simple language
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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Darpin Darpin ◽  
Astrid Yunita ◽  
Ninik Endang Purwati

This study aims to determine and analyze the application of the principle of transparency and the implementation of excellent service at the Kendari City Investment and One Stop Integrated Service Office. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, data analysis uses interactive model analysis techniques consisting of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing/verification. The results showed that the application of the principle of transparency at the Kendari City Investment Office and PTSP from the informative (informative) aspect of the agency was good enough in providing convenience to the public to obtain information either directly or indirectly about services in the field of investment and licensing, in terms of openness has been good enough in conveying information to the public openly, and is easily accessible through several channels of information delivery, on the other hand, the agency still needs to be more intense in explaining all service requirements both technical and administrative in a clear and easy to understand manner using the system. and simple language to the public, from the aspect of disclosure, it is still not optimal in informing the public of financial details and annual reports regarding revenue, financial management and assets of the organization. In terms of the implementation of excellent service in terms of the dimensions of service procedures, service costs, completion time, service products, infrastructure, the overall competence of service providers is good, with the Public Service Standards  that have been standardized in 2018.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Naomi Fearns ◽  
Laura Walker ◽  
Karen Graham ◽  
Norman Gibb ◽  
Duncan Service

Abstract Background The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) is the leading national clinical guideline producer in Scotland. Improved design and dissemination of guidelines produced for the public can empower people to take an active role in self-management and shared decision-making. The public version of the guideline examined covered getting assessed and diagnosed with autism, and approaches that can help. The aim of this study was to test a public version of a guideline for the parents of children and young people with autism, implement improvements, and identify what works in making it usable and accessible. Methods We recruited mothers from across Scotland. User testing involved formal ‘think aloud’ semi-structured interviews that guided users through the booklet. Interviews took place individually and were recorded and transcribed. Key findings were identified and themed using the honeycomb user experience model. Results Fourteen user-testing interviews were conducted. Facilitators for usability and desirability of the guideline included the chunking of text, consistent use of colour and boxes to highlight important information. Simple language, written in a tone of partnership, helped to engage mothers. Value arose from the guidelines ability to explain the process of diagnosis and make mothers feel empowered in their relationships with healthcare professionals. There was a lack of consensus on the usefulness of rating the strength of evidence and recommendations. Conclusion There was a marked similarity between what was important to the mothers and what has been found to be important to other groups. The involvement of service users and carers in the guidelines development was key to its credibility. One size does not fit all in presenting evidence-based recommendations to the public and it is a challenge to provide sufficient information while avoiding information overload. Recommendations and evidence levels are suitable for use in public versions, but these should be kept as simple as possible.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-53
Meiliana Nur Fitriani ◽  
Budi Hendrawan ◽  
Mohammad Fahmi Nugraha ◽  
Yopa Taufik Saleh

This Community Partnership Program (PKM) aims to increase primary students’ understanding of the dangers of Covid 19 and educate them on how to prevent it through correct health protocols and being able to implement a healthy lifestyle. The targets of this program are high grade of primary students, namely grade 4, grade 5, and grade 6. The method used in this education is storytelling in an interactive online style via zoom platform. Stories are conveyed in English with simple language and sentences to make them easier to understand, besides that the delivery is combined with Indonesian so that children understand the meaning and are able to imitate certain sentences and movements well. The implementation of this program makes students enthusiastic and excited, especially using English. The students feel cooler when they listen to stories and speak English. Children enthusiastically mimic, sing and perform healthy protocol movements in interesting ways. Thus, children are able to understand the contents of the stories and values ??that are conveyed, so that they are able to apply them to new good habits in the era of new normal life. As conclusion, the storytelling method is able to provide a good understanding of the Covid 19 pandemic for children, so that awareness emerges to apply health protocols in their daily life

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 2141-2147
D. Sheela D. Sheela ◽  
R. Rohan R. Rohan ◽  
R. Samyuktha R. Samyuktha

Purpose: The lack of awareness regarding the policies and procedures about universal precautions among medical students has resulted in higher accidental exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens and body fluids. So, the current situation needs such type of study which can help in improving awareness about universal precautions among Nurses and Compulsory Rotatory Residential Internships (CRRI), those who constitute a major role in controlling deadly infections. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted among nurses of all departments and Compulsory Rotatory Residential Internships (CRRI) between June & July 2020 in a teaching medical hospital near Kancheepuram. A total of 400 nurses who were deputed in various departments and 50 Compulsory Rotatory Residential Internships (CRRIs) were requested to take part in the study. The emails were gathered and formal informed consent was sent along with the standard questionnaire. The questions were prepared in a simple language from a valid & reliable measure. Statistical methods: The data are entered and analysed by MS Excel. A chi square test is carried to test the association between the proportion. Results: The level of knowledge among nurses and CRRIs were similar without a significant difference between them. The awareness regarding universal precaution in nurses with different working experience were also similar without any significant differences. About 95% of CRRIs were aware about the universal precautions. The awareness about universal precaution and practice was not statistically significant when compared between the nurses and CRRIs. Conclusion: The current study findings assure that the nurses and Compulsory Rotatory Residential Internship (CRRIs) were aware and are knowledgeable about the standard precautions and their importance in reducing infections. The present result shows the infectious committee has a great role in educating the health care workers and provide a better environment for serving the patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Cynthia Whissell

