scholarly journals Representasi Terhadap Tukang Parkir dalam Petisi “Malang Darurat Parkir” (Sebuah Analisis Wacana Kritis)

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 237
Devi Kurniasari Riyadi

This research is aimed to find the language style used to represent how the figure of parking attendants in the Petition of “Malang Darurat Parkir” and show why those language styles are used by the writer of petition. Petition “Malang Darurat Parkir” is available in and becomes top three petitions on that webpage. This research is qualitative research by using model of critical discourse analysis by Van Dijk (2008) that has three aspects: text analysis, social cognition, and social context. The results reveal that the types of language style based on theory of Keraf (2006) used are diction, sentence structure, and direct and indirect meaning and all of those dominated by bad representation or negative connotation called marginalization. This language style used because Helmy can be inferred if he lives or ever stayed in Malang city and the confition of social or people around him also use that kind of words or connotation.  ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan gaya bahasa yang digunakan untuk merepresentasikan bagaimana tukang parkir dalam petisi “Malang Darurat Parkir” dan menunjukkan mengapa gaya bahasa tersebut digunakan oleh penulis petisi. Petisi “Malang Darurat Parkir” tersedia di laman dan masuk dalam deretan tiga teratas di laman tersebut. Penilitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif menggunakan model analisis wacana kritis oleh Van Dijk (2008) yang memiliki tiga aspek yaitu analisa teks, kognisi sosial, dan konteks sosial. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa tipe gaya bahasa berdasarkan teori Keraf (2006) yang digunakan adalah diksi, struktur kalimat, dan langsung tidaknya makna dan didominasi dengan representasi buruk atau konotasi negatif, yang disebut juga marginalisasi. Gaya bahasa tersebut digunakan karena dapat diduga Helmy tinggal atau pernah tinggal di Malang, dan kondisi sosial atau orang-orang disekitarnya juga menggunakan jenis kata atau konotasi tersebut.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Dewi Yana

This study aims at describing the text analysis, social cognition, social context, and ideology of sindo newspaper of  Wednesday December 11th 2013 edition.. This study uses Critical Discourse Analysis method  with  a Teun A Van Dijk  approach model.  The data were in the form of news entitled “Putusan Luthfi Hasan Diharapkan Jadi Efek Jera”. The data were analyzed with integrating the third dimension of Teun A Van Djik Discoure model in the unity analysis, they were text, social cognition, and social context. The results found that the Sindo Newspaper supported the work of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the presiding judge of Corruption Court (Tipikor). The news in the edition of Wednesday, December 11th, 2013 “the  ideology of Sindo Newspaper practically used  to build the image of KPK and TIPIKOR to be more better in the society.

Sri Aju Indrowaty ◽  
Sumarlam Sumarlam Sumarlam

Sri Aju Indrowaty Sumarlam Universitas BrawijayaUniversitas Sebelas Maret [email protected]   AbstrakLagu adalah sesuatu yang membuat pendengar menjadi terhibur, apalagi bila lagu itu mempunyai tema yang tak lekang oleh masa yaitu tema Cinta. Pada Japan Pop atau J-Pop nama Utada Hikaru merupakan penyanyi pop dan pencipta lagu yang tidak asing lagi. Disamping itu termasuk bintang besar di Jepang. Sangat menarik apabila teks lagu dari penyanyi ini dianalisis melalui analisis wacana kritis (Anawa). Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan analisis teks lagu first love dan Prisoner of love oleh Utada Hikaru dan bagaimana unsur kognisi sosial dan konteks yang terdapat dalam kedua lagu tersebut. Metode yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kepustakaan (library research). Simpulan dari Analisis wacana kritis pada riset mini ini yaitu Tema pada kedua lagu kenangan dan kekaguman kepada orang yang dicintai. Sedang kognisi sosial lebih menekankan bahwa menikah muda bukan suatu halangan untuk berkarir, sedang konteks sosial kekaguman kepada penyanyi yang bilingual yaitu bisa berbahasa Jepang dan Bahasa Inggris.Keyword : Analisis wacana kritis, lirik lagu, kognisi sosial, konteks  AbstractThe song is something to entertain the listener, especially love songs. A famous Japan Pop, Utada Hikaru is a big star in Japan. It will be very interesting to analyze the song lyrics using critical discourse analysis. This study is aimed at explaining the analysis of song texts of Utada Hikaru’s songs, first love and prisoner and how the elements of social cognition and context existed in those songs. By using descriptive qualitative research, there were some conclusions taken. The conclusion of critical discourse analysis in this mini research is the theme on both songs of memories and admiration to loved ones. Medium social cognition more suppressed young married is not an obstacle to a career, is the social context of admiration for bilingual singers that can be watched Japan and English.Keywords: critical discourse analysis, song lyrics, social cognition, context 

