JPASDEV : Journal of Public Administration and Sociology of Development
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Published By Tanjungpura University


Rizky Permata Sari

The purpose of this research was to find out and analyze the effectiveness of the bureau of general affairs in running the Electronic Letter program at The Regional Secretariat of West Kalimantan Province. This Study uses Gibson et al’s theory of short-term Effectiveness which is seen from production, effieciency, and satisfaction. The method used in this research is qualitative, with descriptive research. The results showed that the effectiveness of bureau of general affairs in running the Electronic Letter program at The Regional Secretariat of West Kalimantan Province already existed but was not optimal. The effectiveness of the bureau of general affairs in running the Electronic Letter program has not been effective, due to, namely a) production; which consists of incoming letter service, mail disposition information services, letter numbering service have been running according to the stages even more efficient when viewed from the previous system, but not yet optimal. This is evidenced by the internet network that is still experience problems, employees or admins who are still experiening human error, and limited facilities and infrastructure; b) effieciency; which consists of time efficiency, service cost efficiency and service procedure effieciency, in terms of efficiency both internal and external parties state that it is quite optimal because the service is faster and more efficient but still needs to be improved; c) satisfaction; internal parties feel they are quite satisfied even though they are not optimal because there are still problems in the production section, but external parties are not satisfied this is because there are parties who are still having trouble tracking the whereabouts of the letter. The recommendations of this research are: 1) changing the mindset of employees gradually by increasing socialization related to the Electronic Letter program and increasing the motivation of each employee by building good relations between employees within the The Regional Secretariat of West Kalimantan Province; 2) involving all OPD (regional device organizations) to use the Electronic Letter application; 3) the provision of good facilities and infrastructure. Keywords: Effectiveness, The Electronic Letter Program, Bureau of General Affairs

Jahri Jahri

Toodler is an age group with rapid body growth. However, toddler is also nutritionally vulnerable group and easily suffer from nutritional disorders. Various studies related to nutrition state that, nutritional status can be caused by medical conditions, socioeconomic status of the family which includes mother's education, mother's work status, family income, household food outcome, and socio-cultural environment. Nevertheless, secondary data in working area of Tambelan Sampit’s Public Health Center, toddlers aged 0-59 months were 85% in good nutrition. This research aimed to explore, analyse, and describe the positive behaviour of housewives in form of parenting’ feeding habits, parenting’s cleaning habits and parenting’s health service with toddler’s good nutrition event from poor family in Tambelan Sampit Urban Village of Pontianak Timur District of Pontianak City. The type of this research was qualitative and the samples were 5 toddlers with good nutrition status from poor family. The samples were taken using purposive sampling, which the housewives were chosen selectively, and they must be the best housewives, would be selected as the research samples. The result showed that positive behaviour of parenting’s feeding habits for toddlers was less eating but it was done regularly, giving additional foods, and giving suplementary vitamines. Parenting’s cleaning habits involved washing hands before feeding the toddler, showering before the feeding, and taking care of the cleanliness of house and environment. While the positive behaviour of parenting’s health service was such as coming to the Integrated Healthcare Center regularly to weigh and to observe the toddler’s health every month, and if the toddler gets sick he or she must be brought to Public Health Center in order to get treatment. This research suggests to improve socialization about nutrition awareness family to increase mother’s knowledge in feeding especially for toddler. It also involves the importance sanitation and hygene, joins the Integrated Healthcare Center regularly, socializes positive behaviours of toddler’s mother from poor family which has been successfully maintained and stayed out of lack nutrition issue on toddlers by health staffs through various activities in Integrated Healthcare Center.

Dovvi Dovvi

AbstractThis research entitled The Implementation of Online Public Complaint Service at the Communication and Informatics Office Pontianak City analyzed based on the theory put forward by Edward III. This Research is a type of descriptive from interviews with informants and secondary data obtained from various official documents related to research.The Implementation of Online Public Complaint Service at the Communication and Informatics Office Pontianak City has not been able to run effective due to several factors, namely: 1. Communication, 2 Resource, 3. Disposition, 4. Bureaucratic Structure.Based on these problems, the author can make suggestions, namely: 1. 1. There needs to be an affirmation in the form of rules issued by the regional head, namely the Mayor's regulation, 2. Increase the capacity of the implementers both in quality, 3. Focus on public complaint services and support centralized services in Dinas, Communications and, Informatics, Pontianak City. Key words : The Implementation Policy, Public Complaint Service.