Background and Method: This research examines the nomination acceptance speeches of US presidential candidates from Republican and Democratic parties in the post-WWII mass communication era (1948–2020, 38 speeches). Variables studied are the emotional tone of the speeches, their abstractness, their Grade Level, their employment of personal pronouns and their mentions of “America”. Speeches were scored with the Dictionary of Affect in Language (a sentiment analysis tool).Predictions: On the basis of functionalist theories of political discourse, it was predicted that the speeches would have a pleasant and active or celebratory emotional tone. Based on related research that focused on the effects of mass distribution on presidential communications, it was predicted that the speeches would increase in pleasantness, arousal and linguistic simplicity across years.Results: As predicted, speeches were pleasant and active in tone. Across years, speeches became significantly more arousing, less abstract, simpler, and longer. When individual speeches were divided into five equal portions, a strong significant quadratic trend was observed for pleasantness, which started high at the beginning of a speech, fell in the center, and rose again at the end.Conclusions: Presidential nomination acceptance speeches are emotionally pleasant and active and linguistically simple (Grade 8 level). Between 1948 and 2020, they remained pleasant, and became more active and simpler. In service of their aim to “pump up the base” individual speeches began on a pleasant, nationalistic and personal note, encompassed duller and more impersonal material in their centers, and became positive again at the end.

2021 ◽  
Daniel Bischof ◽  
Roman Senninger

Public discourse is increasingly concerned with the way that politicians communicate. This is fuelled by a new generation of politicians, such as Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, and representatives of populist parties, who evidently communicate less sophisticated than mainstream politicians. However, the question of whether and how linguistic styles affect citizens is largely unexplored. We argue that both citizens and politicians might benefit from simple political communication. First, mechanically, citizens should have a better chance to understand political positions if political discourse is less sophisticated. Second, linguistic simplicity can function as a heuristic for citizens by signaling that politicians are among the "people" instead of being part of the "elites". We test our arguments using a pre-registered three-wave vignette survey experiment in Germany (N = 5,800). Our findings show that simple messages (as compared to sophisticated messages) indeed increase citizens' comprehension of political positions. Moreover, we find that citizens use language sophistication as a heuristic to fill informational gaps about politicians. Politicians who communicate less sophisticated are perceived to have rather modest socioeconomic backgrounds. As a result, the use of simple language can benefit politicians' claims to belong to the people instead of the elite. Our findings add important new insights to our understanding of the effects of political communication in contemporary democracies.

2021 ◽  
Ingeborg Hess Elgersma ◽  
Atle Fretheim ◽  
Thor Indseth ◽  
Anita Thorolvsen Munch ◽  
Live Bøe Johannessen ◽  

BACKGROUND A low test positivity rate is key to keeping the COVID-19 pandemic under control. Several migrant groups in Norway have seen higher rates of confirmed COVID-19 and related hospitalizations, while test positivity has remained high in the same groups. Social media sponsored ads have been an important part of the government’s strategy to reach these groups. OBJECTIVE In this study we aimed to investigate whether such a targeted Facebook campaign increased the rate of testing in certain migrant groups. METHODS We randomly assigned 386 Norwegian municipalities and city districts, to intervention or control groups. Individuals born in Syria, Pakistan, Eritrea, Turkey, Russia and Iraq residing in intervention areas were targeted with a social media campaign aiming at increasing the COVID-19 test rate. The campaign message was in simple language and conveyed in the users’ main language or in English. RESULTS During the follow-up period of two weeks, the predicted probability of conducting a COVID-19 test was 4.82 % (CI: 4.47 % - 5.18 %) in the control group, and 5.58 % (CI: 5.20 % - 5.99 %) in the intervention group (P=.004). CONCLUSIONS Our targeted social media intervention led to a modest, but potentially important, increase in test rates among migrants in Norway. CLINICALTRIAL Identifier NCT04866589.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Anna Dmitrieva ◽  
Antonina Laposhina ◽  
Maria Lebedeva

Studies on simple language and simplification are often based on datasets of texts, either for children or learners of a second language. In both cases, these texts represent an example of simple language, but simplification likely involves different strategies. As such, this data may not be entirely homogeneous in terms of text simplicity. This study investigates linguistic properties and specific simplification strategies used in Russian texts for primary school children with different language backgrounds and levels of language proficiency. To explore the structure and variability of simple texts for young readers of different age groups, we have trained models for multiclass and binary classification. The models were based on quantitative features of texts. Subsequently, we evaluated the simplification strategies applied to readers of the same age with different linguistic backgrounds. This study is particularly relevant for the Russian language material, where the concept of easy and plain language has not been sufficiently investigated. The study revealed that the three types of texts cannot easily be distinguished from each other by judging the performance of multiclass models based on various quantitative features. Therefore, it can be said that texts of all types exhibit a similar level of accessibility to young readers. In contrast, binary classification tasks demonstrated better results, especially in the R-native vs. non R-native track (with 0.78 F1-score), these results may indicate that the strategies used for adapting or creating texts for each type of audience are different.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 3320-3351
Júlia Elen Dias ◽  
Natália de Souza Gomes ◽  
Samara Paula Dos Santos ◽  
Stefanni Cristina Magdalena ◽  
Priscila Batista Martins

Através do levantamento, análise e comparação dos sistemas disponíveis para aprendizado da língua inglesa, de maneira criteriosa e prática esta pequena pesquisa descreve. Busca-se melhorar o ensino do inglês para alunos do Ensino Fundamental, tendo como objetivo ensinar de maneira agradável e simples esta língua, atendendo aos objetivos educacionais previamente estabelecidos e, visando aspectos pedagógicos na utilização do software LET’S GO, fazendo com que através desse pequeno exemplo, possamos refletir sobre a importância de se aprender um novo idioma.   Through the survey, analysis and comparison of available for English language learning systems, careful and practical way this brief survey describes. We seek to improve the teaching of English to elementary school students, aiming to teach refreshingly simple language this way, given the previously established educational goals and pedagogical aspects in order to use the software, making it through this small example, can reflect on the importance of learning a new language.  

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