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Dewi Yana

 This study aims at describing the text analysis, social cognition, social context, and ideology of sindo newspaper of  Wednesday December 11th 2013 edition.. This study uses Critical Discourse Analysis method  with  a Teun A Van Dijk  approach model.  The data were in the form of news entitled “Putusan Luthfi Hasan Diharapkan Jadi Efek Jera”. The data were analyzed with integrating the third dimension of Teun A Van Djik Discoure model in the unity analysis, they were text, social cognition, and social context. The results found that the Sindo Newspaper supported the work of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the presiding judge of Corruption Court (Tipikor). The news in the edition of Wednesday, December 11th, 2013 “the  ideology of Sindo Newspaper practically used  to build the image of KPK and TIPIKOR to be more better in the society

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 68
Nizar Ibnus

Reunion 212 which is the action of a series of previous actions was reported by many media in Indonesia. Each media portrays the action differently. This critical discourse analysis attempts to uncover the practice of power in Indonesian online media regarding the rally. Data were analyzed using van Dijk discourse analysis approach which consisted of text analysis, social cognition, and social context. The findings reveal that CNN is more concerned about the adverse effects of the action and the purpose of the action which is considered politically charged, while Republika Online brings more humanist themes but also does not deny the potential political purpose behind the action. The themes are supported by certain lexical and discourse strategies. Moreover, the power practice is more visible in CNN which attempts to convince readers that the action is bad and orientates itself more toward political purposes. While the news from Republika Online is more informative and only contains the good side of the action.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-76
Megandini Al Fiqri ◽  
Siti Sumijaty ◽  
Asep Shodiqin

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaiamana analisis teks, Kognisi Sosial, dan Konteks Sosial yang ada dalam Film Munafik 2. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode Analisis Wacana Kritis Teun A Van Djik. Sasaran penelitian ini adalah Film Munafik 2. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menonton film, mengklasifikasikan wacana dan menganalisis data-data yang ada. Setelah dilakukan analisis terhadap Film Munafik 2. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Film Munafik 2 ditinjau dari analisis teks secara umum film ini mengangkat tema kemunafikan yang disampaikan menggunakan bahasa melayu dengan majas yang beragam. Sedangkan kognisi sosial film ini berisi informasi Islam. Diantaranya informasi akidah, informasi syariat dan informasi akhlak Islam. Adapun konteks Film ini yakni adanya alur cerita yang disajikan secara plot twist bahkan Plot hole serta dialog yang disampaikan cenderung terlalu eksplisit dan kontras. Kata Kunci : Analisis; Film; Munafik 2. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is determine how the analysis of texts, social cognition, and social context in Film Munafik 2 . This study used a qualitative approach with the method of Critical Discourse Analysis of Teun A Van Djik. The target of this research is Film Munafik 2. The data collection technique is done by watching the movie, classifying discourses and analyzing existing data. After analyzing film Munafik 2. The results of this study indicate that film Munafik 2 in terms of text analysis this film generally raises the theme of hypocrisy delivered using Malay language with a variety of majas. While the social cognition of this film contains Islamic information. Among them is aqidah, law, and Islamic morals information. The context of this film is the existence of a plot that is presented in a plot twist and even plot holes and the dialogue that is delivered tends too explicit and contrasting.   Keywords : Analysis; Film; Munafik 2.

