Jahri Jahri

Toodler is an age group with rapid body growth. However, toddler is also nutritionally vulnerable group and easily suffer from nutritional disorders. Various studies related to nutrition state that, nutritional status can be caused by medical conditions, socioeconomic status of the family which includes mother's education, mother's work status, family income, household food outcome, and socio-cultural environment. Nevertheless, secondary data in working area of Tambelan Sampit’s Public Health Center, toddlers aged 0-59 months were 85% in good nutrition. This research aimed to explore, analyse, and describe the positive behaviour of housewives in form of parenting’ feeding habits, parenting’s cleaning habits and parenting’s health service with toddler’s good nutrition event from poor family in Tambelan Sampit Urban Village of Pontianak Timur District of Pontianak City. The type of this research was qualitative and the samples were 5 toddlers with good nutrition status from poor family. The samples were taken using purposive sampling, which the housewives were chosen selectively, and they must be the best housewives, would be selected as the research samples. The result showed that positive behaviour of parenting’s feeding habits for toddlers was less eating but it was done regularly, giving additional foods, and giving suplementary vitamines. Parenting’s cleaning habits involved washing hands before feeding the toddler, showering before the feeding, and taking care of the cleanliness of house and environment. While the positive behaviour of parenting’s health service was such as coming to the Integrated Healthcare Center regularly to weigh and to observe the toddler’s health every month, and if the toddler gets sick he or she must be brought to Public Health Center in order to get treatment. This research suggests to improve socialization about nutrition awareness family to increase mother’s knowledge in feeding especially for toddler. It also involves the importance sanitation and hygene, joins the Integrated Healthcare Center regularly, socializes positive behaviours of toddler’s mother from poor family which has been successfully maintained and stayed out of lack nutrition issue on toddlers by health staffs through various activities in Integrated Healthcare Center.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-193
Nurul Khairani ◽  
Pawiliyah Pawiliyah

Background: Under-fives who have stunting have a risk of decreased intellectual ability, productivity, and increased risk of degenerative diseases in the future (Anugraheni & Kartasurya, 2012). Objective: to examine the relationship between family characteristics with stunting incidence of under five children who visited the Integrated Healthcare Center (Posyandu) in working area of Padang Serai Public Health Center (Puskesmas) of Bengkulu City. Methods:  this study was conducted in June, 2016. The type of the study was Analytical Survey and the design was Cross Sectional. Sample was under five children aged 0-59 months (stunted and non-stunted) who visited the Integrated Healthcare Center in working area of Padang Serai Public Health Center of Bengkulu City with their mothers. The sampling technique was Accidental Sampling and the sample total was 92 under five children.  The data were primary and secondary data. The primary data were length or height, age of children, and family characteristics (education and knowledge of mothers, number of family, income rate of household heads). The secondary data was collected from Health Department and Integrated Healthcare Center. The data was analyzed with univariate and bivariate analysis. Bivariate analysis used Chi-Square (χ2) test. Results: The prevalence of stunting incidence was 27.17%, no relationship between family characteristics [height of mother (p=0.054), education of  mother (p=0.857), knowledge of mother (p=1.000), total of  family members (p=0.934), and income rate of  household head  (p=1.000)] with stunting incidence of under five children who visited the Integrated Healthcare Center  in working area of  Padang Serai Public Health Center of Bengkulu City.Conclusion: Padang Serai Public Health Center should be able to overcome the stunting problem by doing more intensive nutrition program for the fertile women, pregnant, and lactating women, under five children, and also socialization of the nutritional status of stunting to the community. Keywords: Family Characteristics, Stunting, Under Five Children.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 ◽  
pp. 253-256
Abd. Rahman ◽  
Indar ◽  
Erniwati Ibrahim ◽  
Muhammad Alwy Arifin

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Nurul Hidayatul Ulumiyah

Background: Patient safety is an indicator of health service quality that becomes an important issue although data of patient safety incident at primary health care are not always accurate in Indonesia. Public health center is a health service facility that implements patient safety to improve the health service quality as stated in Health Ministry Law Republic of Indonesia Number 36 Year 2009.Aim: The aim of this study was to identify the implementation of patient safety to improve the service quality.Method: Data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and literature study. The research was done at a public health center in Surabaya from January to February 2018.Results: The results showed that the implementation of patient safety at the public health center was adjusted to the accreditation standard of the public health center. However, there are still some obstacles and shortcomings in the fulfillment of patient safety standards, so it is necessary to optimize the implementation of patient safety from all stakeholders.Conclusion: It can be concluded that public health centers should provide safe and qualified services to achieve healthy disctrict. The public health centers also need to improve the patient safety according to Health Ministry Law Republic of Indonesia Number 36 Year 2009.Keywords: health service quality, patient safety, public health center