Fuaddianto Fajar Satrio

ABSTRACTThis study describes the result of evaluation of the implementation of the Village Financial System (SISKEUDES) policy in Munggu Village, Ngabang District, Landak Regency. This study is based on the observation and interview conducted by the author at the Village Office of Munggu Village, Ngabang District, Landak Regency where problems are found in the preparation of village financial reports using SISKEUDES.The study aims to describe and analyze the evaluation of the Implementation of the Village Financial System(SISKEUDES) Policy in Munggu Village, Ngabang District, Landak Regency.The approach used in this study isdescriptive qualitativewhilemethods for collecting data are observation, documentation and interview.The collected data will be presented by reducing unnecessary data in the study and then drawing conclusions.There are 2 (two) perspectives of the results, which are‘compliance perspective’ and ‘what’s happening perspective’.Based on the results for Compliance perspective, the implementation of the Village Financial System (SISKEUDES) policy in Munggu Village, Ngabang District, Landak Regency Is not optimal yet, it can be seen from the delay in submitting village financial report so the implementation of the policy does not go according to the plan.In addition, the existing facilities and resources in Munggu Village are inadequate for the implementation of the SISKEUDES policy.Furthermore, based on the results for What’s happening perspective, the implementation of the policy is also not optimal yet. The replacement of the SISKEUDES operator in Munggu Village affect the implementation of the SISKEUDES application because it has an impact on delays in making financial reports using the SISKEUDES application.Keywords: evaluation, implementation, Siskeudes, compliance, what’s happening

Ishaq Rahman ◽  
Elyta Elyta

ABSTRACT A country that implements the system as mentioned earlier is more towards an authoritarian system of government which aims to dominate and dominate the power of the state towards the people. Democracy cannot survive from such a closed state. In a basic concept of democracy, there is a fundamental principle, namely the principle of sovereignty of the people who run the government.Political communication is one of the many roles played by political parties in various available arrangements. The political party is required to communicate knowledge, issues and political thoughts.Constitutionally, the Government adopts a Presidential System in which the ministers in the cabinet are responsible to the president. But in practice the SBY-JK administration is more of a Parliamentary System. Keywords: political parties, democracy, SBY government

Rikka Septiandini

ABSTRACTThis research aimed to know the quality of service delivery. Assessment of the quality of service delivery is carried out by various institutions, one of which is the Ombudsman. DPMPTSP Melawi Regency is one of the OPD service providers that occupies the red zone in an assessment conducted by the Indonesian Ombudsman of West Kalimantan Province. To know the reason why red report cards on the quality of DPMPTSP Melawi Regency and provide input in the form of strategies to improve service quality, This aimed use qualitative method, using service dimention theory, then analyzed with SWOT analysis and again measured against the theory of service quality improvement strategies. The results of the research show 4 outlines of strategies that can be done by using strengths to take advantage of opportunities, take advantage of opportunities to overcome weaknesses, use strengths to avoid threats, and minimize weaknesses to avoid threats. The resulting strategy is very useful for improving the quality of service delivery in DPMPTSP Melawi Regency.Keywords: Service, Strategy, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

Arifin Arifin

ABSTRACT  Perda Kota Pontianak N0.7 Tahun 2013 Tentang Penyelenggaraan  Penanggulangan Bencana merupakan pedoman bagi masyarakat dalam mengatasi bencana kebakaran hutan atau kabut asap. Bencana tersebut terjadi hampir setiap tahunya sehingga pengimplementasian kebijakan terkesan belum efektif. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini mencakup bencana yang terjadi di pinggiran wilayah di Pontianak yaitu di daerah Sungai raya Dalam berupa kebakaran hutan (kabut asap). Penelitian ini dengan Penelitian kualitatif yaitu peneliti menggambarkan objek yang diamati sebagaimana adanya kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisis data untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian. Temuan penelitian menunjukan bahwa implementasi kebijakan yang dilakukan masih belum optimal. Beberapa faktor penyebab tidak efektifnya implementasi tersebut yaitu disamping pelaksanaan program yang terkesan kurang fokus, program yang diselenggarakan lebih dominan berbentuk respon daripada memitigasi bencana tersebut. Hal ini terlihat pada saat monitoring daerah yang rawan bencana. Faktor lain yang penting adalah program yang digulirkan masih bersifat penguatan institusi dalam penanggulangan bencana. Anggaran yang dialokasikan masih kurang memadai. Jumlah yang kecil tersebut masih jauh daripada pembiayaan dalam penanggulangan kebencanaan yang terjadi..Kata Kunci (Key words) : Implementasi Kebijakan, Penyelenggaraan Penanggulangan Bencana, Kebakaran Hutan, Kabut Asap