1970 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 292-309
Lailatul Khoiroh ◽  
Sulkhan Chakim

The novel of “Akulah Istri Teroris” is the 14th masterpiece from Abidah El Khalieqy as a man letter that raises the theme of terrorist wife life which is always stereotyped by society including for those who wear the veil. It results to them who are still trying in winning their rights as women. This novel is so attractive to be observed because it bases on the reality and most of people still do not it yet so that we can know about the ideology and discourse construction that wants to deliver by the author. This research used a qualitative research with discourse approach of Teun A. Van Dijk. Van Dijk divides it into three dimensions: Textual dimension that examines the structure of text, the view of social cognition, understanding and mental awareness of the author and also social context according to the discourse that grows among of society. The result shows that all the information within the sentences of the novel have coherence and unity so that it creates shape and meaning. In addition, all the information wrap with attractive and simple language style. Discourse analysis that developed by Van Dijk found that this novel becomes one of media for representing the condition of terrorist wife who always get the stigma from various complexities issues but these women show the reader about the fortitude and strength to raise them up from adversity. Novel “Akulah Istri Teroris” merupakan karya ke-14 dari seorang sastrawan Abidah El Khalieqy yang mengangkat tema kehidupan istri teroris yang selalu distereotipkan oleh masyarakat termasuk di dalamnya mereka yang menggunakan cadar. Sehingga mereka terus berusaha untuk merebut hak-haknya sebagai perempuan. Novel ini menarik untuk diteliti karena berdasarkan realitas yang terjadi dan belum banyak diketahui masyarakat  luas, sehingga dari sisi kita dapat mengetahui ideologi dan konstruksi wacana yang ingin disampaikan oleh pengarang.Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian yang bersifat kualitatif dengan pendekatan wacana Teun A. Van Dijk. Van Dijk membaginya kedalam tiga dimensi, yaitu dimensi teks yakni meneliti struktur dalam teks, kognisi sosial yang merupakan pandangan, pemahama dan kesadaran mental pengarang, dan konteks sosial yakni terkait wacana yang berkembang dalam masyarakat.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap informasi dalam kalimat pada novel “Akulah Istri Teroris” adalah saling berhubungan dan memiliki unsur-unsur koherensi sehingga terbentuklah struktur wacana berupa bentuk dan makna. Selain itu informasi dikemas dalam gaya bahasa yang menarik dan sederhana. Tokoh digambarkan memiliki karakter yang kuat. Analisis wacana yang dikembangkan Van Dijk menemukan informasi bahwa novel “Akulah Istri Teroris” merupakan salah satu media untuk merepresentasikan tentang keadaan istri teroris yang selalu mendapat stigmatisasi dari berbagai rumitnya permasalahan yang terjadi, namun para perempuan ini memiliki ketegaran dan kekuatan untuk bangkit dari keterpurukan.

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 101 ◽  
Febrina Zulmi

<p><em>Media bias will always be an interesting topic to be examined. Media plays some important roles in society. One of its roles is building public opinions. In this case, media has been assumed to be biased as it might take some advantages from its position. This study aims at investigating The Jakarta Post’s bias towards the environmental preservation issues (an ecolinguistic study). The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive method by applying Van Dijk’s model of critical discourse analysis. This research model does not only analyze the aspect of text structure but also social cognition and social context. The object for this study is the news texts taken from The Jakarta Post Online. The result of the study showed that The Jakarta Post showed its bias towards environmental preservation issues by positioning itself as a pro’s side . In the text structure level, its bias can be identified with the way it chose the theme, topics, schemes and lexical choices which were in accordance with environmental ethics principles. In the social cognition level, its bias can be identified with the nature of the knowledge involved in showing its position in accordance with environmental preservation mission. In the social context level, its bias can be identified with the social values reflected from the news and certain group domination involved in the Jakarta Post’s news report which was in accordance with pro-environmental preservation. Generally, The Jakarta Post showed its progressive attitude or tendency to the change by intensely discussing environmental issues which implied the ideas of improving the way people should preserve their environment.</em></p><p> </p><p><em>Keberpihakan media akan selalu menjadi bahan yang menarik untuk diteliti. Media memainkan peran penting dalam masyarakat. Salah satu peran media adalah membangun opini publik. Dalam hal ini, media telah diasumsikan memiliki keberpihakan karena media dapat mengambil keuntungan dari posisinya tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat keberpihakan The Jakarta Post terhadap isu pelestarian lingkungan hidup (sebuah kajian ekolinguistik). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis wacana kritis model Van Dijk. Model penelitian ini tidak hanya menganalisis aspek struktur teks, melainkan juga kognisi sosial dan konteks sosial. Objek penelitian ini adalah teks berita yang diambil dari media berita online The Jakarta Post. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa The Jakarta Post menunjukkan keberpihakannya terhadap isu pelestarian lingkungan hidup dengan meposisikan dirinya sebagai pihak yang mendukung. Dalam tataran struktur teks, keberpihakannya dapat diidentifikasi dari tema, topik, skema wacana dan pilihan kata yang digunakan yang sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip etika lingkungan. Dalam tataran kognisi sosial, keberpihakannya dapat diidentifikasi dari sifat pengetahuan yang dilibatkan yang menunjukkan posisinya yang sejalan dengan misi pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Dalam tataran konteks sosial, keberpihakannya dapat diidentifikasi dari nilai-nilai sosial yang tercermin dari berita dan dominasi kelompok yang dilibatkan dalam pelaporan berita yang ditulis The Jakarta Post yang berada pada posisi pro-pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Secara umum, The Jakarta Post menunjukkan sikap progresif atau cenderung kepada perubahan dengan mengulas secara intens isu-isu pelestarian lingkungan hidup yang secara tersirat menyarankan perlu adanya peningkatan terhadap upaya-upaya pelestarian lingkungan hidup.</em><em></em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Inike Tesiana Putri ◽  
Sulis Triyono