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 66
Yulia Arifin ◽  
Masrul Masrul ◽  
Hirowati Ali

Nutrition plays an important role in the human life cycle. Nutrition surveillance in the form of Nutritional Status Monitoring in 2016 showed that 38.9% of children under five in Indonesia experienced nutritional problems. One of the efforts to improve the health and nutrition status of the baby is by improving the knowledge and attitude of the mother in giving complimentary food. This study aim is to know the effect of nutrition counseling on feeding practice of mothers having infant aged 6-12 month in pakan rabaa public health center area solok selatan district in 2018.The design of the study was quasi-experimental with the design of the control group pretest-posttest. The sample of this study was 46 experiment group and 46 control group. Sampling was done by Purposive Sampling technique. Data analysis using the chi-square testThe results of the study were the absence of nutritional counseling on knowledge of mothers with p-value 0.361, there was an effect of nutritional counseling on changes in maternal attitudes with p-value of 0,000 and there was also the effect of nutritional counseling on complementary feeding practice with p-value 0.004.The presence of the influence of nutritional counseling on attitudes and practices of complementary feeding. Health workers are expected to be able to spend time giving counseling about complementary feeding practice regularly so that the goal of counseling at the public health center can be achieved.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 96 ◽  
Fuad Husain Akbar ◽  
Muhammad Tegar Jaya

INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between services quality on public health center and patient satisfaction in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, Indonesia.METHOD: This research used pilot pathfinder survey, which was done on February 23rd-25th 2017 in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, Indonesia. Two questionnaires were used in the study. During the data collection, there were 192 patients from the health service center, it was consisted two locations representing the urban and rural area in order to describe the quality of health service towards the patients’ satisfaction. In order to investigate the correlation between the quality of health service and patient satisfaction, Pearson correlation test was conducted.RESULT: The highest score regarding of the service quality was on the dimension of the doctors and pharmacy were 99.5%. The lowest level of patients’ satisfaction on assurance and empathy dimension were 10.4%. There was a significance between the service quality of the doctors, nurses, pharmacy, and the administrators towards the patients’ satisfaction. The highest score of the coefficient correlation on the nurse dimension was 0.273, which means that the nurses were giving good services quality and it affects the people’s satisfaction.CONCLUSION: A good service quality believes would affect the people’s satisfaction which generally affects people’s decision to choose health service provider. Health service center is expected to increase their environmental condition, and the professionalism of the nurses and registration officers in terms of their awareness and performance in order to create better services.

Iin Nurlinawati ◽  
Rosita Rosita

Abstrak Permenkes 71 tahun 2013 tentang Pelayanan Kesehatan pada Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional menyebutkan bahwa penyelenggara pelayanan kesehatan meliputi semua fasilitas kesehatan yang bekerja sama dengan BPJS Kesehatan berupa fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama dan rujukan tingkat lanjutan. Minat masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan penyelenggara pelayanan kesehatan dengan JKN akan dipengaruhi beberapa faktor diantaranya persepsi pasien akan mutu pelayanan kesehatan, baik pada pelayanan kesehatan tingkat pertama ataupun pada fasilitas kesehatan rujukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi pasien rawat jalan peserta JKN terhadap penyelenggara pelayanan kesehatan rujukan di Puskesmas X Kota Depok. Penelitian bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang dilaksanakan di Puskesmas X Kota Depok, pada bulan Agustus 2017. Informan dikumpulkan di Puskesmas, kemudian dilakukan focus group discussion (FGD). Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi karakteristik informan, persepsi masyarakat terhadap pelayanan kesehatan di Puskesmas dan rumah sakit yang menjadi rujukan Puskesmas X. Pemilihan informan adalah pasien yang pernah berobat di Puskesmas X dan melakukan rujukan ke rumah sakit dalam kurun waktu satu tahun terakhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi masyarakat terhadap pelayanan kesehatan di Puskesmas X cukup baik, informasi alur rujukan disampaikan secara jelas. Permohonan rujukan di Puskesmas menurut informan lebih nyaman karena proses rujukan mudah dan pasien mendapatkan rujukan langsung untuk beberapa kali kunjungan ke rumah sakit sehingga tidak harus sering kembali ke Puskesmas. Namun persepsi masyarakat terhadap pelaksanaan pelayanan kesehatan pada rumah sakit rujukan kurang baik karena pelayanan yang diberikan masih jauh dari harapan masyarakat. Kata kunci: Persepsi, Pelayanan kesehatan, Puskesmas, Rujukan Abstract Permenkes 71 of 2013 on Health Services on National Health Insurance states that the providers of health services include all Health Facility in cooperation with BPJS Health in the form of first rate health facilities and advanced level referral. Public interest to utilize health service providers with JKN will be influenced by several factors such as the patient’s perception on the quality of health service, either at first level health service or at referral health facility. To determine the outpatient JKN member’s perception to referal health services at X Public Health Center Depok. The research was descriptive with qualitative approach which was carried out at X Public Health Center Depok, in August 2017. Informants were collected at Puskesmas, then conducted focus group discussion (FGD). The data collected include the characteristics of informants, public perceptions of health services at health centers and hospitals that became the reference of X Community Health Center. Selection of informants were patients who had been treated at X Health Center and made referral to the hospital within the last one year. The results showed that public perception of health service at X Public Health Center was good enough, the referral flow information was presented clearly. Referral application at Puskesmas according to informant is more convenient because the referral process is easy and the patient get direct referral for several visit to hospital so that they do not have to return to Puskesmas often. However, the public perception on the implementation of health service at referral hospital is not good because the service given is still far from the expectation of society. Keywords : Perception, Health Care, Primary Health Care, Referral