Amira Fazilah

ABSTRAKBerdasarkan catatan dari pihak Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, jumlah pengungsi etnis Maduradari Kabupaten Sambas padapertengahan tahun1999, tercatat sebanyak 62.582jiwa (13.020KK ).  Permasalahan muncul terkait motivasi etnis Madura dalam peningkatan ekonomi pada tempat yang baru, yaitu di tempat relokasi sebagai tempat tinggal permanen dengan berbagai permasalahan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Motivasi pengungsi etnis Madura dalam meningkatkan perekonomian di Relokasi Satuan Pemukiman Dua (SP 2) Desa Mekar Sari Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kabupaten Kubu tidak berpengaruh hal ini disebabkan karena etos kerja masyarakat etnis Madura itu sediri dan bukan karena motivasi mereka meningkat setelah mereka diungsikan karena banyak dari Masyarakat pengungsi etnis Madura yang dahulu di Sambas memiliki lahan yang luas dan peternakan. Ada dua faktor pendorong yang dominan dalam meningkatnya motivasi etnis Madura yaitu faktor kebutuhan fisikologis dan faktor rasa aman. Rekomendasi dari hasil penelitian ini yaitu Pemerintah perlu menyediakan sarana dan prasana pendukung dalam memotivasi etnis Madura untuk lebih berdaya dalam menghadapi permasalahan yang mereka hadapi. Kata kunci: Motivasi, Peningkatan Ekonomi, Etnis Madura

Ahadian Gunardi

AbstrakDalam penelitian ini dapat diidentifikasi beberapa permasalahan yang menyebabkan kurang berhasilnya implementasi kebijakan Peraturan Daerah Kota Pontianak Nomor 16 Tahun 2015 tentang “Retribusi Jasa Umum Pada Retribusi Pelayanan Pasar” yakni masih banyak pedagang yang tidak membayar retribusi pasar hal ini karena masih adanya kondisi sarana fasilitas pasar yang rusak, berkaitan dengan lambatnya respon dari petugas retribusi dalam pengambilan keputusan, sehingga ketegasan aparatur kebijakan masih rendah. Kurang meratanya informasi mengenai Perda Nomor 16 Tahun 2015 ke semua pedagang sehingga kesadaran dan kepatuhan pedagang untuk membayar retribusi masih rendah. Selain itu pula, masih rendahnya pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh aparatur kebijakan terhadap kinerja petugas dilapangan dalam melakukan pemungutan retribusi pasar pada Pasar Flamboyan Kota Pontianak. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan target penerimaan retribusi pasar Flamboyan tidak mencapai 100% setiap tahunnya sebagai kontribusi pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) Kota Pontianak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan menganalisis Pelaksanaan Peraturan Daerah Kota Pontianak Nomor 16 Tahun 2015 Tentang Retribusi Jasa Umum Pada Retribusi Pelayanan di Pasar Flamboyan Kota Pontianak. Adapun menurut  Donald S. Van Meter dan Carl S. Van Horn, ada 2 (dua) indikator yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan kinerja implementasi kebijakan, sesuai dengan permasalahan dalam penelitian ini, yakni karakteristik agen pelaksana dan komunikasi antarorganisasi serta aktivitas pelaksana. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sikap ketegasan oleh petugas retribusi masih rendah dalam merespon keluhan pedagang, kurang gencarnya petugas pemungut retribusi dalam memberikan informasi melalui sosialisasi tentang pentingnya pembayaran retribusi terhadap pedagang yang transparan dan ketersediaan sarana informasi yang kurang memadai. Adapun saran dalam penelitian ini yakni perlu dilakukan koordinasi antar pelaksana kebijakan untuk menyediakan pelayanan yang cepat, tepat serta tanggap terhadap keluhan pedagang pasar Flamboyan. Selain itu, melakukan penyuluhan dan pembinaan dengan memberikan informasi yang transparan dan baru kepada pedagang melalui sarana informasi yang memadai Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Kebijakan, Retribusi Jasa Umum.

M. Bessiar

AbstractThe fundamental problem of the research is the policy implementation program of waste management in Kapuas Hulu is not as expected. Therefore, The responsibility of waste management program must be handled by all of the local government and the other stakeholders. The research aim is to describe and analyze the policy process of the implementation program. The research type is a survey research by the descriptive model. There are four Kelurahan in the research, namely Kelurahan Putussibau Kota, Kelurahan Hilir Kantor, Kelurahan Kedamin Hulu and Kedamin Hilir. The research result shows that the compliance of the implementers is in the Standard Procedure Operational. But, in the legal aspect is not optimally performed. The recommendation of this research is the local government, such as Dinas Lingkungan Hidup, Perumahan Rakyat dan Kawasan Permukiman, must be immediately issued the local regulation on waste management. Besides, the local government must plan and establish the derivative regulation of the local regulation. .Key words : The policy implementation program of waste management , Compliance, Whats Happening

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