Language is an essential feature of communication for all poeple. It is utilized through various tools and media, and singing songs is one of the traditional forms of communication. Songs are usually written for particular reasons, messages, and purposes, and sometimes targeted for specific audience or listeners. Song lyrics usually contain various themes such as social and current issues and problems which the songwriter strives to share through expressions of his or her ideology, thoughts and feelings. This paper is aimed to find out the text analysis, social cognition and social context in the humanity song entitled We Shall Overcome through Teun A. van Dijk’s Critical Discourse Analysis model. This model shows that the choice of words or the diction is cohesive and coherent and is able to communicate the general meaning of this humanity song. Furthermore, the social cognition in this humanity song is related with the current social context which involves the recent situation in Palestinine, where there is still in conflict with Israel.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Irpan Nur

CISForm (Center for the Study of Islam and Sosial Transformation) is an institution that takes a role in the production of content on Youtube. By seeing how much content has been uploaded, this research examines the value contained in the content of CISForm. In this case, this research focusses on one content; namely "Masjid untuk Semua." This study uses qualitative research methods and is dissected with critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough. Analysis is reviewed in three dimensions, namely text analysis, discourse practice, and sociocultural practice. The results of this study indicate the existence of discourse construction games in the video. Text analysis shows the number of a clause and phrase games in each conversation. Text discourse wants to eliminate Islam that is labeled as cruel, intolerant, ill-tempered, scornful, disrespectful and does not respect different beliefs. The level of discourse practice shows that CISForm tends to produce content related to sosial phenomena. Educational background and the organization and thoughts of the figures in the CISForm institution are part of the birth of the discourse construction factor in the video. Sociocultural practice, answers the problem of the noise that carries the name of religion. The concept of rahmatan lil ‘alamin is a concept that colours the content of the video "Masjid untuk Semua," this concept emphasizes mutual respect even though different in belief. Muslim relations with tolerant non-muslims is constructed in the "Masjid untuk Semua" content.Keywords:  Discourse, Masjid untuk Semua, non-muslim, YouTube, CISForm UIN SUKA.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 433
Ahmad Ahnaf Rafif

This research discusses KH Abdurrahman Wahid’s Qur’anic interpretation written in his articles around the 2002–2003 period. Initial studies of the text show that Gus Dur was only active in elaborating the Qur’anic verses in his articles after he stepped down from the president and Chairman of the PBNU. This initial observation then raised questions regarding his lack of interpretation during Orde Baru (New Order), primarily when he served as Chairman of PBNU. Thus, what context finally made Gus Dur want to include the interpretation of the Qur’an in his article? This paper answers these questions using a descriptive-interpretive method. The theory used is the critical discourse analysis by Teun A. Van Dijk, which contains three steps, namely text analysis, personal and social cognition, and context. Furthermore, the results reveal that: (1) there is a discourse contest in the democratic transition period between those who are pro with an Islamic state and those against it; (2) Gus Dur positioned himself as a party against the idea of an Islamic state. It happened when Gus Dur used the verses of the Qur’an to strengthen his argument; (3) Gus Dur’s interpretation which prioritizes the principle of humanity and can reach a wider audience, has implications indirectly for the development of the interpretation of the Qur’an in Indonesia.

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