2017 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-16
Nurul Khairani ◽  
S Effendi ◽  
Yuniarti Yuniarti

Impact of malnutrition in children under five can lead to failure of physical growth and development of intelligence, increase morbidity and mortality, especially in infants, reduce productivity and lower endurance. This study aimed to study the association between complementary feeding practice with nutritional status in children under five who visited Anggut Atas Public Health Center  Bengkulu. The type of research used was Analytical Survey with Cross Sectional design. The population in this study was all mothers who had children aged 6-24 months who visited Anggut Atas Public Health Center Bengkulu. Sample technique  was Accidental Sampling which amounted to 52 mothers. The data used were primary and secondary data. Data analysis technique used was univariate and bivariate analysis with Chi-Square statistical test and to know    the closeness of relationship used Contigency Coefficient (C) test. The results of this study found that of 52 mothers, there were 33 mothers (63.5%) who gave early breast-feeding, 37 mothers (71.2%) who had children under five with good nutritional status, and there was a significant association between complementary feeding practice with nutritional status in children under five who visited Anggut Atas Public Health Center Bengkulu with medium relations category. Suggestions for Anggut Atas Public Health Center Bengkulu can provide education about complementary feeding practice to mothers of children under five in the working area of  Anggut Atas Public Health Center Bengkulu. Keywords : children under five, complementary feeding practice, nutrition status

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-19
Santoso Ujang Effendi ◽  
Nurul Khairani ◽  
Susi Hartina

The basis for the establishment of integrated health service post for elderly (elderly Posyandu)  was to improve the welfare of the community, especially the elderly. This study aimed to determine the factors that were related to the utilization of  elderly Posyandu in the working area of  Penurunan Public Health Center Bengkulu. This research was conducted in elderly Posyandu in the working area of  Public Health Center Bengkulu in August 2017. This type of research was an analytical survey using a cross sectional design. The population in this study were elderly working area of Penurunan Public Health Center Bengkulu. The sampling technique in this study used proportional random sampling and obtained a sample of 88 elderly people. Data collection in this study used primary data obtained from direct interviews with respondents. Data analysis techniques were carried out by univariate and bivariate analysis with Chi-Square test through the SPSS program. The results were obtained : there were 51 people (58.0%) who did not utilize the elderly posyandu. There were 43 people (48.9%) elderly with good knowledge. There were 45 people (51.1%) elderly who had a Favorable attitude and there were 49 people (55.7%) elderly who received family support. This study showed that there was a significant relationship between knowledge, attitudes, and family support with the utilization of elderly Posyandu in working area of Penurunan Public Health Center Bengkulu. It is expected that the elderly can play an active role in following                  the elderly posyandu activities so that the elderly are more independent and productive and the health status of the elderly can be monitored. Keywords: attitude, elderly posyandu, family support, knowledge,

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 133-148
Nur Laeli Rokhmah ◽  
Mufdlillah Mufdlillah ◽  
Enny Fitriahadi

Public Health Center shows some decreases in health service during Covid 19 Pandemic. This scoping review aims to review evidence related to the implementation of PHC during Covid-19 Pandemic. This paper adopted Arksey O'Malley framework consisting of five stages: identifying scoping review questions and relevant articles; searching for articles, conducting charting data; compiling, summarizing and reporting results. This paper reviewed 6 articles. Three themes were obtained: the role of cadres; barriers; and innovations at PHC. The results conclude that the practice of PHC in Indonesia does not accomodate the community need adequately yet. Therefore it s necessary to evaluate PHC activities and improve partnership with community and related stakeholders

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