional therapies like chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. Azole containing medicinal agents are known for plethora of medicinal properties including anticancer potential. Method: A comprehensive literature search was performed for writing the review. Updated views about various marine sponges, cyanobacteria, tunicates and microalgae producing azole nucleus containing secondary metabolites with anticancer potential have been discussed. Objective: In this review, we highlighted azole containing natural products with anticancer potential from marine sources. Results: The present article describes the structural, chemical, and biological features of azoles containing natural agents from marine sources with promising anti-cancer potential. Additionally, current challenges and future perspectives of azoles in cancer prevention and treatment are also discussed. Conclusion: This review might encourage scientific community to explore marine sources for developing novel and potent azole containing anti-cancer agents with better safety profile.

EA Bereznyak ◽  
AV Trishina ◽  
NA Selyanskaya ◽  
IR Simonova

Introduction: The study of the composition and antibiotic resistance of bacterial communities of water bodies requires effective processing of numerous data. Our objective was to systematize studies of sensitivity/resistance of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms in water reservoirs of Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov Region conducted by the Rostov-on-Don Anti-Plague Research Institute and to create databases (DB) including epidemiological information on the date and source of an isolate, results of bacterial strain identification, and evaluation of their sensitivity/resistance to antibacterial preparations (ABP). Materials and methods: Isolation, identification and interpretation of results of determining sensitivity/resistance to antibacterial preparations were carried out for different groups of microorganisms using standard techniques. Results: The databases “Phenotypes of antibiotic resistance of Vibrio cholerae of various serogroups isolated in the Rostov Region” (2017621303 dated November 14, 2017) and “Spectrum of microflora of open reservoirs in Rostov-on-Don, sensitivity/resistance to antibacterial drugs” (2017620158 dated February 28, 2017) were registered. The article describes the experience in creating and using the databases to process and analyze research results. The databases are regularly supplemented and updated as part of annual monitoring enabling us not only to monitor and analyze large amounts of heterogeneous information, but also to quickly compare the data, analyze sensitivity/resistance of microorganisms of different groups to a wide range of ABP, and visualize the results.

The results of a comprehensive assessment were analyzed for 238 samples of the world collection of VIR named after N.I. Vavilov for 2014-2017 years on the yield and the degree of its variation (Cv,%), stress stabil-ity (Уmax-Уmin), ecological stability (St2) and plasticity (bi), relative stability of genotypes (Sgi), general and specific adaptive capacity (GАСi, SАСi), selection value genotypes (SVGi), the adaptation coefficient (CA). It is established that the greatest grain productivity was received from Codac, Etienne, Diamond, AC Albright (Canada), Vaughn C.I. 11367, Kindred (USA), Bagretz (Sverdlovsk region), Ubagan (Chelyabinsk region), Talan, Tanay (Novosibirsk region) and Abalak (Krasnoyarsk territory, Tyumen region). A low coefficient of variation in yield was observed in varieties – Koral (USA), AC Albright (Canada), Domen (Norway), Cirstin (Germany), Asem (Kazakhstan), Nutans 302 (Samara region), Zernogradets 770 (Rostov region) Yasny (Ros-tov region), Novichok (Kirov region), Pervotselinnik (Orenburg region), Tarsky 3 (Omsk region), Abalak (Krasnoyarsk territory, Tyumen region). Among varieties with an increased breeding value of genotypes (SVGi) for the "grain mass with m2" attribute are – AC Albright (Canada), Cirstin (Germany), Talan (Novosi-birsk region), Tarsky 3 (Omsk region), Abalak (Krasnoyarsk territory, Tyumen region). High responsiveness to improving the growing conditions ar noticed among Duplex C.I. 2433, Kindred, Heritage, Hazen (USA), Loyolla, Jackson, BVP-2D-1, AC Stacey, CDC Mc Gwire (Canada), Sv. 66905, Kinnan (Sweden), Mojar (Norway), Bingo Carlsberg (Denmark), M 1913/88 (Czechoslovakia), Olbram (Czech republic), Margret (Germany), Phoenix, Corona, Kozak, Effect, Symphony, Harmony (Ukraine), Hadjibey (Belorussia), Ilek 16 (Kazakhstan), Tonus (Rostov region), Binom (Sverdlovsk region), Raushan (Moscow region), Siberian avangard (Omsk region), Kolchan (Altai region).

V. V. Кrasovsky ◽  
T. V. Cherniak ◽  
V. V. Onipko ◽  
S. V. Hapon

The information about the fruit and medicinal plant passion fruit flesh-red (Passiflora incarnata L.) is given as a potential introducer of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine and a species that should replenish the research collection of subtropical fruit crops of the open ground of the Khorol Botanical Garden. The botanical description, bioecological characteristics, nutritional and medicinal properties and the proposed agricultural cultivation techniques are given.

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